Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
<codeworkx> frankdrey: open c sourcefile, add 3p65o2zqreiothjöw83u65aterjitqjaöätwerqaFDG, save, close, compile
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: do we wanna go open libril?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sure, wai not :-P
<codeworkx> k, lemme builds
<frankdrey> :D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Any significant advantages?
<codeworkx> less hacks
<Jiangyi> Other than OSS, I mean
<Jiangyi> lol sounds good to me :-D
<codeworkx> more efficient
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Wait, didn't it just break all teh things on 9100?
<codeworkx> yep
<Jiangyi> Hrm kthen
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: wanna do your own build?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sure, but testing's gonna have to wait til tomorrow
<Jiangyi> Dad took 9100g with him >_>
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: use the two patches on gerrit + remove rild and from vendor/samsung/i9100g
<Jiangyi> Should've told him take the iPhone heh
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Got it
<Jiangyi> Thanks :-)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'm testing on p3100 ;-)
<codeworkx> should be same
<Jiangyi> Alright :-P
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: You said profile tile doesn't update locale. What doesn't get updated?
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: And, how the hell do you enable that tile? Can't seem to find it.
<jomp16> Thiagovfar, settings?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: works fine on p3100
<jomp16> Cody: can you fix one "bug" breaking the build?
<codeworkx> jomp16: it's already fixed
<jomp16> the pie height bug?
<jomp16> Yeah, fixed
<codeworkx> no, the Eiffel Tower bug
<Thiagovfar> Eiffel? What's wrong with it?
<jomp16> Because many devices has a bunch of bugs
<codeworkx> it's wonky
<codeworkx> can't wait for 4.3
<codeworkx> hopefully kills mdpi
<codeworkx> completely
<codeworkx> mdpi sucks
<codeworkx> especially those tablets
<codeworkx> ugly low res
<codeworkx> ugly screens
<jomp16> If Google drop the support, probably the CyanogenMod team will restore the support
<codeworkx> ugly look & feel
<codeworkx> no
<Thiagovfar> jomp16: What but needs fixing?
<codeworkx> we thought about dropping it with 4.2.2
<Thiagovfar> bug*
<jomp16> My opinion is restore the support, because many devices is mdpi
<codeworkx> lol
<codeworkx> no devices are mdpi
<codeworkx> except those old tablets
<codeworkx> and low end phones which dont have cm support
<frankdrey> HTC DREAM
<codeworkx> jomp16: we're at xxhdpi right now
<Thiagovfar> What about ldpi? Nuked already?
<codeworkx> jomp16: mdpi -> hdpi -> xhdpi -> xxhdpi
<jomp16> Say about the GSII, GSI and Nexus S
<codeworkx> Thiagovfar: google started to not care about mdpi with 4.2
<codeworkx> jomp16: these are hdpi
<jomp16> Mmmm
<codeworkx> jomp16: srsly, you can count the pixels on those devices
<frankdrey> Guys, I'm bored
<jomp16> #blameSammyforMDPIforGTab2
<codeworkx> it's ugly
<frankdrey> wait, gtab2 is mdpi? D:
<codeworkx> yea
<jomp16> frankdrey, for cody, yes
<frankdrey> D: D: D:D D:D D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D
<frankdrey> but i have one! D:
<jomp16> Isn't possible to GTab 2 run with hdpi?
<codeworkx> i want to kill it
<frankdrey> codeworkx, i do too...i should try to sell it
<codeworkx> jomp16: if you want to loose picture informations
<frankdrey> it's useless
<frankdrey> i play MyCountry on it
<frankdrey> and that's it :P
<jomp16> #blameCodyForKillingGTab2
<codeworkx> lol
<codeworkx> i should have never touched it
<codeworkx> then there wouldn't be cm
<codeworkx> jomp16: buy an xperia tablet z
<jomp16> But you bought it and you are fanatic by CyanogenMod, ported it to GTab 2 =)
<codeworkx> but it wasn't worth the time
<jomp16> codeworkx, one word: Brazil
<codeworkx> 100 hours of work for 20 users
<codeworkx> doesn't make sense
<frankdrey> codeworkx, you made my tablet usable :3
<codeworkx> PAY ME!
<frankdrey> IT WAS WORTH ME WASN'T IT? :D
<frankdrey> lolhmmm
<frankdrey> let's see
<frankdrey> i wonder how i can do that...
