Espenfjo changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: SAMSUNG CYANOGENMOD SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT | STATS AT
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<Thiagovfar> I've found something slower than adb pull/push: xz -9
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<jomp16> Thiagovfar, the xz compression?
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<jomp16> Creating a new IRC library for my new own bot will be hard
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<jomp16> I got something simplest ever (connect and join (hardcoded))
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<jomp16> Why? Because I think the ListenerAdapter of PircBotX is horrible
<jomp16> I want to pass the args without parsing at the plugin level
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<Grad> die instalation von cmod 10.1 hängt sich nach der sim-code eingaben auf. . die google services werden abgebrochen, es kommen andauernd "close" meldungen
<jomp16> nebkat, happy about this? (I know he's away)
<jomp16> Grad, english?
<Grad> after installing everything, after prompting mein sim-code, the googleservices crashes down
<Grad> i got error msg a lot
<Grad> i did a factory reset
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<Grad> i do not know what i can do ...
<Grad> everything is fine ... but after sim code acceess the services are crashing
<Grad> i know its late ..
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<Grad> jomp16: any idea?
<jomp16> no
<jomp16> you input the sim code and the google service crashes?
<Grad> jomp16: : correct. . in detail: the screen is black, on the top u can see the battery symbol and netstats, in the middle are the messages . . gooogle wizard is stopped and so on
<jomp16> hmm, google wizard only start at first boot (part of GApps) and after configuring the google wizard is disabled
<Grad> i guess so, its the first time wizard i guess ...
<Grad> i did the whole procedure again, 2 times.. and i use the "how to" from the thread codeworkx gevae me some hours ago
<jomp16> hmmm, I dunno
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<Grad> jomp16: thx 4 trying :)
<Grad> i think, maybe the botloader is not the correct on. . i will try to update this one and. . did it the 3rd time ...
<Grad> good night
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<jomp16> Hmmm, I have some good ideas for my new own bot (I think)
<waratte> Like what?
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<Grad> guten Morgen
<Grad> eventuell hat jemand noch den Log aus der letzten nacht und kann helfen?
<Grad> nach der installation von 10.1 und nach der eingaben vom SIM Code stürzen der GoogleEinrichtungsassistent ab services ab, "einrichtungsassistent wurde beendet",
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<Grad> der wurde beendet
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<Grad> ich habe den inst. Prozess schon zweimal nach anleitung wiederholt
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<Grad> Ich bin einfach ratlos, was ich noch machen kann. Kann ich irgendwie alles einfach runter machen und neu anfangen?
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<Grad> ich habe nun downgrade gemacht. . jetzt kann ich das telefon nutzen, nur: ich krieg keinen kontakt zum google-playstore., serverfehler, anwendung wird beendet.
<Grad> ich habe jetzt die letzte stable, cm9
<codeworkx> Grad: ich nehm an du hast die falschen gapps installiert
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<codeworkx> Grad: Installier CM10.1, flashe diese gapps, mache einen factory reset, reboote
<codeworkx> und alles wird gut
<codeworkx> hier kannst du auch sehen welche gapps für welche CM version sind:
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<Grad> ich hatte tatsächlich andere
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<cdesai> "Germans"
<Grad> codeworkx: ich hab grad pipi in den augen weil es endlich funzt. Ich widme dir die erste Tasse Kaffee! ... und ich hoffe, ich komme nicht so schnell wieder. Allen noch ein schönes restwochenende!
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<flexd> Uh, as I asked last night:
<flexd> Hi, I guess this might get a bit of an biased answer :-P, but is it worth installing cyanogenmod? I have a SGS2 running stock android 4.1.2, kernel 3.0.31-1156082
<flexd> I was recommended by some friends that I check it out, I do not have a microusb-cable at the moment anyway so I figured I would just read as much as possible :-)
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<Vodalex> hello, People! Is it possible to enlarge the size of the battery icon on cyanogenmod 10.1 on galaxy s2. If it is possible could somebody please give me an advice how to do it :)
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<flexd> Vodalex: Was it worth getting CM on your s2? Mine is stock still, considering it :-)
<flexd> and did it affect the battery life at all? It's not exactly fantastic anyway
<Vodalex> flexd - it is working absolutely fine. it it a little bit faster, no junk from samsung. few bugs, which can be ignored. i was using neatrom before an installed cyanogenmod recently. running fine
<Vodalex> battery life is similar to neatrom. i don't know how good the battery life on stock samsung rom is.. deep sleep is working perfectly as well
<Vodalex> yesterday i bought the swype keyboard with dragon speech recognition for just 0,99 dollar. really fantastic deal. I always used the swype and the new version runs very smooth
<Vodalex> gps is working also very good an i have a very quick gps fi on the s2 with cm 10.1
<Vodalex> flexd - just give it a try.. amazing work by cyanogenmod developers.. the only thing i want to adjust is the size of battery icon but it should't be a problem i will find out how it is done very soon :)
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<fruccas> !supported Samsung
<bbqbot> fruccas: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<fruccas> !changelog i9100
<bbqbot> fruccas: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<fruccas> Hi, I've recently flashed for the first time the latest CM10.1 nighlty on my i9100 and I've seen that USB via UMS speed is very very slow, is it a known issue?
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<xplodwild> fruccas: UMS is deprecated
<fruccas> didn't know
<fruccas> but using MTP, some files refused to transfer, don't know why. After some test I figured out why this happened. The trick was to rename these files, "20130424_161040.wav", had be rename it in "a.mp3", very strange behavior...maybe there's some problem with windows?
