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How does the extract pass work with parameters?
-ignore_parameters Do not use parameters when matching cells.
So what does it do to "use parameters"?
It seems extract is also extremely picky about using for example 1 or 8'b1
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Does a techmap "inherit" the parameters of the thing it replaces?
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Are there any magic rules for when a techmap matches or not? Mine does not, for some reason.
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ERROR: (ASSERT MODE) No matching template cell for type \$counter16 found.
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[16:07:31] pepijndevos: Does a techmap "inherit" the parameters of the thing it replaces?
If you use a _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ I think so
[16:48:29] pepijndevos: Are there any magic rules for when a techmap matches or not? Mine does not, for some reason.
Either the module is named the same as the cell you're trying to replace, or you have (* techmap_replace = "target_cell" *) above it, and _TECHMAP_FAIL_ is zero
That's when it matches
ZirconiumX, it's the dollar signs... If I'm trying to act cool and put dollar signs in my counter like a real techmap it fails
If I just extract and techmap without the dollars it breaks. I think I'm not escaping stuff enough/too much
The documentation says techmap -assert errors out if a cell name doesn't end with an underscore
If you called your cell $counter16, that'll error because it does not end with an underscore
Conversely since your cell does not end in an underscore, it's an error
Yea, but if I just put an underscore it'll not error and still not replace, I think it's purely that it never asserts on underscored things.
So if I call my extracted cell counter16 and the techmap on counter16 all is good, but if I call my extraction $counter16 or \$counter16 or whatever, nothing works.
Or even $_COUNTER16_ or anything else that I've tried.
So I'm not understanding anything about the naming convention and escaping. Like, I've seen \$thing and \\$thing and $thing in various places
I guess I don't really care about the dollar thing, except counter8 seems so common it might come up in normal code, so I thought I'd stick with what seems to be a convention for dollar signs for cells.
Should I just call it 74xx_counter and be done with it?
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Cool, techmap kinda works, simulation super broken.
pepijndevos: so when are you shipping a PicoSoC to me?
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ZirconiumX, hopefully near the end of the holiday :^)
I think the multiplier would be painful
The pwmled is now 7 chips
Because of counter recognition?
But it's extremely picky, so you pretty much have to want to use it.
Originally I wanted to use an up/down counter, but it seems 74161 is pretty much the only thing that's still on sale.
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I don't think you can meaningfully reduce that benchmark any further
With an up/down counter you could make a sweeeet stack pointer, but at least maybe this is somewhat useful as an instruction pointer.
There is a sexy sexy 8-bit up/down counter IC, but I don't think it's sold anywhere.
Which model?
pepijndevos: have you seen the 74x4040?
eh, yea... can't remember the details
12 bits is a bit... odd, no preset, no up/down. So it could be a lot more efficient in some cases, and less useful in others.
Right now I have to specifically extract counter8, counter16 etc. and counter12 seems... not very common.
So for example, if I want to use it as an instruction counter, I need preset for jumps
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Although I'm not even convinced what I'm doing now will work for that...
Well, lemme push and you can have a look at it.
the 74hc191 still is produced?
True, and Farnell sell it
GenTooMan: though we prefer DIP over SOIC for this
ZirconiumX Nexperia and TI still make the DIP version as far as I know.
kinda surprised you’re not just using quad nands etc
TI are the one who sell DIPs for Farnell, and it's on back-order
sorear: We're crazy not stupid
at least you are not making it with transistors.
74x191 is actually a nice one maybe? Not really in AC or DIP but... it counts down.
the reason I bothered pointing it out.
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<pepijndevos> petition: TI makes the whole 74xx series
sorear, part of me wants to do NOR and recreate the Apollo Guidance Computer
Why need a petition when you have MPWs?
daveshah, what's MPW?
Multi project wafer
Relatively cheap way of making custom silicon
Are you suggesting I make an ASIC instead (boring), or produce my own 74xx chips (omg)?
Any idea what it costs to do that kind of stuff?
Probably a few thousand euros minimum
Okay, scrap the, on to kickstarter hehe
then your biggest issue would become buffering and someone to package the chips. a single 8 inch wafer can get you quite a few parts I suspect.
Europractice 700nm, probably fine for any 7400, 300€/mm2, 5mm2 min
For 30 samples, excluding packaging
That's a bit pricey, but would be funny
On the other hand, why not just fabricate a PicoSoC directly?
That's what these Raven people did, no?
Or why not both?
That's already been done
pepijndevos: I'm going to disappoint you greatly
"In my experience writing counter + 1 and counter + 1'b1 already causes a mismatch"
Because 1'b1 is 1-bit, and 1 is 32-bit
I know, but yosys optimizes the useless bits away
Sure, but they're semantically different and the compiler obviously has to keep semantics
I guess...
opt and wreduce should deal with the difference though
It just makes the counter extraction not very flexible.
does opt do clean or are these different things?
opt does clean too (I didn't use opt for this test as it would actually merge all three adders)
yay that works
Now I wonder if it gets used in *any* of the other benchmarks...
The answer is no
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hello! i'm having some trouble understanding a yosys error message: "found error in internal cell" where it's complaining about cell $_DFF_PP1. I'm experiencing this when running `synth_xilinx`; `read_verilog` works fine (although I do get a warning about tri-state logic from the same file triggering the error message). Is there a possibility this error means I'm using a tristate representation not supported by yosys? What does that
error mean generally? That yosys isn't able to map the RTL to the available Xilinx cells?
i'm running the current git master version btw
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matt`: I don't think this would be related to a tristate issue
A "found error in internal cell" is a Yosys bug
If your design isn't confidential, creating a Yosys issue would be helpful
daveshah: i'll try to get this down to a minimal example and raise the issue. Thanks for the help! By the way, what does it mean that tri-state has limited support? is there somewhere in the documentation that says what is and isn't supported in that regard?
If it helps pinpoint the issue, a `$_DFF_PP1_` is the Yosys internal type for a single-bit D flipflop with an asynchronous set and rising edge clock
In practice I don't think it's so much that only a subset of tristate functionality is supported, as that tristate has a lot of different possibilities and not everything has been tested
This is particularly the case for the Xilinx flow which isn't so well used for designs with this kind of stuff