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<Rebellos__> Hey there, did you guys have problems in Mali module when compiling Sammy tar-release of I9300 kernel?
<Rebellos__> I'm trying to build GC and wondering if anybody had same issues, undefined stuff and so on.
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<kaliberx> Greetings
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<Guest61087> is there a channel where i can ask developers for help ?
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<copper302> hi
<copper302> I already have cyanogenmod 9 repositories sync'd.. is there a way to "add" the 4.2 jb ones without repo-initting all the way again?
<nebkat> copper302: just do
<nebkat> repo init -b cm-10.1
<nebkat> repo sync -j16
<squadzone> nebkat, omg nebkat life xD
<nebkat> wat
<squadzone> Lol, so long, not talk with you xD
<nebkat> im active on -support
<squadzone> So, what device you used now?
<peterperfect> all of them
<peterperfect> i9300, n7100, xperiat
<peterperfect> tf201
<peterperfect> nebkat is crazy
<nebkat> maguro
<nebkat> i9100
<squadzone> Nexus4?
<squadzone> XD
<nebkat> no, not yet
<peterperfect> no cause he idiotte
<squadzone> Lol
<squadzone> Not yet? So you want buy nexus4? O.o so rich xD
<peterperfect> so posh
<nebkat> I cant get it here peterperfect idiotte
<cdesai> you can
<cdesai> ship it
<cdesai> squadzone: ohai
<nebkat> cdesai: from where, from who?
<nebkat> and without paying fuckton extra
<nebkat> I dont even need it now
<cdesai> plody?
<nebkat> with xperia t
<cdesai> yea, t flies on 10.1
<cdesai> so smooth
<nebkat> cdesai: upload vid?
<cdesai> no
<cdesai> wait for yours
<copper302> thank you nekbat ;)
<copper302> *nebkat sorry
<nebkat> cdesai: fu
<angelsl> meh
<angelsl> i want an xperia v
<cdesai> nebkat: gief fg apk then I'll make
<nebkat> cdesai: he is going on holiday tomorrow :P
<cdesai> ask him today :-P
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<nebkat> cdesai: he cant upload, his internet is shit
<cdesai> can't another team mate do that then
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<nebkat> cdesai: he is the only one -.-
<cdesai> nebkat: then how is he going to upload teh final version?
<nebkat> at his dads house
<nebkat> where he has good internet
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<cdesai> -_-
<copper302> crap... it sais "fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/ics"
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<angelsl> does ics or jb use a blob hwcomposer on exynos 4210?
<angelsl> or do they all use opensource hwc?
<codeworkx> cm9 blob, cm10 blob, cm10.1 os
<angelsl> ouch
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<angelsl> is it just me or on cm9/10, does the build system build the os hwc and then overwrite the .so in the outdir with the blob?
<Espenfjo> probably
<angelsl> meh
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<datagutt> NEBKAT
<datagutt> GET MIZU
<datagutt> actually easier to get than enxus 4
<datagutt> nexus*
<nebkat> datagutt: true
<cdesai> but nexus!
<datagutt> nebkat: port cm to it
cdesai was kicked from #teamhacksung by nebkat [but mizu]
<datagutt> become god
<datagutt> or was codework going to port it?
<nebkat> he waz
<nebkat> I think
<nebkat> lol
<datagutt> he should port for mx2
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<datagutt> it is just a galaxy note 2 with 4,4 screen
<datagutt> exynos 4414 (wut?) clocked at 1,6
<datagutt> not 4412, programs say 4414
<nebkat> loll
<datagutt> meizu says MX5S processor
<datagutt> probably got some custom chips to company the exynwas
<datagutt> exynaws*
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<nebkat> datagutt: do you have chatlog of blamesamsung?
<datagutt> yes i have
<nebkat> grep "ompldr"
<datagutt> codeworkx: port cm to mizu!
<datagutt> for teh sake of asha
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<nebkat> datagutt: grep blamesamsung for ompldr
<nebkat> NAO
<datagutt> [13:48:04] <@xplodwild>*
<datagutt> [13:48:09] <@xplodwild>taken from a Note
<datagutt> and various other hdr images
<datagutt> i got logs from 19dec and 20dec
<nebkat> datagutt: how long is the log?
<datagutt> pretty long
<nebkat> do you not have like a few weeks ago?
<datagutt> yes i have
<datagutt> different folder i think
<nebkat> datagutt: just grep "ompldr" > out.txt
<nebkat> and pastebin it
<datagutt> WAI
<datagutt> HELLO
<nebkat> I need to find bbqcoin pic
<cdesai> nebkat: sec
<nebkat> cdesai: fail
<nebkat> cdesai: the actual coin icon -.-
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<cdesai> how old?
