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<_0joshuaolson1> Thankfully, that won't be necessary. llvm-devel did get me Core.h, I just used 'find' wrong too... (sorry). Trying again.
<_0joshuaolson1> I double-checked - I applied the diff to the right file, and I have /usr/include/llvm-c/Core.h. Same output, though. I have CMake 3.10.1
<hopppetosse> andrewrk: would it be possible to have both release and debug builds for windows on appveyor?
<andrewrk> hopppetosse, the debug build of llvm+clang for windows is quite large
<andrewrk> I think if you need to debug zig itself, it's a fair requirement to build from source
<hopppetosse> true
<_0joshuaolson1> Let me try a paste bin this time to show my output:
<_0joshuaolson1> Not including the logs, but I have them
<_0joshuaolson1> Maybe relevant: the problem is CLANG_INCLUDE_LIBS, not llvm
<_0joshuaolson1> Do you know a file I can check for that?
<_0joshuaolson1> Okay, sorry for taking your time. Installing clang-devel on Fedora does pull in Clang, but gcc was used as I wanted. I'll just make a tiny readme PR again and you can nit it there.
<_0joshuaolson1> *clang the compiler binary*
<andrewrk> _0joshuaolson1, ok the diff I gave you worked, and it found llvm headers. so we just need clang headers
<andrewrk> did clang-devel make zig's cmake output work?
<_0joshuaolson1> Yes, it does work now. But I reverted the diff and it also compiles correctly.
<andrewrk> oh.
<_0joshuaolson1> I'll just PR that the 'library' has to include headers (Fedora doesn't think so)
<andrewrk> just put the word "development" before "libraries"
<_0joshuaolson1> For LLD too?
<_0joshuaolson1> Thanks for your patience. PR 808. Have a good one.
<GitHub118> [zig] 0joshuaolson1 opened pull request #808: Clarify what is meant by 'libraries' (master...patch-1)
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<GitHub187> [zig] andrewrk closed pull request #808: Clarify what is meant by 'libraries' (master...patch-1)
<GitHub179> [zig] andrewrk pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub179> zig/master c787837 Joshua Olson: Clarify what is meant by 'libraries' (#808)
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<hoppetosse> MajorLag: I'm still getting that link error, even after specifying the libraries and stdcc
<hoppetosse> *stdcallcc
<hoppetosse> I did manage to create a smaller windows.h.zig with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN after andrewrk pointed out I could use an intermediate .h file with all necessary declarations
<hoppetosse> only about 30k lines
<MajorLag> Odd. Are you on the latest artifact? That should give a more informative linker error
<hoppetosse> yep, latest artifact
<hoppetosse> unless I somehow downloaded the wrong one
<MajorLag> I'm still using the monstrosity I created without LEAN_AND_MEAN. I've got several hours into cleaning it up at this point. translate-c seems to be unaware that it can't cast between ints and pointers without @intToPtr and @ptrToInt, among about 1000 other little things, like missing macros, intrinsics, and some stuff that is used in assignments but doesn't seem to exist. There's about 140 extern functions that are
<MajorLag> I that don't actuall seem to exist in any library or dll.
<MajorLag> and you still just get "error: link error"?
<MajorLag> Also this is kind of hilarious, it translates `(3*4)` as `(&3)(4)`
<hoppetosse> hahaha oh my
<hoppetosse> I'll check my function signatures
<hoppetosse> actually, now it's error: link failed
<hoppetosse> With --verbose-link, I get something suspicious
<MajorLag> that's not much more helpful. Hmm... I wonder what's different? I'm not even linking against anything other than OpenGL that Zig doesn't link behind my back. My build script is just `zig build-exe main.zig --library "./OpenGL32.Lib"`
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<hoppetosse> I'm not linking with anything either
<hoppetosse> That's the win32_lean
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<MajorLag> strange... my --verbose-link is identical to yours (plus opengl). I invalidated my zig-cache just to be sure there wasn't something stupid going on there, still built fine.
<hoppetosse> I think I worked it out
<MajorLag> what parts of the API are you calling?
<MajorLag> oh?
<hoppetosse> It wasn't an issue with the windows api
<hoppetosse> it was something to do with linking with C
<hoppetosse> I tried to link it manually, and a few things stood out: I have spaces in the path to my libs, and at some point in my code I was using calloc
<hoppetosse> I'm not sure where it was going wrong, but I removed the --library c and the call to calloc and it built
<hoppetosse> also, the output command was lld ...
<hoppetosse> I had to call with lld-link
<hoppetosse> also, for some reason, the subsystem was console and not windows, but that fixed itself apparently
<MajorLag> my subsystem is console, and lld
<MajorLag> but I don't link with C
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<hoppetosse> MajorLag: It's all working splendidly now, thanks for everything!