<codeworkx> get money back from samsung for unusable stock rom
<codeworkx> and gimme
<jomp16> codeworkx, the GTab 2 7' people donated for you to buy a p3100
<codeworkx> and i hate it
<codeworkx> even more than the p5100
<jomp16> You hate the world....
<frankdrey> it's like a tiny p5100
<codeworkx> this feels like a iphone 3
<codeworkx> and it looks like it
<codeworkx> just bigger
<jomp16> facepalm
<frankdrey> codeworkx, do you want a $10 gift card?
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> boobs
<codeworkx> donuts
<frankdrey> xD
<codeworkx> curry wurst
<jomp16> codeworkx, give me your tab
<codeworkx> jomp16: np
<codeworkx> jomp16: u maintain both
<frankdrey> Google Play, Newegg
<frankdrey> CHOOSE
<jomp16> If you don't like your tab, give it for someone who like the tab...
<codeworkx> jomp16: but this will kill cm support
<waratte> They'll be fine. Give him your tab.
<jomp16> I will pay a woman to you, you will accept?
<codeworkx> no
<frankdrey> jomp16, he has a girlfriend :P
<frankdrey> iirc
<codeworkx> the best one you can get!
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> codeworkx, Play or Newegg?
<codeworkx> she's still with me and my phones
<codeworkx> sometimes she thinks that phones > her
<Thiagovfar> She must be watching this very channel, also.
<codeworkx> nope
<codeworkx> didn't tell her how irc works
<codeworkx> :-D
<jomp16> lol
<codeworkx> she's using cm on a i9100g. special build with remote features
<codeworkx> i can watch her sleeping
<codeworkx> jomp16: i can watch you sleeping
<jomp16> lol
<codeworkx> jomp16: cmon, smile at your front cam
<frankdrey> codeworkx, you can watch the inside of my backpack :D
<codeworkx> noez
<jomp16> I don't have a webcam...
<Thiagovfar> Damn it. I should have known better. Removing CM ASAP.
<codeworkx> jomp16: your tab has frontcam
<codeworkx> jomp16: your tab is running cm by cody
<codeworkx> jomp16: has spyware
<codeworkx> u loose
<codeworkx> :-D
<jomp16> My tablet is in my bedroom and I'm in another room...
<codeworkx> <codeworkx> jomp16: i can watch you sleeping
<frankdrey> codeworkx, Y U NO USA
<codeworkx> jomp16: what i said xD
<codeworkx> jomp16: i can watch you sleeping because tab is in bedroom
<frankdrey> I can't get a you a Play card then :(
<jomp16> codeworkx, give photo to prove
<codeworkx> jomp16: it's dark in bedroom actually
<jomp16> My tablet is under my pillow
<jomp16> You watched me to install some app?
<jomp16> What the latest app installed?
<jomp16> =P
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<jomp16> codeworkx, one chance
<frankdrey> codeworkx, Y U GERMANY
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<frankdrey> jomp16, hold on let cody connect over secure tunneled rdp vnc protocol in the x11 citrix windows 7 system
<jomp16> frankdrey, lol!
<jomp16> And also my tab isn't connected on my interwebz
<frankdrey> jomp16, super secret cody 5g service
<jomp16> Mmmmm
<jomp16> cody works on FBI/CIA?
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<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> FIA and CBI
<frankdrey> Criminal Bureau of Investigation
<jomp16> lol
<frankdrey> Free Intelligence Agency
<frankdrey> he's your regular rebel
<jomp16> I will rip the nebkat's code for BBQBOT
<frankdrey> GUYS IM SO BORED
<jomp16> frankdrey, DO SOMETHING!
<Jiangyi> <codeworkx> sometimes she thinks that phones > her
<Jiangyi> Cody, even we think that sometimes LOL
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm also willing to pay you in Chinese food. xD
<jomp16> codeworkx, i will pay a travel to Brazil for you and your girlfriend, accept?
<jomp16> And you will see how everything is expensive and does not have the latest technology of the world
<waratte> Brasila
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, my tablet cable just fell apart xD
<frankdrey> the $5 one
<Jiangyi> lolwhut
<jomp16> Brazil also has many corrupt politicians
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Can't be worse than China. :-P
<jomp16> +1
<Jiangyi> China: Oh, you get in trouble with law? Oh, you has $$$? OK, off you go home, no questions asked
<jomp16> codeworkx, you live on a good country and has much money
<jomp16> Jiangyi, is true China doesn't allow reincarnation and need to pay by baby?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: You're technically only allowed to have 1 child, and you pay extra taxes for each additional child.
