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<fowl> you should use the values_at method imo
<robacarp> if thats right, set up an array to stick your numbers in, and pass that array in with the * oprator
<fowl> you could replace with Hash[[:device, :path, :fstype, :options].zip line.split.values_at(...)] tho
<mfridh> fowl: yeah I saw that example somewhere... wanted it slightly clearer to me on two lines instead
<robacarp> mfridh: I'll write you an example of what I was thinking
<mfridh> awesome
<mfridh> i guess to avoid the array thing I could do an each {|line| line.chomp!; return line if line.include? dcetl} ... ?
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<robacarp> okay, so its not tested
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<robacarp> and I think it could benefit from that hash syntax fowl posted, or something like it
<robacarp> but thats what I was talking about
<fowl> the beauty of the Hash[zip stuff is its just one expression instread of creating 4 locals
<robacarp> yea, exactly
<robacarp> I don't know the syntax for that off the top of my head though, I'll leave that to you :)
<mfridh> thanks alot
<mfridh> kid woke up. ugh..
<robacarp> mfridh: yea, np, does the locations variable make sense?
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<mfridh> robacarp: sure looks cleaner
<robacarp> hah, yea, but if it doesn't make sense its of no benefit!
<mfridh> I think it's only the * operator I'm not getting... the passing of *locations to values_at
<robacarp> yea, thats called the splat operator, and when you know what its called it comes up in google
<mfridh> vaguely remember splat from Programming Ruby :D
<fowl> you can define to_a on your objects to use it
<robacarp> yea, its one of those things you don't really realize what its good for until you use it
<mbriggs> splat means "turn the array into an argument list" or "suck up all the rest of the args into an array" depending on if you call it in a method definition or a method call
<fowl> class String; def to_a() split('') end end; puts *'hi there'
<otters> splat causes implicit to_a?
<otters> omg
<fowl> lol
<mfridh> mbriggs: aha, it's reverse from using splat in a method(foo, *splat)
<mbriggs> it means if you have def foo(arg1, arg2, arg3)
<mfridh> thanks
<mbriggs> and you do foo(*[1,2,3])
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<mbriggs> then it will pass 1 to arg1, 2 as arg2 and 3 as arg 3
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<mbriggs> mfridh: pretty much :) its kind of weird how it works like that
<otters> is splat context-sensitive?
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<mfridh> so, let's say I want to only return the first match, not all matches in an array
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<otters> I mean, the syntax of it
<otters> it appears so
<mfridh> best to use each line or is there something fancier?
<robacarp> otters: yes
<otters> bah
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<robacarp> otters: ...why
<otters> no real reason, just curious
<robacarp> sounds suspicious
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<otters> because (*[1,2]) on its own is a parse error
<robacarp> yea, its got to be in a method call or parameter list i bet
<fowl> otters, that would be a magical concept called an argument list, not really ruby until you do something like a, b = *[1,2]
<mbriggs> (1,2) is also a syntax error
<otters> yeah
<otters> the more you know
<mbriggs> haha
<otters> I was kinda curious what the type of a splatted expression was
<fowl> it has to return an array
<mbriggs> it usually only gets useful when you are doing meta-programming stuff, which isn't usually an everyday thing
<fowl> otherwise you'll get errors
<otters> riht
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<otters> *right
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<robacarp> metaprogramming makes me uncomfortable.
<otters> metaprogramming is fun
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<otters> and there is no better place to do it than ruby
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<robacarp> mainly because when I go back and look at what I've done I wish to reach back in time and beat myself for being so selfish
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<mbriggs> haha
<mbriggs> its more like "If i write these 20 lines of mind rendingly complex code, these 200 lines get way more simple"
<robacarp> yep.
<otters> "but if I come back in three months, I will have no idea what's going on"
<mbriggs> yeah
<mbriggs> pretty much
<otters> someday I think I will start actually making and storing flow control diagrams or something for my projects
<otters> because the "in-memory" approach to design can't work forever
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<robacarp> good god the blind leading the blind over in #rubyonrails
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<indeterminate> hm?
<yhctim> hey guys - reaching out for a little perspective here. been working on a startup small business w a friend - we've been looking for a web dev company and finding quotes coming in super high - wondering, generally speaking if $40,000 is an unreasonable budget for a rubys project? we're looking to build a custom app for hospitality industry, cms, database, ecommerce functionality to be vague.... any opinions? PM me if you can,
<yhctim> thanks!
<otters> sounds good to me
<fowl> the fuck
<robacarp> yhctim: I'll take your $40k, but I don't want to build you anything.
<fowl> do your focus group somewhere else
<indeterminate> must not be in the states.
<otters> depends on the project, I'd say
<otters> personally $35k is my base rate for everything
<indeterminate> otters: portfolio link?
<lewis1711> how do I write good tests? i have an empty test case all set up and I have no clue what I am actually testing for. ie do I test that when i give something invalid input it fails the way i think I should? Do I test different ways of constructing the object? links or book recommendations welcome.
<otters> well, I was being facetious
<yhctim> i am not doing a focus group, asking for an opinion from knowledgeable people as i am not - if you're disinterested in responding, no harm no foul :)
<otters> the next thing I was going to say was "need your printer fixed? cough it up"
<otters> but you beat me to the punch
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<robacarp> lewis1711: yes, you should test those things
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<mbriggs> lewis1711: start by testing the "happy path"
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<mbriggs> lewis1711: meaning "If i give it something like it expects, i assert it gives me back the right thing"
<mbriggs> lewis1711: follow that by testing more corner cases "If i give it something it might get, it should handle it by doing this other thing"
<mbriggs> lewis1711: and then finally, make sure you cover failing cases that you handle "If i pass this thing nil, it should die gracefully"
<lewis1711> mbriggs: thanks, at the websitenow
<indeterminate> define gracefully
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<lewis1711> oh my mistake... happy path is a general concept
<mbriggs> however you handle the nil
<mbriggs> yeah
<lewis1711> I see what you're saying now. normal behaviour first, then test it goes wrong how you want it to
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<neohunter> Twitter Gem, how i can know if my proved tokens are valid or not?
<mbriggs> i would say check out "Test Driven development by example" by kent beck
<mbriggs> it is a sort of "from the ground up" type book
<mfridh> I think I got the Hash[.zip] thing under control... but I'm on ruby 1.8.5 here and there. seems it needs 1.8.7
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<fowl> mfridh, upgrade
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<fowl> being on 1.8.5 in 2012 is pretty ridic
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<yhctim> hey guys - reaching out for a little perspective here. been working on a startup small business w a friend - we've been looking for a web dev company and finding quotes coming in super high - wondering, generally speaking if $40,000 is an unreasonable budget for a rubys project? we're looking to build a custom app for hospitality industry, cms, database, ecommerce functionality to be vague.... any opinions? PM me if you can,
<yhctim> thanks!
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<lewis1711_> mbriggs: thanks for the recommendation. will check out that TDD book. connection is useless however so I'm off
<senthil> mbriggs: which TDD book?
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<mbriggs> senthil: lewis1711_ was asking basic questions on testing, so i recommend Test Driven Design By Example by kent beck
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<senthil> mbriggs: ah, thx
<mfridh> fowl, robacarp: result - http://pastie.org/3695036
<senthil> mbriggs: how is that compared to Growing Object-Oriented Software?
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<mbriggs> senthil: tdd by example is beginner stuff
<mbriggs> senthil: i would say growing object oriented software is more advanced
<mbriggs> much more
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<senthil> mbriggs: been meaning to start that one
<mbriggs> if you are looking for material though, i would recommend gary bernhardts destroy all software screencasts
<mbriggs> 10$/mo for a subscription, but awesome content on testing and object oriented design
<senthil> mbriggs: yea, those are good, was subscribed a while back
<senthil> mbriggs: have you seen this peepcode play by play? totally revamped my vim/zsh after that
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<mbriggs> senthil: yeah, the dude is awesome
<mbriggs> senthil: my favorite play by play so far by a decent amount
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<vju> newb question: looking at the code here http://tryruby.org/levels/6/challenges/4, are h1 and link some kind of special attribute syntax for a block or are they just methods?
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<Veejay> vju: They're most likely helper methods that generate respectively <h1>My Links</h1> and <a href="..">...</a>
<vju> ah
<Trumma> methods yeah
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<vju> so if I wanted to learn more about how to do that, what should I google? helper methods?
<mbriggs> vju: they are playing games with scope there
<robert_> is there some way I can combine while and unless?
<vju> I see
<mbriggs> what it probably is
<mbriggs> is they are capturing the block of code as a proc
<mbriggs> and then passing it to instance_eval of some other object
<mbriggs> which is kind of advanced stuff
<mbriggs> but you can use it to make really pretty apis like that in ruby
<vju> ah ok
<vju> I'm seeing it used a lot in chef, so I was wondering if it was just some native feature of ruby
<senthil> mbriggs: mine too, close second is one by zed shaw
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<denysonique> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53FdCEVplI&feature=youtu.be -- this 16 second video demonstrates a simple app which I have written in Ruby -- It takes a screenshot and immediately uploads it to a server. Share your screen easily and conveniently
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<senthil> denysonique: what text editor are you using?
<denysonique> senthil: I use Vim
<swittenkamp> hello, I have a Linux box with two versions of sqlite installed. One is system sqlite, other is custom installation under /opt. I'm compiling a rubygem and trying to link it against the custom installation. Installation goes well, nothing blows up. However, at runtime, it appears that my .so file is pointing to the system's shared sqlite installation. Any ideas on how to resolve?
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<senthil> denysonique: ah
<Boohbah> swittenkamp: change rubygem compile prefix to point to /opt
<swittenkamp> Boohbah: I have done that and still no dice
<swittenkamp> Boohbah: I pass --with-sqlite3-dir=/opt/sqlite-36
<swittenkamp> where /opt/sqlite-36 is my custom sqlite
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<paniwani> what's the correct approach to split up a class's method across multiple files?
<paniwani> methods*
<Boohbah> swittenkamp: can you pastebin the compile output?
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<swittenkamp> Boohbah: there's nothing to paste because it succeeds; my issue is that when I load up 'rails console' it explodes saying that it doesn't understand the .so - and if I run ldd on that .so file it's pointing to the wrong place
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* robert_ un-explodes swittenkamp's rails. :D
<swittenkamp> robert_: I wish it were so.
<robert_> yeah
<robert_> sucks for me, because I need to get rails stuff done
<robert_> and I'm stuck writing tcp/ip stuff :/
<mbriggs`> can you use anything other then sqlite?
<swittenkamp> robert_: oof, crazy
<swittenkamp> mbriggs: no, it's an existing application that I am supporting, I can't change it
<robert_> swittenkamp: indeed. what's your rails stuff?
<robert_> ohh. fun.
<swittenkamp> the app itself is actually very well done
<denysonique> RubyPanther: hey
<mbriggs> ouch
<denysonique> RubyPanther: this is the answer I was looking for (;
<swittenkamp> it's just the building process that isn't going so well
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<swittenkamp> we upgraded to ruby 1.9 and had to upgrade sqlite as well
<robert_> swittenkamp: home-grown, or..?
<swittenkamp> predictable shaving of yak ensues.
<robert_> aha.
<RubyPanther> I'm not convinced, but I'm glad you found what you were looking for.
<swittenkamp> robert_: unfortunately we use a build system called conary
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<swittenkamp> do not ever use it
<swittenkamp> ever
<swittenkamp> never ever
<swittenkamp> ever
<denysonique> RubyPanther: not convinced? Show me an easier way then
<robert_> Okay.
<mbriggs> rake wasn't good enough?
<swittenkamp> it is quite bad and cumbersome. it has really neat ideas, but a feedback cycle that's letting me read 3-4 articles as I wait for stuff to finish running.
<RubyPanther> AddHandler cgi-script .rb
<denysonique> RubyPanther: emerge apache. /etc/init.d/apache start. vim /etc/.... Is much longer than. gem install cgiup; cgiup script.rb
<RubyPanther> The women I know fall into two camps, those that already have apache configured and know where their cgi-bin is, and those who wanted me to set up everything for them anyways.
<denysonique> RubyPanther: apache sucks...
<denysonique> there is NginX btw
<RubyPanther> See, there you have it. Wipe your chin. lolol
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<denysonique> well, maybe apache isn't that bad if you use Haml for apache config files
<denysonique> but it still sucks
<denysonique> compared to NginX of course
<RubyPanther> You can love [random package] until the cows come home, it does not and can not make [normal server choice] suck.
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<RubyPanther> 10 million sysadmins might be BOFHs, but they're not stupid.
<denysonique> RubyPanther: Configuring Apache does suck, period.
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<RubyPanther> It is modular and easily scripted
<denysonique> For CGI serving, apache does definetly suck. Apache is only cool when you leverage some of its modules, not available elswere
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<denysonique> but for home use, it is a stupid idea to install apache
<denysonique> unless somone is enough idiotic to use PHP
<denysonique> for which they of course will probably need Apache
<mbriggs> i vaguely remember reading that hell froze over and apache released a new version
<mbriggs> that actually performs around nginx
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<RubyPanther> "me not choose... must suck... derrrrr"
<denysonique> mbriggs: it was a lie
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<denysonique> http://blog.zhuzhaoyuan.com/2012/02/apache-24-faster-than-nginx/ -- Some reports came out recently after Apache 2.4 was released, saying it’s “as fast, and even faster than Nginx”. To check it out if it’s true, I ran a benchmark by myself. Here are the benchmark results. It turned out that it’s a false claim. Apache 2.4 is actually much slower than Nginx!
<denysonique> RubyPanther: But anyway, thank you for your time and trying to help me before.
<benwoody> Wasn't sure if that was posted in here yet.
<denysonique> Our time is limited
<RubyPanther> The next biggest mistake after believing the experts' benchmarks is believing your own
<denysonique> benwoody: wow, nice to see Matz next to RMS
<benwoody> Stall an looks stoned as hell
<benwoody> Stallman
<denysonique> "The prize doesn't come with any money, but the winner gets free software for life! ;)"
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<benwoody> Maybe no prizes but it looks like he gets a cool GNU flag.... Or something
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<benwoody> Gave it a try, switched to vim
<RubyPanther> See, you have it backwards, he got his prize up front, emacs! He got the prize at the start and the award at the end
<mbriggs> i use evil mode
<mbriggs> which is a vim implementation in emacs
<RubyPanther> Everybody gets a prize, a few get awards
<mbriggs> actually typing into emacs right now (erc-mode for irc chatting)
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<denysonique> hmm
<denysonique> I hope that Matz uses Vi mode in Emacs too
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<banisterfiend> denysonique: when vi users grow up they eventually switch to emacs
<denysonique> hmm
<denysonique> I am not going to use Pry if it was written in Emacs! ;>
<banisterfiend> hehe, at least my parts were :) but we have a guy on the core team who uses vim too
<denysonique> hehe
<denysonique> btw, banisterfiend, please check out this 16s video demonstrating a cool app which I am currently writing in Ruby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53FdCEVplI&feature=youtu.be
<denysonique> let me know what you think about it
<denysonique> Fast, easy, convenient screenshot sharing.
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<banisterfiend> denysonique: music lol?
<denysonique> heh, yt suggested music to me, so I picked up that tune to make it more fun
<banisterfiend> denysonique: looks cool
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<banisterfiend> denysonique: did you wriet the QT bindings?
<denysonique> banisterfiend: nope, I am not the author of the QtBindings project, why?
<denysonique> err
<denysonique> QtRuby*
<denysonique> However, I am beautifying the existing QtRuby bindings
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<denysonique> as you can see in the code if you are familiar with QtRuby
<banisterfiend> denysonique: nah, i dont really like the way QT apps look
<denysonique> I love QtRuby so I am giving some love back (;
<banisterfiend> esp on macosx
<banisterfiend> they kind of look out of place
<denysonique> hmm
<denysonique> I thought they look cool
<robacarp_> uh, no
<denysonique> I mean
<denysonique> normal
<denysonique> so
<banisterfiend> denysonique: when compared to native cocoa apps they look kind of nasty i think
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<denysonique> are you saying that VirtualBox doesn't look nice, nor Skype does?
<denysonique> but anyway, my app is only a tray icon.... so... noone will probably notcie
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<denysonique> I also don't know of any crossplatform GUI toolkti
<robacarp_> denysonique: so, whatcha buildin?
<denysonique> other than QT
<denysonique> Qt*
<banisterfiend> denysonique: this for exampel: http://uppix.com/f-graphics_pry4f72fed0000f97f4.png
<banisterfiend> denysonique: i think looks nast :)
<banisterfiend> nasty*
<denysonique> 4:06 AM <denysonique> btw, banisterfiend, please check out this 16s video demonstrating a cool app which I am currently writing in Ruby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53FdCEVplI&feature=youtu.be
<denysonique> robacarp_: ↑
<denysonique> banisterfiend: hmm, that looks like Qt in KDE
<fowl> why dont you get a qt theme that looks like apple
<fowl> aqua
<fowl> wtf its called
<fowl> there are only a million of them
<robacarp_> denysonique: oh, cool, sorta like skitch
<robacarp_> I use that sort of tool all the time.
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<denysonique> banisterfiend: this doesn't look native? http://illogic-al.org/images/screenshots/qt_mac_win_on_mac.png
<banisterfiend> denysonique: not too bad
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<denysonique> robacarp_: I guess my app is going to be simpler to use (;
<denysonique> and it will be open source
<banisterfiend> denysonique: what does it do exactly
<robacarp_> spacing and borders are off, but looks close enough for most
<denysonique> and written in Ruby!
<denysonique> banisterfiend: it grabs a screenshot and immediately uploads it to a server, so you can share it
<denysonique> instantly
<robacarp_> denysonique: you know, for all I use it, skitch is an awful interface. The menu has like 65 items.
<denysonique> as seen in the YouTube video
<banisterfiend> denysonique: ah, cloudapp on macosx does that
<denysonique> robacarp_: also, mine won't require a sign up
<robacarp_> I deal with it because it is the best I can find, but man is it awful.
<denysonique> and will support Dropbox
<banisterfiend> take a screen shot --> uploads it --> puts the link in clipboard
<denysonique> banisterfiend: does it require sign up?
<robacarp_> yea, I didn't sign up, I just have it ftp up to my webserver
<denysonique> is it simple? ;>
<banisterfiend> denysonique: i dont think so, but i dont remember
<denysonique> robacarp_: so requires ftp == not simple for most ppl (;
<banisterfiend> denysonique: when all it requires is taking a screenshot, nothing else, yeah its simple :)
<banisterfiend> denysonique: you just take a screenshot in the normal way, and it somehow hooks that, and does eerything else automatically
<robacarp_> yea, you might put that in as an advanced option though...I wouldn't use it without
<denysonique> anyway
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<robacarp_> in any case, I didn't know you could load different skins for Qt apps.
<denysonique> here is the GitHub repo: https://github.com/denysonique/FastShot
<denysonique> if are interested
<fowl> Nothing to see here yet. Move along.
<robacarp_> ^^ hah! ^^
<fowl> interest dwindling
<banisterfiend> denysonique: does QT work on windows?
<denysonique> I will update it soon
<robacarp_> I'm excited for the new mac laptops to come out, its been almost 5 years on this lappy.
<banisterfiend> robacarp_: new MBP you mean? when do they come out?
<fowl> whoa whoa whoa
<fowl> take it to #maclove
<robacarp_> lol
<robacarp_> is that really a channel?
<robacarp_> NO
<robacarp_> banisterfiend: Late april
<robacarp_> ;)
<fowl> lol
<fowl> how is that a picture of qt on windows
<banisterfiend> denysonique: yoyu're on windows?
<fowl> it looks like windows on windows
<denysonique> nope
<denysonique> windows is running in VirtualBox
<banisterfiend> denysonique: oh ok
<Quadlex> I thought #ruby *was* #maclove
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<robacarp_> hmm, can you pack your ruby script up into an exe? Or how does that work...
<fowl> google ocra
<denysonique> robacarp_: yes, that is the plan
<denysonique> to use OCRA to create an installer
<robacarp_> fowl: oh neat
* robacarp_ spends too much time in console world
<denysonique> the best thing about Ruby
<denysonique> is that it took me only couple of minutes to write the first version of this app
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<denysonique> and another couple of minutes to write the server for the screenshots in Rails
<banisterfiend> denysonique: maybe u could write the osx version using macruby
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<denysonique> if I had a mac I probably would
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<denysonique> but again
<denysonique> its only a tray icon app
<robacarp_> is macruby still a thing? I thought that died....or was that cocoaruby....
