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<yaa_> Has anyone an idea why my ROM Manager (CM9) says, that I have to to install Clockworkmod Recovery System to work although my device has the newest available CWM already installed
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<yaa_> When I want to get CWM Recovery on my (unrooted, never touched, STOCK!) Galaxy S2 (i9100), do I have to flash a siyah or philz kernel? Will this have an effect on my phone (lost data, not working apps)?
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<yaa_> Although my Tablet has CWM installed ROM Manager says that I cant use it until I install CWM.. Has anyone an idea why and how to solve this?
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<RossWell98> Thracky, IDK if it's you but... put android code and her ccache in a reiserFS in an external HDD can gain 50% of time to build :P
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<chadouming> that's because your internal drive is shit
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<RossWell98> chadouming, no xD
<RossWell98> chadouming, t'es français je crois ?
<chadouming> yup
<chadouming> well, from quebec
<RossWell98> chadouming, donc non au contraire je gagne 50% , c'est a dire que au lieu de build 10min je build 5 min x')
<chadouming> build android en 5 minutes ?
<RossWell98> ouais
<RossWell98> sans make clobber hein
<RossWell98> x')
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<chadouming> je te crois pas
<RossWell98> avant je mettais 10min pour build sur mon HDD en ext4
<RossWell98> 30min en xfs
<RossWell98> reiserFS gere bien les petits fichier ^^
<RossWell98> avec ccache aussi
<chadouming> still don't believe you
<RossWell98> what is your CPU ?
<RossWell98> it's possible to build totally android with i7 in 10min :/
<chadouming> i7 3930K
<chadouming> with 64GB ram
<RossWell98> xD
<RossWell98> what OS ?
<chadouming> arch linux
<RossWell98> virtual ?
<chadouming> nope
<RossWell98> You have a BIIIIG problem :(
<RossWell98> what kernel ?
<RossWell98> x86_64 ?
<RossWell98> or x86 PAE
<chadouming> x86_64
<RossWell98> mh
<RossWell98> I have a shitty Quad Core2 Q8200 and I build in 60min totally and 5-15min for an update
<RossWell98> OHHH IN OO
<RossWell98> chadouming, you use a CK kernel ?
<chadouming> build totally in 15 mins and build with ccache in ~8mins
<RossWell98> hehe :D
<RossWell98> You are slows by the analyze before build
<RossWell98> what FS ?
<RossWell98> don't use ext* ...
<RossWell98> CK is a big help for me ^^
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<chadouming> i'll try ck
<RossWell98> yes ^^
<RossWell98> chadouming, use repo-ck
<chadouming> eh, already added and instealled
<chadouming> installed*
<RossWell98> :D
<chadouming> rebooting as we write
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> and try to compile
<RossWell98> or not
<RossWell98> have you applied BFQ ?
<RossWell98> for your HDD
<chadouming> nope
<RossWell98> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Repo-ck#%20How%20to%20Enable%20the%20BFQ%20I/O%20Scheduler
<RossWell98> globally ;)
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<yaa_> is someone using the current CM10.1 on a SGS2? (i9100)
<jomp16> What are you doing?
<yaa_> I heared that CM freezes when the graphic chip is heavily used and that the camera crashes from time to time after making a picture
<yaa_> Can you guys confirm that?
<RossWell98> naver had this problem Oo
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<yaa_> RossWell98: do you have a SGS2?
<RossWell98> yes
<yaa_> and nothing is crashing?
<RossWell98> nope
<RossWell98> wait
<RossWell98> it's a update who do this?
<yaa_> In front of me is a rooted SGS2 with Philz firmware
<yaa_> I am searching for a good rom the whole day
<yaa_> I don#t know, I saw it in a comment with a date of one month ago
<yaa_> I can't decide between CM10.1, NEATROM and AOKP
<RossWell98> yaa_, you want a stable and good rom ?
<yaa_> yep
<RossWell98> try RootBox ^^
<yaa_> Do you know if there can be problems when I have the philz firmware?
<jomp16> Or use the stock...
<yaa_> I guess I should better flash this one first before I install CM10.1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1118693
<RossWell98> what is this "Philz firmware" ?
<yaa_> I just want to make sure that there are no annoying bugs
<RossWell98> rootbox ?
<RossWell98> never had a bug :/
<RossWell98> and for your firmware
<RossWell98> why ...