<jomp16> lolwat
<Jiangyi> Unlike Canada, where the more children you have, the more money the government gives you to raise each child. :-P
<Jiangyi> 3 people/km2 on average ftw^^
<jomp16> Jiangyi, let's move to Canada and receive money for free?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: You do that, I'm already in Canada xD
<jomp16> Jiangyi, In São Paulo (SP - BR) you can receive more or less 1.200 reais using drugs
<jomp16> But actually this money is to pay for the rehabilitation clinic
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: you there?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: oops, sorry
<Jiangyi> Forgot :-S
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: The actual names to the default profiles
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Yeah, I saw it. Found an additional bug also.
<Jiangyi> Oh?
<Thiagovfar> Disable profiles, and you'll need to restart the device to be able to add the tile
<Thiagovfar> Even if you reenable it, the tile won't be available
<Jiangyi> Ah
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<Thiagovfar> FYI, this time, the tile code is correct
<jomp16> What you think about PS4 and XBox One?
<Jiangyi> So what's not correct? o_O
<Thiagovfar> For some reason, the ProfileManager silently updates the profile, when locale changes
<Thiagovfar> The poor tile has no chance of knowing it.
<Thiagovfar> As to why it acts that way, that's another story.
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<Jiangyi> Ah ok
<Thiagovfar> I'll change it, so every profile update is broadcast, upload to gerrit and hopefully find out why
<angelsl> Jiangyi: Singapore too :)
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Actually, ProfileManagerService does some odd things.
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<Avatar_> g'day, trying to make sure I get the instructions right before I flash my galaxy s 3 i9000
<Avatar_> it says to boot into recovery, flash cm10.1 and gapps from the sdcard, and then do a data wipe/factory reset
<Avatar_> in that order
<Avatar_> is that definitely right, because I would have thought the data wipe would come first
<Jiangyi> Avatar_: It doesn't really matter whether data wipe comes before or after, but we generally just tell people to do it after
<Jiangyi> That order's fine
<Avatar_> okay cool
<Avatar_> and caches don't need to be wiped?
<Avatar_> does the wipe data take care of that as well
<Jiangyi> No, those are wiped with data.
<Jiangyi> data wipe*
<Avatar_> cheers
<Thiagovfar> I'm off to bed
<Thiagovfar> good night y'all
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Good night!
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<frankdrey> Hmmm...any US people here that I can trust?:P
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<QuinnLion> frank-coffee, sure?
<QuinnLion> can even come murder me in my sleep if I wrong you as we're in the same state
<QuinnLion> ahahah
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<frankdrey> QuinnLion, never mind about the thing i needed, but WA?:D
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<frankdrey> !geo user QuinnLion
<bbqbot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Vancouver", latlong: {45.620102, -122.5775}, time: "Sat 22:50 PDT"}
<frankdrey> :O
<frankdrey> !geo user frankdrey
<bbqbot> frankdrey: {country: "United States", region: "Washington", city: "Lynnwood", latlong: {47.820908, -122.3151}, time: "Sat 22:51 PDT"}
<frankdrey> eh...slightly off
<QuinnLion> lol
<frankdrey> you know Kent?:P
<frankdrey> (yes, I live a few minutes away from Cyanogen I'm 99% sure :D)
<DuperMan> ah construction glue
<DuperMan> is there anything you can not do?
<DuperMan> such awesome <3
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* DuperMan dabbed a smidgen, loves construction adhesive even more
<QuinnLion> frankdrey, yes, I used to live in Kent at 260th
<QuinnLion> Saddlebrook apartemnts
<frankdrey> :o
* frankdrey thinks he knows where that is
<frankdrey> I'm more towards Maple Valley though
* DuperMan applies construction adhesive to it, obviously making it better
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<QuinnLion> The mental school :p
<frankdrey> the whatawhat?:P
<DuperMan> the one construction to which I would never adhere
<DuperMan> :P
<QuinnLion> frankdrey, Oh, wait.. I'm thinking of Maple Lane/
<frankdrey> lol
<QuinnLion> Is there something you needed?
<DuperMan> he hilariously both called me mad and mentioned a location
<frankdrey> QuinnLion, hmm?
<QuinnLion> I dunno, why'd ye ask for someone in the states that you could trust o/o
<frankdrey> QuinnLion, needed to exchange some gift cards
<QuinnLion> ah I see.
<frankdrey> like $10 Play for $10 Amazon
<DuperMan> frankdrey: pm
<QuinnLion> ah.