<denysonique> I don't see any difference that MacRuby would make
<denysonique> also MacRuby syntax doesn't look nice, from what I have seen on macruby.org
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<robacarp_> oohh yes...man the docs were awful for that
<denysonique> anyway
<denysonique> guys
<denysonique> What IRC clients do you use?
<robacarp_> irssi. what other client is there?
<denysonique> My other project is a very awesome IRC client
<robacarp_> listen, man, there are no other clients.
<denysonique> which is going to beat anything else in existence
<denysonique> robacarp_: I am making something easier to use than irssi
<robacarp_> can you use it over ssh?
<denysonique> this one will be GUI based (some features are going to require an awesome GUI)
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<denysonique> robacarp_: you can use a bouncer with any IRC client
<denysonique> but you can*
<robacarp_> this is true.
<robacarp_> gui's are for n00bs anyway.
<robacarp_> :O
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<denysonique> robacarp_: how long have you been using irssi for?
<denysonique> robacarp_: also what OS are you using?
<swarley> irssi #1
<denysonique> re irssi, I had a plan to write a nice GUI wrapper for irssi
<robacarp_> denysonique: uhm...at least 5 years, OSX
<denysonique> I used it for about 4, and I still prefer Quassel for example
<denysonique> popular among some Gentoo developers btw
<robacarp_> OH WELL THEN
<denysonique> it has a bouncer
* robacarp_ switches right damn now
<denysonique> an inbuilt one
<denysonique> very easy to set up
<denysonique> sometimes I use irssi as well (;
<denysonique> tbh
<denysonique> I get sometimes bored of using the same program for one task
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<denysonique> robacarp_: irssi doesn't work well if you have 40 open channels
<robacarp_> That is very true.
<robacarp_> nor if you use dvorak.
<denysonique> robacarp_: what if you use colemak?
<denysonique> ;>
<robacarp_> elitist bastard.
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<rckts> is it normal for me to be able to catch onto most Ruby concepts in a day?
<rckts> i'm getting into the lang now
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<rckts> so either a) i'm going through concepts without really understanding
<robacarp_> rckts: yes
<rckts> or b) ruby actually makes sense
<rckts> i'm thinking option b
<denysonique> robacarp_: so, I see that you code in C++
<mbriggs> rckts: read up on continuations
* robacarp_ looks behind him
<mbriggs> rckts: thatll totally blow your streak :)
<denysonique> robacarp_: When do you use C++ instead of Ruby?
<rckts> mbriggs: oh god
<rckts> i mean, i'm coding a simple little IRC bot
<denysonique> robacarp_: which framwork?
<denysonique> I recommend Cinch
<fowl> yea cinch is the shit
<denysonique> it has excellent support
<denysonique> in #cinc
<denysonique> #cinch
<rckts> and i figured out how to do half the stuff i need within like, 2 minutes and just playing around
<denysonique> and free support
<denysonique> its like dialing a toll free number
<denysonique> the support oftenis from the creator of cinch ;>
<denysonique> no need to read the API ;p
<robacarp_> denysonique: I haven't C++'d in months
<robacarp_> last time I did was for opengl
<robacarp_> (I think...)
<denysonique> you coud have used Ruby for that (;
<denysonique> I have a dream
<denysonique> My dream is that Ruby will be used mostly for all desktop software
<denysonique> withint the next 10 years for example
<mbriggs> macruby ftw
<robacarp_> yea, I tried, the ruby_opengl docs were total crap.
<denysonique> robacarp_: you know C++ (;. you can write your own bindings
<denysonique> hmm
<denysonique> I have a question
<denysonique> robacarp_: How many years do you know C++ and Ruby?
<robacarp_> denysonique: heh. yes. yes I could.
<robacarp_> denysonique: where on earth did you learn I c++?
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* robacarp_ fetches laptop charger
<denysonique> when did you learn C++
<denysonique> err
<denysonique> how long have you known C++ and Ruby for
<denysonique> this is related to my next question
<denysonique> ok nvm
<denysonique> I think it was a littlbit too personal
<robacarp_> I did C++ as a hobby for about 2 years.
<robacarp_> I've done ruby as a job for about 2 years.
<denysonique> hmm
<robacarp_> (more experience rubying)
<denysonique> robacarp_: would you say that Ruby is more efficient?
<robacarp_> so, really, where did you learn that I know C++?
<denysonique> Ruby allows creating apps quicker
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<denysonique> robacarp_: (from your site)
<mbriggs> c++ and ruby are tools for solving completely different types of problems
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<denysonique> hmm
* robacarp_ looks
<denysonique> mbriggs: I see that the majority of people are using C++ to solve all problems (Desktop apps)
<robacarp_> oh right, technically Arduino is C++
<denysonique> I just don't get why people use C++ instead of Ruby or Python
<robacarp_> I do that much more often.
<banisterfiend> denysonique: because C++ is closed source :) they can make money from it
<denysonique> also
<denysonique> banisterfiend: you can encrypt ruby too
<mbriggs> it depends on what you are building
<denysonique> 19 compiles to bytecode
<robacarp_> wow, I need to change my website...this is like 100 years out of date
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<denysonique> 1.9
<denysonique> and Python too
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<denysonique> anyway
<denysonique> one of my plans
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<robacarp_> is
<denysonique> is to write small simple Ruby desktop apps
<robacarp_> to
<robacarp_> use
<robacarp_> enter
<robacarp_> as
<robacarp_> punctuation?!
<kah_> hey I was reading Pragmatic Ruby 1.9 and came across this section
<denysonique> which demonstrate the power of Ruby on the desktop
<kah_> when I test that code
<kah_> it doesn't exit when I enter a nil
<denysonique> robacarp_: I am making it more interesting this way (;
<kah_> I don't know why
<robacarp_> kah_: blank line?
<denysonique> kah_: please past your code
<kah_> in the middle there
<robacarp_> kah_: try giving it a blank line
<kah_> I read that section, from it I understand that you're going through a while loop
<kah_> I did
<mbriggs> kah_: how do you give it a nil?
<kah_> it just returns another blank link
<mbriggs> '' is not nil
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<kah_> I tried nothing
<kah_> and then also tried typing nil
<mbriggs> yeah
<kah_> when I didn't know what else
<mbriggs> 'nil' is still not nil
<madh_> anyone got a recommendation between curb, typhoeus, and faraday?
<kah_> yeah I didn't think so, it was worth a shot though
<mbriggs> i dont think there is any way to send gets a nil
<kah_> hmm
<kah_> ok well that would make sense then
<mbriggs> basically, in irb try if '' puts "hi"
<mbriggs> youll see the hi
<mbriggs> sorry
<mbriggs> puts "hi" if nil
<mbriggs> (been doing javascript all day)
<mbriggs> if you say if nil, it wont print
<mbriggs> if you say if '' it will print
<kah_> yeah
<kah_> so there is no way to enter a blank in
<mbriggs> cause empty string is a truthy value, and nil is falsy
<mbriggs> exactly
<kah_> fair enough
<kah_> I'll just go with the book isn't lying to me
<kah_> haha
<kah_> tkx
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<banisterfiend> mbriggs: ^D ;)
<mbriggs> there you go
<mbriggs> its still an odd example to demonstrate truthyness
<UTGradSstudent> does anyone here know how to draw shapes in Processing?
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<banisterfiend> UTGradSstudent: im sure there's a tonne of tutorials
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<UTGradSstudent> Thanks
<UTGradSstudent> ill check out YOUTUBE
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<robacarp_> lolwat
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<denysonique> LOL
<denysonique> w00t
<denysonique> nah
<denysonique> I mean LoLWtf?
<robacarp_> "ill check youtube"
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<denysonique> actually, you are right
<denysonique> I will check youtube to find out what it is
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<i8igmac> im looking for a socks5 template
<i8igmac> i only found socks4a ruby template but i dont understand why the proxy dissconnecrs me when i throw a get request at it
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<swarley> can i have some people do some testing for me?
<swarley> just ruby repl.rb
<swarley> and tell me if the up an down arrows function correctly
<swarley> i believe they do
<swarley> but cant be too cure
<Urth|Away> needs 1.9.3?
<Urth|Away> or just gem install io-console?
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<swarley> io console should be in 1.9.3
<fowl> require 'io/console'
<swarley> sure*
<Urthwhyte> seems to work swarley
<swarley> sweet
<swarley> anyone else want to test it?
<Urthwhyte> ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-darwin11.2.0]
<swarley> I'd hate to ask for another pull request and have it not working fully still
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<pig_> swarley: did Mon_Ouie respond yet
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<Quadlex> I am totally lost on load paths
<Quadlex> My tests require the lib directory
<Quadlex> And when I run them all, they work fine
<Quadlex> When I only run a single test, it borks
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<swarley> pig_, im about to add the request
<pig_> swarley: i thought u already did it?
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<swarley> i did
<swarley> but i overlooked an issue
<swarley> and i just fixed it
<pig_> swarley: how the heck is cooper
<pig_> swarley: who*
|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Puggy muggle maggity ass riggle ma hole. Buck a waath ess wheel wall! Bustin' room past tin! Buckin' room past in! A harnaly scrary o mep.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Reccal theh mick thuck the rep tep taistral. Wallif ma wallis wallets. Is anyone here a jelly-o shkrapper? Bam glacky I'm mega man! Has anyone here ram baisted before? The koost a heeckil pludgeon. Feathers round rick gring air! Liquid cereal's good for you. The mummified goblin. Pallaj oh plex.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Moomassu desu, niddle the bair bons with caution Belgabble wolf waffy. Is anyone here a rubberty duggger? Is anyone a reggy dick plegger? Shoody spalooj moojer! Mella murtasTcM. Is this happy hour at the retard shack again? ron ron reggatoon. Walla julie malerf luck. Weggerty wing yaing plucking time!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Gotta set up for the suicide slide Gamma mareenmon. I've got more scrap ass shit than you can balieve with. Sally McDuffo whip. after secv on a sp00ky stream F/\gga foo regga makegg mahoun. Its all fun and games until the power goes out. Mennima Pay Street. rubbbity dib dadge pickard. Lelly in ma kellar.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm on recky o gregor street. Miggity ass raggan. Boyar bod. Pellicka pool wiss wall. Watching bynum bukkake the smelts Haggity ass mahown. Trukkity rep roon, the kitz a kickel plujin. Trellalickers and burb street. Huck a dickin' dime.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Float a pelly plaack ass. You're a digital dumbass. Smuggy jaloo meff jillahole. Dick, dick, dick dickaloo! Dick dickaloo my darling. Haggity ma heggal hole. nuriggerdy diggal. Visi blurb cage. O melon man mist meluhn mijohn. Oh man mellajoram. Hebble oh babble.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Two guns and a ruck roog. Turned into a hollow loop. scritch scratch the happy fog. Is anyone here a fudge plucker. I'm talking bout a rastal marry yo map. Too many ruggerty dag datoes Or are you fuck wappys out for kill gore!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The curmudgeonly pearl; ask and you might be answered. Finger with a whop top tinger. Rig tig tigger. I'm ram bastin' I'm feelin' clean! Pricey bad ass, a whop winger! Gullable dick waffer. Miggity mahoming beacon. Nick lickal novice. Your remenance. Square juice miknuller. Permio plather.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Where does master words eat pies for shells? Trenna ma lilla manole. A rargy barg ark. Shockity strip with the rectify guy. Clockity rep with the rectify fly. Hebble o babble. Rudda nah neh noo. HEP TEP ROGGY! I'm thinkin' about greckin' the rummified coin! Let's look at Amenhotep 4's mummified groin!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ploona lefflie ludge picking! Haggy smith heddal, marry oh dettal. Hannabalist, no cannibalist, no hannibalist balievar. Ban dackoo. Put on weight! Wherr wiss fall, nudge plucking. too many |\|igg/\s, that's my line. I'm squirt with the worth of the mother plucking fine. Hoomee missee Mic daisy too. Davey oh doubt. Meggie mahoo middle.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Too many Romulan potatoers. Matoonal dakkal. Helly muhp, melly muhp, runna minuck taste-rum. Wack ass weight! Hellamanorf weg watthal. I think I'll just start to try my .smuretsaTcN rubbbity boom ducking. Hitchaleval exasht romice. Up with jelly my humpfrins. Uva devil miss tee pie. She can't poo!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shniqqen munuh lik leggal perritolma penis pran chella maloney day breeze Paahster jam ban wikkle. Hella mah lun mick hella malole. Hella minull mic mella manoh. The roadline, it's illegal. Trully mulla mih nole. I'm a relladge-o-melladge-o-ram. Come on you fuckin dag asses.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Damned ram bastions. oilleJcM oper Smelly gruthergrarin trilaxals. withers ground ring air Puggle dee maggle dee mack traggle Jeremy sniqqle. Jeremy spoken, in next day I brusht boyered, I kicked a ball! mellaminorf troll protectors, trolls on the road! troll protectors, their stones of power glow!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Fleeberty dith bub, a hick now a hither they humpty tance Lunchell munch a reg uhl schoolio tress nael Chuck a lick a loon baby tunes Weerz mellicorp To the wack ann watching machine wells darilla raptor plexing
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shligga ligga millik hole Shligga ligga millik hole regamakio mathjul hah there Just like in Bart Simpson the Magazine! Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! menario mibs Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin slujjal jeggy moran magomorph baleener
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I spell it throwt, you spell it throat, the real way to spell it is throwt throwt THROWT! Hux a mex a lig dwarf dudikolan mail street. Rella manae, Rella Manae, Rye dut duh! I'm living on budgy placky street. Reggal dee deck shweener Hicker trellalicker
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> What part of that doesn't make sense to you robo I'm rang dang smacking it up to the reck a heek a horn drom. Rag agg big chacka lo datey fifty. Sniggital maggal Shelly a jelly a jew lillaputan meglamarian necks booga man Rejja mella mic jeggal Baika looka reg tag
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Throat a pelly proat raick axe. It doesn't eat muggo whip. It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. Where's songy brother? Where's spongy brother? Jellanie mic flyer. Paloody pluck bag ack. Paloody pluck bag ack.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Whyn you call it throat throwt. I'm a baffy hoe. Flivvy a niv von neffran. Purity and prudence I'm suing for diaper damage. Scragg a billy blunk rake rast eye heeker, playmus guy I don't know what a rubbbity dabby is. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Arthie shlellijge. Arthie shlellidge. Talking about a bee turning into a guano root. today I'm doing pasta, i crumble it and pan fry it. Fuckin frosty. david hippa lappa pomprin. Is anyone here a hemp hole? Yeah, well shnijjy mc millicker: i know billy knalavolitz.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The Baby Faced Assassin pond. yrummin! Shmega melanie goetz I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam! When will another green skroan the horrified scream
<pig_> k
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> rubbbity dag daggy dib dib, daggy daggy dib dib, daggy daggy diggy diggy dib, throwt a welly wheel wall Reppity shcrep bam bam rep rep paranep Shnubbity shnib up bam bam Givin' me twice, i a molst a meeka pleck. Givin' me twice, a molst a meeka pleck.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Jeminee smucking smiggle. Halittle halorst hamerrian sects nep tep hotep gargle dee gook mackie mchellic hole. My niqqer dee dag sparky. Ponto comical blessnor I'm dain dead. Razor renzor manellik s-meg smeg you're all smegs. We're hovvy hella pruss miss puss Smelly mudga munaqqal Posta wicka holma melancholy laggam
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shmelly a mellac. Cloaky active camoflauge mail bow Warez into a whoop coup daddy deam, I filed a lawsuit with G.L.E.A.M. Dag a ricka bleg nagg. Richel reprezhnik rally mic hoe whip.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> fucking ass licking piss sucking cunt. Threnthie oh pod throonis Tragallellah. bweeey eeeiw! bweeeeey ail! shnib polmans mahhal wourney Track a mix a meg norge
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Flathican fellow street. Mc Grellae Mc Regegg. Prag a cuckian bag of gunk. Duh nuh nihh nuh farty milligers. Par boockalie twistie taiter. Tittly spoof bee Trellie oh dabble Antenna rethal Fucky daddy dicky Fucky daddy dicky
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chucka lucka ling to the chucka looka lat, man can't be banned! Dee oh doing! Chili box sand reggat. Crackity raggity ann shaggy rab rabble smiley oh diley oh reggal na meck transhole In a tough manner pung dungh chicka licka bang dad. Guess what you smartie millickan jallefnaord. Spend rellik maholmes.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rudda boom boom dugging. My name is jameel my name's jamaan. Take this you fuckin' brack stab from buck hole. Brag a cuck of bintorns. I had to have jalooch to have breakfast. Trug a leck leg hole. Tellah mef raf. Trukkle trella lickle mazzle trag. Shab shab skrellix magellix
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Roonah bucky blay lee! Roonah bucky blay lee! An aggle dee dak beyond the premier. switch up to a wedge pluckie A jecka looch reft round! poochin maleggal Drek a lek meek foamie. shlick a jig jeffjob A jella jitch manifest Horkin malurgis hoarde. prebelally mobijowrist.