<yaa_> I never heared about rootbox
<RossWell98> T's just a SGS2 SGS3 rom
<RossWell98> It's*
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<chadouming> it's also on optimus G
<yaa_> Hm it looks good
<RossWell98> ah
<yaa_> btw. is there any "quick access" to the gallery after making a picture ?
<RossWell98> it's a trap dude ! :D
<chadouming> nop
<yaa_> like in the older camera app? there was a small gallery icon in the corner
<chadouming> swipe your finger
<RossWell98> chadouming, we can xD
<RossWell98> yes
<yaa_> trap?
<RossWell98> swipe :D
<RossWell98> got screwed too ... --"
<yaa_> so quick access is swiping the finger inside of the camera app?
<RossWell98> yes
<yaa_> outch ...
<RossWell98> x)
<yaa_> I already deleted ROMS because of that
<yaa_> -.-
<RossWell98> xD
<chadouming> what's wrong with that ?
<RossWell98> chadouming, so for the CK ? :D
<yaa_> Swiping is fine for me =)
<chadouming> RossWell98: building
<yaa_> but i didn't know that
<RossWell98> :)
<yaa_> so I thought that there is no quick access
<yaa_> last question: is it possible to hide apps in the App Drawer?
<chadouming> yes with trebuchet
<RossWell98> chadouming, use java 6 too, he speed up the build :)
<chadouming> already on java6
<yaa_> hm okay, just asking because I have CM9 on my tablet and there is no settings button for that purpose
<RossWell98> :)
<RossWell98> chadouming, http://rosswell98.myftp.org/ln.png << the last nightly for me
<chadouming> dafuq is that ugly font
<RossWell98> a font for terminal u.u
<chadouming> i am building on gcc 4.7 tho
<RossWell98> 4.8 me
<chadouming> goddammit i'm late
<RossWell98> yeah :)
<chadouming> i use cfx 4.7 tho
<RossWell98> cfx?
<RossWell98> ah you use an other toolchain :o
<chadouming> clean build,
<chadouming> real 15m28.762s
<chadouming> sys 2m32.723s
<chadouming> user 66m15.293s
<RossWell98> :D
<RossWell98> wtf
<RossWell98> it's good ^^
<chadouming> at least ccache is used
<chadouming> cache size 89.0 Gbytes
<chadouming> max cache size 100.0 Gbytes
<chadouming> xD
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<tomk84_> hey folks... how its going
<tomk84_> `
<RossWell98> ahhh
<RossWell98> your ccache O.O
<RossWell98> make a 10GB ccache
<RossWell98> you have old file and other shits :S
<RossWell98> chadouming, make a ccache -c
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<RossWell98> will just clear old files
<chadouming> no, i have multiple device
<RossWell98> yes but old files...
<RossWell98> useless :/
<chadouming> lol, dropped to 80GB
<RossWell98> :|
<RossWell98> wait
<chadouming> 2 * 3TB HDD
<RossWell98> you have a RAID for the ccache ? Oo
<chadouming> who care about space
<chadouming> not in raid 0
<RossWell98> :/
<RossWell98> a RAID XD
<chadouming> it's not only for ccache
<RossWell98> no kiding :|
<RossWell98> 6TB only for ccachez
<RossWell98> -z
<RossWell98> :|
<tomk84_> somebody here who knows howto update sgs3 with cyanogen 10.1 ...?
<tomk84_> possible with rommanager?
<chadouming> you already have cm10.1 on it ?
<tomk84_> nope...9.x
<RossWell98> :|
<RossWell98> wipe
<tomk84_> atm clockworkmod recovery is been flashing
<chadouming> simply install the lastest cm10.1 over it , install gapps
<chadouming> then reboot
<RossWell98> chadouming, He will have bugs
<chadouming> if you have problem, enter recovery, wipe data and reboot again
<RossWell98> problem with AOSP keybaord and other
<RossWell98> it's recommended to wipe
<chadouming> then wipe
<chadouming> make sure to do a backup before tho
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<tomk84_> ok... for explanation... i bought the sgs3 already with cynmod so I am not sure if the kernel is ok for cyn10
<tomk84_> my kernel is 3.0.15-CM-g026d5ce
<chadouming> the kernel is updated when you flash a rom
<tomk84_> ok... is it ok to make the backup over the rom-manager
<chadouming> better do it in recovery
<tomk84_> how to enter recovery mode?