<frankdrey> but don't need it anymore :p
<QuinnLion> I'd like those.. but I'm kinda broke.
<frankdrey> whoo welcome to the club!
<QuinnLion> Becasue I'd use the amazon card to get another Play card
<frankdrey> i'm broke in real monies
<QuinnLion> can always trde on CL :P
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<frankdrey> wouldn't trust it :P
<DuperMan> but why play for amazon? play cards are way harder to find
<frankdrey> this one site i do
<frankdrey> earn $2/day :D
<QuinnLion> O.o
<frankdrey> the only amazon gift cards it has are physically mailed
<QuinnLion> Wal*mart has play cards
<frankdrey> and i don't want that
<frankdrey> i haz no real life monies
<QuinnLion> so does every other place that has a technologically inclined clientel
<frankdrey> just a broke 17 year old kid
<DuperMan> I'm a broke 29 years old. already practicing saying I'm thirty
<DuperMan> :'(
<frankdrey> the site had email play cards (and newegg and others), so i wanted to get one of those and have someone else send me an amazon code
<frankdrey> aw :(
<QuinnLion> I once had a 5$ amazon card
<QuinnLion> code
<QuinnLion> It expired becasue I couldnt find anything worth buying under 5
<frankdrey> music
* QuinnLion is a dirty pirate
<QuinnLion> Yo ho and a bottle of rum
<DuperMan> 1. buy music
<DuperMan> 2. download
<QuinnLion> 1. download music.
<DuperMan> 3. tell amazon customer service (over chat of course) your kid did it
<QuinnLion> done
<DuperMan> kid not required
<QuinnLion> Mm, DRM'd music
<DuperMan> quality - superior usuarlly
<QuinnLion> Um
<DuperMan> nah. mp3 320kbps
<QuinnLion> 320Kpbs
<frankdrey> Amazon music isn't DRM'd
<frankdrey> and it's VERY high quality
<QuinnLion> I only download 256-320 VBR
* QuinnLion shrugs
<QuinnLion> What I do is cheaper
<frankdrey> 500+ kb/s
<QuinnLion> 5MB/s
<DuperMan> +1 frankdrey
<frankdrey> i don't like stealing music :P
<QuinnLion> No +1 me :3
<DuperMan> QuinnLion: obviously your time is not valuable
<DuperMan> good going
<QuinnLion> O.o
<QuinnLion> at 5MB/s?
<DuperMan> at locating your sought warez
<QuinnLion> what do you think I'm using? Napster in the year 1999?
<QuinnLion> Pfft. One search entry
<DuperMan> pruning the torrents (like we don't all do that)
<DuperMan> rofl
<DuperMan> good one - you ain't stoopid :)
<QuinnLion> I choose highest bitrate and highest seeds.
* frankdrey is a musician and is getting into recording...soo...:p
<frankdrey> that's why
<QuinnLion> Well then I'd support ye
<QuinnLion> I dont support mainstream artists
<QuinnLion> Recording Labels need to DIFF
<QuinnLion> DIAFF
<DuperMan> bbiab
<QuinnLion> Intellectual property as well.
<frankdrey> ah, well...
* QuinnLion pirates games too. most likely buy em if I like em
<frankdrey> most of the music I buy is recorded by Tooth and Nail records, and i like them
<frankdrey> Oh, I'm also a programmer :P
<frankdrey> so I don't do that either xD
<frankdrey> Mine and my friend's little project had it's share of popularity :3
<frankdrey> !google runawaycar psp
<bbqbot> frankdrey: PSP Homebrew - Runaway Car - Gameplay - YouTube:
<frankdrey> We're "working" on porting to Android
<frankdrey> Our current progress consists of an empty git repo whose location I have already forgotten xD
<frankdrey> BUT ERRYONE CHECK OUT #runawaycar
<frankdrey> and inspire us
<frankdrey> As soon as college lets out, I should get back to programming :P
<frankdrey> QuinnLion, did you do running start? did they have it then?
<QuinnLion> yes they did and no.
<QuinnLion> I was 'special'
<QuinnLion> Is that anything like Jelly Car?
<QuinnLion> also, my PSP is pretty... dead
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<frankdrey> QuinnLion, ah
<frankdrey> QuinnLion, no nothing like Jelly Car
<QuinnLion> ok
<frankdrey> how dead?
<QuinnLion> Both batteries are shot and DC Jack is going out.