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<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Hicka low daggal. Manil hill the jiller. Reet dih doo deh dih, reet deh doo duh. dendridic millimorph cardackio cleptio maggle Jackintoshy zillword. Just another macgasm trexie o mario bubble. I had to have a mummified wheat bread.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Slaggy McNelly O-Loop. Hillie Millie. Mijujik calej loft, shweener screlly mellamanorf. The plux to the plack a leak a lithio meth galactical terrial tuesday. Ploody loon, back a toon! ron ton a jelly a shawn. Herd mah thuh fah thuh. Jeggal mig ella cracker. trellamanorf mick hick hole
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Farbooky twistie taiter. Farbooky twistie oh plox. jickellastrip shtiffy Trellie oh dabble Sabba7kom allah bilkhair ya rawafeth 3ash men shafek. 3alaikom essalam mawlana. 9eqeleyya kaanat men madresat Averroes. plan dan duckalin jee uhst waistband
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Sparra kitha mellon hoh snail bookanees. Pucka hoonkin dick ass waste. Triclapian transcripts. Are you a jalellaputian? Arthie midge millik. See that is why I keep going "galactico trallie o-reggal" Cuckin twanbastin wigwams shmagga miggal smell-it syllabalistic macro. Oh-rellage oh ram
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Trellik mic jelliger. Throwty a pellage plex. Spigga McGregor peggly oh dabble Hicky trellalick. You stupid pudgy fucker. Sneqqal segagal. Purital laggy oh baggal. Bucka broon broom shella muluk mic niqqer. Rooshta shpella. Plocky of pleckal bag a cuck of frin torns
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Wa Alikum salam wa rehmatullah e wa barakat. Tarka dellalie dool. Mig iff raheg hord. Raga nahoolie jeg narf. Hellage rellage o-ram well to do it pollis Scribble dee babble. Mezzle ma norf. Praggity no maddak Duck a ween wark. You shpuffy shpook ma leggin don't be such a terrorisdt.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Hedgy McPillik. Hocka licka meals on weals. Batman, batware, guess who could be in the next Batman movie? It could be you! Galactical tactical earns the hard way. Maggie Mig mellijopod. trar ga moogly a mix traeger Puh reb deb dejjer. fuck jalafi jalive.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Leepadipa did away. lovely women spit things. shnep a leppie loon. smellagajee smellamanew. Fruggity diggty! Scrunny maloo lef heel hole shlody shlicka rabbits Galactical tactical plack ass. Pawikki scrap runa mallilligram. pick tatots. Conifanible pluckin. Boom bam shpaghetti monk.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Sum bum parlacktical barthy backthickal. partrusially prtregally reggal megagal. You fuckin roody poot noink. Smullah jah litch jitch runhole. Shit up you bad ass. Is anyone here a rubbbity deaf nard. Sniggital wathal whip. Thylacoleo carnifex for a pet, hugga ghigga micomprin. Don't fuck with my restaurant!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Truggity reg up rim dum, a spoon contacts the kinigigal concern. trust no one, tiger miller Michelle and jantsy with a banshee! pasa wuh thuh fail the jookified coin. Oh my gum! Oh my gum! It's oh ho ho he's here! Malika joola jalegnorf. Malika joola jalegnorf. Heggal the munch tunch taste rins.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Prestegious milla ma hoe. Panny meffa lick waifers. Malorf jin, jalallally jin, screggat mo meggat mo methalithal lowdown. It's oh ho ho she's here! Has anyone here ever been to the bastard zones? Shmeggal dee mech eck golms. Boon toon underwear, boon town.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Veronika, days of joy, happy time for girls and boys. Fuggle dee daggle. Ploody pluck a loon, baby tunes. Hella mah nor. Snuggity rabbity pit street. Hackel meal McZhellikehr. Wooh wee! spagg midge mellot. Jello mic tatum. Trucka looger legga baby. martial mic reg egg trans mestrials
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Mella Midge Mister Pluggity ricking. Rab trab traisies. fruggity hesterani knellect. Rumpin dumpin dighole. Rumpin Dumpin durds. Barvis joon a hear a harvey snards. Jellis mellis Trelalix twixt nick davey. Rawl eenf rurst o plast. Rella mahole rick.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Scrunny mit tack pick jack. I'm talkin bout plucky PLUCKIE pluckie o'hare. withers ground ring air. parchookalie buckle, weeh eeh. pluckily boosier bael regget ramajot. bartoofteein regleg. Ret round hujamima bound. Tickle me timbers. Farg duddly uck uck darg marg. Hosh a mosh a luke a leek a leggin! Audacity of it all, you feel small
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Clarbudgy cabujjin, Carblinkin carblastan carbleggegg. Are bastion you jastuin. We're all for the Kardassians who lost the war against the Federation, don't you tell worf we need another ration. Fargleb skeeol skowl all bleb. carmattick raticular pledge mahole heel. Mettick marial mahoney blastokist
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shmartooty boots breath. Rennimino rick taid. Renniminnow rick taid. Carbloochy bad ass. Renna ma nick patrol. A chucka oo maow maow, chucka oo maow maow, a chucka oo mow maow, chucka oo maow maow. Panta hoasta leeka tolweth hade. Rum dump dump digalagger.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Cannabalism regamalan. Bardacian bull-horne mooses aren't in this quadrant of the galaxy. Playin' Star Trek Online cause it's free to play, just like All Points Bulletin: Reloaded and Final Fantasy XIV. Eee dah climp lah plocky ug tug tech.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I went out with twenty of those rebbity jellickers. we're all midge millickers. Puh reb deb dejjer. Galactical tactical plack ass. Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin. Reggal dee deck shweener. It doesn't eat muggo whip.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. maggity von heffrin Shtooty mic blackened. Shooty hick black and pick tatots. hugga ghigga micomprin. Don't fuck with my restaurant! Truggity reg up rim dum. a spoon contacts the kinigigal concern. trust no one, tiger miller.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Michelle and jantsy with a banshee. prebelally mobijowrist. Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Where's spongy brother. eye heeker playmus guy. Helly midge mushkin. Rumina mee drowls wall width.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I've got your mother's pussy juice bottled, I sell it out of my house
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> S.ll.a.g.g.y mc pit street. Hustler hova heeva Chick ova heeva ova heeva. Braxalarian blalalxrals. snuggity rab rab rabbits. Snuggies aren't selling anymore. most people don't know what a "snuggie" is. Halla micka wheel wyaujtkchtpt.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Spaqqa miffa liffa leggin. Terry baloris trickaleggal. Sequester mlajjap eastro diz hamta wan ta licka holmus preed. Scatty picka loon dunes. Hoakalin McGregoar. Roddy McFlyer. Hillie Midge Millik! Arfie McChaffer Chickababy
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shaggy mig rehehehehehehp Spleggy melajamick pick tatot. Pegila meligomesk pigilidack fellijiscrap barckarian bustrap piggin kegalarelej shtooty shtipt kid mlelagaraphix transslits
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Milla jalaoft jitch breakfast Peef pond pallooleol babble. I had to have sex in diapers! I HAD TO HAVE SEX IN DIAPERS! diaper sniper days, everyone knows about sex. it pays when my nickname used to be snake.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Puritalin baggy of gunk. my name's not tristan it's rastan. rallin for null like a holdy hook black ann. Tiny tim, dick ass whim. Shaloody shlock braze made. Pullilcoch dravinarial balactal guarns.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Albatross doog ee rook rack egg. Wanny manilnorf traggat muh hilli hole back street pormande usft vadinal deena. sex with a shoogie look laygie. Zellamanorf worf wallow. isn't that up the street?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shlagg lagg McNellanorf. I'm a jalooch jooch jeggal jalalicker. Tricky ass jillickers. Dev dev developers and wheat. /jalack a mic taxle\ juki al juba nas wat eerie fun, jest maleel oo had, lala in mackmod. Fifty tramps.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Mister Doofie's diapers. Pahole hell wack pahole hell paiper. jegga rilla ma jorf. plack a pleek meladromic mezzistove tricky the band needs a tan no one cares about care bears eatch mizzle tag the mazer milojprafft malidge praft
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Mahole hack mellow the wiper. Milla janil. plex kuying flying trev plegs. Jaloffin Jalillobie. I'm in your cement. Parudgy rij jelellolebob. blanky rich fandestriovon. Galaxio trabble. Hef a heavy hompfrin pole. Jalooshitty scrooch
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I've got more track ass gangsta shit than you could ever come up with.
<swarley> pig_, he is a friend. A silly one at that. But he is a good friend, so i'll let it slide that he took a joke and went through with it lol
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shneggin manellik reggal! Claviparin Varsaipiant reznik. Asteeo shpit iff ma hole. Barsloochin migif mahole. Miggif mahendron. MCGoodwin Trellalicker! Trellix two trellalix truxix. Magedwined moodwin. Pocky maggat mahoney maholoaf. Scragg not sweener
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Calej loft ridge muh gorrie mack. Citaldroff metahynoon rickardo Pren pen parillo. nargofio gaxal fargothik well wheaty exiliant the meeky Pargrether the doplin underniner jockliship striffy Pallatoonie prudence palaxoiriot. Putty cad adt red et snooper dooper
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Margy mixalef a lig dwarf. We're talking about real life gellairio sects here. Rang brang brelladge maneer. Turtikle jellejej galaxial protowaxial blove ass ween thiggle mannella muh norf. Partruzhion kopuxtin here we work at emeny bes baas tookany benna bastard bookanees.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Maluj slij jalilahole. Kanga tilla to pleck. Hajjamellion morph clepicon. Giffy maga drellapator texel. Angellico padge prella rarian plarian reggal baddle. Pash pa helican, padge wathfond wallow maneel. Midge muh jih murathum.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Isopolavial interface. Four times the square root of the intermix ratio. Uglefrin. No comment. Throat a pelly rouch a pellax. Belchers bonans Pledge pledgy teddeliton. Fusing petons with jekeley hoe whip. Prellej whip masty snacker. Prestige rella hoe with buffo whoops.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Duvida tess miss ravakajeerion. Parjoonie a gone rufita snaftal. Hasons honishers pargonial vell of the whip Puck a toony twayster. Hella mikcrest of a momajamish yearns to the mucky twayster ess pee ain ein prepare for launch rut dat gat mabah marron. Pargosy man jellots maran. Deemed honshman
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Mella mic toadis. Jempy karbozilajz. Packrestial poolio payil. Pug giga ran, pugogga rist, pagegga wreth. Ant beyond my cheeves. I'm the son of god, I'm the son of man. Parhexial reggal martillago meg regs. Shlug shluh liggeran rapsh nazh. Chunnif mahayver Sonic shaffer
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Hom jaref shpoot like a shpanker. Drelek meek mekhomie hahnalillalie hej magellomie moog scriggat the rotch def fohkood. Helledge ah-rood! Helladge hick death Twiddle ee lit amamo ahamo. Ledgy pledge ih ma thelicroth. So king haneez, praise kinga knees. Seminole. Sermon off.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Hump dip a dub, I've got the force you're a scrub... Hump dip a dub, you're being forced as a scrub. Get some cum from sex and make pancakes. Haffa jarem powder mixed in with semen. Haffa jarem like a shpoodie shpoot spanker
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Scrella malorf wheel wall. Canethnical skrothaj. Partans ass wheel. Partent mohzhoost. Pins jumps with knifer knaves. Ruv div dah vompfin hompfin! Ruv duvivida momfin homfin.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rella cavity mah heel hole. 0helej mah heel hole. Scrak a cracky MC Mellej Geeky a man smellej. Sniggity up dagger waath. Poh tain master peen hole. Pagamarian spagamagelleck. The micro ween. Hogalagarin meffrin.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Laggin mellajamathrin marothran. Dustin' days. Smar dackily smellej marith. Laggin troh tee tramellico. Trell trelly o meko. Targy plelly oh meck. Smargy lackity lackity loop!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Huv divva hompfin stompfin. Naw Knawl squezzel lezzel lah doo dee dooooooooooo. Commander McJelleker. Jeckalie jooch. Naw squezzel naw dee dway knoth! I'm thinking about partankiyan.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Hub dave dellavonathzhal seeky selliky non vohanssen. Shmellik o daggal. rarny trastalarian po tranamonathal. Tranamoe lathah mo miggaliggal. Larry plellamonathal.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Tego plellio plaxal. The paxans. The Betazed. The piss on a ween ward. The megropack. Poluka maxan high chefner. Picard to Gamma Aridon! Gamma Arridon here!
<pig_> swarley: hehe
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Jello scrap baroom of hushkin Glorily al thrushin Reen ron pliggita plaggity. Munchala cleek a hogrin meffrin. Trallawin trillicker. Tellamarial threlliol threck. 0
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Trymin Bagty fuloepdey thiftkey Baroom sdaly sealy oh meshkin texty jemelligger wifftan feedol shmeggamellak jellamajigger jellamaligger
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Am an schillibolist a fillibolist ba wack. Wrench a doof a deef a dumpfing. Put down the pacifier. Put a pin cushion under someone's foot. Bam ban can't ban cannablist baleivar.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Sammy slick as lots of pep I'm feeding on my dumper daves. Krempy mella kamek Hippa tra la the to pump all weevil. Wavity Indenture the adventure char plaggy o maxal
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Pitin footmahoun meglal parry pleggalomrek wrel dukith rallah rallakef rallaketh my na't is keih keith juba dooki dooki layber lumber boned dry
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Soemtimes I eat sometimes I trives? &doesn't work& clally megalomaxel randolph jukes rarry plellage o-rellage-o-ram Crary mella crolaftrin Baft a trolley tumbloup al a poloron beam Mellacrometh Shifty Mudge-eh-muhrathal sexworks
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Slick a la rig. Rillie ma rej relleketh chumpin up to sars I wonder what it would be like to go up thayer, Pouin dub meebilow mobs. Baleent ass blub. Mego meerio mibs.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Allergic to wheat bread! Chigga loah dee cheagy Konifiable plunkin. Exipalgial marplaxal proodin without a preen gog a romy a reffrin trexxaleck elprher oxrimorinder. mining for marria muns.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Scraggie a mellican von WHEAT! Palootistan tristan's rastan. Jev jeva Jev jev jevavie. jevevev jeva jev ev. Policorlia zipitor smacksal. Basat trilogy wheel.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Fleg a deggy a nefran. Ikaolapu bressnog. Tivit xix toag plix. chapter of relekesh Ralph a billy blaylee! Renna puh taah tee twixter. Rezamaloo salt, jedda ma loo salt school. Skant skade.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ralla glooky glarg mech. Trec Trek Trellaleck! Maggithied pie. Plaxy jallab ro gallicher. Jallacrith joe jallallicker. Fram from a vellon piece. Plaxie plarillaralobe chaser.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> There aren't many worlds left to explore. We all get hooked on World of Warcraft, but then we're bored! Better off playing Phantasy Star Universe or Runes of Magic I'd say
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Repalep tep tarep. Pruda pila peran palmus pran. Pruda pila perin palmus pran. Squeej rellaj. Breath width
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Traglamarian brexwith. It's just another day without meatballs. Scrary o chasms doaper dave. Reen lin huh rin holy have. Maloo polaty plegidteftytedddleton. Billy knalavolitz i survived hershowicz. Goan gearing my groon. Groan rearing my grouch nards.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Trexel mairio babble. Boon daddy booty blalocks. Aren't going to quit? Tralalelly oh gregs! Truck ack paragontquin. Tranx gralallellian grouping. Berry berry narry nas, barry hoo, barry bas. AH AH AH AH rah rah rah rah rudda deh nah doo doo, boom bood a boot dood.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Trally glally jrehr lallaf. Married berry berry nas, harry boon, nanner bas. Ahf! Ahf! Ahf! Ahf! Layer praxool! So many back to schools. I'm rapier. I'm gonna rape her. Some artsy fartsy kind of stuff. You should write a book about preventing farting. A guide to avoiding farting.
<pig_> swarley: careful Mon_Ouie is very strict ;)
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Gore gearning my krans. Feela fool lo expanse. Til my bed med hende Mars. Shink a dink of dozens. Larly ballellacraft. Rump raiders, ass bandits, and cheese nitwits.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Trarly clookly bagel! Maneerial map. Rar gooky gookky barg ak! Ralph billy balf billy Larly laprejlarin. Ralph billy balf billy Larly laprejlarin. Rellamalloo trej nords. I'm picking my needles.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Olegvranseef van vrans a la lan. Rugga reg trella la meck. Plood a luck a loody loody poon. Plood a luck a lady. Ifterty toujolity dzhamellegsh.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Olegvranseef van vrans a la lan. Rugga reg trella la meck. Plood a luck a loody loody poon. Ifterty toujolity dzhamellegsh.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> To the black man watching well it isn't true! Nice rice big and black, jail times a jookie rhymer black is black. A JOOKIE MIMER!
symb0l has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I can't siffy siffy splain it. Siffy siffy xplain it! Jal jol jalah lalah larry smith johnson! Hickalikaliggal to the marrionoddal. Hickapleekaploggy marriodettal. Shlagalarry-o dettal.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Flagalary difty david. Chikapleekaplocky puararan blocky bag of bunk. Aurstralian frost. Huff puff ruff uff. Eerie hire playmus gay. STOP THAT ROACH! Roachalarian thregnargs
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chixaplerean tarood duelis. Hunk and dunk of dignorgs. throtaparry lellabrass. Throwtaparallelly roachapralaxx
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shlallie a loon to the hep t3p poons. Ragularian Beetle snuff. Rump tastin teddy grahams.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chag a lelly awl praxal. Ragrahrary ro jub. Huck a lick a loon, baby tunes. Huck a lick a boon toon. Zhar blaly ograxal. Traritectorial blecx. Shlollie-o laxal.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Just like the ragulariabuub It's the sintani of tantani tatit tatus We look like satanus plaxuis presiduous praxans gralaxion bhratchan
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Boom bam badda bing bog bonk. Harsha trashian helegor skrapple. Shlitty shaddy shpageddi in a street cart. Virtual dampers throw with trouble. 1 MHz chips bust your bubble.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Megamarian magapaxle. Pickalicka loon. Potato juice. Pebble jitch transplanckyourism Upper vica vundowns. Don't you jelelly jallaaf my terrified tellers. One of those tellarian elvhorns.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Crab rab jalilickers Shoopha faily blocx nix Qasat Treggy a laxel terroritollimus racx doawn. Black down tround.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Picka licka loon picka tradey toons. I'm almost there. Ee buff DAY I'd say! I'm a mmr mmr I'm a ellise viel tpvice.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The baffy hoes where I don't know. The thunder wear it's called ballow boe. Pecka chicka tragalah laah tic pam pic beetle bum
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shuckin like a jack ass, my proto's baister I'm feelin clean, some jello whip and some chick'n cream. Another scene release by CHiCNCREAM. McShleggegg
greenarrow has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rosalie hair... Naw nuh nee! S-S-S-Skateboard... Naw nuh nee! Jason's diapers, naw nuh nee! Trixie's diapers, naw nuh nee! Dead basketball players, naw nah nee!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Canker pegger. Pluck a loon paddy poon prunes. Rum biddy bada boom, boom! Rum biddy bada boom, boom!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ruggity dugging. I'm thinkin' about rump damns, tricka licka lay-day! Hold up, wait a minute, let guy smiley come to rump roast. While we playin' it's totally not toast. Come on everyone, it's on Friday's news!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A Romulan Praetor, a masterbator, rih dih deh doo! Super guy! Aarfie McShmelegg to the rescue! Paddy poon prunes. han wantifinuhl scroons. Arthur McGreggegg
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rep trep tricka-lork to the rup tup tays. Shiddy daddy ding bag. Ron terrier rat! Rond badaag rig. Ron a trary ole meh! Rum baddad rig.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Aah well, hep tep rains again. Sara tara tolmus preed. With or without meatballs. Does anyone helpa with a floot bot? Tragalarian plexels. Tricker Protractor.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Abis tripolis helmis -- What am I thinking decka dig nork!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole! I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole! I'm thinking about jeggity jibbers
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Shnebbity shnub up bam bam. Ar cor you insufferable menace, ar cor waal wheel woal. Ee buff day I'd say.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> \\\\\\\\\\I come up with more original material in 30 minutes than this entire channel does in a week.//////////
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinkin' about the greg nargs
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You're thinking about the greg nargs
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about the greg nargs
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinkin' about you!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You're all ragularean greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You're all a bunch of worthless greg nargs... say my kick ass phrase HEP TEP ROG if you want me to go away...
<pig_> swarley: btw does coolline have a test suite?
<swarley> pig_, i fixed the up and down arrows as far as i can see. im noticing a problem with logging history, so i'm going to start working on that
<swarley> there is repl.rb
<swarley> in the main dir
<swarley> and there is a test/ folder
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Dro Druupings
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Fafty righteous gays so tomorrow I dopn't say
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> -twaxana luggar de preggel penis at home bounty baby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> liliputians ro ragajaga nagagarian sects
<swarley> but that requires the riot gem
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> redek beroulian chanxwl dribier twiels her hair
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<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> hombre juidial dwelver days
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> givinty twice dopler rader rouper
<swarley> idk why
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> to twelve come delves to twice advise my mother thrice
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> makkity maolerparl
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> po plunkity plaxity plaouwer twirkl
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> he isn't erk'l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Sara teera tella tarmuh holmus preed
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Calica jooch to the holmus preed
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> hunch a bunch of bungholes
<pig_> swarley: yeah, you should probably add some specs to his test/ folder :P
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Jyup rigeturnja makastie plenya polis triplois tragralateral bilateral calilacterals
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> kokoa csher pussel leekawaday otem --O-T-E-M degularian sland gottu
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chicka lady lo fifty
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> rutashta rel uel schwiggan
<pig_> swarley: are you running tests to make sure they all pass after you maek changes?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Run ton to the jaggy jelly jalakshon. Rye dye the shelliac higher lifeform than mammal, shelliac, higher lifeform than bird and avian.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Reg teg shneggity shnikkum, ramp pum putta ma nae! Hi hoe the dairy-o's milky penis too. Shneggity wikkum.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Aay! Ar cor smegamanalee gas up the farts to the flutey fake warp ass
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Wat does the thawty no dreadnought saye when the fourty dourty ditch doesn't go away? It doesn't go AWAY! IT DOESNT
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The plant turned into a guano root. Turned into a pollen grain! Talking about a bee turning into a nest!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The plant then took the guano molecule into it's root... going up it's stalk or shoot it deftly
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> turned into a pollen grain, swept up by a bee taking it to it's nest
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The nest gave birth to a larvae, which turned into a pupae, and finally into an adult bee
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The molecule went into the bee's stinger during growth. Then some kid got stung...
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> it really hurts when it comes from bird shit
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You fug ug fagheads.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Wear your baseball hat backwards with an ass on the back and we'll call you asshat
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Some of the time I ordinarily don't know. It all begins with the letter A. Fork, spoon, knife, it's all at the table.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The mailman comes to each of us in time.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> you fug dug fargnargs
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> HEP TEP ROG'S MY KICK ASS PHRASE, Boy my bestest friend
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm Hep Tep Rogging to the Rep Tep Hogger!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Roogy to the hep tep rog. HEP TEP ROG!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Cause hep tep rog's my KICK ASS PHRASE!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about herf herding my NERF NORDS!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm hep tep hegging to the hep tep noob nork! Why don't you all scroob nork!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I've been hep tep rogging since 2006... Say HEP TEP ROG if you want me to go away!
<swarley> pig_, the changes im making are basically in numerical value. for the up and down arrows, im pretty much trying to break it every time i test it
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes...
