the backend is done, just need to make the rendering scale the Y axis correctly
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JON77
[scopehal] azonenberg 4965092 - Changed log messages from debug to trace verbosity
Guest139081 is now known as JJJollyjim
[scopehal-apps] geekyjoyce72 forked the repository - https://git.io/JONbR
[scopehal] geekyjoyce72 forked the repository - https://git.io/JONbR
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JONxK
[scopehal] azonenberg 79945fb - SpectrogramFilter: made both upper and lower limits configurable
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±8] https://git.io/JONxX
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 8c860b9 - Initial implementation of spectrogram rendering. Correctly scaled for X axis, haven't touched Y yet.
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 12e15b3 - Initial rendering of spectrograms is finished
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JONjx
[scopehal] azonenberg 71e9c15 - Added some more FFT sizes to SpectrogramFilter
My immediate use case is side channel analysis stuff but it could be useful for correlating EMI or power rail noise to circuit behavior too
<mubes> Very very nice!
I'm already finding side channel leakage on a board for work with it but sadly can't share those plots
Using one of my 4 GHz differential probes because the dedicated power rail probe hasn't arrived yet
luckily this rail is low enough voltage it's within the dynamic range of this probe. If it was a 3.3V rail this stunt wouldn't work
We also need horizontal cursors to make it easier to find the exact frequency of a peak
that's been on the wishlist for ages and this is the first time i've really wanted them for my own use :p
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JOAqa
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azonenberg: i am surrprised side channel is still a thing
in classical physics there isn't anything you can do to get rid of them, only make it increasingly more difficult
well true, but in memcmp/strcmp timing you can and yet thats still a thing >_<
azonenberg: very pretty :)
azonenberg: did anyone look at support for other pico series for the bridge? I guess not?
Not yet. I will be looking into that once i've finished 6000 series
i have some stability improvements to make
I have one more week of academic fires and then I have a month blocked off as vacation.
then some refactoring of the code to try and clean it up for easier addition of more models
but looking at it and already thinking I'd want to refactor all the shared code out.
That was always the polan
i wanted to get it working first
ok. cool.
then clean it up
refactoring before i have it debugged is just asking for trouble
right, my bridge was very much the same :)
This bridge works and is fast though
i've pushed 2.5 Gbps of waveform data over it
so presumably I can just fold that code in
Yeah. Pico is definitely interested in support for more devices
And we have people on the github asking for several in particular
well, I also have a pico adc-212/100 here, parallel port and all
maybe let's skip thaaaat
Anyway, i'll try and find some time this week to spend on the 6000 series driver debugging
i'm horribly busy right now so no promises :p
sure, this week remains a lost cause for me anyhow
well i meant to have it ready for you to do stuff next week if you were available
I've been doing a ton of glscopeclient dev, but it's all been stuff i needed for work
that's the way to stay motivated
if you're not actively depending on the 6000 support then don't think it's worth doing, I will see if I have the energy next week and ping you if I really have qus :)
Well i wanted to clear 6000 series from my plate soonish so i can show pico something for the free scope they sent me
the APIs for the different scopes are not that far from each other anyway
Also digilent sent me an analog discovery, an ad pro, and a digital discovery
and i wanted to get the pico driver somewhat usable before turning my focus to that
so many scopes, so little time lol
you're even using the same scale constant (0x7f00 / 32512) as my 3000-series code
you're missing the most important step though: ps3000aFlashLed(g_picoHandle, 2); /* say hello */
If we can sed the code from 6000 to 3000 that would be lovely :p
it's not quite that convenient but it's not too far off that!
and my prototype hack was using the fancier trigger API, not the simple trigger
I suspect that will differ a lot more
yeah i will definitely be doing improvements to triggering
i have some bugs i need to fix around that actually
random crashes etc wher the instrument reports failure to trigger or something
but my motivation is mostly that .. the pico software is not very good :)
so good glscopeclient support would make a lot of sense for everyone
and you had no problems using polling? for some reason I was using a callback
anyway yes it looks very much similar enough to 3000
Aaah, I can't wait for the Rigol FW update
callbacks actually caused more problems
as they're not thread safe
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* GenTooMan
fires of tar to clean things up.
xzcvczx, sic et non it says "Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC" on the order from Amazon likely it was the Siglent store.
What kinda Balun should I use for 50 Ohm single ended to 100 Ohm differential? I think it should be 1:1.4 but that ratio seems seldom
GenTooMan: ah ok, thank you
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not sure if that helped you much but Amazon tries to obfuscate things a bit too much at times.
but i thought amazon was like hte perfect corporate citizen
xzcvczx, I'm not sure what that would be, but if they are the world is in dire straights.
</s> :P
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #322: Increase minimum threshold for dragging channels - https://git.io/JOjoK
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/J3eCB
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 38fd845 - WaveformArea: if the cursor never leaves the channel infobox, don't register motion as a drag event. Fixes #322.