nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<Jack____> HI...
<Jack____> ANYONE?
<RossWell98> N
<frankdrey> HI
<frankdrey> EVERYONE
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<NickDollahZ> hi
<frankdrey> NickDollahZ, hiya
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<NickDollahZ> almost got CM10.2 working on my Note 8. Out going calls not working on 10.2 but worked on 10.1 weird x.x
<frankdrey-g1> Nice
<frankdrey-g1> Im building 2.2 for my g1 :D
<frankdrey-g1> Im wondering how i should do this rom
<frankdrey-g1> I want it to be OCD-level customizable
<frankdrey-g1> But i dont want it to be confusing
<frankdrey-g1> Maybe:
<NickDollahZ> lol
<frankdrey-g1> Light = bare minimum, text, calling, etc.
<frankdrey-g1> Full = everything
<frankdrey-g1> Obsessive = AROMA customization
<frankdrey-g1> And i want a way to be able to change stuff later
<NickDollahZ> yea aroma is nice.. I had to fix the touchscreen drivers to get aroma to work that was not still a noob to all this stuff :)
<frankdrey-g1> Me too :D
<frankdrey-g1> Blah, who am i kidding...all G1 needs is an ultra minimalistic phone rom
<NickDollahZ> yea pretty much what i perfer too
<NickDollahZ> even on new phones :P
<NickDollahZ> i like to add my own junk :)
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<Stagosal> Hello
<Stagosal> i flashed cyanogenmod 10.1 stable on my i9300 and now it wond connect to any wifi network
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<Stagosal> wifi works it turns on and off but when i tryy to connect to any network it just doesn't
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<VADemon> Hey all, got a problem with my wi-fi: my SGS2 doesn't connect to my router, instead after trying to authentificate wi-fi TURNS OFF automatically. I also got logs of this
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<QuinnLion> driver crash :p
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<boxxy> hi, can anybody managed to boot with 16/10 nightly on maguro, I am stuck on "starting apps"
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<n-iCe> hi
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<QuinnLion> So how does one see if the devices NAND is going back?
<QuinnLion> *bad
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