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<rhcp> anyone alive?
<rhcp> working on some code, and its not merged and its annoying
<rhcp> # RIL
<rhcp> ro.telephony.ril_class=SamsungExynos4LTERIL \
<rhcp> E/AndroidRuntime(15687): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
<rhcp> E/AndroidRuntime(15687): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
<rhcp> and have it in framework/base
<cdesai> which branch?
<cdesai> and where exactly do you have it?
<rhcp> I'm building for AOKP atm
<rhcp> since CM has not merged this
<rhcp> but
<rhcp> i have it in framework/base
<rhcp> the .java
<rhcp> id think it would bitch on build
<rhcp> yet it doesnt
<cdesai> full path
<rhcp> sec
<cdesai> also, branch - 4.1/4.2
<rhcp> rhcp@home:/mnt/SSD/android/aokp_jb/frameworks/base$ ls -al
<rhcp> -rw-rw-r-- 1 rhcp rhcp 8560 Dec 30 13:10
<rhcp> 4.1
<cdesai> wrong path
<cdesai> place it where the other ril subclasses are
<rhcp> in the CM build
<rhcp> oh
<rhcp> jesus
<rhcp> i am blind
<rhcp> thank you for kicking me in the ass
<rhcp> telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/
<rhcp> I guess i just need to build phone.apk
<rhcp> if i only remembered hw
<rhcp> how
<cdesai> no
<cdesai> you'll need to build framework too
<rhcp> i guess ill clobber and rebuild
<rhcp> takes 13 mins
<cdesai> mka framework Phone
<rhcp> ah ok
<rhcp> if thats all
<rhcp> faster :)
<rhcp> let me try
<rhcp> many thanks
<rhcp> its been awhile
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<iKillCypher> :(
<iKillCypher> The open source audio is definitely not as good as the Samsung blobs..
<iKillCypher> Not only you don't get the same sound volume but the audio quality on the speakers is also way lower.
<iKillCypher> Entropy512 if you happen to read this then I think the open audio hal still need some work
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<squadzone> Happy new year \(^^)/
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<nebkat> happy new year squadzone
<nebkat> !geo user squadzone
<clibot> nebkat: {country: "Indonesia", latlong: {-5.0, 120.0}}
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<squadzone> Ah, internet slowwww xD
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<tat-> happy new year :-)
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<CoreISP> Happy new year to all (in advance)
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