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<kandinski> I was precisely experimenting with a hash of default empty arrays
<kandinski> so Hash[0] is illegal, it has to be 0
<kandinski> but when you make a Hash from zipping two arrays, you can call it either way
<gytis_z> banister_: thanks!
<gytis_z> kandinski: very interesting
<kandinski> Hash[] or
<kandinski> gytis_z: I am a noob, even my question could be wrong
<kandinski> ah
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<kandinski> Hash[] creates a new array from an array of pairs, or an array of k,v,k2,v2 etc
<kandinski> creates an empty array with a default value
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<kandinski> an empty hash with the default value of an empty array, I mean
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<kandinski> so [] can mean in ruby: 1) subscript for hashes and arrays, 2) synonym for .call (in procs), 3) generate new object and populate from given arguments (in the case of Hash, for instance). Any other possible meaning of []?
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<RegEchse> kandinski: i'd suggest reading through ri '[]' ;)
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<kandinski> RegEchse: oh
<kandinski> thanks
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<kandinski> RegEchse: you can tell I'm new, I just did ri '[]' in irb and got an undefined local error
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<RegEchse> kandinski: ri is a separate program; from the man page: "ri — Ruby API reference front end"
<kandinski> oh, right, ta
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<kandinski> RegEchse: nothing known about [], but thanks for the tip anyway. I'll use it often.
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<gid0> am I missing a paramater?
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* tommylommykins stares at symbols
<tommylommykins> I guess there's not really all that many operations that can be performed on symbols
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<MasterBob> Hello. Is abort the clean way to gracefully exit a Ruby program?
<cout> exit()
<deryldoucette> exit, or return if its the last
<MasterBob> Why use exit() instead of abort?
<deryldoucette> think about it
<deryldoucette> what does abort signify to you? usually an error or a problem right?
<MasterBob> Hold on.
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<deryldoucette> most of the words selected generally make sense if you think of them in a real world situation.
<MasterBob> But if my program expects only 2 parameters and I want to exit if I don't receive two parameters...I'd want to use exit then, as that's how it's designed.
<MasterBob> oh-kay.
<MasterBob> thanks
<deryldoucette> some aren't quite sensible (at least to me) but the VAST majority are bang on.
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<deryldoucette> no then you would use abort
<deryldoucette> that would make sense then
<deryldoucette> you're aborting because of a problem or error. in this case the lack of something thats needed
<deryldoucette> I would question exit then
<MasterBob> okay.
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<MasterBob> Do I have to explicitly state exit at the end of my program then?
<deryldoucette> no because ruby falls through with the last instruction
<deryldoucette> You might want to if you want to be pedantic but its not needed if you're just ending the program
<MasterBob> Okay. thanks deryldoucette
<deryldoucette> no problem :)
<mythmon> with StringScanner, can i match a string, but return only a subset of it?
<mythmon> in particular, I want to match a quoted string, but then not include the quotes.
<deryldoucette> for ME i try to make things semantically straight. i try to keep as close to what woul dbe natural english both in thought and form
<deryldoucette> doesn't mean you HAVE to, just that i think by doing that it helps you in the thought process behind what you're doing as well
<deryldoucette> like slice, map, ect don't *quite* match what i would use for natural english (my native language) but i completely understand why they DID choose the words.
<deryldoucette> and no, while i disagree with the terms i don't have better ones to suggest. :/
<deryldoucette> thus why i've not offered patches heheh
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<rexbutler> Question: would ruby optimize something like [xv,yv].min > 0 to xv > 0 and yv.min > 0 or something like
<mythmon> rexbutler: probably not
<rexbutler> mythmon: Hmm
<mythmon> or, simpler, how can I chop the first and last characters off a string?
<rexbutler> mythmon: Can't you just slice out the right portion?
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<mythmon> in python i would say [1:-1], but it doesn't appear to work like that in ruby.
<rexbutler> your_string[1..-1] doesn't work?
<pastjean> mythmon: you can actually a = "\"asd\"" a
<pastjean> [1..-2]
<pastjean> since -1 is the last character and is the quote
<mythmon> ah, ok. i tried [1,-2]
<pastjean> "\"asd\""[1..-2]
<mythmon> yeah, thanks.
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<pastjean> mythmon: no problems
<rexbutler> pastjean: or better, my_string[1...-1]
<mythmon> in python it is -1, because its not inclusive of the end. 1.-2 works great
<mythmon> er, 1..-2
<pastjean> rexbutler: that's what I was meaning tough it's not -1 but -2
<rexbutler> pastjean: I mean, if you use '...' not '..' it doesn't include the character at the last index
<pastjean> ahhh did not know that trick :)
<Quadlex> So, load paths
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<Quadlex> When loading a gem, /lib is added to the load path
<Quadlex> So what's the best practice for writing the gem during testing, manually adding /lib to the load path in your tests?
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<MasterBob> Does ruby have a version of the C++ vector?
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<banister_> MasterBob: what features are oyu looking for
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<MasterBob> just the ability to hold an unspecified number of variables
<pastjean> MasterBob: the normal array can do that
<MasterBob> pastjean: okay thanks.
<pastjean> MasterBob: .. look at push and <<
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<MasterBob> Thanks again pastjean
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<nobitanobi> given an array like this [{"id" => 1, "value" => 10},{"id" => 2, "value" => 20} ... ] - How can I add all the values without having to do an each ?
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<banister_> nobitanobi: [{"id" => 1, "value" => 10},{"id" => 2, "value" => 20}].inject(0) { |a, v| a + v["value"] }
<nobitanobi> mm le me check
<nobitanobi> thanks
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<xrfang> hi, I installed ruby1.8 on ubuntu, and then do a gem install rdoc, but rdoc refused to be upgraded, after install 3.1.2, the system still use v1.0.1 comes with the ruby1.8 deb installation. why?
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<shevy2> xrfang probably your ubuntu version interferes
<shevy> ubuntu hates if you dont use their way
<xrfang> shevy2: yes I found there is a rdoc under /usr/bin, which is not in the gem way. and there is a gem one under /usr/local/bin
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<shevy> well one is the wrong one I suppose
<shevy> also upload the output of `gem env`
<shevy> also of the gem in /usr/local/bin and compare the two
<shevy> you should ask the ubuntu guys how to use gems the ubuntu-way. as they create the mess in the first place
<banister_> shevy: sup markus
<shevy> banister_ hey I am poaching another ubuntu victim right now!