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<flexd> Vodalex: I guess, I'll have to get a cable then.. maybe after exams are done :-)
<flexd> I haven't got time to play with it anyway
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<Vodalex> flexd, go on an try it.
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<flexd> yeah I will, just after june 5th/when I get a cable :-)
<flexd> Last exam done then hehe
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<dazer17> Hi everyone. I have a small problem.I dont know which type of Cm 10.1 for Galaxy Tab 2 p3110 I should download-RC,nightlies,milostone, ?maybe any difrent rom for example cm9 or sungsonic?which is the best?thx
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<dontron> hi where can i see the changelog for the latest nightlys on the changelog page says nothing
<dontron> i have a p-1000
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<arendmogadi> asdf
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<Ragnarok> Hello, i recently installed cyanogen 10.1 and my service has been cut off. Ive looked around and it says to change your CDMA subscription from NV to RUIM/SIM, but my problem is that i cant find the place to change this, although it suppose to be under settings>more>mobile networks, but i cant find this option, does anyone have any solutions?
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Can anyone recomment a Camera with voice recognition? I am using 10.1 updated yesterday - i9300
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<DuKeTHeReaL> not asci cam :P
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<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: Works fine here
<DuKeTHeReaL> What works fine?
<DuKeTHeReaL> Asciicam? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> works here too
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: I mean default cam lol
<DuKeTHeReaL> but what normal camera works with voice recognition? or did I miss a function in the cm 10.1 standard cam?
<DuKeTHeReaL> Ah ok
<DuKeTHeReaL> how?
<Jiangyi> It's under the timer options on the lefthand side
<Jiangyi> The one with Cid's head
<DuKeTHeReaL> I have
<DuKeTHeReaL> Swith cameras
<DuKeTHeReaL> Clock (disabled)
<Jiangyi> Yes, the clock
<DuKeTHeReaL> AH!
<DuKeTHeReaL> there
<DuKeTHeReaL> thanks
<Jiangyi> It's actually timer :-P
<DuKeTHeReaL> nice
<DuKeTHeReaL> Did I mention I love cm :p
<DuKeTHeReaL> ok uhm
<DuKeTHeReaL> como se pronuncia cheese? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> how do you pronunce cheese? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> wie spricht man cheese aus? :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> sry learning spanish atm - when I think of pronunce I have to switch xD
<DuKeTHeReaL> or can I set the command anywhere?
<Jiangyi> DuKeTHeReaL: The words may change depending on your system language
<Jiangyi> Or it might not work at all in your system language, depending on what it is
<Jiangyi> I know it works for certain on French, English, and Simplified Chinese
<DuKeTHeReaL> Hm
<DuKeTHeReaL> If so I think it should work for german too :P
<DuKeTHeReaL> if not, this might be something I could fix
<DuKeTHeReaL> or I maybe just have to wait and always update daildy
<DuKeTHeReaL> xD
<DuKeTHeReaL> *daily
<DuKeTHeReaL> have to go
<DuKeTHeReaL> bb
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<n-iCe> hello guys, so people have told you are the guys who are working in the GT-I9300 CM builds? is this correct?
<codeworkx> maybe
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<n-iCe> Congrats
<n-iCe> You did all good now with the GT-I9300 couple a months ago it sucked hard, I even was using STOCK rom, since it was faster, smother and with a better performance
<n-iCe> Now today's buuild at least, is running awesome, video recording, camera, flash, screen lock, ALL is working just awesome.
<n-iCe> 200MB ram at boot, while STOCK was usign 500MB+
<n-iCe> Great job
<n-iCe> Did samsung gave you guys all the exynos 4 info you needed to make it work?
<Espenfjo> lol, no
<n-iCe> they did not? fuck them then
<n-iCe> how did you make it to run so well now?
<n-iCe> what changed?
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<codeworkx> n-iCe: seems we've wasted enough of our lifetime on it
<n-iCe> Well
<n-iCe> you rock
<n-iCe> Is there a way I could help?
<n-iCe> I'm Mexican, so spanish is my language, I'm not a programmer or something, but seems spanish translations are pretty well added and supported.
<Espenfjo> You could learn programming
<Espenfjo> Or learn another language :P
<Espenfjo> Or buy an Oppo as your next phone
<n-iCe> oppo?
<n-iCe> is that a phone? not sure is able in México
<Espenfjo> Worlds thinnest phone
<Espenfjo> Oppo Find 5
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<n-iCe> sadly I like huge screens
<n-iCe> oh thinnest
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: how thin?
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> 8.9
<codeworkx> lol
<codeworkx> xz is 7.9
<Espenfjo> thats not thinnest any more
<Espenfjo> yeah
<codeworkx> xtz is 6.9
<Espenfjo> hm.. 8.9 cant be right
<codeworkx> 6.9 mm tablet!!!!!!
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<n-iCe> codeworkx: where can I read that the developer options do?
<n-iCe> kill app back button, it kill the whole proccees running in a app when I keep pressing the back button? if so, why after "kill it" if I show procceses it is still there, and I need to slide it out to remove it?
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<jomp16> nebkat, happy?
<nebkat> jomp16: hey
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<DuKeTHeReaL> Does anyone know what the stereovideo experimental can do?
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<Leavism> hello?
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