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any thoughts on how to do something like folder organization for grains? I'm considering doing a folder-layout link organizer as a meteor starter app, but it occurs to me that this is probably something that'd work better in sandstorm proper.
a lot of people seem to prefer the notion of "tags" over the notion of "folders"
Tags are pretty useful in general, but there are times when the hierarchical structure of folders comes in handy. Specifically I've seen a use case recently of an org using folders of documents in Google Drive to implement a wiki.
The ability to do something like that in Sandstorm would probably reduce friction for them moving to it.
(yeah we have a couple wiki apps, but afaik none of them provide real-time editing as smooth as etherpad's for instance)
we're working on an idea of a "collections" app
a grain would store references to other grains
one that that's not quite clear to me yet is the question of when does it make sense for a grain to appear on the main list
one major use case of the collections app is to allow sharing of a bunch of grains to a group of people
i wonder if the grain list ought not to be the user's main entry point
"show me a list of all the grains i own" maybe ought to be buried somewhere that's easy to find if you look for it but not the first thing you encounter
the first thing you encounter maybe should ought to be a collection grain or a configurable root grain
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I'm getting 'Upload failed: Unauthorized [403]' when trying to restore one particular (largish) grain. Any ideas?
rolig: on Oasis or some other server?
some other
Do you have a reverse proxy like nginx set up in front of the Sandstorm server?
does it work to restore smaller grains?
also the grain is from a different sandstorm server originally
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jparyani: I'm getting a 401 when I try to set up tinytinyrss on my phone
is there something in particular I should be putting in for "the username of your Tiny Riny RSS account"
nope, anything should work
or "The password of you TinyTiny Rss account"?
password should be the webkey I believe
this is separate from the http-authentication settings
which is where I put the webkey
ah ok, put nothing there
actually, I put the webkey in both password fields
ya dont do that
OMG it worked
haha nice
but ya, it needs clearer instructions it seems
ill rewrite and add an offer template to boot
it was really annoying to have to select just the token part of the URL
i ended up pasting into a mail compose field
so that I would have a good selection cursor
offer template should solve this problem
dwrensha, for the record no error restoring the same grain to oasis =/
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rolig: how large is the zip file?
that's large for me - it takes like 2 hours to upload
does it also take 2 hours on Oasis?
yeah i just have a slow connection
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rolig: how many times have you tried, and has it been the same error each time?
three or four, and yeah same 403 error. right now I've logged out all other sessions, unlinked my google account, freshly logged in, trying again
maybe worth noting that the first time i didn't have the app i was restoring installed, and still got the 403
i tried that on oasis and got 550 - install the app first or something
err 500*
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rolig: I was able to reproduce your error!
Also rolig you said you were experiencing the big red wildcard host warning?
zarvox: My current intuition (your opinion requested) is that "Perform a self-test" should be an opt-in action, and that it should eventually grow a home in "New admin". +1/-1/discuss-later ?
That doesn't have to be part of the work toward "Ship new admin" since it's a new feature, but I thought I'd see what you think.
asheesh: I think the primary value comes in catching the misconfiguration before you get too far down the rabbit hole, so I'd rather see it *earlier*, like in the setup wizard.
Also I suspect that it should happen automatically.
The idea of the setup wizard is that you can't think you have a functional setup when you in fact don't, and the wildcardhost checks sound like they totally fit in there.
It is a bit sad that if we block you earlier, you can't fix your wildcard DNS later, especially if you have to wait for DNS propagation delays or something.
So maybe it should remain advisory rather than mandatory. But basically, if you don't have a wildcardhost, you don't have any working apps, so...there's a limit to how much you can actually use the server.
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I would be +1 on automatic checks in setup, and +1 on invokable checks somewhere in new-admin.
I like that a lot.
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asheesh, yep getting the wildcard error but not actually having problems
zarvox: can you release a new version of the test app?
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Mitar: I can, but I would like to first rename the method you added to something like `showConnections` or something hinting at a connection graph more broadly, since as we move forward with powerbox things, the audit view will also include which grains we import capabilities from, which grains we export capabilities to, etc.
as you want
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you can merge into the test app and change it there
and I can give you permissions on my fork to just edit in the branch
or you can merge in and then edit
in general, I think I cannot contribute much here because those details you know the best
I am also looking into your JSCS issues, FWIW