<banister_> shevy: do you consider yourself evil and german
<shevy> those poor souls are eternally scorched by the unholy flame that burns in ubuntu
<shevy> evil is relative
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<xrfang> ok, I will continue the ruby way, instead that I am reluctant to compile ruby myself.
<xrfang> seem all ok, until I try to start the webrick server
<xrfang> e.g. ruby script/server webrick -e production
<xrfang> btw, I am trying to install the redmine server
<shevy> well it can always lead to confusion when your system is messed up
<shevy> you can:
<shevy> (a) stick to the debian way
<xrfang> the above command generated an eacces error, on the /var/www/redmine/tmp/pids file. my question is, do webrick usually run as ROOT?
<shevy> (b) get rid of the old ruby and compile ruby for yourself into i.e. /usr prefix, but you probably have to get some header files before you can compile things
<libertyprime> Hey guys. I don't know why ruby isn't finding sqlite3 in my script. At the top of my script I have "require 'sqlite3'", and the gem has been installed. However it's giving me "no such file to load". How can I figure out what's going wrong?
<shevy> (c) install RVM and manage ruby that way
<xrfang> shevy, RVM sounds interesting. I will take a look now
<shevy> (d) try to find the proper version to call (or just kill the wrong gem or wrong gem paths, but I never tried that)
<shevy> xrfang, I don't think so. I think you can run webrick without being root
<shevy> it's just a webserver that comes with ruby, so if you are able to use ruby as non-root, webrick should work as well
<shevy> but perhaps you had no user access to that directory
<xrfang> hm... a quick browse I found RVM maybe overkilling, I will take your advice (b).
<shevy> yay :)
<shevy> it's what I did
<xrfang> but first, I would like to understand why webrick is "access denied".
<shevy> I got rid of all of ruby that debian had and compiled into /usr (though actually, I compile into a versioned directory, a bit how RVM does too)
<shevy> how to install, gemm install redmine ?
<shevy> *gem
<xrfang> noticed that in step 7, it chmod the tmp folder to 755, but then webrick complains no access...
<xrfang> shevy, no I just downloaded redmine directly.
<xrfang> shall I install using gem?
<shevy> I dont know
<shevy> I dont think I installed redmine before
<shevy> ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'redmine' (>= 0) in any repository
<shevy> ERROR: Possible alternatives: redline, radmin, rediline, redcuine, redmiso
<shevy> it does not seem to exist as gem
<xrfang> ok
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<xrfang> I tried to ask the same question on #redmine, now will try to do a clean installation of ruby...
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<libertyprime> ignore my last question. worked it out -.-
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<iamjarvo> does anyone have a good article on ruby and immediate values ?
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<camilo_> Any way for a mock to yield with just minitest or do I need to bring mocha in?
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<nikhil_> hi
<nikhil_> anyone around?
<nikhil_> I have a question about super()
<nikhil_> I am doing SaaS class from coursera
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<nikhil_> When they call super in method_missing, they don't pass it any arguments
<nikhil_> and somehow the superclass just 'gets' the method_id and args
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<nikhil_> however, i have seen ruby code where the superclass is passed arguments via super
<nikhil_> what is the mechanism behind this -- how to think about it?
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: you can do both, if you invoke super without any args it automatically just passes up the same args it received in the subclass
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: however if you explicitly pass up args then the superclass *only* gets those args
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: again, it's ruby optimizing for the common case :)
<banistergalaxy> most cases you will just want to pass up the same args u got, so it would be annoying just typing that out each time
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, so it would be legal to have a constructor in a child class which just initialized its own variables (even though it is passed those belonging to the super) and then just call super?
<banistergalaxy> but, in the case you wnat to pass up different args, then ruby allows that too
<nikhil_> yeah, ruby is really cool man
<nikhil_> and i thought python was awesome
<nikhil_> ^_^
<nikhil_> i thought it was something i would be doing because i wanted to learn SaaS, but here I am considering so many things --- it's opening up my mind in so many ways
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<banistergalaxy> cool
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: wait till you learn about metaprogramming, then things get fun :)
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, we are learning about metaprogramming! it's amazing!
<nikhil_> although I am struggling with class_eval a bit
<nikhil_> that bit while you're trying to wrap your brain around something before it all actually wraps
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<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: Yeah, you'll get there just test a lot of stuff out in the repls (irb or pry)
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: i recommend pry ;) :D
<nikhil_> while i'm taking the course they use irb so i'll stick to that. pry is another interpreter?
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<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: pry is exactly like irb, but 50x more powerful
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: you might even get an advantage if you use it (it wont set u back, since all the instructions for irb will still work)
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<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, i'll take a look
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, do you know anything about metaprogramming using class_eval?
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: yep
<nikhil_> how exactly are you supposed to define a method inside a string?
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<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: are you using string evals rather than block-based evals?
<nikhil_> i'm not asking you for an answer -- that would be against the code of conduct
<nikhil_> string evals
<nikhil_> part 5 of this: class Dessert
<nikhil_> attr_accessor :name
<nikhil_> attr_accessor :calories
<nikhil_> def initialize(name, calories)
<nikhil_> @name = name
<nikhil_> @calories = calories
<nikhil_> end
<nikhil_> def healthy?
<nikhil_> return true unless @calories >= 200
<nikhil_> end<
<nikhil_> def delicious?
<nikhil_> return true
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: learn to gist
<nikhil_> end
<nikhil_> end
<nikhil_> class JellyBean < Dessert
<nikhil_> attr_accessor :flavor
<nikhil_> def initialize(name, calories, flavor)
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_:
<nikhil_> super(name, calories)
<nikhil_> @flavor = flavor
<banistergalaxy> ffs
<nikhil_> end
<nikhil_> def delicious?
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: stop
<nikhil_> `SORRY
* nikhil_ apologises for the flood
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: why did u do that? you could have just put it on a pastie site
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, i have already pasted -- the server is slowing down the output
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<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, that was in my clipboard by mistake
<nikhil_> i didn't mean to paste that code at all
<nikhil_> only the last URL was of interest
<nikhil_> back to the issue, i'm not sure what they're asking in p5 of that question
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<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: brb
<nikhil_> kk
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<krz> in ruby 1.9.2 is this a good way to get random range number: (4..8).to_a.sample
<krz> in 1.9.3 i can do rand(4..8)
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<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: ok done
<banistergalaxy> sorry i got called away to make dinner
<nikhil_> that was quick!
<nikhil_> could you take a look at part 5 of the url pasted above?