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Where's Waldo... Where's Osama Bin Laden... there is no difference.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Nothing but a bunch of druggie channels go do drugs tomorrow it's not swiped.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The grass is green and I"m not WHITE
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Talking about a bee turning into a nest.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Pitted prunes, pitted prune prunes, pitted prunes, pitted prune prunes... take it out of the, almust day of that, take it out of the, alumst day...
<swarley> i dont have a script laid out to do it though
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about boody hunk daislies... Hoodin for rhyme rhuck pruck traisy
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Fuck daddy dick ass I don't mind, chicka licka lutch to the chickil heckin' cream, I give off steam!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about rubbbity jibbits... I'm thinking about rubbbity diddle dabby dabby dazzlie!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Wag wag... woadwooze rhymes with road rules.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> rubbbity diggy... I'm thinking about my ribbity dib dab raggity ann!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Congo Bongo... anadinary fun... Bingo Cingo, Bingo Cingo, with an other cookie cutter, now what do you see, with a really cookie cutters, swingin' adda me! Bongo Congo will have you flying of your tree!
<pig_> swarley: i mean does his test suite still pass after your changes?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rub dub chicka licka luck round! Rub dub chicka licka laidy daidy! Rub dub chicka licka luck round! Rub dub chicka licka laidy daidy!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chucka loody baby too!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about rubbbity dig dagging my plackity yan!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about rug tugs, I'm thinking about poopy poopy shcrap! Rug tug dickle, holg tug the meel waal!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Of the expectant quadrilatical theorem, comes a tenth degree arc regrunion.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Farting inside the thimble spool, the next time mom mom comes to sew she'll drool
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm not thinkin about kardacian bilm horned mooses anymore, I'm thinkin about Plix Tixiplik...
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> wanted in over seven solar systems for being a thief, he's the quadrant's most wanted man.
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<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Sometimes a schwinn rider comes to play... other days it comes time to drive miss dais'...
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> kill me I kill you fuckin games that chew up your roots
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Have you ever thoughd about a branch basket... slubbin a lay like a holiest tracket!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm here to snork my jecka lecka lains. I'm modas me, I 'll hit you with a cay-une!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ring dong ring dog ring dong, ring dog ring dong rink donk.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ar ewe asterism or aspacurism... boy I'm giving you brain anurisms.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Fuck daddy dickass, he's not online, so many idlers it's wasting my time.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ring a ding donk, plicky peel pow plowl
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A psychologist's galactify beam. Intergalactic planetary... planetary intergalactic. Intergalactic Planetary!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Intake time. God this rghymes, Toy Godz don't play. I enjoy bacon.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> neh noo to the nep tep hotep
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm not ice creamy! I feel real steamy! Shteamy ee boof day I'd say!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The solar assholes bring another man. Another man from Afghanistan. Car Trans Plankian
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> RING DUNG TO THE ring ding dung! Ring dung to the RING DING DUNK! RING DUNG TO THE ring ding dunk! Ring dung to the RING DING DUNG!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You fuck Doug fuck... You fuckin duckin lickin chicken. FUNK DOUG FUCK!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You're just another one of those rubbbity dib dabs. You're a roody tood black ass.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chicka licka lutch to the chickil heckin' cream, I give off steam. Chucka licka luck to the rup tup rog.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinking about the tick... I'm thinking about a chucky-o placker.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Eh Ess Eh Ess Eh Ess Eh Ess fight the romulans!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Herf herd, herf herd, herf herd herf herd nerf nords!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Holes hees rum dum dip, holes knees, knobby knobby knees
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> It's a baffy hoe with juffo wip!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> It's a ruveedoovuv rif dif to the ruvy duval ref deaf. Oop ground, black ass brown
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> \\\\Rug tigty taigies/// Why don't you go ZAAAMMMBOOO! Z-A-M-B-O-O!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ret deh, ret ded doo doo deh deh deh, dit dit deh deh doo doo deh deh deh, rit dih deh deh doo doo deh doo dih, duuuuuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> No. But I did Narfle the Garthok.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Chugalarian roavity wheelbarow.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Poopy shcrap on a bunion. Poor Paul, Poor PAUL, poor bunion, poor bunion. A big lump on foot, a bunion, a bunion.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Don't jump in the pool, I'm gonna buck you up, twice. Such a failure in life, just like Vanilla Ice...
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A vessel prevails. The dilemma dances. An incorporate tea cup stumbles next to the contempt man.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> When can a fraud recall the frozen cynic?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A sentence suffers behind the sure drill. A brown vendor dashes. Not ngrdly brown but black ass brown.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The integrated packet strikes opposite the spit. A cry mints the scenery.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Near the lurking nun shifts an unhelpful blade. The blade then pierces the nun's heart killing her. How does the psychologist beam?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The cry stretches! Whatever key purges!
<swarley> im going to check now
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> An addict profiles the linked automobile behind the diameter.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> When will the humble peanut turn without a dip? Below, an acquaintance decides each disaster.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> When can a tag fool the checked mailbox?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The saddening advice parts the vegetarian throughout a designate purple. The crushed dread gangs the everyday liaison.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> When will another groan screen the horrified plastic?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A stress rattles throughout the bat!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The sterling arch starves the domestic opposite of any honest animal. The appearance decays?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The radical stamps! The daylight ranks the writer throughout the oriental warehouse.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The frog doses a squad against the staring soul. The blackmail pants around the cuddly box.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Why can't the unspecified prisoner settle an ambient secretary? A discontinued gown degrades the squeeze.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Before the lifetime noses a discarded biography. The budget sighs below our water!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The ingenious dominant boxes the passage. A handbook slashes the traveling cynic.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A fourteen year old scanner assaults the knowledge underneath the longer girl.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Over her pardon mutters the sharp enemy. Can a lively car cable the severe playground?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The friendship parades in a discipline! A poem conforms beneath a flower!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The fiddle contents the paranoid. This orientating collar faints over whatever unpredictable dialect. The handful advances an alert above the fascist documentary. The missile smiles!]
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Beneath the engine reverts a sung verdict. An ingredient approaches its attendant in a tough manner.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A spoof burns the constraint around the numerical concern.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> What is a peculiar mainframe? I don't know.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Birds vats the pet above the internal essence. On top of birds interferes a mutual pant. Turds bowl birds after the thesis. Birds migrate! Turds revolt across birds.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Illegal bows. Why won't drugs decline when they are near illegal? Drugs mature past a partner. Why do drugs farm the farewell effort?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ban they cry next to the channel. Bans tender a paper spur outside the bigotry. Bans fund the channel opposite a piano. Another vile wife points to my reactionary.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The dubious refund cheats the taste of semen. Will the wondrous estate punt with a penis? Penis treasures spit. Penis tires spit. Spit trails penis above an eager belt. Spit employs penis next to the noticeable onion.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Ruv div devev dev diviv, duvuv... Ruv duv dev div DIVIV DUVUV! GO TO TEL AVUV
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> [HttpException (0x80004005): Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.]
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowError(Exception inner, String persistedState, String errorPageMessage, Boolean macValidationError) +106
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) +14
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString) +242
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.System.Web.UI.IStateFormatter.Deserialize(String serializedState) +4
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter formatter, String serializedState) +37
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() +207
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() +105
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() +43
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +6785
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +242
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<swarley> no it doesnt lol
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest() +80
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestWithNoAssert(HttpContext context) +21
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +49
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ASP.randomparagraph_randomparagraph_aspx.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +4
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +181
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +75
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> We're not thinking about dub norgs... We're thinking about Korg Keyboargs!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I spend money. I kicked a ball. That manager opened the door.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> That gardener washed a car. Those flight attendants picked a peach. Those bus drivers ride a bus.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I wore a hat. That photographer drives a car. I set an alarm clock.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The numb sheep freezes with the northern servant. The gutter elaborates?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The lyric orders dog. The wrath opposes a barrier. A dog initializes a substitute editor. Dog forwards a cat beside gibberish.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Our tribe discharges the unsure basket above the charm. Can a wise behavior graduate after the vehicle? A degenerate house piles a panic.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A process cautions the demise. The degree gradual dashes after a preceding choral. The carpet explodes under this dealer.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Whatever thrown molecule colors hover above a deadline. Can the library fault the classic? My budget indents a strangest glass. A purge concatenates the still interpreter into the boundary.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rumina bibbidle people wont answer MY QUESTIONS.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The juvenile toy cases the desperate diagonal. The volunteer width dodges throughout the feeling kidney. Should a minor jargon scream with the numeral?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Does each garble ace the drama? Our frowning festival congests the under ego. Any silicon bobs outside a bought winter.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A fourteen lion rants before an effect. The expired discovery composes within the misery. The vote founds the poorly sectored megabyte.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Reck teck to the heck teck reck
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A jungle breaks a jet. The amended recorder authorizes the thesis. Should the bundle trek? Without the scope raves the knife.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The meaningless gibberish shouts. Whatever lenient leaf pants beneath the lip.
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<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> The abbreviated architecture camps underneath the convenient sunshine.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Games account for the the amateur rear with a downright. The limb biases games beneath a pleasing dust. My pope razors the trilogy. The duff workshop moans about games.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> GmJ riots a passing sun. A moan approaches my sacred telephone behind the stranger. A moan deprives the gulf around the plant. The akin mass inserts a generator across a fussy farce. A historical zone parades past a moan.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> How does a wide hobby arrest make? Why won't a lavatory calculate around a grin? A grin farms after a wiser herd. Why does the closest major orbit inside make two? The postscript conforms within making an asterisk. An incapable zone blackmails make show before a saga.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Rouge tooge to the hep tep jains! Rouge tooge to the rep tep rains!
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> How will the cheer eye the introductory look? Should the enthusiasm nose? The noticed carrier chooses next to the transparent glass.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A redundant concern winds the lawn outside the overcome bigotry. The deed attaches to penny. Nickel overwhelms the doubt over the recorded stone. Does the buck debt filter penny? Our handicap landscapes penny across the suspended needle. The statistic pitches nickel before the glossy tree.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> You stupid "Diarrhea of the mouth" nuck. Up with shmit on black ass brown Hackel meal McTrelker. Harky Mc Jallillashter. Smuggin Mah Kellihole. Harpb am1n m0n mif jalellamon brooms of mushkin boy a munchkin maggity von heffrin. Shtooty mic blackened. Shooty hick black and flubberdy bij ass rijjal.
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Two guns and a ding! Schick a plucky o placker. Meal manilla manorf rackets roog. Biosphere Oblomov. Pechorin partooshy plets the galaxy, clearly some neckbearded basement dweller
<pig_> swarley: hehe yeah, those are called regression tests, they ensure that future changes dont break currently working functionality :P
<pig_> swarley: so it's important that whenever u add a new feature you still pass the old tests
<swarley> well
<swarley> looking at it
<swarley> its worried about the size o-O
<swarley> i havnt modified any of his core code to a point that it wouldnt work
<swarley> the only real thing i changed was data exchange
<swarley> his original file is what i use for testing
<swarley> FAILURE
<swarley> an history from a huge existing file asserts [] with arguments(s): [1] => expected "7", not "2"
<swarley> (on line 79 in test/history_test.rb)
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<swarley> not sure what the problem there is lol
<swarley> pig_, and yes i noticed he's strict, which is why i generally avoid him lol
<swarley> im no careful enough to be strict often times
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<pig_> swarley: he's a very talented programmer though and you can probably learn a lot from him ;)
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<swarley> i am aware of that, he is far out of my league lol
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<pig_> swarley: you'll get there :)
<swarley> i sure hope so. Or else all the effort would be for nothing ;<
<pig_> swarley: keep giving yourself challenging exercises
<pig_> swarley: also recommend learning the ruby C API to deepen your understanding of ruby
<swarley> yeah, i've done some work with the ruby C api
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<swarley> i wanted the perl6 concat operator lol
<swarley> ~
<swarley> "hello" ~ "there"
<swarley> that one
<swarley> was worthless and messy
<pig_> swarley: what does that o
<swarley> it takes "hello " ~ "world" and makes it "hello world"
<swarley> not much
<swarley> i prefer perls dot operator, but that is clearly not an option for ruby
<swarley> pig_, got a suggestion on what i can spend my time on as a challenge?
<swarley> im always trying to make something useful, never have a useful idea. ironic, i suppose
<pig_> swarley: yes, this
<pig_> (one sec)
<swarley> kk
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<pig_> swarley: so, something like: search-method yo_.* ActiveSupport
<pig_> swarley: searches recursively inside ActiveSupport namespace for matches for that method regex
<pig_> and returns the owner of the methods that match
<pig_> owners*
<swarley> hm
<pig_> swarley: it would also be awesome if you could search based on a code snippet too, not just method name
<swarley> what do you mean?
<pig_> search-method --code "x = 10" ActiveSupport
<swarley> ohh
<pig_> swarley: returns all methods that have that code
<swarley> i see
<swarley> i'l start with the first one
<pig_> swarley: use UboundMethod#source / Metho#source for that last one
<swarley> and see what i can do
<swarley> Method#source?
<pig_> swarley: this might also be useful: https://github.com/pry/pry/wiki/Command-system
<pig_> swarley: Yeah, Method#source is an extension i wrote for Method class :) using the method_source gem
<swarley> :o
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<swarley> i'll try it
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<SullX> goodnight all
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<sgharms> Hey all, i'm having trouble geting a time formatter worked out. Does anyone see my error here?
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<scalebyte> shevy: Good Day
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<swarley> pig_,
<swarley> i finished
<swarley> with the main, not including the method searching
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<swarley> wasnt that hard really
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> > : k ` 2 - ( I I ^ E c : ! U d S C ~ o | D d 3 2 - E @ * ; ) . t P u o O s H { o 9 =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> u > e K
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t t w 8 q l & G c [ 4 o * 5 Z E O , n k b W N C K F X l i z H B + p 8 y \ ^ G U B R l Q \ F M
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> = d F U Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> _ W y p ] p t ; ? h ] " $ $ ; i z $ D b _ ) = { n I b k o e ? > o p } 3 ' j j 9 ( s & z ( .
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> * z I d 0 &
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> v H H : ! b y w { ( m M X + b L { $ 6 < c P " U ` ] v $ r A a T # h X 5 n x H , < P * ; u b
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> i ( u l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y T W l h _ w I ^ F i E y V % M Y 3 G J 0 * H w K ` Z X c / Q T d h I * S d X j E b B | - s ~
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> L O $ % #
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V a Q J E V ~ < 0 . ' D E j % i { w d K x z m _ 1 w ~ u N ; 8 V z u $ - K u a D + ' . f p
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> g
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> n v [ z ( W . ' b z ' x z c a V n T + f < x { , r v . ' 9 Y j u H ] X M [ o F } ^ - < N
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> { y / F
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t K Z m l D ? a ' R : C % e L B A r , _ B R u ) a . = I x > y N R O p $ O P ~ q K A + S s @ Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V L " 7 E
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Q L V f ' J I d p { # d c h G 8 F ! ) J X / @ D S A i S h e y > L > p _ > ? U S ) p r 1 t = i
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 5 1 l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> a E ? O k A = | , O R T U : r e # J " Z q U D # J : ' S Y ] e t C ? m , , + \ v S 8 d X c @
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> $ n j <
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> e U J b = k H . W O e l . C [ P @ | x E @ w O z : o b f ^ i ? : V # Y a % ( ~ v k s , ; K
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 4 j > 6 2
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y z M ^ Z \ E p b Y _ B * d W k ; a ' ; d B p b ! x 3 [ $ c d \ e H = p j Q a l t G V k S } ! y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> k s ] =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> b @ ^ c M ? = [ ) P . ` K [ o v * ! + * S g U q + { d V m F = ~ % 7 K 2 F P { f P R b d M \ @ s
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A t v ,
<RubyPanther> You got some line noise there, buddy, squirrels on the wire or something
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: kick out this spammer
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> > : k ` 2 - ( I I ^ E c : ! U d S C ~ o | D d 3 2 - E @ * ; ) . t P u o O s H { o 9 =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> u > e K
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t t w 8 q l & G c [ 4 o * 5 Z E O , n k b W N C K F X l i z H B + p 8 y \ ^ G U B R l Q \ F M
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> = d F U Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> _ W y p ] p t ; ? h ] " $ $ ; i z $ D b _ ) = { n I b k o e ? > o p } 3 ' j j 9 ( s & z ( .
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> * z I d 0 &
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> v H H : ! b y w { ( m M X + b L { $ 6 < c P " U ` ] v $ r A a T # h X 5 n x H , < P * ; u b
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> i ( u l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y T W l h _ w I ^ F i E y V % M Y 3 G J 0 * H w K ` Z X c / Q T d h I * S d X j E b B | - s ~
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> L O $ % #
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V a Q J E V ~ < 0 . ' D E j % i { w d K x z m _ 1 w ~ u N ; 8 V z u $ - K u a D + ' . f p
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> g
nikhil__ has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> n v [ z ( W . ' b z ' x z c a V n T + f < x { , r v . ' 9 Y j u H ] X M [ o F } ^ - < N
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> { y / F
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t K Z m l D ? a ' R : C % e L B A r , _ B R u ) a . = I x > y N R O p $ O P ~ q K A + S s @ Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V L " 7 E
<RubyPanther> I don't have such powers
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Q L V f ' J I d p { # d c h G 8 F ! ) J X / @ D S A i S h e y > L > p _ > ? U S ) p r 1 t = i
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 5 1 l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> a E ? O k A = | , O R T U : r e # J " Z q U D # J : ' S Y ] e t C ? m , , + \ v S 8 d X c @
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> $ n j <
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> e U J b = k H . W O e l . C [ P @ | x E @ w O z : o b f ^ i ? : V # Y a % ( ~ v k s , ; K
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 4 j > 6 2
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y z M ^ Z \ E p b Y _ B * d W k ; a ' ; d B p b ! x 3 [ $ c d \ e H = p j Q a l t G V k S } ! y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> k s ] =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> b @ ^ c M ? = [ ) P . ` K [ o v * ! + * S g U q + { d V m F = ~ % 7 K 2 F P { f P R b d M \ @ s
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A t v ,
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> > : k ` 2 - ( I I ^ E c : ! U d S C ~ o | D d 3 2 - E @ * ; ) . t P u o O s H { o 9 =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> u > e K
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t t w 8 q l & G c [ 4 o * 5 Z E O , n k b W N C K F X l i z H B + p 8 y \ ^ G U B R l Q \ F M
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> = d F U Z
<RubyPanther> @IlIIlIIIIlIIlll.destroy
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> _ W y p ] p t ; ? h ] " $ $ ; i z $ D b _ ) = { n I b k o e ? > o p } 3 ' j j 9 ( s & z ( .
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> * z I d 0 &
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> v H H : ! b y w { ( m M X + b L { $ 6 < c P " U ` ] v $ r A a T # h X 5 n x H , < P * ; u b
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> i ( u l
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: call Banisterfiend.. he seems to be the admin
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y T W l h _ w I ^ F i E y V % M Y 3 G J 0 * H w K ` Z X c / Q T d h I * S d X j E b B | - s ~
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> L O $ % #
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V a Q J E V ~ < 0 . ' D E j % i { w d K x z m _ 1 w ~ u N ; 8 V z u $ - K u a D + ' . f p
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> g
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> n v [ z ( W . ' b z ' x z c a V n T + f < x { , r v . ' 9 Y j u H ] X M [ o F } ^ - < N
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> { y / F
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: lol
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t K Z m l D ? a ' R : C % e L B A r , _ B R u ) a . = I x > y N R O p $ O P ~ q K A + S s @ Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V L " 7 E
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Q L V f ' J I d p { # d c h G 8 F ! ) J X / @ D S A i S h e y > L > p _ > ? U S ) p r 1 t = i
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 5 1 l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> a E ? O k A = | , O R T U : r e # J " Z q U D # J : ' S Y ] e t C ? m , , + \ v S 8 d X c @
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> $ n j <
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> e U J b = k H . W O e l . C [ P @ | x E @ w O z : o b f ^ i ? : V # Y a % ( ~ v k s , ; K
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 4 j > 6 2
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y z M ^ Z \ E p b Y _ B * d W k ; a ' ; d B p b ! x 3 [ $ c d \ e H = p j Q a l t G V k S } ! y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> k s ] =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> b @ ^ c M ? = [ ) P . ` K [ o v * ! + * S g U q + { d V m F = ~ % 7 K 2 F P { f P R b d M \ @ s
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A t v ,
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> & | 7 ; W / u V 8 { { t n y v d = d l K L } h # g w b J 0 Z v g [ W ) A S C / r z * U e & c
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 3 R T O g s
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> a B ) ; d H P % x Q Y v @ U o p 6 r i l / U F w \ Q I n u \ % ! < h L ] v J U * b R d Y U )
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> , - m
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ^ E o l ; o k V K e y ; N @ & & b r ^ l d r : g ; 8 @ A L U D # b [ L a k 8 Q B U ) 7
twinturbo has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> B N M @ ,
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> H " F P s } E { g ` W : v { A " _ L - ( w n K i R < ? U a r E P ^ Q ^ u $ , m h c e l 2 O : -
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 4 X # r
<RubyPanther> unlikely
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> r q r o ? A j { I ) @ l k Y [ * ' e { q Q 1 / c J w k K M = q z J + 5 e g M a _ r m J ; L m % 6
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> n { P ) /
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> X - [ p Q ^ o & h $ ! : @ # ] ( W d ! : m t H t y & i U [ ^ m . # _ W ) h ` d p M x t | k } Z , )
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> / ^ c x
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> T : F Z E n l z = m a T d o t A a 3 4 7 w 5 | [ U } # + : / ; ` v H B W % N h W 8 # @ r " n < |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ! T < n
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 0 < > E B i = B B x @ < s w S c ^ c ) \ g [ ' * d { j 0 c Z A , E : M s % J M A o + t " _ ] s c ?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> = { H k &
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> { ! ; P Z I N e @ * Z > $ i V H n ^ s ' ) ! l + o \ | S P - l ) v M t . e O 4 O ? : $ d l : > c !
