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<finnq> Good morning from Germany
<finnq> Can someone explain me what a SFR is?
<Espenfjo> Special Function Register. I think its best explained here;
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<finnq> Thank you
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<koud> great job guys!!
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: mmmmm booted with open-source gralloc and hwcomposer. :D
<stickyboy> W/SurfaceFlinger( 1763): Timed out waiting for hw vsync; faking it
<stickyboy> But it's slow as molasses, and then there's that error.
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<Espenfjo> stickyboy: yeah, they are related :)
<Espenfjo> the slowness and the faking
<stickyboy> Yeah, I saw the kernel config changes. I already got those changes merged :D
<stickyboy> Missed the BoardConfig shit.
<stickyboy> Lemme rebuild while I make some tea :D
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Ah, nice and zippy now.
<Espenfjo> good :)
<Espenfjo> now just fix video ;)
<stickyboy> No problem
<stickyboy> ;)
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<Espenfjo> good ;)
<stickyboy> Lemme go learn C first.
<tat-> who cares about video? release, release! :-)
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: I notice you guys are tied for #1 on the Press Freedom Index:
<stickyboy> Both my country (US) and the country I live in (Kenya) are wayyyyyy behind.
<Espenfjo> :o
<Espenfjo> We only have press freedom because we dont have anything serious to write about
<Espenfjo> :P
<stickyboy> And you have gender equality.
<Espenfjo> yeah
<stickyboy> I was walking on the streets of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia a few years ago and saw lots of manuals about socialism being sold on the street.
<stickyboy> Lots of case studies and books from Norway. :)
<Rebellos> Lawl. I can bet Poland will go like 10 places down in 2012-2013.
<stickyboy> And I bought an original copy of Kim Il Sung's manifesto.
<Espenfjo> :)
<stickyboy> Looks like you guys got it right. North Korea not so much.
<Espenfjo> We arent as communist as NK and china ;)
* Rebellos keeps wondering what the heck is Eritrea.
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: One can only hope!
<Espenfjo> More and more of our infrastructure is being privatised
<Espenfjo> But of course, free hospitals, schools, universities etc. are important to us
<Espenfjo> But if private company X can fix our roads better than state company Y its all OK
KalimAz is now known as KalimAz|Away
<Wout`> Espenfjo: is norway where the alcohol is so expensive?
<Espenfjo> yeah
<Espenfjo> everything is expensive
<Espenfjo> But then again, most of us earn more than we can use
<Espenfjo> even after 30+% tax
<Wout`> we have 30% tax here too
<Wout`> even higher in the upper bracket
<Espenfjo> yup
<Wout`> but cost of living seems lower
<diegoviola> great news, you guys rock
<diegoviola> ty
<Wout`> so what're you battling right now Espenfjo, camera and video most likely/
<Wout`> ?
<Espenfjo> video, yeah
<Espenfjo> hwcomposer saying: format = 0x32315659 : Not GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_FIMC1 can not supported
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Are you on S II or N8000?
<Wout`> and the rest, is stuff like ril and audio working? it is it just hwcomposer at the moment?
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: atm. i9100
<Espenfjo> n8000 comes after everything else
<Espenfjo> Wout`: graphics -> audio -> ril -> camera
<Espenfjo> probably
<Espenfjo> now we are at graphics ;)
<Wout`> k :)
<finnq> Espenfjo, what is your line of work in real life? :D
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: RIL works over here, btw. But no audio. :\
<stickyboy> (Tab 7 Plus).
<Espenfjo> finnq: Systems engineer. PAAS, IAAS, SAAS, Cloud, systems management, etc. etc. etc
<Espenfjo> finnq:
<tat-> =)
<finnq> Ok thanks espenfjo
<diegoviola> is cm 10.1 on the i9300 running with open source hwcomposer, etc?
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<Rebellos> Ah, Samsung presentation @ charging in embedded devices -
<Rebellos> Entropy512: You had a talk about power management, right? Might be interesting for you.
<Rebellos> Silly, they got so smart looking presentation... and then they make devices with fuelgauge connected to CP instead of AP.
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<famine> odd
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<Skrilax_CZ> !topic
<rhcp> meh people
<rhcp> like that will build
<stickyboy> Heh.
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<tat-> build, sure. boot? probably not :-)
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<gimbar> hey there just got new CM10 nightly an my I9100g is stuc on the "galaxy SII" screen
<Rebellos> gimbar, downgrade to old nightly? :D
<gimbar> i even can't reach CWM
<Rebellos> Uhm, go through Odin/Heimdall then.
<Rebellos> There's a warning when loading up nightlies that it can be completely unuseful I think. :P
<gimbar> 5 2n6w
<gimbar> i know
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