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<Mon_Ouie> krz: rand(max - min) + min
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<nikhil_> without giving the answer in code
<krz> Mon_Ouie what would be wrong with sample though?
<nikhil_> ^^ that's amazing that you did that that fast.
<Mon_Ouie> krz: it creates an array with all the elements of the range
<Mon_Ouie> i.e. it's much slower
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, hmm
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: updated it, i had an unnecessary line in there
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: Yep, their hint solution code is stupid
<banistergalaxy> imo
<nikhil_> why's that?
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: because it doenst need to use string-based evals
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, is there any reason they could be asking us to do that? and our solution has to use string based evals because it's marked by a computer
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: probably because they dont know about instance_variable_set
<nikhil_> i'm still not understanding programmatically what's going on...
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<shevy> ewwwww
<shevy> evals
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> a goto within an evail
<shevy> eval
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<shevy> now that would be something
<banistergalaxy> Mon_Ouie: sup monny
<banistergalaxy> Mon_Ouie: how's your objc chops?
<ryanf> banistergalaxy: how's your obj-c coming anyway?
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<banistergalaxy> ryanf: pretty good, im about 1-2 chapters a day
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: just still getting a sense of things like memory management and so on
<banistergalaxy> before i start
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<banistergalaxy> ryanf: what's up
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<ryanf> not a lot
<ryanf> my phone got stolen :(
<ryanf> luckily, apparently I signed up for insurance and then forgot about it
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<banistergalaxy> ryanf: oh you didnt install a phone locator app?
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: if anyone steals my phone i can hunt them down on gps
<banistergalaxy> :))
<ryanf> I did actually. I told the cops where the little dot is
<ryanf> I'm not gonna go like hunt it down
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: you should go around to the house with a few of your homies
<ryanf> yeah good plan
<ryanf> on the bright side, when I chased after the guy who took it, I completely forgot about my guitar and left it on the subway
<ryanf> and someone turned it in to the lost and found
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<wadkar> can I define a method in a class which is private ? I haven't come across private/public/protected identifier in Ruby yet, thats why I ask
<ryanf> yes, just put "private" or "protected" above the definition of the method
<ryanf> every method definition from that point onward will have the given privacy
<ryanf> the definitions are a little weird though, I recommend looking them up so you understand what you're actually getting
<wadkar> ryanf: and by default methods are public? whatif I want to selectively give a method some_privacy?
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: so he literally just ripped it out of your hands?
<ryanf> banistergalaxy: yeah, I wasn't holding it very tightly I guess
<ryanf> he and his buds were getting off the train and he just took it on the way by
<ryanf> I also got very slightly pepper sprayed, which was interesting
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: haha
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: do police act on the gps locator? or i guess they cant be assed
<wadkar> ryanf: thanks, I read the docs, and I can give arguments to the private/protected statement as name of the method, which I want to declare as private/public
<banistergalaxy> hahaha
<banistergalaxy> i recognize a number of these 'homework problems'
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: you cheat! :)
<wadkar> banistergalaxy: I don't, I ask what I don't understand; and then do my homework from whatever I understand :) asking for help is not cheating
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: hehe, i remember solving the anagram problem from scratch for you :) ah well
<banistergalaxy> it's just a free course anyway
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<wadkar> banistergalaxy: free or not, I am bound by that 'i-wont-cheat-oath-statement', and I take that part seriously :)
<ryanf> banistergalaxy: it sounds like sometimes they do. but it's not precise enough to do anything if they're at home, really
<ryanf> only if they're just like standing around, or in public somewhere
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: ah ok
<ryanf> I figure if I gave him the current location, at least maybe they could correlate that with something else someday
<ryanf> he did ask me to do it
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<banistergalaxy> ryanf: how fine grained is the gps in sf? i imagine it's got pretty high resolution, much higher than we have anyway
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<ryanf> why's that? it's all satellites anyway
<ryanf> although if you have wifi turned on, it can be more precise because they go by what ssids you're seeing
<heftig> sf == san francisco?
<ryanf> also this was in Oakland, not SF, but I guess it doesn't really matter
<ryanf> yeah
<banistergalaxy> ryanf: cos it's expensive apparently; supposedly in large rich american cities the reslution is much better than for us here in nz
<banistergalaxy> we get like 20m^2, wehreas you guys get like 2m^2 iirc
<ryanf> I don't really get how that would be. aren't the GPS satellites equidistant around the entire world?
<banistergalaxy> maybe 5m^2
<ryanf> tall buildings kind of fuck with it though, so sometimes that's a problem
<banistergalaxy> i dont know
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<banistergalaxy> ill read up on it after tea
<banistergalaxy> bbs
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<artOfWar> trying to figure out the think about it section while working on ruby koans over here,, any hints?
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<FFForever> How can I can run sort on a string and turn ababa to aaabb?
<rippa> string.chars.sort
<FFForever> thanks! I've been racking my head on that.
<artOfWar> any reason why list of symbols have to be converted to strings and compare against the string value rather than comparing against the symbols directly?
<rippa> artOfWar: because if you compare against symbol, you create that symbol even if it wasn't present
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<artOfWar> rippa: in the above case where I pasted the link, we are first putting all the symbols into an array and then checking if it has a we are looking for, so in this case even if we create a symbol on the symbol table it shouldn't matter as we already have a snapshot of our symbol table's previous state
<artOfWar> rippa: correct me if I'm wrong
<rippa> artOfWar: try it yourself
<rippa> it is created when the method definition is executed
<artOfWar> rippa: what I mean't is in a different case, like here
<rippa> artOfWar: because you didn't use that symbol before
<artOfWar> rippa: thanks, that is what I'm trying to make sure if my understanding is correct or not, thanks for confirming
<rippa> artOfWar:
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<wadkar> guys, this pry thingy is cool, I can look up the definitions, and docs, this is way cool than irb !
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: yeah, it makes my dick hard.
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<banistergalaxy> wadkar: did u watch the screencast
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, i ended up not using your implementation and using class_eval strings...
<nikhil_> but thanks for the help
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: np
<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: can i see your code
<nikhil_> sure
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<banistergalaxy> nikhil_: ?
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<nikhil_> pm...
<nikhil_> banistergalaxy, ^^
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<FND> how can I make bundler use ~/.gem instead of /usr/lib/ruby/gems? (I recently abandoned RVM since I only need Ruby 1.9 these days)
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<matt__> Hy guys, I've been struggling on something for the last hour, can someone help me please
<matt__> I'm tryin gto achieve this assert_equal true, false
<matt__> I've tried to monkey patch TrueClass, update the TRUE constant value but no success
<matt__> but I know it's possibl
<matt__> e
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<matt__> assert_equal(true, false)
<matt__> anyone?