<tomk84_> over rom-manager?
<tomk84_> thats amazing... how did you do that?
<tomk84_> :D
<tomk84_> i have the new rom on the internal flash... after wipe data... is the cyn rom still there??
<chadouming> wipe data only wipe apps and their information
<tomk84_> ok... wipe data / factory reset?? or wipe cache?
<chadouming> both
<chadouming> well, only data / factory reset is really needed
<chadouming> cache will get wiped if android detect it's obsolete
<tomk84_> ok... and whatabout the romimage
<tomk84_> when i wipe it to factory reset ... the rom will also be deleted?
<tomk84_> the zip file?
<chadouming> no, it's on the part of the memory that is storage
<chadouming> and not /data partition
<chadouming> so it won't be deleted by the wipe
<tomk84_> ah ok
<tomk84_> lets try
<tomk84_> do i need the gaps before or it can be installed after flashing
<chadouming> after flashing
<chadouming> always after the rom
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<yaa_> RossWell98: did you talk about Vanilla RootBox ?
<chadouming> yes he did
<RossWell98> yes
<tomk84_> the gapps are to install also in recovery mode?
<yaa_> yep
<tomk84_> fuck...after flashing there is a simlock on the phone... ououou
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<chadouming> #blameseller
<tomk84_> it tells me always Installation aborted by the gapps install
<chadouming> bad download ?
<chadouming> did you download gapps for 4.2.2 ?
<tomk84_> yes... the latest one!
<tomk84_> downloading it again
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<yaa_> haha I want to compare CM10.1 with Vanilla Rootbox and what happens? The Rootbox Page is offline =/
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<RossWell98> What is cm-10.1-staging ?
<chadouming> i suppose it's some sort of preparation for next android version
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<RossWell98> oh
<a3Dman> 4.3 is next week woot
<RossWell98> :O
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<RossWell98> again jellybean or other name?
<RossWell98> will be cm-10.2 no ?
<a3Dman> seems it well be jellybean
<a3Dman> build numbers start with J
<RossWell98> mhhh
<RossWell98> Will possible to run 5.0 in a dual core?
<chadouming> it's not 5.0
<chadouming> and we don't know enough about 5.0 to say tha
<chadouming> t
<RossWell98> yes
<RossWell98> I heard that 5.0 will can be run only in quadcores
<chadouming> yeah . . . like they said 4.0 could not run on device like GS1
<RossWell98> ahah xD
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<a3Dman> RossWell98: I don't think so, that would be pretty bad
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<RossWell98> Yes :/
<RossWell98> Maybe samsung touchwizz will lock versions to 4.2
<a3Dman> I like how the smartphone industry improved in such time
<RossWell98> :/
<a3Dman> when I play real racing 3, I'm like damn looks a lot better than pro street backthen xD
<RossWell98> wtf it's free to download ?
<a3Dman> yes
<RossWell98> 6.3MB ô.o
<RossWell98> extra download after... no ?
<a3Dman> all games will be free, seems like in-app purchasing is the hot deal now
<a3Dman> extra 1.19GB download
<RossWell98> :D
<RossWell98> my app memory will cry :D
<a3Dman> I didn't imagine that snapdragon s4 is that great with games
<RossWell98> the game ned high perfs ?
<RossWell98> need*
<a3Dman> what's your phone?
<RossWell98> SGS2
<a3Dman> didn't download it on my sgs2 before I sold it
<a3Dman> but it crashes with CM
<RossWell98> 10000-15000 in antutu is good enough for the game?
<a3Dman> not sure about antutu, the problem is mali drivers
<a3Dman> makes some games crash on sgs2, not sure if its fixed or not
<a3Dman> RossWell98: sell you sgs2 and get a nexus 4 :D
<a3Dman> it's pretty awesome
<RossWell98> I will have a Nexus 4
<RossWell98> But my SGS2 is so good ...
<a3Dman> you will like it
<RossWell98> battery, perfs ...
<a3Dman> I felt that about my sgs2
<a3Dman> but after using the nexus
<a3Dman> sgs2 is the shit
<RossWell98> I not use CM and not the CM kernel
<a3Dman> you use touchwiz?
<a3Dman> too bad for you then :P
<RossWell98> I use rootbox and siyah
<RossWell98> NOOOOO
<RossWell98> NEVER !