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> K # w s 6
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> & s K | S , ^ B k S z e n B U p W } = t r * f S n ] N r + _ } & * R a i \ < l : * : ^ W x / x P
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> \ _ x } k
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ] A O K q C g ! i = @ a G E S B q 1 X i [ ] H n { k 2 9 ] - s / g < > Z i n * ~ r ] I A k i d E
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> [ _ ; p
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ] u Y # O m ; _ A ( ( - n | R e r Q w a ! { $ % g s H ~ l ! E - s ! _ , P / 7 n ' T I u u
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> @ C d 8
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> a % } ( 4 ` Q Q 3 H h ` = * - Q p & X ` " e ] G q | + u % H d R F ; * l e & > Z = . ' & Y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> . " .
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> J h g 2 ! } s 8 e I u F T @ 5 U = Z # r Q a [ . F | c A 8 ( . ( s S @ - 7 { 8 [ V W A } h T v
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> q ?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> k e # % < i ` Z ; n G I w G I i Z { U w T 4 A K K [ _ " . ] Q ) b h j @ k " C c G j ( b f (
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> + 4 ?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 1 H j . B A & z t ' 2 t u N s } ( / A ! - B > w Z a Q & = C j W B a ` E _ , k ` - y D ? a V
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> w ; o l
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: need help cracking this hack -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> T z Q ) r ' 0 & 5 H f F @ % s ? z w ? i * I X Q f B f T ' : t z c # G , P W g f ' P I r h
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ) ` K Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> < 5 x [ ' V | q } - g ' q ` < W M F 8 Z n w . q K . ~ G F | l J O l m N @ x J . M # g s e w
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> : j K c
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> } d R D ) S 7 l . C M O ; } k " [ s : < = ! . R { w X z \ : P E \ E e < r b U j ^ : ( %
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> o ? q
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> O 7 O 0 G W ^ l V X ) # - y / , Y [ 8 % v . ] Q { u P 9 ) t X B : V , v w x J Y { E Z F H w o R f l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> G : F ` <
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> | j r [ a y \ * * y d / J d d B n T O j $ L { m T " P g ? s 2 p } H q R f h 9 w 8 I o < 5 C C
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 1 X ; c +
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Reggle ma houn
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> r v ~ \ f C K M w 7 < ^ " } Q O g > # M 2 X n & g L + K n k L , ' C ; ' p b o f ? Z & l , _ [
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> t g D T
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y V R E o p + f + * { & - M e V e E = f ) I a H P B } k i : ; O 5 \ U o L G K ] A D x " F [ & I P G a
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Z n $ <
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y % Q : \ T ` @ c d C ^ % b K u Z ? f e L Y 2 r x @ Z ' r g S v C n / a & 0 o Z W G V s f J " W
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> N # ~ 1
<pig_> swarley: can u sho wme?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> H ^ 2 = C a T K N A t [ R e a ' # : b F ` Y t ] ^ z L > [ D < t = q W M + b " ; { ! e 0 f q u ;
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> V + f R Y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> S C V ) $ i < & r B | - y Z N ^ } o W $ Q k : t k g U h ( * n : z R [ } ' R s { ! u J ( x * - $
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> f ( A =
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> G F G Z U k w z a ( < n ! ~ ; & F o / _ + f : , F t r = ` " O I u * I G ? F g J * M F _ L c 8 n P
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> L S -
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> K r < x e & ~ Q Q * H o ? A m & 6 . < M " + w k k H Q g l n K : I z Q ) * R 0 Y d 1 a : > I w *
<swarley> sure
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> b K k n
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> f N v # H ) u E y . ' | h _ [ * u Y 0 j . s I T * K [ 4 z + | X o > { ] ? J # < f a g O s 0 ; = |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> i l N r
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> F + i o g & X V K 8 2 a } % } = w f m p x , { I Y O ` } y B W i P = [ A ! > 0 C m s i e F X & 3 l @
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ] D > W (
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> + 9 g v J a g 7 ( l / P = S V d r A D P f E Z w c # q i \ y s ~ 0 D h , K ` \ y 9 ( ? 1 { # , ! y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> z l y
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> | . - % ? d W r < q w u / B c { @ S $ ? - ! n 2 [ @ u q v r j H X f c B % = | * m s ' u h q 3
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> P * $ O *
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ] ' [ E q w G i > h [ a k j 8 O r S 8 z [ > | m A \ U S { 8 f 5 | x C # # A y ^ G A ? 7 M
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> " c X L U
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> - - $ f ' b f j w = t $ m @ Y 3 O ' g r 1 g _ N Q . W j p - ( k f j r ; Q ( _ ! p P M # w t - 3
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> % ! 4 ^
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> M 8 A = t w p G N 8 # ) = : E ( K # $ u ' M j Z J > 1 3 U W f ! d x K s _ * D n Q A 5 -
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 9 : j Z {
<pig_> swarley: did you watch out for cases of recursive constants?
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> W f D : > M Q % x } j 7 Y D S ! { @ . s > O a + j @ 8 ? O t O } y ` < S k / Y D k P : N A J
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> L q T p
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Z ^ t L ! : U v \ A y / O H h d * Z V / R % [ b d \ ] V E b R M i O s G S d D D % X a [ j > w O k ` W
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> T > n | :
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> b h . B g # ^ w x M J [ Q : + B 3 ! 6 X 2 p Y h M I H q 0 Y D + i \ / ) 8 ( , & ) $ V O | # <
ringotwo has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> k T \
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> O } W j ] . 2 ? - + 3 2 u ~ _ e F B 8 ! U j g M < W S O ' n O c B 2 K 7 - G s s x C + z + 0 I
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> _ 2 z & d
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> . 5 , ? * N X G e t " b V . 7 & ] r G ^ w ( n # @ X D Q ^ k J g R I u A a 6 " + d e v
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> J 1 y B r
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> r L ' . ] X ) e Y : w a - / * a Y b W t W a " d z = i U / 6 5 - G D } } p ~ > \ 3 _ M P % U
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: looks like a homework problem
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> \ @ w m
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> \ $ + N . 7 @ b L t @ ! C & a O B * ' Y j | : l U g : d h # | q a i _ ^ ; 2 6 ' T v N \
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 4 O ( - L
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> o + A V ` ( E S g x h = | , - S # ! K e a / T | Z W < g l c + ( Q : V O t * M V n ] x _ Z R d - w ? [
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> # y w 2
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> E % X k ] H D g G " $ ) , Z { V k a M G e z _ | s c p B n ' c o ; O u ' 9 & d I M ( L / l x A %
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> n E
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 9 l U u n W f : . > ? ) . % } { + . C u m ^ < u ; A Y p ~ d _ R } z / * ] F ; ? f ) i B E
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> 4 { D Z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> E ^ ^ & % * ] u T h R c ` W ' = D Q Y { * P " Y J r w q C o D = + @ ; [ H } Y u j / 3 w Q B c ! h
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> , ` 6 : 5
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> D " C % / s e } a S 9 ! G @ r L \ T - A f M K ' J L J i U U @ % = F Z V : 8 S E c % o q N B C +
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> A d Z W z
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> _ G v } + _ ; H T Q | L { _ t q e Q J a w Y , * g G _ W ` R K , & ^ g C h < H Z i 8 $ i p y * f / R
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> c ? G
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> . x T x p & J P # z g 6 m T v 0 = f W - v . i p O E ? T 6 O R ' ^ ; C m w p c ` " ` { X | [ } O b
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ` s x
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ] e I U x ^ < / { v V ; a A Y U , 8 " [ ' i = + > ~ X . [ ] r & p - a O ] . W z g | K 2 ;
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> N 5 k P
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ^ w g - B M * ] O I V Y Z J F V ) . d A B b L m [ D t H \ D U . } q < ] $ z n , l " g b & V
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> B ^ z W m
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y u ; r U # , : b j M - [ , V N J V ] . N Q { V Y & % I n u < w f ~ X " B ! W \ 1 | j E ' X '
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Y ] = l
<swarley> yes
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> J N ? V l S | d F n v U c N d [ { ? L a W T A . ` B [ K > O G > $ @ ; b j Y X l ; * m ! { F % (
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ) O * j
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> n < ` L P - " h \ L 3 ^ o r * q S u n o > + < ; V ] c I K q ] K a V f Z [ - % E L M = d ; : K n F
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<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> l + u
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> % ^ | @ T D & ) E W C ] H c ^ W P d G N > q x W C W s p Q y @ ) n ; I f W 6 G A L j I I : A #
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> > n ^ B L
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> [ a ) Y u $ > < m ! ? 9 m ? 7 ^ l > I e L D v @ = X B p ` n g E v r ' f _ I 9 j c w Q X V " o
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> l l
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ' > O W _ n & k 3 k ! q z - s r P : B ' b ] a H a E ] s c 2 ? A F G g ' { n p t 7 / < n # C J
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ~ H C v
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> a J i u b G $ I Z h - ~ # ! e q F j o " M E R T ^ e . o ? B Y q } i \ x ; v t ~ ^ n & F O ,
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> { p F &
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> Z N x t o " q h U W ^ / H v r G v B < ! K i G ] A k - ` e v h P b ^ ? M | s w a A n u t c G > %
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> / y q @ G
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> b M ] V 3 R q $ O D K A M o x ' B m F U L H X k F j } p G = k S \ [ / l X 3 > @ T y > m U U = d B
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: yes mate need to help for it
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<swarley> find to_* Class
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<swarley> fing ^to_.+ Class is better
<swarley> find*
<pig_> swarley: cool, but u have to deal with this case: A::B, B::A
<swarley> what do you mean?
<pig_> swarley: or do u detal with it? where each class contains a reference to the other, so it loops around indefiniteily, wouldn't it?
<pig_> in fact, just A::A would probably be bad enough
<pig_> class A; A = self; end
<swarley> if a class has been checked it wont check the class again
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<pig_> swarley: good!
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I need the most optimized code for it.. RubyPanther could be my saviour :)
<swarley> A#to_s
<swarley> A#to_enum
<swarley> yup all good
<pig_> swarley: btw you shouldn't use ivars as they're meaningless, the instance is created afresh each time the command is invoked
<swarley> pig_, oh okay
<pig_> swarley: thanks though, just a minor quibbble. I'll check it out soon :)
<swarley> actually
<swarley> i need the ivar
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: are you going to do my homework in Probabilistic Graphical Models?
<swarley> without it [105] pry(main)> find to_.+ A
<swarley> SystemStackError: stack level too deep
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: This is just a cakewalk for you.. I know that and I could try my hand in your homework too
<pig_> swarley: hmm why is that?
<swarley> because its how it checks for the repitition
<swarley> im assuming when you make a new command
<swarley> its a new class
<pig_> swarley: i mean why cant it be a local?
<swarley> because it would be method local
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<swarley> i wanted it to be class local
<pig_> but why does it need to be instance local? i can only see you using it in one method
<swarley> per instanec
<swarley> well i could use class
<swarley> but it wont work with method local
<swarley> i could change it to
<pig_> swarley: wait, why does it need to be instance local when you're only using it in one method?
<swarley> i modified it
<swarley> so it doesnt use i vars and still works
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: mate u there?
<swarley> second version
<swarley> no ivars
<swarley> but its fine for the stack
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<RubyPanther> scalebyte: I see the problem but not your attempt that you're trying to improve
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<twinturbo> how can I update the definitions for ruby-build?
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<LBRapid> twinturbo: If you installed with homebrew, you can try brew update and then `brew upgrade ruby-build` to check for a new version
<LBRapid> That seems to be the suggested way to get the latest definitions
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<twinturbo> cool
<twinturbo> what's the easiest way to update to xcode for 4.3
<LBRapid> twinturbo: It's a free app in the appstore now
<LBRapid> just download and let it install
<twinturbo> ah
<twinturbo> nice
<LBRapid> finally has delta updates so after the 1.5GB initial one future updates shouldn't be gigantic
<twinturbo> im on 4.1
<twinturbo> so gotta dl 1.5gb
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<LBRapid> Yep, you'll notice you'll have two XCode.apps, it's safe to trash to one in /Developer after installing the update
<LBRapid> lives in Applications now
<LBRapid> trash the one*
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: you got the solution ?
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: I see the problem but not your attempt that you're trying to improve
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: You can help me improve my dear :)
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I just need this single solution and I will be thankful to you for the rest of my life... :)
<RubyPanther> nothing * anything = nothing, so how can I improve what you haven't started?
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I have started I have learnt a lot so far in ruby
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<RubyPanther> scalebyte: where is the pastie/gist with your attempt?
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<RubyPanther> scalebyte: qrs cnvef_jvgu_x_qvssrerapr a,x; a.vawrpg(0){|g,r|g += (a.svaq_nyy{|s|(s-r).nof == x}.fvmr);g}/2 raq
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<RubyPanther> That is an encrypted solution, if you can decrypt it then you won't have to do the work
<RubyPanther> guaranteed not to be efficient
<pig_> RubyPanther: ca u show me that 'duck typing' drawing again
<pig_> it was cool
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<shevy> lol
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: You are not helping a ruby started.. :(
<RubyPanther> huh?
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I will show you my attempt in 10 mintues pls wait thanks :)
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|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> I'm thinkin about a rep tep tiggle
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>  | - ,, _. ,
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>  `\ ' .,,,.-`` \
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>   '' ,_ `
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>  ˆˆˆˆˆ  `````''--,
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>  ˆˆˆˆ  ˆˆˆ  `\
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>  ˆˆˆˆ  ˆˆˆ  |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ  ˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll>   |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> .'''''-, |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> __ ,-` ¸¸¸¸¸¸¸`', |
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: just o ask a doubt.. is it possible to read input from user using STDIN and print output usin STDOUT in ruby? since I have used puts and gets more
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ††† .'¸¸¸¸ ¸¸ ``''''````''. |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> † ††††† ¸ ¸ \ /
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ††|' † | ¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸ Farting's fun! \ /
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> † ` † / / /
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> †††††† | _,---, ` |
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> /- '., ,.-'` `'-.,,,,,-' /
<|IlIIlIIIIlIIlll> ,- ``` `
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> / -'`` _.-'```````''---'``
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ ,,--'``
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `'''''--'```
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII>  , / 
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII>  ` , /  
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII>  . . |   
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII>  ' `. |   
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII>  \ '- |   
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII>  `. |   
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ä  `,|   
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ää  |   
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ää  |   
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: yes, it should be very easy
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ää |  
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ä |
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ää | 
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \`, ää | 
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> | . ää |
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ \ ä , ,,,,,,,,.---',`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ \ ää
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ \ ä /`
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: can u just show me a simple line of example
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ \ ä ,` ,
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ \ ää / ,.`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> | `. ää / - /
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ \ / _. ` /
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `` , | \ ,` _,-` ,
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: stdin and stdout
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ ` , \ . ` ,'
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ `. | \ .` ,
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ `\ \ \ ,' , ,`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ `, \ \ ,' , ` /
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ ,\ | / ,-` ,
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ ` ` ,-` ,'
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `. ,-` / '|
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ ,'` .` .` ,
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> , | _-` / ,-` \
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,. . -'``` ,' ,-'` ,'
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ` , .` ,-' ` _,-'``
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ``''---` `` ` ````
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,
<Jan_> oh god
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> g' 4f xM9=* 4g ]&_ 4f A & pMF~~~!
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> J! 7 .q_,N 4~_ ]8B M B' f 0g
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> 0 /! 6^`$ &mQL ]& *jT 0 .8 ~~"W,
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ]T_ .N *} # pX Nc ]# 0! 0 _# q,_,g0
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ""~' `^ ~ ` ~' ^ " ~~~ `````
<RubyPanther> puts already goes to stdout unless you redirected it, but you can also say $stdout.puts "foo"
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> _____, ,g, _g
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ``Z`` _M "" 0&c
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> .I 4&g,_ #V_p
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> $ ___jp y!"~~&
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> wr0#gae ~~~"` "
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> QN"MQ & m p q1 gwwmw, mmqpmmv
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> M_ p! F _0Mq *RQ 4$ # 4f
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> N~~^^ ]Y #@_j& QS Muj6 M8*M 0
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> # 0Nmamgq,_0M~^~Mq #& #8 N____ ]#
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ` `' " ~``~^ ^
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: can I say stdout "foo"
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,,.-..,
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,-` `',
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> - ',
<RubyPanther> uhm
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,' _,,,,,__
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> / `,.....,``
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> | `| | |
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> _.-`` | ,` /
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,` _,-` ,.-` ,`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> | | | ,,,.-''`` _.'
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ` ,\ -'''``````````` _,.'`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `'-.,,,,,,,,,,----''``` |
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ '
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> \ `
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `. ,`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `., _.`
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> `''-''`
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: in irb stdout gives me undefined local variable or method `stdout' for main:Object
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛDž²¥Ûú±óÿ°~°°ÛÛÌ ž°±²‡uÿÿúÛÛrùùúÄ\ÛÛÛÝú
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßß߰߰ÿúú±±°†±ÛÛÛ۱°۱Û۲Û۱ÿ:±‹~ÛÛÛÛÛ
<RubyPanther> yeah I never said stdout I said $stdout
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛúúÿúú°úùÿ4°ü°ÜÛÛ&°±±°&²ÛÛÛ۱w‡°°ª¬ÛÛÛÜÛ
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛÛÛÛۆ_ÜÜÛ۰Þ۩ÿÿú°©ú‹°±ÛÛÛ۱°$²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝbžw©ú.±±°ÛÛÛÛÛ
emmanuelux has joined #ruby
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ۶±ÛÝÿÿú°°ÞÛÛÛÛÿÿúÿÞÛÛÛÛÛ۲ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ۲ßßßߟ±±±±±±±ÛÛÛÛÛ
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛÛÛ۱ú._°¥ÛÛÛÛ\~-úªÿ±±ªú°©`úù۟۱ù°ÿÿÿÿÿ-°±±N±¶ÛÛÛ۱
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛÝ,ÞúÿÙÿúàßÛÞÛ_°\ú°ÿú¦ް°wÿúú¸MÛÜÜۇ°°úúúÿÿ°Z±ÛÛÛ۲ÿ`\
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ÛݰTÿö’ú/ݱ,ÞÛÛX_ÜÜÜÜÛÛ۲±±ù±»ÛÛÛÛÛ۱±ú›úùÿÿ~±߱ú:ÿ°±±
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: ok thans
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> --, _
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> ,' `. |
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> / ', ., |
<|IlIIlIllIlIlIII> | ', ,'` \ |
<nikis> Phew.
<keymone> there's none who can ban those people here?
<nikis> Apparently not at the moment.
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: $stdout.puts "foo" works but $stdout "foo" throws yntaxError: compile error (irb):3: syntax error, unexpected tSTRING_BEG, expecting $end $stdout "foo"
workmad3 has joined #ruby
<scalebyte> keymone: there is just one spammer IlIIlIllIlIlIII
<scalebyte> keymone:banisterfiend is the admin he is not here now
<RubyPanther> you why would you be able to follow a variable with a space and then a string literal? Not valid Ruby.