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<scalebyte> this code isnto wroking : unless @user.about_me.length > "100"
<scalebyte> this code isnto wroking : unless @user.about_me.length > 100
<banistergalaxy> scalebyte: leave now and never come back!!!!!!!!!
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<scalebyte> banistergalaxy: my mistake i wanted < instaed of > sorry
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<scalebyte> banistergalaxy: why did u say that ?
<banistergalaxy> scalebyte: because i think you're a dick
<scalebyte> banistergalaxy: u hardly know me
<banistergalaxy> scalebyte: just on this channel then :)
<scalebyte> banistergalaxy: please talk properly.. I have just started learning ruby so some of my doubts might seems very stupid to you guys.. that's understandable
<banistergalaxy> scalebyte: a few reasons, mainly because the majority of your questions are rails-related on a non-rails channel, also because your questions are usually phrased in such obscure ways that no one would help you anyway.
<scalebyte> banistergalaxy: I always keep my questions simple... anyway since you made this statement, I will definitely try and improve on those points.. Thanks
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<avalarion> Is someone able to read through my plugin for issues, especially security ones?
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<poppiez> how do you pass array parameters to a rake task?
<poppiez> I want to pass a bunch of file paths to a task
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<wadkar> is there a method for array meaning include?(all_elements_of_this_array)
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<rippa> wadkar: what?
<wadkar> a = [1,2,3,4] ; b = [1,2] ; a.some_method?(b) #=> true as a contains all of b; b = [1,5]; a.some_method?(b) #=> false as a does not contain all of b
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<rippa> b.all? {|i| a.include? i}
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<wadkar> rippa: ohh, block with all? and compare, I was thinking on the lines of reject block, and lesson (re)learned, negations are hard to grasp at first hand
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<banistergalaxy> wadkar: instead of spending time learning ruby why dont u take silver in the arm and walk head-high on highways
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<wadkar> banistergalaxy: I don't understand 'take silver in the arm ...'
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<cout> silver == a bullet
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: inject heroin
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<cout> oh
<cout> never mind
<cout> wrong metaphor L)
<banistergalaxy> cout: hehe, or just me choosing the wrong words ;)
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* wadkar is clueless
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<cout> me too
<banistergalaxy> nm, im drinking whiskey with my flatmate and talking nonsense
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<banistergalaxy> cout: do you have any experience with objc?
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<cout> not really
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<LMolr> is there a collect variant that gives a Set instead of an Array?
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<Tasser> LMolr, require 'set'
<banistergalaxy> Tasser: just call to_set on the result
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<LMolr> i'm not expert in ruby internals (neither external, really), but wouldn't this be inefficient instead of a native set collect?
<LMolr> (wow my english is awesome today)
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<banistergalaxy> LMolr: there is no native set collect, cos sets are a rarely used datatype they didnt think to build them into core
<banistergalaxy> datastructure
<LMolr> banistergalaxy: ok, thanks. I'm using a set to keep an unordered list of children in a composite structure, and using collect to walk children and collect values.
<banistergalaxy> LMolr: leave the kids alone, man
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<LMolr> banistergalaxy: lol , what?
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<scalebyte> Kindly help me with this :
<scalebyte> RubyPanther: ^^ wierd behaviour by ruby
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<philcrissman|afk> scalebyte: that's not weird behavior. Your conditionals are wrong...
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<scalebyte> philcrissman|afk: where am I going wrong ? all assginments are correct except line 7... its assiging line 5 hash for line 6 attributes
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<scalebyte> philcrissman|afk: could u help me pls
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<philcrissman|afk> scalebyte: if you say "if a == b || c" and a is not b, the it will return c
<philcrissman|afk> and in your case, since c is a symbol, it's not nil, so it's true. your first "if" is always returning true.
<philcrissman|afk> scalebyte: it's not the assignments, it's your conditionals; the if statement.
<philcrissman|afk> you can't say "if a == b || c", you'd need to say "if a == b || a == c"
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<eddie_> scalebyte: try this scalebyte
<philcrissman|afk> scalebyte: or... if [b, c].include?(a)
<scalebyte> philcrissman|afk: but i am doing a == b||c||d since i want the same thing to be done for b,c,d
<philcrissman|afk> scalebyte: you don't understand what I'm saying; that syntax is wrong. It doesn't say what you think it says. It will return d. Which is true.
<scalebyte> eddie_: philcrissman|afk thanks... I will try and correct the code
<eddie_> scalebyte: i am not using or or || in the conditions
<eddie_> check that
<eddie_> check the pastie
<wadkar> bit puzzled : ; the debugger tells me that it is evaluating if Movies.attribute_names.include? conditional when it should be short-circuited; or am I reading something wrong in the debugger ?
<scalebyte> eddie_: ya am checking it :)
<eddie_> ok
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<philcrissman|afk> eddie_: yep, include? is the way to go. scalebyte could expand the conditionals, but that would get really long (ie, if a== b || a == c || a == d)
<eddie_> yes
<eddie_> thats not a good looking code
<eddie_> or or or and or
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<scalebyte> eddie_: worked perfectly thanks :)
<eddie_> welcome
<philcrissman|afk> eddie_: yep. include? is ideal for this sort of check.
<scalebyte> eddie_: i should use include? from now on for such things.. rather than going for ||
<scalebyte> philcrissman|afk: thanks.. ryt
<philcrissman|afk> wadkar: does Movie have an attribute named :order_by?
<eddie_> scalebyte: next time paste your code in a named gist
<wadkar> philcrissman|afk: nope
<philcrissman|afk> wadkar: nevermind, read that wrong; it's checking the value of that param.
<wadkar> philcrissman|afk: yes, and thats why I am wondering, the session is nil, the params is nil, but still
<scalebyte> eddie_: sure
<wadkar> (nil as in the hash key doesn't exists so hash['foo'] is nil)
<philcrissman|afk> wadkar: not totally sure. The line in your debugging session doesn't seem to be the same as any of the lines pasted above.
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<philcrissman|afk> wadkar: also, this might be better asked on #rubyonrails
<wadkar> updated the pasite with full code , check now
<eddie_> scalebyte: Are you placing the value of variable value for :message
<eddie_> ?
