ghdlsynth isn't feature complete, but has meaningful yosys support. The NVC simulator is feature complete but doesn't have meaningful yosys support; the idea would be to generate yosys RTLIL from NVC.
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oh hey, cr1901_modern, do I know you?
looks like you're in at least one other channel I'm in...
vup2, cr1901_modern : any way to use the yosys formal verification with that?
I don't think either of those frontends support assert or PSL
So your properties would have to be in SV
Okay. Is that a big deal?
I'm honestly just trying to figure out my best option going forward at this point.
I think I'd prefer to just stick to SystemVerilog.
now... I'd like to improve the yosys read_verilog -sv interface support
it just... doesn't seem to support passing a parameter into an interface
even without the localparam being in package, it doesn't work.
it also doesn't seem to think the parameters of an interface are constant?
such that, in that "Adder" module, I couldn't access the parameters of the interface that was passed in
"couldn't detect width of signal"
or, "Failed to detect width for parameter"
appears to be a bug in evaluation of parameters inside packages?
Yes, that looks like a bug
also seem to have it some kind of issue in the frontend debugging, -dump_ast2 which usually helps with this kind of stuff is hitting an assert fail
I'm gonna try to fix thi
that would be great
...it's in "type2str"
apparently it's an AstNodeType with value 95
which is just...
how do I do debug build?
I believe I found the thing to do with the makefile.
make ENABLE_DEBUG=1 looks like it
I was afraid of digging into this yesterday... but now I think I'm going to give it a shot
oh, you know what that ast assert bug appears to be?
Looks like there was no update of the X macro in type2str
...could stand to have a list of things there tbh
Yes, that makes sense
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Okay, I think this is too tough for me
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hey all. I'm not able to get yosys to infer an SB_SPI. I have to add a (* keep *) tag to the module instance, for it to be inferred, so something is not quite right. I'm using an iceup5k-sg48. Im not seeing any warnings from yosys, it seems to silently optimize away the block, but I could just not be reading the yosys output correctly. Any recommendations on how to debug the issue further? the sb_spi is being used as a slave, im not
even connecting a miso line, just SCK, SS, and MOSI, along with the internal SB ports.
davos: it will only be optimised away if none of its outputs (including the system bus outputs) are used
Most likely because other logic is being optimised away
Looking for the names of the wires connected to those ports in the Yosys log output might help to debug this
ok, thanks, thats a good sanity check. Its probably due to how im crossing the clock domain, from spi to rest of the logic; still new at this. for instance SCKI is 6mghz and SBCLKI is 12 mghz
actually, the SB_SPI should cross the clock domain for me... i think. i get what your saying, is there a way to have yosys optimize my logic LESS aggressively?
davos: post your code somewhere
im gonna fight with it for another round first haha. Ill be back later with either a KO or a code post. daveshah's comment narrows it down pretty well