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: so where am I going wrong in this ? -. $stdout "foo"
<RubyPanther> what would it do?
<RubyPanther> You can't give an argument to a variable, variables are only containers
<RubyPanther> you need an operator or a method in there somewhere
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: in the question it says Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<RubyPanther> those are the normal places that IO comes from, what is the hard part there?
<jlebrech> how do you sig HUP unicorn?
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: so I thought in the question since they have explicitly mentioned that stdin and stdout has to b used I thought I am not supposed to use puts and gets ; I couldnt even get stdout "test" working
<RubyPanther> jlebrech: presumably you would figure out the pid and then say kill -1 pid
<scalebyte> jlebrech: kill -9 pid
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: It is really really super basic to understand what standard input and standard output are, separate from Ruby
<RubyPanther> -9 is SIGKILL not SIGHUP
<RubyPanther> kill -l for a list
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: so what should I use in the answer as per the question to read input and output ?
<jlebrech> RubyPanther yeah i'm being slow :)
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<RubyPanther> scalebyte: qrs cnvef_jvgu_x_qvssrerapr a,x; a.vawrpg(0){|g,r|g += (a.svaq_nyy{|s|(s-r).nof == x}.fvmr);g}/2 raq ; qrs ernq_naq_cevag_cnvef;p,x = FGQVA.ernqyvar; chgf cnvef_jvgu_x_qvssrerapr(FGQVA.ernqyvar.fcyvg.pbyyrpg(&:gb_v),x) raq
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I am not understadning anything with this encrypted solution.. have some mercy on your younger brother in ruby world
<RubyPanther> What is merciful here is a matter of philosophy.
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: Its a matter of helping out newbies to rise up
<RubyPanther> I give you a chance to solve a smaller problem instead of the original problem, it is already perhaps a handicap and not helpful
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: its the duty of all panthers cheetahs and lions in the ruby forest :)
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<RubyPanther> I spend a lot of time in the forest, I can't imagine trying to discuss duty with a panther. A lion, perhaps.
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: whats the use of giving an encrypted solution and confusing this fragile mind more... :-/
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: You dont lose anything if u dont help me but u will gain my gratitude and wishes.. Thats what jesus told us... help him who needs it
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<RubyPanther> He also said that in shallow soil the seed grows too fast and then withers, the seed has to fall on good soil where there will be water to grow... so that is why things are taught in a way that they can be understood by the person with the right mindset
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: yes u can help me fall on good soil :)
<RubyPanther> You are the soil, I can't change you. The seed your class scatters will either grow, or it will not.
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: u can be the water to help me grow faster... pather. amen
<RubyPanther> I gave you an implementation, you only have to solve the easiest encryption problem other than 1's compliment
<RubyPanther> gotta leave you _something_ to do on your own
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I am now following you on twitter paris...
<RubyPanther> I don't use twitter so it won't be very exciting
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: Please help me paris.. just once and I will always be thankful to you !!
<RubyPanther> Thankfulness has no value, I have to judge for myself if I think I am helping you or not.
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: please paris... :)
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: atleast considering the fact that I have always been nice to you :)
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: fine, I obscured the implementation with ROT13
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: here it is -> https://gist.github.com/2249833
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: https://gist.github.com/2249833
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: thanks a tonnes
<RubyPanther> lol
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: why are you laughing ?
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: where are we checking this -> [N<=10^5] we need to count the total pairs of numbers that have a difference of K. [K>0 and K<1e9]
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<RubyPanther> I didn't go into edge cases or sanity checks, no
<RubyPanther> what is this "we?" Don't copy my code unless you know what it does.
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: ok
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I ran the function read_and_print_pairs entered 12 press enter then entered 1 and I got the output 0
<RubyPanther> The first line is supposed to have two numbers, yes? The number of elements in N (unused) and K.
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I meant n= 12 I need to enter 12 values and then when i press enter and feed the first value 1 and press enter again I get the output
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I do this -> read_and_print_pairs enter 5,2 enter 1,3,5,7,4 I get 0 => nil
<RubyPanther> 5 2 not 5,2
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<RubyPanther> if you want commas you have to change the code
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: ok
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: I call read_and_print_pairs then enter 5 2 then enter 1 3 5 7 4 I get 0 and => nil
<RubyPanther> There must be a bug. I only tested the pairs_with_k_difference method
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: ok
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: yes pairs_with_k_difference [1,3,5,4,7,2], 2 works perfect returning 4
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: I forgot to split.collect(&:to_i) the first line
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: u r doing it -> https://gist.github.com/2249833
<RubyPanther> scalebyte: only the second one, both readline calls need it
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: but instead of split.. I think it would have been good if each input was after enter
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: def read_and_print_pairs c,k = STDIN.readline puts pairs_with_k_difference(STDIN.readline.split.collect(&:to_i),STDIN.readline.split.collect(&:to_i)) end
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<jlebrech> does pow run in test mode or development by default? mine looks like it's in production mode.
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<jlebrech> this is anoying
<arturaz> pow?
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<Dae> interested to know if my answer here is correct, if someone more knowledgeable has any thoughts
<scalebyte> Dae: +1 from me (10 rep)
<Dae> oh cheers :)
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<jlebrech> something is setting my rails_env to production, not sure what it is
<jlebrech> locally
<scalebyte> Dae: I need your help
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<Dae> ?
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<scalebyte> Dae: improve it for me -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<scalebyte> apeiros_: Hai mate
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<apeiros_> hi scalebyte
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: you remember yesterdays hack q we discussed about.. how can I improve it? -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<apeiros_> so you finished your code…
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: I need some improvements over it.. If I need it to be better... you can help me out :)
<apeiros_> yours is O(n^2), mine is O(n), so it should perform better
<apeiros_> you should use $stdin, not STDIN
<apeiros_> also, inject { |a,_| a+=expression; a } is bad, or inject misunderstood. use: inject { |a,_| a + expression }
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<RubyPanther> $stdin is not, in general, better than STDIN. It is specific types of cases where it is preferred. Namely, where it isn't explicit that you want the original, real STDIN
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<apeiros_> it is, in general, better to use $stdin. only if you have a specific use case, where you know that you must use STDIN, you do use STDIN.
<jlebrech> pow is just using 1.8 and not reading .rvmrc
<RubyPanther> Like this one, actually.
<RubyPanther> And broadly whenever you mean STDIN and not "current default input"
<RubyPanther> obviously in a library you want $stdin
<apeiros_> wait, wait, it is RubyPanther, there's absolutely no point in arguing
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<RubyPanther> Yeah, after all, he might be right.
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<apeiros_> no. this is a clear case where it is $stdin. there's no point in arguing.
<apeiros_> the only case where you use STDIN so far is when you reset $stdin.
<RubyPanther> No, in this case it is clear that if you had reopened $stdin, you'd especially want to still use STDIN because that is what the problem defines
<apeiros_> and no, the reason not to argue with you is that it's absolutely pointless, not because you'd been right.
<apeiros_> if you were a normal person, I'd tell you to think about when you reopen $stdin and what that means, why you reopen it
<RubyPanther> The problem says STDIN, it doesn't say STDIN or whatever you assigned to $stdin as a convenience.
<apeiros_> but since you're RubyPanther…
* apeiros_ off for lunch
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<RubyPanther> Exactly, you reopen it for a reason. You don't just grab $stdin every time without considering, if it _had_ been reopened, which one would you want this time? If your specification defines STDIN specifically, then the reopened one is guaranteed to be wrong.
<RubyPanther> Lacking a specification, I can see using the one that is more likely to be correct, but when you have it spelled out then you can use the more specific one, when correct.
<apeiros_> and you'd reopen $stdin why?
<apeiros_> again, NO you DONT use STDIN, you use $stdin. if your specification says to use stdin, then *you don't reopen* $stdin if you want to use it according to the spec
<apeiros_> and you use $stdin because it still *enables you* to use it differently than the spec. e.g. for tests.
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<apeiros_> and NO, you do NOT use STDIN *ever*, because if you change $stdin, it's not because you think it's funny or cool and nothing should care about it, you do it for a *reason*.
<apeiros_> it's therefore absolutely stupid to use STDIN.
<apeiros_> also, for reference, all Kernel modules use the $ vars.
<apeiros_> s/modules/methods/
<apeiros_> <rule>use $std*. keep STD* as a backup.</rule>
<apeiros_> so, coworker is ready. off for lunch for real now.
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<scalebyte> RubyPanther: apeiros_ hai friends... had been away for a while... so which solution should I go for ?
<scalebyte> apeiros_: you havent done the validation :)
<pig_> scalebyte: why are you cheating at your homework, we shoudl report u, pig!
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<scalebyte> pig_: try and get the validation correct if you are smart enough -> http://pastie.org/3696899
<pig_> scalebyte: do your own homework, pig
<pig_> or ill call the cops
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<scalebyte> pig_: call the cops :)
<bounce> calling cops on schoolkids now?
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<pig_> bounce: Yeah
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<waxjar> i'm planning on using minitest to write the tests for a library I'm writing, but don't really understand the difference between Unit Tests and Specs.
<pig_> waxjar: wankery, basically
<waxjar> is it just semantics or something?
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<workmad3> waxjar: pretty much, it's just style
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<waxjar> ok, i think i prefer Specs then
<pig_> workmad3: what does the 'specs' school call regression tests ?:)
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<pig_> cos regression test are often ugly and very specific
<pig_> they dont seem rarefied enough to be called 'specs' :)
<workmad3> pig_: I'd still call them regression tests personally :)
<pig_> workmad3: yet express them in the specs style?
<pig_> workmad3: and call the file something_spec? :)
<workmad3> pig_: probably, yeah
<workmad3> pig_: I'm not a purist when it comes to these things :)
<workmad3> pig_: it would be a regression test, but I wouldn't introduce a new testing framework for it so therefore it would be expressed in the spec style
<workmad3> pig_: although with minitest, you could switch I guess :)
<workmad3> (I'm still too embedded in rspec to easily switch)
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<jlebrech> i'm trying to start up unicorn but i get this message: `unlink': Operation not permitted - /tmp/.sock
<pig_> jlebrech: why do i get the feeling you're lying to me and only typing this stuff out co syou need some human contact all alone in your little room
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<jlebrech> pig_ are you human?
<Stefunel> pigman
<pig_> jlebrech: subhuman
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<lessless> irb: 2[1] => 1 HOW'S THAT??
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<pig_> lessless: look up the Fixnum#[] operator
<lessless> cool
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: what validation?
<scalebyte> apeiros_: read the question :)
<apeiros_> out/input is the same as your code
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: Here -> http://pastie.org/3696899 [N<=10^5] we need to count the total pairs of numbers that have a difference of K. [K>0 and K<1e9]
<apeiros_> yes. that's the output of the code. just as with yours.
<apeiros_> now I wonder whether the code you pasted is really your code…
<scalebyte> apeiros_: If you could make it perfect for me.. that would be great.. with an apeiros_ touch.. that is your code.. my code is here -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<canton7> ^^ that looks far too much like golf for me
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: my code does exactly what you write in the question. I have no idea what you're talking about, that it'd be missing.
<apeiros_> scalebyte: anyway, you have my code, feel free to improve it to be whatever you need.
<apeiros_> this channel is, after all, here to help. not to do your work for you.
<jlebrech> i'm getting cache: ... miss. i've google this and it's to do with the asset pipeline. I have an assets group, i can't see what else I have to do.
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<apeiros_> jlebrech: #rubyonrails
<scalebyte> apeiros_: I understand.. but when you help someone you need to make sure that you helping that person correctly.. :)
<jlebrech> apeiros_ cheers
<apeiros_> scalebyte: no
<Psy-Q> is it possible that ruby_parser can't parse HAML properly? when i do rake gettext:find, it explodes on any yaml file with e.g. "parse error on value "}" (tRCURLY)"
<apeiros_> scalebyte: do we have a contract? an SLA? do you pay me?
<scalebyte> apeiros_: No
<Psy-Q> and i'm trying to find out whether the error is in ruby_parser, gettext, racc or somewhere else
<apeiros_> people helping you have absolutely no obligation to you.
<apeiros_> and again, my code works as specified by the question.
<apeiros_> and you've yet failed to specify, where and how you think it deviates.
<apeiros_> I have no intention on riddling that out.
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<apeiros_> so either be clear and explain your problem, or solve it yourself
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: when the user enters the input the code isnt validating if its a number and if its within the given limits
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<canton7> scalebyte, if you came up with the other code (the one in the gist), I'm sure you're quite capable of adding that sort of stuff in
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<scalebyte> canton7: Yes apeiros_ I will do it myself but I had love you to review it thanks
<apeiros_> scalebyte: your question doesn't state, that a validation was necessary.
<apeiros_> also, what canton7 said.
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<`brendan> trying to test this ruby script on an ubuntu 10.04 machine (ruby installed via apt-get), but cannot find the chronic gem: http://pastie.org/3697429
<`brendan> any help is appreciated
<canton7> `brendan, and 'gem install chronic' doesn't help?
<`brendan> its installed
<`brendan> can see it via gem list chronic
<`brendan> *** LOCAL GEMS ***
<`brendan> chronic (0.6.7)
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<canton7> oops, I'm blind
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<`brendan> :/
<`brendan> ran ruby -d clean.rb and pretty much same result
<scalebyte> apeiros_: Here is my final code with validations also. Please review it -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<apeiros_> scalebyte: did you even try to run that?
<scalebyte> apeiros_: yes
<apeiros_> and?
<`brendan> irb(main):002:0> Gem.path
<`brendan> NameError: uninitialized constant Gem
<`brendan> from (irb):2
<`brendan> from :0
<scalebyte> apeiros_: got error (irb):147: warning: else without rescue is useless SyntaxError: compile error (irb):130: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting kTHEN or ':' or '\n' or ';' ...is_a?Integer && k.is_a?Integer && n >0 && n <= 10^5 && K>0 &... ^ (irb):148: syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting $end from (irb):148 from (null):0
<scalebyte> apeiros_: :(
<apeiros_> scalebyte: I suggest you get it to work before I review it
<scalebyte> apeiros_: ok
* canton7 winces at that code
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<`brendan> gonna remove ruby & reinstall using rvm on the box
<`brendan> blahhhhhhhhhh
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<apeiros_> ah, btw. RubyPanther - if you reopen $stdin, STDIN is affected too, so that you shouldn't do anyway. you should reassign.
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: When I run my code -> https://gist.github.com/2234272 I get pairs_with_k_difference 5 2 IOError: not opened for writing from (irb):187:in `write' from (irb):187:in `puts' from (irb):187:in `pairs_with_k_difference' from (irb):190 from (null):0 error
<apeiros_> scalebyte: get the line of code where it happens and paste it here.
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: when I run it line by line it works :-/ -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: I'm quite sure it does not run
<apeiros_> again, try to find the line that raises, and paste that line here
<apeiros_> ruby tells you, which line it is. just read the error.
<scalebyte> apeiros_: OK give a min thanks
<Dae> ?
<scalebyte> apeiros_: this line $stdin.puts "Please enter values within limits"
<scalebyte> apeiros_: https://gist.github.com/2251183
<canton7> to be honest, I'm not entirely surprised. You're trying to trying to *write* to a stream which is used for bringing data *into* the program
<scalebyte> canton7: where am I trying to write ? I am just comparing the inputs
<apeiros_> scalebyte: good, you found the right line
<apeiros_> now, $stdin.puts is an issue
<apeiros_> what do you suppose the 'in' part in $stdin means?
<apeiros_> it's for 'input'
<scalebyte> apeiros_: oh ya
<apeiros_> for 'output' it's $stdout, not $stdin. you can't write to $stdin.
<scalebyte> apeiros_: correct sorry my mistake :)
<apeiros_> note, Kernel#puts (i.e., just plain `puts "hello"`) uses $stdout. that means you don't need to write `$stdout.puts "hi"`, you can write just `puts "hi"`
<`brendan> /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/chronic-0.6.7/lib/chronic/handlers.rb:326: warning: assigned but unused variable - repeater
<scalebyte> apeiros_: yes I know I used it since it was mentioned in the q anyway I wil use puts
<scalebyte> apeiros_: https://gist.github.com/2251183
<scalebyte> apeiros_: opposite happens here ^^
<apeiros_> scalebyte: and what is your question? (I know it doesn't work, but again, I'm not here to write the code for you. YOU write the code. and if you have a problem that you really can't solve, then ask a clear question)
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<`brendan> can anyone help me with this snippet? setting the value locally, trying to have Chronic.parse use the variable's value, but its resulting in a 0 value http://pastie.org/3697600
<scalebyte> apeiros_: I enter 5 and 2 still I get the message Please enter values within limits ; despite the input satisfying the conditions n.is_a?Integer and k.is_a?Integer and n <= 10^5 and K>0 && K<1e9
<scalebyte> apeiros_: https://gist.github.com/2251183
<canton7> `brendan, I don't see "4 in days" being a format that Chronic accepts, looking at its man page
<scalebyte> apeiros_: ok thats becasue "5".is_a?Integer returns false
<`brendan> canton7, is that from http://chronic.rubyforge.org/?
<canton7> `brendan, yeah
<scalebyte> apeiros_: but hw can I make sure user enters integer only
<`brendan> ok
<`brendan> i got it to work with 4 days ago
<canton7> `brendan, "in 4 days" is probably acceptable
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<canton7> but not "4 in days"
<`brendan> trying to go backwards
<`brendan> its a cleanup script to delete files older than 'x' days
<canton7> ah, I see
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<canton7> scalebyte, everything that's read in from stdin is a string. You have to convert it t an integer if you want it to be an integer
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<scalebyte> canton7: but even if I do "s".to_i it will give me 0
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<keymone> scalebyte: and what number do you expect to get from "s"?
<scalebyte> canton7: so hw will I know if a user entered 0 or if he entered some other char since it will become 0 when i do "x".to_i = 0
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<scalebyte> keymone: I need to make sure user entered integer
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<`brendan> grabbing wrong files, blargh
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<keymone> scalebyte: use regexp to check if input is proper number before doing to_i then
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<canton7> scalebyte, you can also use `Integer(users_input)`, but that raises an exception on failure to parse, and it's all a bit messy. I'd prefer the regex solution
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<scalebyte> canton7: so then how can I add regex to this ? -> https://gist.github.com/2234272
<seanstickle> scalebyte: what are you trying to do?
<seanstickle> scalebyte: make sure input is an integer?
<scalebyte> seanstickle: yes
<scalebyte> seanstickle: a number
<seanstickle> foo.is_a? Numeric
<seanstickle> Not good enough?
<scalebyte> seanstickle: /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/
<seanstickle> ?
<canton7> scalebyte, you can use \d instead of [0-9], but that's the gist of it
<seanstickle> Why regex instead of is_a?
<canton7> seanstickle, it's a string input, which needs to be parsed to an int, or an error raised if that can't be done
<scalebyte> seanstickle: it doesnt work in string
<scalebyte> seanstickle: "2".is_a?Numeric returns false
<seanstickle> That is true
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<scalebyte> canton7: how can I make this better /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/
<canton7> scalebyte, /^[-+]?\d+$/ does the same, but is shorter and perhaps clearer
<seanstickle> /^[-+]?\d+$/
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<scalebyte> seanstickle: need floating points also
<scalebyte> canton7: ^
<canton7> scalebyte, do you? I didn't get that impression from reading your spec
<seanstickle> Then just .to_f it
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<scalebyte> someone help me finish this with validation of inputs as number ->https://gist.github.com/2234272 am done then
<seanstickle> scalebyte: matti gave a great pointer to a floating point regex
<matti> ;)
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<scalebyte> seanstickle: matti thanks.. will you aply that for me in my code pls.. am exhausted .. :(
<seanstickle> No
<scalebyte> matti: you rcok
<scalebyte> matti: rock*
<matti> LOL
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<scalebyte> matti: what ?
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<matti> Nothing.
<matti> I am looking at your code.
<scalebyte> matti: thanks man
<scalebyte> matti: kindly go throught the question too :) thanks
<matti> scalebyte: Amm.
<matti> scalebyte: Is this a homework?
<scalebyte> matti: kind of but not exactly .. I am new to ruby :)
<matti> scalebyte: Um.
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<matti> scalebyte: I need to finish something at work. Keep crackin' at it :)
<scalebyte> matti: just help me finish that mate:)
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<Squarepy> what is the prob
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<`brendan> should /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125/gems/chronic-0.6.7/lib/chronic/handlers.rb:326: warning: assigned but unused variable - repeater be reported to the Chronic devs?
