azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
azonenberg_mobil has joined #scopehal
<bluezinc_> azonenberg_mobil: ok, so it's building.
<bluezinc_> is there any way to launch it w/o having a scope attached?
<azonenberg_mobil> you can run it with no args. behavior in that case is undefined but it probably shouldn't crash
<azonenberg_mobil> didn't last time i checked. long term plan is to display a connection dialog for you to select a scope, file, or simulated signal source
<azonenberg_mobil> note that the glscopeclient binary has to be launched from src/glscopeclient to find shaders etc
<bluezinc_> oh, ok.
<bluezinc_> that works better
<azonenberg_mobil> theres a hard coded chdir for my system but it needs a proper implementation eventually
<azonenberg_mobil> so did you get it built and running with no scope?
<azonenberg_mobil> also you can use standard liblogtools args to increase verbosity
<azonenberg_mobil> so --verbose, --debug, --trace class[::function]
<bluezinc_> I've got a window up in front of me.
<bluezinc_> so yes.
<bluezinc_> now I've got to code up a dummy scope to connect to
<azonenberg_mobil> awesome. you have a plan for proceeding now?
<azonenberg_mobil> should be pretty self-explanatory i think. new Oscilloscope derived class plus code in glscopeclient/main.cpp to instantiate
<azonenberg_mobil> also if there isn't already, can you file an issue against libscopehal for the mock scope? so we can track progress
azonenberg_mobil has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
<bluezinc_> ok, how do I actually add new files to the build?
<bluezinc_> I've written something resembling a first attempt at the mock scope, but how I'm supposed to tell cmake to build+link against this code is greek to me.
_whitelogger has joined #scopehal
<bluezinc_> especially since it seems like this is exactly the problem cmake is supposed to solve...
<monochroma> quick looksee, seems like you just add the source to the CMakeList.txt in the directory it's in? (or is it a new directory?)
<bluezinc_> ok, so now I'm not sure how this code even builds in the first place...
<bluezinc_> ok, this is starting to make sense again now.
<bluezinc_> I just don't write C++ nearly as much as I used to.
<Error_404> assuming it hasn't bitrotted too much yet, diff the cmakelists in the Siglent-WIP branch