<wadkar> well, if you consider session and params as just another variables available in the scope, it should still make sense right, i mean, the debugger shows that session and params dont have :order_by key, but it still tries and evaluates Movie.attribute_names.include?
<scalebyte> eddie_: no this is for some different purpose.... live notification
<scalebyte> eddie_: i am settings values while initialization.. default values... for email and message notification
<eddie_> scalebyte: i see that when value is true you make :message = true
<eddie_> and when value = true
<scalebyte> eddie_: yeah
<eddie_> Then
<eddie_> there is another solution
<philcrissman|afk> wadkar: still doesn't make sense. Where does the line "if Movie.attribute_names.include? params[:order_by]" come from? It isn't in the controller code you pasted.
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<eddie_> would you mind that?
<scalebyte> eddie_: instead of if value == true i cud just do if value.. ryt !!
<eddie_> scalebyte: Yes also some more addition
<eddie_> using a case thing
<eddie_> i will give you a pastie
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<wadkar> philcrissman|afk: erm, do I need to restart the webrick server if I change the controller ?
<scalebyte> eddie_: thanks.. u r so helpful...
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<eddie_> scalebyte: See if this works for you.
<scalebyte> eddie_: suer thanks
<Stefunel> guys, how can I see all the methods of a certain object? .methods doesn't list anything
<eddie_> :)
<eddie_> Stefunel: is it a custom class?
<wadkar> strange (or maybe I am dumb) I restarted the webrick server, and now its working fine (apparently)
<Stefunel> eddie_ yes
<scalebyte> eddie_: this is nice.. but there are many cases where am assigning same values for multiple attributes.. so i guess include? will b more better ryt?
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<eddie_> Stefunel: will get back to you
<maasha> does ruby have some clever ways to report memory usage of data structures?
<Stefunel> ok eddie_ thanks
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<eddie_> Stefunel: Check if you have done it right
<eddie_> Stefunel: I am getting it. Check the pastie
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<Stefunel> thanks eddie_
<Stefunel> it works
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<wadkar> thanks philcrissman|afk , your keen eye on the line number solved this problem that I had for so long
<eddie_> philcrissman: Dude can i use you as a debugger?
<eddie_> i am too bad in it
<eddie_> and pron to those
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<wadkar> eddie_: hehe
<eddie_> wadkar: "foobar" is still my ancient way of debugging
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<wadkar> eddie_: me too, but I want to learn more about debugging, so I tried it out
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<scalebyte> eddie_: objects.methods to list all methods... it was enlightning ;)
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: you can use pry as a debugger
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<wadkar> banistergalaxy: huh? how can it capture the rails server's interrupts?
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<banistergalaxy> wadkar: ? since when has that been the definition of a debugger? im ot saying it cant do that, but a 'debugger' is simply a tool that can examine callstack, advance execution a line at a time and enable inspection of runtime state.
<wadkar> banistergalaxy: hmm, so if I can find a way to trigger the rails server from within pyr ... aha! command mode?
<wadkar> nah, I need to get pry in the RoR mode
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: no, just put 'binding.pry' where you currently have 'debugger'
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: read the documentation & watch the screencast :)
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<wadkar> banistergalaxy: ohh, well I didn't watch the screencast (in office), and just skimmed through basics
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<wadkar> is it the same as on the official webpage?
<banistergalaxy> wadkar: no, that's a special rails-oriented screencast
<philcrissman|afk> wadkar: np. You always need to look, the debugger will tell you what line it is on. Glad it helped. :)
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<wadkar> banistergalaxy: thanks, that should give all pry screencasts at one go (*bookmarks the link*)
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<Azure> Hm. Lets say that I want to write a way to grab QDB entries from several websites (with selectors.) What would be a good way to go about writing such a facility?
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<Azure> QDB Base (with attributes, etc. for storing rating, url, quote, etc.) -> QDB class (for instance, QDB::Bash) (for parsing the page and storing the results) -> whatever class that I use the single QDB classes in?
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<Sp4rKy> /W 4
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<virgil_> hi, I am new to ruby and I have one question
<virgil_> I have a function aaa?(string) and I also want to be able to write "string".aaa?
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<virgil_> I overwrite String class and define the method but I don;t know how to call the function with the same name from outside the class in the class
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<virgil_> :)
<philcrissman> virgil_: you should just put the method inside the class, if that's what you want to do.
<philcrissman> or put it in a module, and include the module inside String
<virgil_> but I also want it outside the class
<virgil_> how do I do that?
<philcrissman> virgil_: then I'd put it in a module.
<philcrissman> virgil_: ...
<virgil_> I'll google it, thanks
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<A_D> hi there!
<A_D> any help with rb_scan_args function?
<poseid> where did you get that function from?
<philcrissman> poseid: it's a C function.
<philcrissman> A_D: the only description I found with a quick search was on
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<philcrissman> A_D search the page for rb_scan_args
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<A_D> let me see
<philcrissman> A_D: I've never used it. :) So I'm not really any more help than that.
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<A_D> philcrissman: thanks! Thats what I'm looking for
<philcrissman> A_D: :D
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<nelsonblaha> anyone mind helping a new rubyist? I guess I don't understand file access yet. This line is causing a file not found: if oldlog != (newlog =
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<nelsonblaha> I've tried making watch equal to the filename (same folder) and the absolute filepath, no luck with either
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<poseid> also not much experience with rb_scan_args
<poseid> but aren't there projects/gems in github where there are examples?
<poseid> libxml ...
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<canton7> nelsonblaha, what are you trying to do? Compare the contents of two files?
<nelsonblaha> canton7, yes
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<A_D> libxml, pg ....
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<canton7> nelsonblaha, there's FileUtils.compare_file if you want to do the comparison without reading the entire file into memory. As for why your example's failing? Not sure. Are you absolutely sure that the contents of oldlog are correctg?
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, thanks for the tip. oldlog starts out empty on the first loop. is that no good?
<canton7> nelsonblaha, do you ever write to oldlog?
<nelsonblaha> canton7, I do at the end of my loop
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, I'll pastebin
<canton7> nelsonblaha, works for me
<canton7> nelsonblaha, might the problem be that you're opening changelog.txt in mode 'w'?
<canton7> instead of 'a'
<nelsonblaha> canton7, I'll give it a shot
<canton7> since re-opening it with mode 'w' will overwrite whatever's in it
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, it's not even getting to the changelog part though. It's complaining that it can't find the file watch
<nelsonblaha> canton7, I give it a plaintext file called watchme when I run it. It says watchme: no file or directory
<nelsonblaha> test.rb:13:in `read': No such file or directory - watchme (Errno::ENOENT)
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, I created watchme with touch watchme but left it empty
<canton7> nelsonblaha, aha. What directly is the script running in? Print out Dir.pwd and Dir['*']
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, is that a command I should run in my linux shell or in the ruby script?