<a3Dman> nexus 4 >>>> sgs2
<a3Dman> in all aspects
<a3Dman> 16GB are not bad for me
<RossWell98> I love the Nexus 4
<RossWell98> but ...
<RossWell98> Me SGS2 works fine :D
<a3Dman> did you try the n4?
<codeworkx> sgs2 is old crap
<a3Dman> +1
<a3Dman> I can't believe how I sold it for 300$
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<RossWell98> with the CM kernel yes it's a old crap ...
<Jiangyi_> My 9100G's still going strong against my N4
<Jiangyi_> Except for the screen that is
<RossWell98> I910G ? :D
<RossWell98> I9100G*
<codeworkx> sgs2 is like 640x480 on a 19" monitor
<a3Dman> LOL
<pw> :D
<codeworkx> compared to current phones
<pw> ymmd
<Jiangyi_> I might have to do DPI hacks on it soon
<RossWell98> --"
<Jiangyi_> Everything's just so oversized :-|
<codeworkx> its low end
<Jiangyi_> Still fast though :-P
<a3Dman> exynos sucks, even quad exynos compared to krait
<Jiangyi_> OMAP ftw
<a3Dman> adreno >>> mali
<RossWell98> i9100 has good things, just for me :/
<a3Dman> etc
<codeworkx> i'm running sense
<codeworkx> this is no fake
<Jiangyi_> Eh, it's not that bad
<RossWell98> ô.o
<a3Dman> so it's less bloated than before?
<codeworkx> sense 5 is usable
<Jiangyi_> Except for the launcher, that's horrible
<a3Dman> sense on my friend's one v was epic lame and slow
<Jiangyi_> Especially that app drawer ._.
<codeworkx> new touchwiz is a step back
<codeworkx> TurdPiss
* RantingHuman like shis i9100 too
<a3Dman> yeah, specially that 16GB phone has 8.8GB
<codeworkx> xD
<codeworkx> Derpsung
<Jiangyi_> TW = 7GB
<a3Dman> the price of the sgs4 is insane here
<Jiangyi_> CM = 200MB
<Jiangyi_> wtf is the logic here?
<Jiangyi_> Oh my, RC1 out of the blue O_O
<a3Dman> yes
<Jiangyi_> Welp, this is bad
<nebkat> Jiangyi_: wat r u doin with 2 nixx
<a3Dman> why?
<RossWell98> for the N4 yes... awesome price for that is it :|
<nebkat> anyway do you have any bitcoins?
<Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Got to finish translations, but got a ton of schoolwork
<Jiangyi_> nebkat: I'm at school on webchat
<Jiangyi_> and no
<a3Dman> Jiangyi_: good luck then
<nebkat> a3Dman: wat about u
<a3Dman> nebkat: what
<a3Dman> ?
<nebkat> do you have any bitcoins
<a3Dman> I don't have enough of my country's coins to live.
<nebkat> BUT TEH BITZ
<a3Dman> why you want bitcoins
<Jiangyi_> codeworkx: If I want to make device tree changes for stable next week, do I send them to both cm-10.1 and cm-10.1-staging?
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<datagutt> [20:49:14] <Jiangyi_> a3Dman: Got to finish translations, but got a ton of schoolwork
<datagutt> wait
<datagutt> that makes no sense
<datagutt> :P
<a3Dman> yes
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<datagutt> [20:52:25] <+a3Dman> why you want bitcoins
<datagutt> investing
<datagutt> gettin rich
<datagutt> all that
<a3Dman> meh
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<waratte> I have my own fake currency to scam people off of.
<nebkat> waratte: BUT DO YOU HAVE BTC?
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<a3Dman> too bad
<waratte> D:
<waratte> We just reverse everything.
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<EgoElf> i sell bytecoins for 50$ each
<EgoElf> i call them bTC
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<nebkat> EgoElf: u should donate them to meh for all the hard work I do
<nebkat> managing this channel of fools
<waratte> I fool?
<nebkat> waratte: you dont talk much
<nebkat> cant tell
<nebkat> since you say you scam people, I assume you arent
<waratte> Cool, cool.
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<Luck3rHoch3> Hello guys :) Wanted to know if the camera in the latest release works without problems :) for the i9300
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<RossWell98> what is this camera story --'
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