<QuinnLion> and I dont feel like finding an updated CFW
<QuinnLion> also it sucks becasue I cant play the shit I bought
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> CFW for latest update is available
<frankdrey> sony gave up :P
<QuinnLion> bad token, unable to deactivate either.
<frankdrey> 6.60 is latest
<QuinnLion> lol
<frankdrey> psp 1000/2000/3000?
<QuinnLion> I've got 3 PSPs and 4 PS3s on my account, unable to deactivate any of them
<frankdrey> :o
<QuinnLion> 1000
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<frankdrey> I don't remember exactly, but i'm pretty sure the eboot includes the necessary kernel exploit and is signed
<frankdrey> which means, update to 6.60 ofw, put in GAME folder, and run
<frankdrey> the psp scene has come far :)
<QuinnLion> yar
<QuinnLion> Is there a fix for bad token?
<frankdrey> no idea
<frankdrey> could probably try to wipe the thing 100% clean
<QuinnLion> I'll remember that next time I dig out the PSP :P
<frankdrey> batteries dead how?
<QuinnLion> PSP doesnt see them
<frankdrey> :O
<QuinnLion> ut when I connect them to a friends, it works fine
<frankdrey> oh...ouch
<QuinnLion> er
<QuinnLion> Connect a friends battery
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> cut them open?
<frankdrey> i cut mine open to hardmod it into a pandora
<QuinnLion> I've got more cells that I need.
<frankdrey> so you might kill two birds with one stone like that
<QuinnLion> also, I've got a bandora battery
<QuinnLion> It's dual mode.
<QuinnLion> Only one that works
<frankdrey> ah, does it work?:p
<frankdrey> ah cool
<frankdrey> well, try to wipe flash0/1/2/3 using some tool (hellcat's recovery flasher? pspfiler?)
<frankdrey> it's been a while since i've messed with them hehe
<QuinnLion> yeah, did that
<QuinnLion> cant regen token
<frankdrey> latest ofw?
<QuinnLion> Even then
<frankdrey> hmm
<QuinnLion> I think it's flagged.
<frankdrey> probably :(
<frankdrey> you should ask in #pspcommunity
<frankdrey> also, how's Comcast?:P
<QuinnLion> Is shitty, why?
<frankdrey> Yay, so it's not just mine xD
<QuinnLion> I was having issues and they said it was me.
<frankdrey> Was it dead for like 20 minutes this noon?
<QuinnLion> I'm on business aswell
<QuinnLion> No
<QuinnLion> But I did disconnect
<QuinnLion> (I'm on the Portland Market)
<frankdrey> Portland Market?
<QuinnLion> Completely separate from up there
<QuinnLion> do tracerout on me
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> we seem to go through the same route
<QuinnLion> Kinda
<QuinnLion> I'm getting a lot of timeouts near you
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<QuinnLion> LOL
<QuinnLion> Got kicked for sending a shitton in a PM
<frankdrey> lol yah
<frankdrey> alright, well i'm gonna be goin to sleep now
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<DuperMan> backness
<DuperMan> I don't support artists whatsoever. they're top tier panhandlers
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<DuperMan> pilots are glorified taxi drivers while we're on subject
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> err.. how do i factory reset which includes wiping user data (internal sdcard)
<Thiagovfar> Reboot into recovery
<Thiagovfar> wipe data/factory reset
<Thiagovfar> if that't not enough for you, proceed and do
<Thiagovfar> mounts and storage > format /emmc, mounts and storage > format /sdcard
<Thiagovfar> that will wipe EVERYTHING
<Assid> thanks
<Assid> havent done this in a while :p
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<Thiagovfar> Test this, if possible. My "build machine" is allocated for some gaming.
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<Tenderloingalaxy> hEY
<Tenderloingalaxy> anyone there?
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<Tenderloingalaxy> I have the latest version of cyanogenmod for SGSII, and I have this big problem
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Tenderloingalaxy> i only have some apps but it says that is nearly full
<Tenderloingalaxy> look at the graphic
<Tenderloingalaxy> it's impossible to be full
<Tenderloingalaxy> join
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<DuperMan> retrospective drats
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<DuperMan> nearly fixed a x5l dap earlier
<DuperMan> then ripped the hdd ribbon dead
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<sigtrm> I asked this in the cyanogemod channel, but I realised this might be a better place to ask
<sigtrm> does CM 10.1 support Bluetooth 4.0, specifically on the S3?
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<kahtahs> sigtrm: no
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