miek: ooh, looks like a good starting point
although if i were to build one, i'd be designing it for multi GHz bandwidth
i'd want something competitive with the lecroy/tek options
yeah, i really like how it walks through all the design decisions and reasoning. i figure it shouldn't be too hard to adapt for higher BW and it might already be better (the author didn't have the kit to test too high)
i would also redesign the power stage for our usb-pd interface
those AAs are massive
the board would probably be 1/4 the size
and have SMA input/output rather than BNC
Can you file a ticket on the starshipraider repo for a power rail probe design?
link to that, the TSP teardown of the tek one, the lecroy rp4030, and any other resources you can find
Hopefully i can find some time this weekend to look at the current status of the PD board and figure out what needs to be done
as of now i have one assembled board @david.lenfesty sent me and one bare board that needs to be populated
the parts are likely to be hard to find though
(yay semiconductor shortage)
[starshipraider] miek opened issue #6: Design a power rail probe - https://git.io/JOBsh
noopwafel: ping
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JOBrJ
might try making a quick version of that too, though probably replace the AAs with a regular USB input or something off the scope front panel
wonder if there's any mileage to be had in amplifying the AC path to overcome scope frontend noise?
I guess just being 50r output would help a bunch.
would be nice to have my scope control the offset and so forth but seems like a lot of work to just mechanically interface, let alone the i2c or whatever protocol
hurry up and release your entire ecosystem please azonenberg :P
hurry up and get me some more minions then
and make this chip shortage go away
i may be digging through the firmware on my scope to see if i could do offset control from it right now :)
urgh this chip shortage is extremely boring
really "enjoying" trying to predict what chips we might want for the next 12m, finding replacements/new suppliers for most of them already out of stock, then sitting like a dragon on a stupid hoard of some particular dcdc converter
miek: oh, cool, which scope?
from tsp's teardown of the keysight one it really doesn't look like it should be all that complex, but figuring it out without a probe to RE seems much trickier, I guess the scope fw is a good starting point
agg: an agilent mso6034a
and if I had an n7020a I wouldn't need to make one, heh
agg: yeah i just scored all of the HMCAD1520s I'd need to prototype a single ZENNECK channel
i have a couple of artix7s left over from another project
But the rest of the frontend is going to need more work still
mine's a bit too old to support the n7020a though, so i don't know if i can persuade it to control an offset like that
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JOBDI
[scopehal] azonenberg 0a5b905 - eSPI: Added decode for channel 2 capabilities register. See #407.
Ah yes, though in that case the linked design probably doesnt work at all
and *especially* for anything within the loop bandwidth of the power supply, you want fairly high loading
I mean it has 100 nF and 10 ohm to 50 ohm scope...
Hm, for switching regulators you probably won't get problems with that unless you have like quite high / several nF capacitance... (though linear ones could be a problem)
Before we do anything else I want to do a VNA sweep of the RP4030 I ordered and see what shakes out
How come it has 1.2 x attenuation? I saw that mentioned on the other page too, is there a specific reason for that value?
That I'm not sure of
Hmm, I wonder how good the circuitcellar probe is
Good question. The guy who designed it couldn't test past 100 MHz
If somebody wants to build one off his design, i could run some VNA testing on it
I mean its similar to how I'd design it if I want a cheap probe which measures noise on a DC rail
although i dont have the time to pick out parts and order it etc
Hmm, maybe
if one shows up in my mailbox i'll measure and mail back
A bit of a problem seems to be compensation because there's going to be a dip or peak somewhere
(I once tried designing something similar in ltspice for an isolated probe)
keysight's been a bit misleading, on their site they say 1:1 but it's actually 1.1:1 for the 2GHz probe, 1.3:1 for the 6GHz
(Where you split DC and AC paths)
Yeah, i suspect we will need to do some de-embedding to get good results with it
this is what the real vendor probes do
Do they give you s2p data to deembed?
They apply unspecified correction filters to flatten response
it's done automagically
Ah, thats what the extra pins are for?
details of implementation are unknown AFAIK
Hm, how much dB of dip would be acceptable?
The probus interface provides +/- 12V power, a presence detect signal, ground, and I2C
in all active probes, the I2C gives access to a descriptor EEPROM that identifies the probe model, serial number, etc. Some of this eeprom format has been RE'd
I mean it could just read out a flash over I2C... (Well I don't have one to disassemble xD)
additionally, some probes also have other I2C functionality for things like gain or offset adjustment
e.g. the RP4030 has a... 30V, I think, offset range
i assume this is an i2c dac somewhere
Oh, that TSP video seems pretty near to the circuitcellar circuit
the pricing on these is crazy to me. i get that it takes a bunch of design time, but for what's inside the n7020a $3.5k is absurd
Higher end WaveLink probes are individually calibrated and and some form of the frontend response is stored on the probe somehow
Unsure if s-parameters or something simpler like FIR filter coefficients
Hmm, maybe s2p and scope converts to FIR coefficients depending on the frontend?
miek: and this is why i'm trying to design better probes lol
I could get like 3.5 rigols for that
degi: no, i think it's more likely they VNA the probe in the factory
then make a FIR filter with the inverse response
and store the tap values on the probe eeprom
I mean that'd work too
correction for scope frontend performance is done separately inside the scope
Maybe it can be reverse engineered by making a custom probe and then changing stuff in the EEPROM lol
There has been some RE of the probus eeproms already
I just havent had time to look at what's known
hm okay
How come they have 50 kOhm? To keep noise low?
to avoid putting any significant load on the supply
I mean why not use like 50 GOhm?
(Or 1-10 MOhm like usual probes / multimeters)
(Also if you used higher resistances you could use higher voltages)
That's quite an FPGA board at 18:30
azonenberg, is 6 dB attenuation with 1 dB ripple good enough?
(from 5 to 7 dB)
Maybe? i mean i'd prefer flatter
Got to 5.7-6.8 dB
Kinda hard
hm, i think the HRA marking on the opamps in the teardown points at the AD8065
But needs 470 nF cap which might be hard to get
(I guess you can combine film cap and SMD cap)
i guess it's a good way to get a precision reference to the end of a probe while avoiding issues with noise or contact/lead resistance & keeps the expensive parts in the scope
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miek: well the RP4030 is a box that mates with a probus interface and has a SMA input
from what the drawings show
it looks like the N7020A is similar
now you know what's *really* interesting? the bandwidth of the various RP4030 accessories
So it looks like the probe itself has a SMA input but it comes with a SMA-MCX cable
They have short lengths of coax with MCX terminations on the end that are intended to be soldered directly to the DUT
that, and a MCX cable on the DUT, give full 4 GHz BW
the U.FL adapter only goes to 3
and - this is the interesting part
the handheld browser is only 350 MHz
what i find interesting is that the browser is actually a PP066 7.5 GHz transmission line probe
but with a straight-through wire instead of a resistor