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: sorry, I was afk. your question still up?
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: yes using this https://github.com/kwilczynski/puppet-functions/blob/master/lib/puppet/parser/functions/num2bool.rb#L73 i need to make sure user enters numeric value only through regex
<scalebyte> apeiros_: and then convert it to numeric
<marigoLd> Question; disable_with: helper in rails on buttons, is it possible to also append a css-class to the button when the disable_with happens
<marigoLd> as to give it a visual look of blending out
<apeiros_> marigoLd: #rubyonrails
<apeiros_> scalebyte: so what's your try to validate that a string contains only an integer? (you already have half of the solution in that link you pasted)
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: https://gist.github.com/2234272 yes I need to do numeric validation
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: in the best possible way using regex as suggested in the link
<Tasser> how can I create ‚àö√∫ from a unicode Ü
<Tasser> ... wtf.
<apeiros_> Tasser: unicode gem
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<apeiros_> assuming you meant Ü -> ü :)
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: btw., 10^5 is not 10 to the power of 5, it is XOR
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<apeiros_> ** is pow
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<scalebyte> apeiros_: ok
<scalebyte> apeiros_: so 10**5
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<apeiros_> scalebyte: ok, using a regex is good. now try to do it.
<apeiros_> scalebyte: yes
<Tasser> apeiros_, well, at the start, there was an Ü. at the end, there was this string
<apeiros_> try in irb for simple cases
<apeiros_> Tasser: your keyboard went amok? :)
<Tasser> and I wonder how the hell it went there
<Tasser> apeiros_, nah, friend of mine saved file on some pcs...
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<apeiros_> I think the TSA groped your Ü, it got confused and rendered weirdly…
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<appstore> hi
<appstore> has anyone used Rhomobile
<Tasser> apparently not
<apeiros_> that's one of the stupid questions
<apeiros_> of course somebody has.
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<appstore> no
<appstore> i mean in here
<Tasser> appstore, that's what he says
<apeiros_> that's not what you asked, but it'd still be a stupid question.
<apeiros_> even if somebody answered yes, you still wouldn't know whether he/she could help you with your problem
<apeiros_> and *obviously* not all 672 people besides you in this room would *ever* answer 'no', so you can't just exclude those who said no and assume that the others probably did…
<apeiros_> therefore: stupid question.
<Tasser> apeiros_, just give him an IRC introduction document ^^
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<appstore> ok my arent we chatty today
<apeiros_> appstore: you can play the piqued or learn from it. your choice.
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<appstore> can you put an if statement without an end?
<Tasser> is there a way to get the hex-expression of a string?
<apeiros_> yes. `action if condition`
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<apeiros_> Tasser: pack/unpack with H
<apeiros_> str.unpack("H*")
<apeiros_> str.unpack("H*").first
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<virunga> Hi, is there a function that takes an array and returns an array of the values contained ?
<apeiros_> virunga: ?
<apeiros_> i.e., it returns the array as it already is?
<apeiros_> i.e., it doesn't do anything at all?
<nw> :D
<nw> def return_array(ary); ary; end
<apeiros_> nw: but, but, but, that doesn't return an array when I pass a number!
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<nw> agh! right
<apeiros_> nw: also, ary.to_a :)
<apeiros_> or Array(ary)
<apeiros_> virunga: if you elaborate, I can try to help, but right now, your question doesn't make sense to me…
<nw> right, of course
<virunga> sorry i was out
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<virunga> a function that do this: [3,3,3, 5, 99] -> [3, 5, 99]
<nw> [3,3,3, 5, 99].uniq
<virunga> cool
<virunga> thank you
<nw> no problemo
<virunga> sorry but, my question was so bad? :d
<virunga> :D
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<nw> the first question was just a bit confusing :P
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<apeiros_> virunga: I think so, yes. an array always consists of the values it contains.
<apeiros_> you wanted the distinct/unique values
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<virunga> yes, so write values not elements
<virunga> :D
<apeiros_> and to use ruby terminology: you wanted the unique objects in the array.
<virunga> i wrote
<virunga> ah ok
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<JohnBat26> hello
<JohnBat26> I have 2 arrays with domain objects
<JohnBat26> Can I calculate diff between its?
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<jonterzat> Hi, does anyone connect to google apis using the api-client?
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<jonterzat> How does one order the data returned from their calendar api?
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<WhereIsMySpoon> Hey, is there a way to do pointers or macros in ruby?
<scalebyte> WhereIsMySpoon: VALUE rb_eval_string(const char *str)
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<scalebyte> You can invoke methods directly, without parsing the string. First I need to explain about ID. ID is the integer number to represent Ruby's identifiers such as variable names. The Ruby data type corresponding to ID is Symbol. It can be accessed from Ruby in the form: :Identifier You can get the ID value from a string within C code by using rb_intern(const char *name) You can retrieve ID from Ruby object (Symbol or String) given
<scalebyte> WhereIsMySpoon: Invoke Ruby method from C To invoke methods directly, you can use the function below VALUE rb_funcall(VALUE recv, ID mid, int argc, ...) This function invokes a method on the recv, with the method name specified by the symbol mid. Accessing the variables and constants You can access class variables and instance variables using access functions. Also, global variables can be shared between both environments. There
<WhereIsMySpoon> hm
<WhereIsMySpoon> i think ill pass
<WhereIsMySpoon> lol
<otters> oh wow
<otters> if you have a character other than whitespace after =begin, it's a syntax error
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<WhereIsMySpoon> o.o
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<beilabs_> Figuring out the permutations of a ruby array of integers seems to be quite CPU intensive, keeps killing my machine....any thoughts?
<rippa> how big an array?
<beilabs_> 18 digits.
<beilabs_> ranging from 18 => 35
<rippa> yeah, looks like it would take a while
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<beilabs_> yeah, it kills the OS.
<beilabs_> wondering is there a way to make the priority lower
<beilabs_> i don't mind if it takes a few hours
<rippa> lower priority of process
<beilabs_> could use "nice" i suppose
<rippa> oh wow
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<rippa> it fails with out of memory with 11 numbers
<matled> beilabs_: if it kills the os I'd rather guess that the memory is a problem
<rippa> if I save permutations to an array
<beilabs_> matled, 16GB Ram
<rippa> may be too small
<beilabs_> lol
<matled> beilabs_: so? I never heard a program killed the OS just by using the CPU
<rippa> 2GB is used up by 1..11
<beilabs_> matled, well, just kills the desktop, nothing running, everything stalls...
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<rippa> and 1..18 is way more
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<matled> beilabs_: if you have swap it will start swapping
<matled> which may render your computer virtually unusable
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<matled> and what do you mean by "figuring out" anyway? are you iterating over all permutations or generating an array of all permutations?
<rippa> beilabs_: 6402373705728000 permutations
<beilabs_> rippa, want the unique permutations of a category subset....
<beilabs_> right now dynamically generating information for each of our users as they ask for it, it hits the system
<rippa> beilabs_: 6400 terabytes with each permutation taking one byte
<beilabs_> ouch.
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<beilabs_> i know it will be lower with the unique permutations though.
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<beilabs_> 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 => 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 ; same thing for my needs.
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<otters> time to use an iterator
<otters> err, enumerator
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<rippa> beilabs_: that's only about 2 times lower though
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<WhereIsMySpoon> how abouts save to a file every now and then, beilabs_ ?
<WhereIsMySpoon> that way it doesnt need to keep the whole thing in memory
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<hasrb> I'm looking to override instance methods on a class depending on which US state the class is set to, any recommended patterns?
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<apeiros_> include/extend
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<apeiros_> I don't think it's a good idea to do it that way at all, though
<hasrb> apeiros_: what would you recommend? I'm currently extending the class but it just doesn't feel right
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<apeiros_> I don't know enough about your problem to make a meaningful recommendation. and learning enough about your problem probably exceeds the time I'd be willing to share
<hasrb> k :)
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<alvesjnr> hi all. I have a project, but it is not work. What would it be?
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<[[thufir]]> in Java you import a class to put it on your classpath. In Ruby, you require a class or gem to put it on your _____?
<[[thufir]]> do you say "I imported gem foo" or do you say "I required gem foo" in conversation? what's the vocabulary for that sort of thing, pls?
<Mon_Ouie> You don't require a class or gem, you require a file
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<Mon_Ouie> I just say "require foo"
<[[thufir]]> if you're at the water cooler/etc, and speaking, would you say "I required foo"? or "I imported foo"? or what?
<Mon_Ouie> former (though I never literally speak about programming)
<workmad3> [[thufir]]: I probably wouldn't be talking about gems at the watercooler
<workmad3> [[thufir]]: but if I did,
<workmad3> I'd probably say 'I used foo'
<[[thufir]]> ah, ok.
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<[[thufir]]> followup, if I may. you don't add foo to your classpath, you would just say you "used foo" or "added foo"?
<[[thufir]]> no classpath, right?
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<mxbtty> has anyone ever used Ruby-MemCache gem and had \u0004\b\"% (or other weird characters) prepended to the value?
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<apeiros_> that looks a bit like the marshal-header
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<CannedCorn> whats the difference between send and sendmsg
<CannedCorn> i can see that send requires the socket to be connected
<CannedCorn> but i think there are lower level differences
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<ghostlin1s> I installed ruby1.9.3 via apt-get on Debian but I'm still seeing version 1.8.7 when I run ruby -v. Anyone ran into similar issues?
<Chaazd> Although the script installs the gems, it still raises a 'Specify gem' error at the end. any idea why? http://pastie.org/3698793
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<canton7> ghostlin1s, iirc, on debian, /usr/bin/ruby (i think that's the correct path) is a symlink to /usr/bin/ruby1.8, and /lusr/bin/ruby1.9 exists separately? Just have a check
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<any-key> you can always just change the symlink
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<any-key> debian ruby packages are annoying, still no 1.9.3 that I can see
<banisterfiend> any-key: dont like rvm? :)
<any-key> I love RVM, I use that rather than the apt repos
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<mxbtty> apeiros_: I think we've confirmed it's the marshal encoding. any way to turn that off?
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<selvakumaran> Hi there..! i have tried to execute a bash command in a Ruby script with the help of exec() method. May i knw how can i gain root for the same?
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<mxbtty> aha! Ruby-MemCache has a fourth parm to set raw = true
<mxbtty> exit
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<havenn> selvakumaran: exec(sudo ...)?
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<any-key> exec runs ruby code, does it not?
<any-key> system or backticks run shell commands
<Mon_Ouie> exec starts a process that will replace the current one
<Mon_Ouie> (So it's usually used in combination with fork)
<havenn> any-key: I think you're thinking eval()
<any-key> hehe :P
<any-key> my bad
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<ghostlin1s> canton7: thanks I see that i have to type the full path to run it it's in /usr/bin/ruby1.9.3
<canton7> ghostlin1s, or, as others have said, just change the symlink at /usr/bin/ruby
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<ghostlin1s> canton7: yeah true that, thanks all!
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<any-key> or "rvm use 1.9.3 --default" :P
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<ghostlin1s> aha also an option thanks
<any-key> rvm is very very handy, I like not having to touch the debian ruby bullshit, it's always behind
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<any-key> pulling down and building some fresh ruby is much nicer :)
<n1x> more_stuff = %w(Day Night Song Frisbee Corn Banana Girl Boy) <- what does this statement mean? where can i find info about this?
<any-key> %w is a shortcut for building an array of strings
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<any-key> so the result of that would be ['Day', 'Night', ......]
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<n1x> any-key, ah. thanks. :)
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<any-key> no problem, literals are really nifty and often overlooked
<nytfox> http://pastebin.com/k5w7CY4b I need to get this result as "[+] this is content"
<nytfox> Im having issue withe logic
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<n3m> how do i do a 'not' in rubies regular expressions? (line ^ in other regex flavors)
<n3m> *line = like
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<any-key> n3m: ruby uses the standard regex stuffs, it'd work the same as it would in almost all other languages
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<nytfox> anyone
<any-key> nytfox: that appears like it would work
<nytfox> well it doesnt :/
<n1x> any-key, is '{' interchangeable with '[' ? the link which you gave seems to use both of them.
<any-key> n1x: I suppose
<any-key> nytfox: ah, I see
<n1x> any-key, :/ that's kinda confusing for newbies
<any-key> n1x: it's not that confusing, but it's probably something that's better to pick up after getting somewhat comforatble with the language
<any-key> nytfox: this should do what you want... http://pastebin.com/kbUpv8jj
<any-key> I'm too lazy to test it but yeah
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<nytfox> any-key: thank you very very much :)
<canton7> nytfox, it might be an idea to use symbols instead of strings in more places, a la http://pastie.org/3699043
<n1x> any-key, i see. i can even use '(' in place of '{' or '[' :P
<any-key> hashes are your friends, as are symbols
<any-key> symbols are more efficient, as the string is stored only once in memory and you aren't copying strings around
<canton7> n1x, you can use almost any character iirc
<canton7> also symbol-symbol comparisons are much, much cheaper than string-string comparisons
<any-key> yes, symbols are better in every way when you're doing lookups and things of that nature
<any-key> symbols + hashes = awesomesauce
<nytfox> ok Im confused symbls or strings ? :/
<n1x> canton7, oh. okay! this is interesting. I should be digging deeper into this now ;)
<any-key> nytfox: use symbols when you're associating things with other things
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<any-key> like in this case, there's a set number of whateever those things are and you want to look them up by that
<canton7> nytfox, if you're familiar with other languages, use a symbole where you might have used an enum
<canton7> *symbol
<any-key> that is a much better way of explaining it :P
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<rippa> why are so many people confused about symbols
<rippa> what's so hard
<any-key> rippa: they's just a tad bit different than what other languages use
<any-key> the best way to explain them is with examples though
<apeiros_> rippa: never understood that either
<apeiros_> I understand, that it's not intuitively clear and needs explanation, but that a lot of people require so much explanation is beyond me
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<SuperNewb1> anyone here uses heroku?
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<ghanima> Hey guys quick question do you have a recommendation of a ruby gem that does a parallel http get of multiple authentcate http urls
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<delinquentme> is there a cleaner way to do this: if (name != nil) && (link != nil) && (rss != nil)
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<Mon_Ouie> remove all the "!= nil"
<Mon_Ouie> unless they could also be false
<Mon_Ouie> (but that doesn't look like it in this case)
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<shadoi> delinquentme: unless [name, link, rss].any?(&:nil?)
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<apeiros_> meh, Mon_Ouie's advice >> shadoi's :-)
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<shadoi> apeiros_: :P
<apeiros_> though, he didn't say to remove the ()'s as well… which he should
<apeiros_> if name && link && res
<shadoi> yeah, I only use any? when it's a long list.
<apeiros_> even then. you only save 2 chars per &&
<shadoi> apeiros_: I meant more that my variables are long, so it looks horrible :)
<apeiros_> and you pay 15 characters up-front
<apeiros_> so your list must be at least 8 vars long
<shadoi> I just can't stand multi-line if's
<shadoi> so that's how I avoid it.
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<apeiros_> agreed
<apeiros_> I avoid it by methoding out
<shadoi> *nod*
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<EvanR> ruby array set minus... it seems to use object identity as equivalence, can you make it use something else
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<apeiros_> EvanR: you should have read the docs
<Mon_Ouie> It uses hash equality (#eql? and #hash)
<apeiros_> then you'd know it doesn't use identity. it uses #hash & eql?
<EvanR> i know that anyway
<apeiros_> ok, I retract my comment about the docs.
<EvanR> you just told me
<apeiros_> damit, why do ruby docs fail to mention that crucial fact? :-(
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<apeiros_> wtf? hell froze over?
<apeiros_> #rubyonrails: 478 people, #ruby: 704
<shadoi> Definitely more like it should be. :)
<apeiros_> I don't think that has happened ever during the last 3 years
<shadoi> This whole Rails.app thing is driving people away in droves.
<apeiros_> :D
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<rtdp> hello folkd
<rtdp> *folks
<rtdp> what does people use for testing model validations in rails with rspec
<rtdp> i check with remarkable gem
<rtdp> but that seems to have last commit some 2yrs back
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<shadoi> rtdp: good question for #rubyonrails
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<Asako> hello
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<Asako> does anybody happen to have a spec file that works for ruby 1.8.2?
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<shadoi> Asako: how did you GET ruby 1.8.2?
<shadoi> That's…. _really_ old.
<rtdp> shadoi thanks.. actually very less chatter there so..
<Asako> it's an FC2 box
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<Asako> I'm aware it's old
<shadoi> Asako: you'd probably waste less time by starting from scratch
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<Asako> ok, 40 boxes
<Asako> yes, we still have FC2 in production
<shadoi> scary.
<Asako> I got a package for 1.8.1 built but I had to use checkinstall
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<Asako> the spec file builds but the install section errors out
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<Asako> I spend a lot of time maintaining old machines
<shevy> Asako, everyone else moved to either 1.8.7 or 1.9.3
<Asako> 1.8.7 would probably be fine
<shevy> using checkinstall is not ruby
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<Asako> it's a hack, I know
<Asako> maybe I can grab a new spec file from the srpm
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<Asako> yay, my rpm works
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<shevy> it's indeed scary
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<shevy> apeiros_ I suppose after spending some years with rails, people realize that ruby itself is more interesting than rails :-)
<apeiros_> shevy: even if that is so, it's an unlikely quick shift
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<Asako> rails is voodoo
<EvanR> who do
<apeiros_> who do you do?
<shevy> you do who?
<Asako> took a whole day just to get passenger to work
<EvanR> its the power of the babe
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<shevy> man even i think I am slow
<shevy> ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [x86_64-linux]
* gomix waves hi to all
<shevy> ruby 1.8.1 that is really some record
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<shevy> I think noone is using an older ruby version here
<Asako> cent5 boxes are running 1.8.5
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<robacarp> my desk smells like sharpie now
* gomix suffering with a fedora 16 trying to install gems mustang and therubyracer, anyone has hitted this gcc internal compiler error (x86_64) before? clues?
<Asako> don't huff markers
<shevy> lol gomix
<atmosx> hello
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<Asako> usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:9:in `require': No such file to load -- yaml/syck (LoadError)
<Asako> from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:9
<Asako> is there a gem for yaml ?
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<shadoi> no, it's part of the ruby build
<shadoi> I have no idea if it was in 1.8.2
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<shevy> Asako poor man
<shevy> you could try to download syck and build it
<shevy> but you are already in a world of pain
<Asako> think I fixed it
<Asako> zlib-devel wasn't installed
<Asako> now puppet is complaining that "singleton" is missing
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<becom33> what are Currunt < Class::SOmthing::Anotherthing .. what is somthing and anotherthing ?
<Mon_Ouie> Something is either module or a class defined in Class, Anotherthing is the same but in Class::Something
<shevy> becom33 funny typoes :)
<Mon_Ouie> Foo::Bar searches for the Bar constant within Foo
<shevy> becom33, you always scope to namespaces via ::
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<shevy> so when class Bar resides in module Foo, you can scope to it via Foo::Bar.new
<shevy> understood that part becom33 ?
<becom33> shevy: I guess so . googling for more info on namespace :/
<shevy> module Foo
<shevy> end
<shevy> ^^^ that is one. everything can be tied into namespace Foo, you see?
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<shevy> module Foo
<shevy> module Bar
<shevy> end
<shevy> end
<shevy> Bar resides within Foo
<shevy> Foo::Bar
<becom33> module inside a module
<becom33> whats def between ruby modules n classes ?
<TTilus> becom33: modules are namespaces in ruby, so in your example Class is a module ... yes it is, _and_ a class because classes are modules (Class inherits Module)
<TTilus> becom33: class Class < Module; ...; end
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<TTilus> becom33: thats how the story goes
<becom33> TTilus: ok so lets says
<becom33> class My
<becom33> def lol
<becom33> puts "this is lol"
<becom33> end
<becom33> end
<TTilus> My.new.lol # => "this is lol"
<becom33> and lets say if I inherite class Module like
<TTilus> becom33: uhm
<becom33> class Newclass < My
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<becom33> My is module /
<TTilus> becom33: use pastie or create a gist or something
<TTilus> becom33: this _will_ get uncomfortable very very soon
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<TTilus> becom33: http://codepad.org/ http://pastie.org/ https://gist.github.com/ whatever floats your boat
<Asako> No such file to load -- singleton
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<Asako> where do I get that file?
<TTilus> isnt that part of stdlib?