<canton7> nelsonblaha, in the ruby script, at the top
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, I get /home/nelson/rubytest.rbwatchmewhat file should I watch?
<canton7> nelsonblaha, I didn't catch that. 1. Where is the script running? 2. Where is the file located? 3. What are you passing to
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, script is running in /home/nelson/ruby/
<nelsonblaha> canton7, file is located in the same directory
<nelsonblaha> canton7, the string I'm passing to is watchme
<nelsonblaha> "watchme"
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<canton7> nelsonblaha, are you passing "watchme" or "watchme\n"?
<nelsonblaha> aha
<nelsonblaha> I need to strip it
<nelsonblaha> right?
<canton7> nelsonblaha, I should have spotted this earler. Line 2 should be watch = gets.chomp
<canton7> *earlier
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<nelsonblaha> canton7, thanks, this has been extremely educational. Probably a common mistake for java programmers. I have different errors to try in google now
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<canton7> nelsonblaha, haha, no worries. Some languages do the chomping for you; some don't
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<shevy> java chomps by default?
<shevy> hmm is .strip calling .chomp actually?
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<Tasser> shouldn't
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<phreax> uups
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<JonnieCache> whats the command to check a .gemspec file is valid
<JonnieCache> ?
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<foxdie> Hooray, it exists :)
<foxdie> Hi all, quick ruby question if I may, to provide backward compatibility to some changes I'm making to a ruby application, is there a way to execute a command and ignore warnings about redefining constants?
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<scalebyte> I have this for validating special characters presence
<scalebyte> but hw can I inculde numbers also in this?
<scalebyte> /^[A-Za-z0-9.&]*\z/
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<scalebyte> is this called a regular expression? /^[A-Za-z0-9.&]*\z/
<ron> Maybe someone could assist. Java has a nice little application called Sonar ( to help reduce technical debt. Is there anything similar for Ruby?
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<foxdie> scalebyte: Yep that looks like a regular expression
<scalebyte> foxdie: thanks... what essentially defines a regex ? in short if you could throw some light !!
<foxdie> Although by the looks of it, it might be matching every character, the . can match any character, it might need escaping with a backslash
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<foxdie> I recommend reading:
<scalebyte> foxdie: i have a backslach to the end of it as u can see
<scalebyte> foxdie: thanks for the link
<rippa> foxdie: . inside character class is literal
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<foxdie> Fair enough, I wasn't 100% sure either way
<foxdie> I escape it just to be safe
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<rippa> foxdie: I'M COVERED IN BEES
<foxdie> BEES!
<foxdie> Oprah would love you :)
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<foxdie> rippa, don't suppose you've got a comment on my question about temporarily turning off warnings in ruby? :)
<foxdie> Like in PHP, you can prefix a command with the @ symbol
<Asher> you can't
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<rippa> tried that?
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<workmad3> foxdie: warnings are warnings... you should pay attention to them :)
<foxdie> Everyone says that
<foxdie> I have a legitimate reason for doing it
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<foxdie> But thanks, I'll use $VERBOSE
<nelsonblaha> I guess I don't know how to include in ruby. I keep getting uninitialized constant Diffy (NameError) when I try to include Diffy
<nelsonblaha> same when I try to use it
<foxdie> nelsonblaha: require 'external_file'
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<foxdie> Where external_file is the relative path to the ruby script you wanna include, WITHOUT the .rb file extension
<foxdie> So if you wanted to include functions.rb, you'd use: require 'functions'
<foxdie> Still haven't gotten them
<foxdie> (wrong window for that last line)
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<nelsonblaha> foxdie, thanks. trying it.
<nelsonblaha> foxdie, any tips on locating this diffy script? I installed it with sudo gem install diffy
<foxdie> Sorry nope, no clue on that
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<shevy> nelsonblaha gems are stored in a directory
<shevy> a .gem file is usually stored at /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/
<shevy> not sure how that path changed for 1.9.x
<shevy> but when you installed a gem, let's say "foobar" is the name, then usually require 'foobar' would work
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<scalebyte> shevy: require 'rubygems' # puts gem libraries in the require path and require 'whatever' # loads your library
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<scalebyte> shevy: nelsonblaha :
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<phreax> has anyone come across a "stack level too deep" error (infinit recursion) when using extend with the facets gem (v2.9.3)
<phreax> ?
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<phreax> i didnt tried othere versions yet
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<phreax> it yields an ininit recursion, since facets seems to override the extend method
<phreax> am i missing something, or is this indeed a bug ?
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<shevy> phreax that is such a specialized question man
<shevy> def foo; foo; end
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<shevy> that code you showed there on really looks as if someone is cramming as much complication into as few lines as possible
<shevy> base.extend ClassMethods
<shevy> base.class_eval do
<shevy> waaaaaaah
<shevy> :P
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* JonnieCache flinches
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<scalebyte> shevy: not all are prodigies like you :)
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<scalebyte> shevy: tum toh mast ho ruby mein
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<phreax> shevy: yeah this kinda sucks, but i dont see any other way
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<phreax> any suggestions?
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<scalebyte> phreax: where r u from ?
<phreax> actually i just need to extend class methods of a class (while still have access to the old method)
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<phreax> it works though for me, using alias_method. making it even more complicated
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<mneorr> Hi all, I have one question regarding the @variable ||= something_true in a method. If something_true isn't just a variable, or a method call, is there a way to pass in the block?
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<shevy> scalebyte what does this have to do with prodigies? people use overcomplicated code and then are wondering why things don't work
<shevy> in ancient times people liked simplicity
<shevy> then came the agile everything and then the metamagic wave
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<shevy> soon enough there will be the hipster wave and there will be pink unicorns hidden in ruby code
<scalebyte> shevy: right... ruby looks neat concise
<scalebyte> shevy: where u from ?
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<shevy> people can write the most horrible code
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* deryldoucette hides his codezors from shevy
<robacarp> now wait a minute whats wrong with pink unicorns in code?
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<shevy> well they are better than eval but still
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<robacarp> metaprogramming is an irritating practice.
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<shevy> yes!
