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<unsubwub> hi im on a galaxy s3 mini, and theres a partition called preload
<unsubwub> its about 500 mb, how do i remove mounting it and use that space for something else?
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<unsubwubwub> does anbody own a galaxy s3 mini here?
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<LazyLausi> unsubwubwub: I have one in my family.
<unsubwubwub> LazyLausi, do you know about its file structure?
<unsubwubwub> i cant find where the recovery files are stored
<LazyLausi> Sorry, i can't say. I wasn't allowed to play with it, since it wasn't mine.
<unsubwubwub> Oh its okay.
<unsubwubwub> what phone do you own?
<LazyLausi> A Note 3 and a GSII
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<unsubwubwub> can you ls -Fal the root and show me the list of files you see?
<unsubwubwub> assuming you have adb installed on your computer
<LazyLausi> Well. The GSII has been retired and is about to be used as a dashcam.
<LazyLausi> I don't sadly. I haven't even gotten around to rooting my Note yet.
<unsubwubwub> oh.alright. :-)
<LazyLausi> I suppose the GSII might be of assistance, but i won't be withing reach of it for another 24 hours.
<unsubwubwub> yeah samsung file structure seems to be completely unintuitive
<unsubwubwub> its as if they made it harder for themselves
<LazyLausi> Yeah.. Samsung does that sometimes, it seems.
<LazyLausi> I actually haven't used adb before. I assume it requires root?
<unsubwubwub> nope
<unsubwubwub> only when you need to access ROM files
<unsubwubwub> you get some permission denied
<unsubwubwub> thats all, you can install apps without any problem
<LazyLausi> Hmm. I could do it then. I am not familiar with adb, though. So it might take a while.
<unsubwubwub> the list of adb commands are fairly simple :)
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<LazyLausi> You shouldn't happen to have a link for it?
<unsubwubwub> adb list of commands you mean?
<LazyLausi> for the adb thing.
<LazyLausi> I've never used it.
<unsubwubwub> adb is packaged with android sdk
<unsubwubwub> install android sdk
<LazyLausi> On it. Might take a while though. My connection is super slow for some reason.
<unsubwubwub> how slow? its about 290 mb
<LazyLausi> 7 minuttes left.
<unsubwubwub> it doesn't look that slow ;)
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<LazyLausi> And this file is 460 MB, for some reason.
<LazyLausi> 3 minutes left.
<LazyLausi> And my connection is pretty slow, considering i usually get 60/60 Mb/s
<unsubwubwub> oh 460 mb
<unsubwubwub> on what platform are you on?
<LazyLausi> Win 8 64bit
<unsubwubwub> ah alright, im on mac so i think i was given a choice to select what i want to install
<unsubwubwub> i install the bare minimum, cuz i just needed the adb and the other essentials
<LazyLausi> So i got the .zip and extracted it.. do i just run the adb.exe thing?
<unsubwubwub> i assume thats the way.
<LazyLausi> It crashes as soon as i run it -.-
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<unsubwubwub> oh god.
<unsubwubwub> open it using cmd
<unsubwubwub> not using the double click method
<LazyLausi> That's not the issue.
<unsubwubwub> um.. then?
<LazyLausi> No clue.
<unsubwubwub> have you read the installation guide?
<unsubwubwub> i think you have to set the path variable as well
<LazyLausi> Yeah. I'm gonna try redownloading it.
<unsubwubwub> i think it wont fix it.
<unsubwubwub> documentation some points on how to install the downloaded zip
<RudyValencia> would a 2012 nexus 7 be worth trading for a galaxy s2?
<LazyLausi> RudyValencia: I wouldn't say so. No.
<RudyValencia> I don't have the s2
<RudyValencia> I have the nexus 7 and want an s2
<RudyValencia> I probably could add cash to the deal
<LazyLausi> I mean, if you don't use the tablet and need a phone, then maybe.
<LazyLausi> But i'd say the Nexus is worth more than the S2.
<RudyValencia> is it closer to an s3?
<RudyValencia> (I don't really need a nexus 7 if I can get something reasonably decent)
<RudyValencia> its novelty has kinda worn out for me
<RudyValencia> I have a slipcover and usb-otg cable for ittoo
<RudyValencia> *it too
<LazyLausi> I would think you might be able to get an S3.. But i am not 100% sure.
<RudyValencia> I could try
<LazyLausi> The S2 is from 2011.
<LazyLausi> unsubwubwub: So, what was the command for adb?
<RudyValencia> yeah, the s2 is a little too outdated so it'd be unfair for me to ask for an s2 in exchange
<unsubwubwub> LazyLausi, are you in root?
<RudyValencia> I'll try for an s3 or comparable t-mobile phone
<LazyLausi> I haven't started adb or anything. I want to make sure i do everything right, this time.
<LazyLausi> RudyValencia: Good idea. :)
<RudyValencia> I'll even say that in my post
<unsubwubwub> first connect phone with debugging mode enabled
<unsubwubwub> tell me when its done.
