nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<SamerDiab> helo every body
<SamerDiab> i need some help please
<SamerDiab> i have compiled cprrectly on my samsung galaxy s4
<SamerDiab> i9500
<SamerDiab> but when i boot rom i get stuck on black screen
<SamerDiab> thats my logcat
<SamerDiab> please i need help
<SamerDiab> thanks in advance
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<hardikacharya3> sir my pohne is not connecting to my pc
<hardikacharya3> i hav installed the latest nightly mod of cm10.2 nightly
<hardikacharya3> plzz help asap
<hardikacharya3> i m thinkin of installing stable version of cm10.1....will it help?
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<AnAnt> !download n7000
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<idbentley> I'm trying to install the custom recovery on my Galaxy SII (the T898 version) but my device doesn't have a kernel, not a KERNEL partition.
<idbentley> nor* - anyways, I can see a number of partitions with heimdall, but am not sure which is the correct one.
<idbentley> I suspect it's RECOVERY, but I wanted to see if anyone has experience with this
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<Jiangyi> idbentley: Does it have a zimage partition?
<idbentley> Jiangyi: no.
<Jiangyi> Odd
<idbentley> Jiangyi: should I pastebin you the print-pit output?
<Jiangyi> Yes please
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<Jiangyi> idbentley: Entry 7 boot.img
<idbentley> So during step 5 of the instructions here ( I should replace --kernel with --BOOT, right?
<Jiangyi> You should be following that^
<idbentley> That makes sense - I was running into a bunch of differences
<idbentley> Thanks
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<oupala> hello, can I install CM on a p5110 without an sdcard installed ?
<oupala> !device p5110
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<n-iCe> llo
<QuinnLion> oupala, yes. Internal storage
<QuinnLion> Or you can sideload if CWM supports it any more.. cus they sure as hell dont for my phone, xt897x
<QuinnLion> Or you can sideload if CWM supports it any more.. cus they sure as hell dont for my phone, xt897c *
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<ErnstEmine> hello :)... i am sorry for the bad english grammer, i will use, but... is there anybody, who can help me to install syanogenmod on my (really bad choosen birthday-present) samsung galaxy s2? Need this, to install ubuntu touch on it...
<ErnstEmine> Cyanogenmod 10.1 i mean
<ErnstEmine> oh.. ahm, thanks...
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<unsubwubwub> can i just use play store without the shit that comes bundled with it?
<unsubwubwub> like gmail/google+
<unsubwubwub> i want to punch a wall right now, i haven't even opened google+ but its eating up my data
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