<shevy> I want a very creative language that is also insanely simple
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<shevy> but it seems the moment a language allows for creativity it is no longer very simple
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<JonnieCache> shevy: LISP
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<shevy> hmm
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<JonnieCache> the thing is lisp has very simple rules but that doesnt garuantee simple code
<shevy> :(
<JonnieCache> emergent complexity and all that
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<jwang> is there a good way to estimate the size of a hash? in b/kb/mb?
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<shevy> jwang cool question
<shevy> I dont think I read it before :)
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<jwang> shevy: thx :) I just found ObjectSpace.memsize_of():
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<shevy> cool
<shevy> never saw that one before
<shevy> ewwww japanese docu :(
<scalebyte> I am trying to do a simple if key == "linkedin_profile" where key is the key of a hash but not working
<scalebyte> any idea
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<scalebyte> it is escaping the comparison... even when key is "linkedin_profile"
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<shevy> how can this be
<shevy> your datastructure is really a hash?
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<mneorr> is there a way to declare @variable ||= some code here ?
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<scalebyte> shevy: i even tried doing if key.to_sym == "linkedin_profile"
<shevy> well
<mneorr> def array
<mneorr> @array ||= initialize_array #instead of calling the method, do the initialization inline?
<mneorr> end
<shevy> of course that can not work scalebyte
<shevy> because "linkedin_profile".to_sym becomes :linkedin_profile
<scalebyte> shevy: oh k then what do I need to do ?
<scalebyte> shevy: if key == "linkedin_profile".to_sym worked :)
<shevy> do you have your hash in code?
<shevy> I mean how does your hash look like
<shevy> just a sample
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<cableray> Is there a regex symbol for all whitespace except newlines?
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<gjaldon> try checking out rubiulus
<mneorr> sorry for trolling, I'm not sure if I'm actually posting here? anyone sees this msg? thanks
<cableray> do you mean rubular
<cableray> ?
<cableray> ello mneorr
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<mneorr> alright, thanks cableray :) just haven't got a reply then
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<Phrogz> mneorr: What do you mean by "declare @variable ||= some code here"?
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<Eiam> i need to go read up on ||=
<Eiam> ruby has some unique assignment operators
<deryldoucette> basically it means if its empty or nil then assign
<deryldoucette> otherwise use the value stored
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: it's pretty straight forward; for a ||= 1, it will assign 1 (or, whatever); if it's _not_ nil, it retains its value
<philcrissman|afk> or, what deryldoucette said. :)
<Phrogz> Except throw in `false` as well as `nil`.
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<shevy> throw kittens!
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<Phrogz> And then find out that this is a good mental model, but not entirely accurate when dealing with, for example, my_hash[:k] ||= :bar
<philcrissman|afk> Phrogz: that's right.
<Phrogz> Eiam: But yes, in general in Ruby foo OP= bar is basically equivalent to foo = foo OP bar
<Eiam> if the operation to the right is not nil or false, it will assign to the left?
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* Eiam goes to check what happens if its empty
<philcrissman|afk> Phrogz: yep, was just going to say that. n += 1 => n = n +1 ; n ||= 1 => n = n || 1
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<Eiam> [] = false apparently too
<Mon_Ouie> No, empty array is true-ish
<Mon_Ouie> Only nil and false are considered as being false
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam, Mon_Ouie: yeah; ([] ||= "something") == []
<Phrogz> Or "falsey", as they say in JavaScript, meaning that !obj == true
<Eiam> Mon_Ouie: hmm.. a="something"; a||=[];
<Eiam> a is "something" still
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: that's because a has a value; "something"
<Eiam> thats interesting that the reverse case is differnt
<mneorr> okay, got that one. but what happens if the right side of assigment isn't just a variable?
<Eiam> hmm
<mneorr> I can paste a snippet
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: it shouldn't be. a = []; a ||= "something"; a == []
<mneorr> for now, I've just called a new method; But for the learning purposes of the syntax, thought there might be a way to do it inline
<mneorr> def array
<mneorr> @array ||= initialize_array
<mneorr> end
<mneorr> def initialize_array
<mneorr> array = []
<mneorr> 1.upto(234) do |numbah|
<mneorr> array << numbah
<mneorr> end
<mneorr> array
<mneorr> end
<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: thats the same case you posted initially
<shevy> lol
<shevy> |numbah|
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: yes, it is.
<shevy> best name ever :)
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: and the same result.
<mneorr> yeah, picked it up from one guy I've used to pair program in the US :D
<mneorr> *program with
<Eiam> =/ I just use x & i
<Eiam> << not very creative
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<shevy> being too clever is annoying
<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: okay so to rephrase again then.. a ||= value assigns value if a is nil and value is not nil
<shevy> like that roman class that implements roman numbers via method_missing
<Phrogz> mneorr: Next time, please use or another paste service.
<mneorr> okay sure, I'm a newbie here
<Phrogz> mneorr: @array ||= (1..234).to_a
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<mneorr> :D I knew someone will make an inliner for it. this is awesome
<Phrogz> mneorr: Or in general: @array ||= [].tap{ |a| .. do mutating things with a here ... }
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<mneorr> okay, got this one with the block passed in,. that was more a question
<mneorr> like, is there any other way to do a multiline as well?
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<mneorr> e.g. , I've tried to use just @array ||= { some code here } , but obviously that didn't work
<Phrogz> mneorr: You could convert my tap block to a do/end and multiline it. But if you want to just run arbitrary code, you'd need unless @array ... multiline code here that sets @array ... end
<Phrogz> And then @array at the end.
<Phrogz> mneorr: You want a begin/end block to evaluate many lines as the last expression.
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<Phrogz> mneorr: For example:
<mneorr> #Phrogz thanks! you've definately gave me the right direction
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<fowl> -ChanServ- [#ruby] Welcome to #ruby. || ||
<fowl> why do i get this message about modruby, a dead project
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<wmoxam> fowl: it throws off the noobs
* wmoxam is only slightly joking, doesn't see why else it would be there
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: yep
<Eiam> man thats going to clean up a lot of my code
<Eiam> i do tons of silly checks like that
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: well, technically, I guess it would assign nil to it, as well. Not that there would be a difference; a = nil; a ||= nil; a == nil. ;-)
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: though; that would be significant if you wanted it to become explicitly false; a = nil; a ||= false; a == false;
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: just play around with that in irb for awhile, you will see exactly how it works.
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: well, it sounds like you got it already. But nothing like seeing how it works.