<andrewrk> hoppetosse, appveyor has multiple branches, I think you wanted to grab the llvm6 branch build
<andrewrk> MajorLag, hoppetosse, I've been slowly adding the important parts of the windows API into as well
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<andrewrk> the nice thing about this is that it doesn't require h file parsing, and if you depend on them you automatically get DLL dependencies of kernel32.dll etc
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, also, zig-cache isn't a cache yet :) it's just a temp folder where everything in it gets overwritten every time you run zig
<andrewrk> funny how nobody trusts it just because it has "cache" in the name
<andrewrk> (I don't blame you)
<andrewrk> computers have taught us not to trust caches
<hoppetosse> andrewrk: that's right, I got the wrong branch off appveyor
<hoppetosse> but it works on the other one, so I'm already happy
<hoppetosse> andrewrk: I noticed translate-c only chokes on a couple of things when using LEAN_AND_MEAN
<hoppetosse> An enum that has a negative and a hex literal that mess up when choosing the const type
<andrewrk> hoppetosse, if you collected a couple small examples and filed issues that would be very helpful
<hoppetosse> the only reason I haven't is that I'm running a release build and can't really file useful reports
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<hoppetosse> andrewrk: do we still need a debug build of llvm-clang to make a debug build of zig?
<andrewrk> on windows, yes
<andrewrk> hoppetosse, why do you need a debug build to find examples of .h files that translate incorrectly?
<MajorLag> I wish I'd have kept notes on the things translate-c has botched so far, sorry. Offhand: it doesn't realize it needs to use @intToPtr/@ptrToInt, it doesn't know it can't (currently) @ptrCast to a nullable, it tries to negate a literal 0, it thinks (3*4) is a cast, it thinks (CONSTANT - 2) is a cast... lots of things with casting actually, C doesn't make it easy... it doesn't seem to understand 1234UL, it gives up
<MajorLag> say I blame it), and it set __FLT_EPSILON to 0.000000000 (doesn't handle scientific notation literals?).
<hoppetosse> I don't need it to find them, but I do to debug them
<hoppetosse> It doens't handle multi-line macros very well
<hoppetosse> I'll make issues for the ones that stood out to me
<andrewrk> ah I see
<MajorLag> Still, it did pretty well on windows.h considering how monsterously huge it is and how much weird crap it does.
<andrewrk> MajorLag, thanks! most of these are fixable
<hoppetosse> andrewrk: should I make a separate issue for each translate-c failure?
<andrewrk> hoppetosse, yes please
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<andrewrk> hoppetosse, thanks for the writeups
<hoppetosse> pleased, I'm just trying to track down a couple more
<MajorLag> Is there a known issue: comptime struct cannot self-reference?
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, is it this?
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<MajorLag> No, this is a "use of undeclared identifier" error.
<MajorLag> andrewrk re: issue 810: @typeOf(2147483648) is a literal, so we'd end up at the else clause right?: c_int(2147483648) should be an error since max of signed int32 is 2147483647. Unless there's some trickery with c_ types I'm missing.
<andrewrk> MajorLag, I'm not able to work on it at the moment - can you make an issue for the self-reference thing?
<andrewrk> duplicate issues are no big deal
<andrewrk> what's happening in the C code? is it truncating?
<MajorLag> it's bitcasted. -2147483648
<andrewrk> ah I see
<andrewrk> we'll add logic in the generated code from the macro parsing for that
<andrewrk> MajorLag, thanks
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<hoppetosse> The new pointer reform will be good for translate-c
<andrewrk> what in particular?
<andrewrk> pointer arithmetic?
<hoppetosse> I'm often running into trouble with flexible array members
<hoppetosse> struct with the last field being a pointer representing an array of runtime defined lenfght
<hoppetosse> I just think having a cleaner mapping between c and zig is going to help
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<andrewrk> I think you're right
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<hoppetosse> error: array access of non-array type is pretty pervasive
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<hoppetosse> error: array access of non-array type is pretty pervasive
<hoppetosse> sorry, wrong window
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<MajorLag> hoppetosse , if you or anyone else is ineterested, I wrote a comptime utf8 -> utf16 (no-BOM LE) function for use with windows.
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<hopppetosse> I haven't needed it yet, but sure =)
<andrewrk> MajorLag, oh sweet, can you post that somewhere? we need that for #534
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<hopppetosse> I haven't needed it yet, but sure =)
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<andrewrk> MajorLag, let me know when your build starts taking > 1 second
<andrewrk> I need a bigger project to test out optimizations and caching :)
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