<RudyValencia> not sure how to word it though
<unsubwubwub> !supported
<LazyLausi> I don't think i can get debugging... Weird. I don't see the option for it, at least.
<unsubwubwub> ah lol its easy
<unsubwubwub> go to settings
<unsubwubwub> and to about phone
<LazyLausi> then
<unsubwubwub> scroll to the bottom line of information. (Build number)
<LazyLausi> yeah
<unsubwubwub> and tap like hell
<LazyLausi> Haha
<unsubwubwub> repeatedly tap
<LazyLausi> That did the job.
<LazyLausi> Thanks.
<unsubwubwub> :)
<unsubwubwub> now enable debugging
<RudyValencia> ok so how do I put up the ad on craigslist to offer it?
<LazyLausi> Debugging is enabled, and connected.
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<unsubwubwub> alright, now open adb
<LazyLausi> Done
<unsubwubwub> adb devices
<unsubwubwub> ^ type this
<LazyLausi> nothing comes up
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<unsubwubwub> not even an error?
<unsubwubwub> ah its okay.unlock the phone
<unsubwubwub> remove the usb cable from the phone
<unsubwubwub> unlock first
<unsubwubwub> then connect the phone again while its unlocked
<unsubwubwub> then enter the same command
<LazyLausi> I got something.
<unsubwubwub> does it say device at the end?
<LazyLausi> It says "506d59ae offline"
<LazyLausi> That's all
<unsubwubwub> offline..
<unsubwubwub> that means phone is identified but its not in debugging mode
<LazyLausi> Should i enable "Allow mock locations" or is that irrelevant?
<unsubwubwub> take phone, dont disconnect, slide down notifications drawer
<unsubwubwub> LazyLausi, no that option doesn't matter.
<unsubwubwub> and in that drawer do you see anything like "usb debugging enabled" ?
<LazyLausi> It just says "Connected as a media device"
<unsubwubwub> change the usb port and try the same thing again
<LazyLausi> Is it because I'm using USB 3.0
<LazyLausi> ?
<LazyLausi> Got it.
<unsubwubwub> :)
<LazyLausi> Same numbers and letters, but it says device instead of offline.
<unsubwubwub> i dont know the cause, but it has solved by changing usb port
<LazyLausi> As long as it works ^^
<unsubwubwub> alright now adb shell
<unsubwubwub> adb shell
<unsubwubwub> ^ type this
<LazyLausi> Then what?
<unsubwubwub> then, ls -Fal
<unsubwubwub> copy the output to a report and send me :3
<unsubwubwub> what phone is this? and is it rooted?
<LazyLausi> Note 3, non-rooted
<unsubwubwub> alright thanks
<unsubwubwub> enjoy your newfound power ;-)
<LazyLausi> Thanks. Do i just unplug the device, or is there some shutdown process i have to undergo?
<unsubwubwub> ah just unplugging would be fine
<LazyLausi> Cool. Thanks
<LazyLausi> And i hope you could use the file structure for something useful.
<unsubwubwub> yeah :) i needed to compare it with mine
<unsubwubwub> adb kill-server
<unsubwubwub> if you need to running adb on your computer
<unsubwubwub> stop*
<RudyValencia> wow
<RudyValencia> I could try to trade the nexus 7 to this guy
<LazyLausi> Holy shit. That would be an amazing deal
<RudyValencia> how successful do you think that trade would be?
<RudyValencia> (given that he is not at a financial loss for that device)
<RudyValencia> I see it as 80% likely
<RudyValencia> the worst is he could say no
<LazyLausi> Yup.
<LazyLausi> Any way. I have to go drive a buddy to work. See ya later.
<unsubwubwub> seeya :=)
<RudyValencia> bye
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<Heretic> Hello Y´all. Can someone help me concerning the CM Image for the I9505. I am trying to have a standard ZIP Image and include a few Apps, so that I don t have to re-install them for all devices manually. SO, what I have done: Inset the APKs in the respective app folder. BUT their gone as soon as the user updates CM through the CM update. Any ideas, how I can workaround this?
<Jiangyi> Heretic: Put those apps' locations in a script in addon.d
<Jiangyi> Refer to the script in there (If you have gapps, the script too)
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<Franko> Hello Team-Hacksung 2 Days ago my S3 GT-I9300 began freezing intermittently
<Franko> Can anyone provide any guidance on how i could fix this problem.
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<Heretic> @Jiangyi > thanks. that helped.
<Heretic> last question: to create a more detailed (corporate Identiy) Image that is supported by CM officially (now, that you went "pro" ;) ) who needs to be contacted for contracting this?
<Jiangyi> Heretic: I actually don't know for sure, but try asking ciwrl on #Cyanogenmod
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<Heretic> @Jiangyi -> thx again.
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<krabador> what about hwc and video driver , on exynos4412?
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<Espenfjo> what about it?
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<oupala> hello I'd like to install CM on my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, do I need to root it before ?
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