<xplodwild> cdesai: early december/late november
<cdesai> won't have then
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<daavvis> hey guys, im running a p3113, cm10.1 , and im trying to enable init.d, but there is no, ir userinit.d file at all inn data/local, so my question is are these empty files amd if not what code should be in them to enable init.d?
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<paulk-desktop> hi
<paulk-desktop> codeworkx, do you know the modem inside the galaxy tab 2 10.1/7 tablets?
<paulk-desktop> (will likely be my next target)
<angelsl> paulk-desktop: don't those already have CM nightlies?
<paulk-desktop> angelsl, more than that, even a CM 9.1.0 stable :)
<angelsl> s/CM/CM 10.1/
<paulk-desktop> though I'm not working for CM most of the time, but for Replicant, a fully free software derivate
<paulk-desktop> was it released yet?
<angelsl> oh
<paulk-desktop> anyway
<angelsl> oh dear
<paulk-desktop> :D
<paulk-desktop> basically we replace the blobs
<paulk-desktop> so any idea of what the modem inside is?
<angelsl> i kind of fear the performance ._.
<paulk-desktop> angelsl, graphics suffer yeah
<paulk-desktop> no 3D basically
<paulk-desktop> but still usable as a phone
<paulk-desktop> video playback is fine on most devices too, as long as you don't ask 720p or more
<paulk-desktop> and of course, missing hardware features such as GPS
<paulk-desktop> but hey, I hate that BCM4751 chip that is spreading around, can't help it!
<paulk-desktop> maybe I should look in kernel source for the modem
<angelsl> at least it's not an exynos device
<paulk-desktop> lol why so much hate with exynos devices…
<paulk-desktop> well I know why
<paulk-desktop> but honestly, they do ALSA and V4L2, that's enough to make me happy
<Espenfjo> paulk-desktop: modem/ril stuff is really black magic
<paulk-desktop> Espenfjo, we already have a working Samsung IPC ril
<paulk-desktop> just need to know if I'll have to write a bit of code for bootstrap or if I already wrote it for previous devices
<paulk-desktop> (we already support Nexus S/Galaxy S/Galaxy S2/Galaxy Nexus)
<Espenfjo> ah, yeah
<angelsl> paulk-desktop: if a miracle happens and your project matches or surpasses the graphics blobs performance
<paulk-desktop> angelsl, mhh sadly we're not working that area
<angelsl> aw :c
<paulk-desktop> that's way too messed up
<paulk-desktop> have you ever looked at any PowerVR driver code?
<paulk-desktop> that makes you understand why it's not mainline
<angelsl> hell
<angelsl> i'll stick to my safe little bubble in userland ._.
<paulk-desktop> well as long as manufacturers keep releasing code for stuff, we're good
<paulk-desktop> for instance Galaxy S2 is very fast
<paulk-desktop> like nearly as fast as CM on regular apps
<angelsl> in terms of..?
<paulk-desktop> samsung released exynos4 hwcomposer for instance
<paulk-desktop> and look at the Nexus 10
<paulk-desktop> free gralloc and free hwcomposer
<paulk-desktop> it'll be very fast with Replicant too
<paulk-desktop> (3D will always lack though)
<angelsl> the OS hwc is still pretty far behind the blobs though :/
<paulk-desktop> well on galaxy s2, I consider it fluid
<paulk-desktop> it's frankly fast enough
<angelsl> it's smooth enough but ..
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<Jiangyi> It still puzzles me as to why the tab2 didn't get stable CM10
<Jiangyi> Considering it's very similar to the i9100g, which got stable...
<paulk-desktop> Jiangyi, maybe you should ask codeworkx
<Jiangyi> Yeah, it always slips my mind since after all, I don't have a tab2 :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: voicecall via bluetooth borked
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: sound drops after 5 seconds
<codeworkx> for no reason
<Jiangyi> Ah :-P
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<RootedX17> H e l l o.
<beer> !geo user RootedX17
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<beer> !geo user RootedX17
<clibot> beer: {country: "Dominican Republic", region: "Santiago", city: "Santiago", latlong: {19.449997, -70.7}, time: "Sat 19:13 AST"}
<beer> RootedX17: hi
<beer> *typo
<RootedX17> Hi
<RootedX17> I have 2 questions :) beer
<nebkat> is it support or development?
<RootedX17> Nebkat
<nebkat> if support, #teamhacksung-support
<RootedX17> Thanks :)
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