<becom33> TTilus: http://pastebin.com/1QrkfaC9 this is another problem I was having
<becom33> without inheriting a class or doing a self on methods cant we just print like *
<Asako> not sure, I installed ruby just fine
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<TTilus> Asako: yes, it should be part of stdlib
<Asako> weird. I see it in the source dir but not the rpm
<TTilus> i raise my hands, sounds pretty weird, build is somehow fscked
<TTilus> becom33: i dont really get it, what are you doing?
<TTilus> becom33: what is Items?
<pzol> becom33: what do you want to achieve?
* Asako upgrades
<Asako> I'm already missing gentoo
<Asako> emerge ruby, done
<pzol> becom33: what you are doing is printing while the class is being defined… class Out; Items.ident("what am I doing", :note); end will work.. but is that what you want?
<TTilus> Asako: how about trying with rbenv or maybe jruby?
<becom33> TTilus and pzol I want use print_out method in very class In working the problem is I cant inherit Items class to every class Im gonna right . so I need
<becom33> Im working *
<becom33> some way to use print_out method without inheriting
<pzol> becom33: ummm make it a module module Printer; def ident(…) ….;end
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<TTilus> becom33: what you ask for smells really bad
<pzol> becom33: the class Out; include Printer; end <- in that class you will be able to use ident
<TTilus> becom33: please tell us what you are up to
<lectrick> Where can I define something that is not part of my rails repo but works throughout my Ruby environment? .irbrc?
<TTilus> becom33: you say you are "working the problem"
<TTilus> becom33: what is "the problem"
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<pzol> becom33: check this out https://gist.github.com/2254407
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<pzol> becom33: small correction added
<lectrick> As in, I want it to be available from within test runnings, server firings-up, scripts, etc.
<Asako> /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml/basenode.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- yaml/ypath (LoadError)
<becom33> TTilus: the problem is , in the paste I gave you before I have to inherit the Items class to use print_out
<Asako> bah
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<becom33> but the problem is , I need to use it in every class I write to get outputs .
<TTilus> becom33: i see it, but im asking what you need to do that for?
<Asako> singleton is there now...
<pzol> becom33: check my gist … https://gist.github.com/2254407
<TTilus> becom33: you are printing something, yes
<TTilus> becom33: but what and why?
<TTilus> becom33: whats "Items"?
<TTilus> becom33: what do you need "ident" method for?
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<TTilus> becom33: and im talking about the "business need"
<becom33> Items s the class
<TTilus> *sigh*
<becom33> ident is to get a outout as "[+] this is a output"
<pzol> I feel ignored
<Asako> is ypath part of the default ruby?
<becom33> pzol: `include': wrong argument type String
<TTilus> becom33: you arent defining classes or outputting with weird prefixes just out of curiosity, arent you?
<TTilus> becom33: is that a logger or converter of some kind or what?
<becom33> pzol: my Items class is in a another file so I did a require 'dis/item' then include 'dis/item'
<pzol> um
<pzol> wait
<becom33> TTilus: yes somthing like that
<TTilus> *aargh*
<TTilus> becom33: why don't you just tell what it is what you are building?
<becom33> I need a comman class when I insert "this is output" it comes as "[+] this is outout"
<becom33> TTilus: well with the script it was confusing right, I guess .. sorry
<pzol> becom33: check it now… https://gist.github.com/2254407
<pzol> put the two files in the same dir
<becom33> pzol: give me a minit
<TTilus> becom33: if you are not going to tell what you are trying to accomplish here, just tell it, we wont bite you
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<ErraticSeattle> is there some way to get the system hostname from this variable "#{node[
<becom33> TTilus: well Im writing a simple application in here with the knowlege I have . but the thing is it has alota "[+]" and [-] etc.. in the begining of a output so I wanted keep it clean . I wanted to create a class which output the [+] when I give the content
<interopcop> can someone explain this to me? (5..10).inject {|sum, n| sum + n } how does it know that sum is where you accumulate the result of sum + n, and also how does it know what to assign sum and n?
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<TTilus> becom33: so you have an app that does some kind of logging?
<TTilus> becom33: of what it does internally, no?
<TTilus> becom33: why not use stdlib Logger?
<ErraticSeattle> the 5..10 looks like the py equiv of range(5,10)
<pzol> interopcop: the result of the block is passed to the next iteration as sum
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<pzol> interopcop: what it is doing is ((0 + 5) + 6) + 7) etc...
<becom33> TTilus: is it inbuild function ?
<rippa> ErraticSeattle: range(5,11) actually
<rippa> and range returns a list, which is equivalent to array
<becom33> but what is it for TTilus ?
<TTilus> becom33: require 'logger'; app_logger = Logger.new($stdout); app_logger.info 'This is text'
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<ErraticSeattle> where is this documented: "#{node['
<rippa> what is documented?
<ErraticSeattle> that node variable
<ErraticSeattle> I want to get the hostname from it
<TTilus> becom33: you can replace $stdout with any IO instance, you could be outputing to file instead of stdout
<becom33> TTilus: Im not sure if that what I want . maby I havnt completly understud it
<ErraticSeattle> of the system this recipe is running on
<rippa> where did you get that variable from?
<interopcop> pzol is it permittable to do anything you want in the block? i.e. total_mo = @collection.inject {|sum,c| sum + MyObject.find(c).calculate_stats["monthly_availability"]}
<becom33> pzol: Im getting a error undefined method `require_relative' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
<becom33> btw its in def files
<ErraticSeattle> rippa from a recipe file
<becom33> I added the path infront of the file
<interopcop> I always want to write amazing one-liners with ruby when I coul easily do it with a loop
<pzol> becom33: what ruby are you using?? change it to require
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<TTilus> becom33: you can define your own formatter for logger to have those nice [+] etc prefixes you want
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<rippa> interopcop: yes, it's just a block
<rippa> do what you want
<ErraticSeattle> hmmm
<interopcop> ok cool thanks
<becom33> pzol: I think I've mispelled file name
<becom33> gimme a second
<pzol> interopcop: you can do anything you want… just the block must return the result… but … I pity the person who will have to maintain the code afterwards if you do "awesome one-liners"
<becom33> TTilus: Uumm sure I need more info about that :/
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<interopcop> pzol I agree I was being fecetious
<ErraticSeattle> template "#{node['mysql']['conf_dir']}/my.cnf" do
<ErraticSeattle> where does node come from?
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<TTilus> ErraticSeattle: thats string interpolation
<pzol> interopcop: you never know ;) https://gist.github.com/1058219
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<TTilus> ErraticSeattle: "asdf#{ 1 + 2 }sdfg" # => "asdf3sdfg"
<SullX> I am defining a method and I need to return 4 separate pieces of data at the end of the method. is there an easy way to do this ?
<SullX> id rather not return an array with the values
<interopcop> pzol - thanks! I win!
<pzol> SullX: why not?
<SullX> I don't know. I just imagined there was a more succinct way of doing it. Is there not?
<TTilus> ErraticSeattle: #{} in double quotes is special, it expands to the value of the expression inside {}
<SullX> pzol: ^
<TTilus> ErraticSeattle: and it does .to_s for you
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<TTilus> becom33: or you could go just like http://pastebin.com/wB1Mfthp
<TTilus> becom33: if your needs are really simple
<pzol> pzol: return a class instance if you dont want an array class Person < Struct.new(:a, :b);; end; Person.new(1,2)
<becom33> TTilus: oh for trying out lound thats super simple
<becom33> thanks TTilus
<pzol> Sullx: return a class instance if you dont want an array class Person < Struct.new(:a, :b);; end; Person.new(1,2
<TTilus> becom33: ?!
<TTilus> becom33: no problem
sako has joined #ruby
<rippa> pzol: why inherit form Struct?
<dominikh> pzol: Person = Struct.new(:a, :b) – shorter and more concise
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<sako> where can i find all the different methods for ActiveRecord objects? for example .find, .filter, etc
<paige_> all I want to do is grab the hostname in my recipe
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<becom33> TTilus: thank you very much
<becom33> wait applying that my app
<sako> oh nvm i found it.. FinderMethods*
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<sako> didn't know where to look in the docs :)
<paige_> does the recipe code run on chef server or the client
<paige_> Im guessing the client
<pzol> dominikh: nice ;)
<TTilus> becom33: if simple is what you want, http://pastebin.com/mKfwPQnq
<paige_> because thats how Im imagining grabbing the hostname will make sense?
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<SullX> pzol: thanks
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<becom33> TTilus: is it possible to get it like this
<becom33> print_done "thsi is done"
<becom33> print_error "this is error
<TTilus> becom33: so that you could _use_ it like that?
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<TTilus> becom33: pzol already had that for you, https://gist.github.com/2254407
<becom33> deleted
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<TTilus> becom33: okay, there you go http://pastebin.com/pvFS1wB6
<becom33> omg I luv u guy
<becom33> wait lemme apply that <3
<TTilus> np
<TTilus> and no, i don't wait, im gonna go to sleep, way too late for me already
<TTilus> =D
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<shevy> take becom33 with you!
<TTilus> NOOOOOO!!!!1
<shevy> no means yeeeeeeeeeeeees
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<TTilus> damn u
<TTilus> im a married man!
<shevy> who else will explain to him what he should do with ::
<TTilus> shevy: i assumed it was gonna be you
<shevy> I would just tell him to use classes
<shevy> then I would tell him that I think modules are merely badly crippled classes
<shevy> and he will be confused
<TTilus> "damn :: just do flat classes
<shevy> did you really want me to do that TTilus :(
<TTilus> u really think i care =D
<TTilus> half way thru i almost decided he needs to be a troll :)
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<TTilus> ..and after all that he never actually told what he needed that bit of code for :-/
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<sako> hmm how does one access documentation for an older version of activerecord (say 2.3.5)?
<TTilus> sako: http://rdoc.info/featured does have full rails 2.3.8
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<TTilus> sako: if u need exactly 2.3.5 just install that exact gem
<sako> i see
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<becom33> if I used self on method it won't work :( http://pastebin.com/H1uVAUxE
<sako> and then i can access it via cli? how do you get to the rdoc?
<sako> i've never done that ;(
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<TTilus> becom33: sommit is class method, print_* are instance methods
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<becom33> TTilus: Im sorry what ?
<TTilus> becom33: you really have skipped quite lot of readings
<becom33> but print is a method in a module :/
<TTilus> an instance method
<TTilus> def self.print_done; ...; end would be a "class method"
<becom33> I see now
<becom33> but what can I do here now ?
<TTilus> do you need prints to be available from both instance and class context?
<TTilus> if you do, you define both
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<apeiros_> or use module_function
<becom33> I cant change print_done .
<TTilus> becom33: why do you define sommit as class method and later try to call sommit on Out instance?
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<TTilus> c1.sommit on your example definitely fails
<TTilus> it doesnt exist
<becom33> well there was a class Im using on a def file :/
<TTilus> Out.sommit does
<TTilus> please elaborate
<TTilus> i cant understand you
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<becom33> TTilus: one second
<TTilus> is cl = Out.new; c1.sommit something you want to do?
<TTilus> or Out.sommit
<eatnumber1> I've added a http_code accessor to StandardError, but can't call it in a subclass (NameError). What gives?
<TTilus> becom33: and i still dont know what you are actually doing
<becom33> TTilus: one second I'll show what I exacly need
<TTilus> becom33: if i did i might be able to help you out
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<TTilus> becom33: but this really is going nowhere
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<TTilus> becom33: you show me you spec, the business need and then we go on
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<TTilus> becom33: who uses the app you are making?
<becom33> TTilus:
<TTilus> becom33: and what he does with it?
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<becom33> I hope ^ give you a idea
<TTilus> becom33: no it does not
<becom33> well there are 3 files . I had use define sommit method coz I need to use it in NewOne class
<TTilus> becom33: did you even read my last two questions?
<becom33> can I pm you the awnsers ?
<TTilus> no
<TTilus> either you can tell them or not, if you can, you do it here
<becom33> wow ur sound pissed :/
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<TTilus> s/def print/def self.print/
<TTilus> or
<TTilus> s/include/extend/
<apeiros_> TTilus: def self.print will do bad there
<apeiros_> include and extend only care about instance methods, so they could only be used as Notifier.print_* anymore
<eatnumber1> no help for me?
<apeiros_> eatnumber1: create a simple reproducable case
<apeiros_> also, adding something as specific as 'http_code' to something as generic as StandardError is IMO bad.
<TTilus> becom33: about that pm, it is a simple fact of how things work, you should _not_ think that pm is in any way "closed" or "confidential"
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<TTilus> becom33: do pm and you only hurt yourself by not giving any other people the possibility to help you out
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<becom33> TTilus: I made one of class a module and removed defind from a class
<becom33> and it kinda worked
<TTilus> becom33: pm confidential things and they are in ircquotes in something like three seconds
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<apeiros_> /pm TTilus I'm secretly in love with you!
<apeiros_> oooooh, d'ooooooh! :D
* bounce was waiting for the closets to swing wide open
* TTilus goes ircquote that
<bounce> all your love letters are belong to ircquote
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<TTilus> LOVE_LETTERS = 'a'..'z'
<sako> is t here an easy way to browse rdoc via command line?
<apeiros_> ri
<sako> how does one browse the rdocs locally??
<sako> oh right
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<sako> thanks
<apeiros_> yri if you want yard docs
<robert_> so when tring to TCP into a server app I have running on freebsd, I get a very strange error from the C# client that causes a broken pipe in the server app.. what's going on here? :/
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<TTilus> sako: gem server if you want to browse the html versions of the rdocs of the gems you have installed
<apeiros_> robert_: that's not really a useful problem description
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<robert_> apeiros_: I get, "Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."
<sako> TTilus: cool!
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<sako> im loving ruby :)
<robert_> that's while trying to recv() data from the service. :/
<apeiros_> robert_: that's your C# client's error? and what did you do to investigate the error?
<robert_> yeah
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<robert_> what can I do? it's a production server with not really any debugging tools installed.
<robert_> yeah, that's what it gets from Winsock
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<apeiros_> robert_: C# is off-topic here, so for your clients issues, you'd have to go to the appropriate channel
<lolzie> Hi guys, how can I send a keyboard press to windows from Ruby?
<robert_> apeiros_: I know. My problem is I'm not sure which end is causing the error
<apeiros_> robert_: you give amazing little details, you know that?
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<apeiros_> robert_: so your server code is ruby?
<new_ruby_program> Hello! My name is Linus Phan and I have this college and career project where I have to interview someone about their career. Would anybody please allow me to ask questions about your career? I am very interested in learning about what software engineers/programmers really do and I want to make sure that I will make the right decision in becoming one myself. I am going to college next year, and this would really help me
<lolzie> I've explored http://win32utils.rubyforge.org/ as a potential answer, but cannot suss which class to use (if any) - I suspect I'll need to send a WM_KEYDOWN somehow through the API
<robert_> apeiros_: you know the most that I do.
<apeiros_> robert_: if what you've said so far is all you know and can figure out then you can't do nothing.
<apeiros_> but I seriously doubt that
<robert_> apeiros_: yes. the puzzling part is that I have a *nix client that works.
<robert_> (also in ruby)
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<apeiros_> well, I'm not in the mood for pulling the required info out of your nose.
<new_ruby_program> i just need to ask a few questions about being a software programmer, such as "How and why did you choose this career" and etc. This will really help me in making my career choice. I will send you the questions via email, so can anybody please help me?
<new_ruby_program> Also sorry for asking for help here, I just don't know where else to go :)
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<wmoxam> new_ruby_program: try Reddit
<gift> somebody talk to the man
<wmoxam> reddit.com/r/compsci
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<new_ruby_program> lol thanks gift :) wmoxam, the thing is i need it to be an interview for my project... so yea
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<new_ruby_program> it doesnt have to be anything formal too, i can just do the interview here too... whatever fits you
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<becom33> damn internet went off :/
<becom33> is it ok do puts inside modules ?
<new_ruby_program> :( help someone? anybody?
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<robert_> apeiros_: sorry, phone call.. I can post the server's source if you want
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<robert_> I was simply wondering if there was anything I needed to look out for when writing a server app
<apeiros_> pasting the server code would surely help. but I'm now chatting with an old friend, so probably not being responsive.
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<new_ruby_program> should i repost my question? ill wait a few more minutes, sorry im not sure where else i can get in contact with other software programmers.
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<robert_> apeiros_: that's fine. I appreciate the help, though.
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<new_ruby_program> Lol, nobody wants to talk about their careers. I'm eager and interested in learning about computer programming... I don't want to risk screening out this career just because of a "lack" of feedback from an adult :)
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<new_ruby_program> Okay I will try one more time, please don't get mad at me people here from repeating my question, it will be the last time, for sure. Hello! My name is Linus Phan and I have this college and career project where I have to interview someone about their career. Would anybody please allow me to ask questions about your career? I am very interested in learning about what software engineers/programmers really do and I want t
<new_ruby_program> damn sorry for the spam, didnt mean it
<robert_> apeiros_: http://pastebin.com/YaRWBFLd
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<kesor> i wonder, is there a chart somewhere that shows how many lines of irc this channel has per each hour of the week?
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<apeiros_> kesor: tpope had such stats, but I think they haven't been updated in years
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<kesor> whats the difference between #ruby and #ruby-lang? :/
<new_ruby_program> '.'
<wefawa> kesor: One is about gems, and the other about a lang ( ? )
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<tarnfeld> Hey
<tarnfeld> Anyone using the AWS ruby gem and dynamodb?
<tarnfeld> Wondering how I can use the Atomic Counters functionality
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<bawer> DEPENDS!!
<bawer> describe your problem :)
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<wroathe> Is there a way to show the path of a file you require in irb?
<d-snp> kesor: I've heard the people in #ruby-lang are slightly better behaved
<d-snp> not sure though
<d-snp> wroathe: the path of a file you require?
<kesor> d-snp: its probably because it is be less obvious choice to come and troll in
<new_ruby_program> well i need to do this job interview for my school project, and i want to ask you about your jobs. Just some basic questions such as how and why did you choose this career. I am interested in this career and i just have some basic questions to ask. that is all. would anybody please help me =)
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<wefawa> new_ruby_program: Ask away...
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<new_ruby_program> can i private chat with someone to ask the questions... that would be better
<wefawa> ok
<gift> !
<new_ruby_program> thanks wefawa you're a life saver i owe you
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<SeySayux> How do I get the search path for 'require' statements? I'm trying to use the github gem, but it says "/usr/local/bin/github:6:in `require': no such file to load -- github (LoadError) from /usr/local/bin/github:6"
<apeiros_> robert_: still there?
<robert_> I am.
<apeiros_> still got your problem?
<robert_> Yup/
<apeiros_> it looks like you can easily run that server on your own box to test, so you don't need to use the production server to deduce the problem.
<apeiros_> first thing I'd do is add `Thread.abort_on_exception = true`
<apeiros_> no hidden crashed threads that way.
<robert_> aha.
<apeiros_> second thing I'd do is add a couple of debug statements, so you see how far your connection with the C# client gets
<apeiros_> then a question - any specific reason that you use Socket directly instead of TCPServer?
<robert_> that's the example I plucked out.
<robert_> I could
<apeiros_> on what ruby version to you run this?
<robert_> ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16 revision 34643) [amd64-freebsd8]
<apeiros_> ok
<apeiros_> odd, I thought they deprecated base64
<apeiros_> line 45-47 look suspicious
<apeiros_> you don't do anything with the error if it does not match that regex
<apeiros_> i.e., that if is totally pointless…
<erratic> somebody jacked my jump to conclusions mat
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<SeySayux> never mind :)
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<deryl> erratic: find em and kill em with kindness :)
<erratic> haha
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<robert_> apeiros_: I know where the c# gets. it throws an IOException when it tries to read data.
<robert_> apeiros_: http://rubylearning.com/satishtalim/ruby_socket_programming.html <-- that's what I was using.
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<somebody> erratic: what did I do?
<apeiros_> robert_: "it throws an" is not helpful. get the full exception.
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<erratic> somebody ha ha ha ha
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<zxiest> Hello :-)
<zxiest> Has anybody used rspec with Threads?
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<Tasser> zxiest, what would it give you?
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<sam113101> how do I make a Net::HTTP.get_response with cookies
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<gogiel> sam113101: cookie is just a string in header. google it
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<BBonifield> when using rspec, how do you stub an operator - for instance, `csv_instance << row`. how would you stub the << operator?
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<gogiel> BBonifield: maybe try :<<
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