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<azonenberg> ooooh i am liking this
<azonenberg> lain: so, the version of my probe that i sent to fab, plus a 1pF compensation cap to ground after the five resistors, is flat to +/- 1 dB out to about 4.5 GHz
<azonenberg> oops
<azonenberg> just the tiniest bit of a ring on the rising edge, and the frequency plot rolls off smoothly out to 10 GHz without any weird spikes
<azonenberg> If (big if) this model is accurate, this is going to be a *very* nice probe
<sorear> not sure I've seen that symbol for a transmission line before
<azonenberg> That's what qucs uses
<azonenberg> Having the five resistors seems to greatly damp the resonances i was getting with one since the impedance change isn't a sudden step
<azonenberg> i also attempted to model the impedance of the probe tip and mid-span probing on the DUT
<azonenberg> So we'll see if reality matches in 2 weeks or so
<azonenberg> Flat to +/- 0.25 dB from DC to 2 GHz, and +/- 1 dB out to 4.5 GHz would be really nice if it works
<lain> nice
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<azonenberg_work> early tests suggest a pair of these should work nicely as a compensation cap rather than using a discrete MLCC
<azonenberg_work> lain: ^
<lain> :o
<azonenberg> welp, it's official the new probe design is using rf black magic :p
<monochroma> :D
<azonenberg> Just two 500 fF caps
<azonenberg> (first time i've used that unit in a schematic lol)
<lain> :D