[scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #166: 8b/10b decode: allow display of Dx.x characters and Kx.x characters independently as dotted or hex form - https://git.io/JJvP4
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So i'm trying to figure out how to handle logic analyzer inputs in glscopeclient
more specifically, setting threshold and hysteresis
at the scopehal API level it's fairly straightforward
but UI wise, it's less trivial. in particular, there are a couple of different cases that need to be handled
(pinging lain, monochroma, sorear, pepijndevos for thoughts?)
The first thing is, hysteresis and threshold may or may not be configurable
an FPGA ILA does not allow you to set either
MEAD allows setting the threshold but has fixed hysteresis
The LeCroy MSO probe lets you configure both
so i have an API to query if hysteresis and threshold are configurable. At the moment, this is a global on/off setting for a given Oscilloscope and so there's no way to represent instruments in which some channels are variable and some are fixed
But the plan is to either hide or gray out the hysteresis and threshold selectors if the instrument in question does not support changing them
The bigger issue is handling banking
Right now I have a function GetDigitalBanks() that returns a vector<DigitalBank>
where a DigitalBank is a vector<OscilloscopeChannel*>
and another function GetDigitalBank(channel) that gets the bank a given channel is in
So the question is how do we want to present this UI wise? the two obvious options are to create a new global dialog somewhere for setting LA properties on a scope
or to have it show up under channel properties for each input
in the latter case do we want to provide any kind of batching capability for simultaneously setting properties on a range of channels?
in something ilke MAXWELL with 96 channels having to configure each one by hand would be awkward compared to being able to pick say 8 of them on a single bus and set them simultaneously
maybe a dialog where you have one set of controls and a multi-select list box for channels or something? :s
so you can batch-edit
I feel like it makes sense to have it be under channel properties
or maybe from the main UI you could have a context menu "apply to all channels on this instrument"
yeah but "all channels" is usually not what you want
hrm true
very often i'm mixing standards on different probes
"copy settings to other channels" and then a channel multi-selectable listbox?
hmm that could work
I figure i'll start with the channel properties and then see how that works?
* lain
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±5] https://git.io/JUWcQ
[scopehal] azonenberg eb1a522 - LeCroyOscilloscope: Implemented read-only access to LA thresholds and hysteresis
blue = circuit theory simulation of the design w/ ideal transmission lines and no conductor loss
pink = going from 200-200-50 to 200-100-100-50 at same spacing
cyan = going from 0.6 to 0.7mm of line between the resistor elements (including mounting pads, this translates to 0.1 -> 0.2 mm between resistor bodies)
black = going to 0.8mm of line between them
you can see it shifts the peak left and down each time
amazing how much of a difference 0.1mm of spacing makes