<Eiam> tap? /me goes to look up
<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: right but that makes sense, false is not nil
<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: so I'd expect a ||=false; a == false
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: yep. but remember, if it starts out false, it would be reassingned to something truthy. a = false; a ||= "something"; a == "something"
<philcrissman|afk> s/reassigned
<seoaqua> hi guys, which is the right way to iterate a hash when deleting some elements of it? e.g. hash.each_key {|k| hash.delete k}
<Eiam> ahh okay thats a minor catch but important
<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: whats the logic behind that assignment? false is not nil, so it seems like it should keep false
<Eiam> seoaqua: wouldn't that be mutating something while you are iterating it?
<Eiam> not sure how ruby handles that, but I know objc doesn't like that =)
<Eiam> crashy crash
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<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: I guess "truthiness" is the logic used there. still seems slightly inconsistent
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: not exactly; nil and false are both "falsey".
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<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: sure, but as pointed out, a ||=false == false, but false ||='something' == 'something'
<seoaqua> Eiam, im doing like hash_copy = hash; hash_copy.each_key{...}; hash = hash_copy; are there any better ways
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: so, in most cases, it's seeing if a is "truthy", and if not, assigning whatever to it. In the case of nil and false, it just so happens that "false" is a little better defined than nil; so a nil ||= false would become explicitly false.
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: exactly.
<seoaqua> Eiam, sorry not a correct example
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<Eiam> philcrissman|afk: right. I follow
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<Eiam> nil and false are the same except when you are comparing them directly
<Eiam> for purposes of ||=
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<Mon_Ouie> seoaqua: #delete_if?
<Mon_Ouie> Also do you realize hash_copy isn't a copy of the hash?
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<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: mmm more or less, sure. As far as the truth value goes.
<deryldoucette> Mon_Ouie: oo i didn't know that myself
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<seoaqua> Mon_Ouie, yes,maybe, i'll look into it, thanks~
<Eiam> seoaqua: also, did you try what you posted, cause that worked fine for me
<deryldoucette> building my docs now, so will look that up when it completes
<Mon_Ouie> When you do var_a = var_b you're making var_a reference the same object as var_b
<philcrissman|afk> Eiam: I'd stop short of saying that nil and false are the same.... they're each their own class. nil.class == NilClass; false.class == FalseClass
<Mon_Ouie> You're not copying that object in any way, which is what calling #dup would do
<havenn> Hrm, didn't realize that: hsh.dup.delete_if == hsh.reject
<seoaqua> Eiam, its an old problem, i need some time to find the segment,sorry
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<Mon_Ouie> Eiam: Actually, I think the behavior when modifying a hash while iterating over it isn't clearly defined
<Mon_Ouie> And should thus be avoided
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<fowl> #each will warn you if you try to do that
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<ekaleido> anyone use the twitter cassandra client by chance?
<Eiam> Mon_Ouie: odd, it lest me do it fine (in that case anyway)
<Eiam> I know obj-c would barf all over you if you tried it
<Mon_Ouie> Yes, I didn't check, and it's quite possible it works there
<Mon_Ouie> But it varies depending on Ruby version and implementation, and whether you can do it or not isn't documented
<Eiam> I mean, I wouldn't blame ruby if it didn't let me do it
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<Eiam> but i thought it was kind of cool that it did =)
<Eiam> i figured it would just do a dupe behind the scenes
<Eiam> and mutate THAT object, and return it
<Eiam> which is probably what the programmer would do anyway, so why not do it for them
<fowl> if you find a place where ruby dups something for you without you using #dup, let me know
<Eiam> well now im curious what happens in that case then (and how it works)
<Mon_Ouie> I think it just happens to work due to Ruby 1.9 maintaining a linked list to keep hashes orderd
<Mon_Ouie> ordered*
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<Eiam> ah
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<rmaceissoft> Hi guys, I'm having the following trouble
<rmaceissoft> I need a generic way to check if variable is nil, even when that variable take values of type FixNum
<fowl> rmaceissoft: 5.nil? #=> false
<fowl> there is no method empty? for Fixnum
<Mon_Ouie> And empty? doesn't mean nil
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<Mon_Ouie> nil doesn't even respond to #empty?
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<fowl> rmaceissoft: you could do @client_id.nil? || (@client_id.is_a?(String) && @client_id.empty?)
<rmaceissoft> "client_id.nil? break when is of type FixNum
<rmaceissoft> fowl: @client_id.nil? break when is of type FixNum
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<fowl> rmaceissoft: try in irb: 5.nil?
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<havenn> rmaceissoft: ActiveSupport's blank? is done like so: 5.respond_to?(:empty?) ? empty? : !self #=> false
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<mcwise> Hello guys
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<fowl> mcwise: sup
<rmaceissoft> fowl: you are right, thanks, but when I debug (i'm using aptana) @client_id.nil? does return false
<mcwise> hey, just new to the ruby community
<rmaceissoft> it returns nil
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<fowl> rmaceissoft: it's probably not getting set to nil because the default value (in the method param) is "", maybe you could use nil ?
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<fowl> oh and unless is an inverted if, it gets complicated if you have more logic than something simple like unless x.nil?
<rmaceissoft> fowl: thanks
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<rmaceissoft> I'm getting my first steps into ruby world, I come from python worl :-)
<fowl> rmaceissoft: i recommend change it to an if, then you're working with positive logic
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<fowl> sry i didnt even notice that was an unless until now
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<JonnieCache|home> /j ableton
<JonnieCache|home> wtf
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<fowl> rmaceissoft: did you get it working?
<rmaceissoft> sure, thanks for your help
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<fowl> np
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<rbennacer> hello
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<rbennacer> anybody here?
<mcwise> yea, plenty :)
<rbennacer> :)
<rbennacer> in activeRecord , how can i do something like this Movie.where("rating in ??", ["PG","R"])
<rbennacer> what is the correct syntax
<rbennacer> ?
<JonnieCache|home> Movie.where :rating => ["PG", "R"] maybe
<apeiros_> rbennacer: AR is #rubyonrails, the syntax is as JonnieCache|home just said
<apeiros_> alternatively .where("rating IN ?", ["PG", "R"])
<JonnieCache|home> i find that i can usually guess the AR syntax and it ust works
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<JonnieCache|home> that applies to a lot of ruby. one of the reasons i like it
<rbennacer> yaaaay
<rbennacer> you are the best
<rbennacer> thanks
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* JonnieCache|home has his midi keyboard back
<JonnieCache|home> its knob twiddling time
<JonnieCache|home> i hardly every use the keys heh
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<cmasseraf> I'm trying to learn ruyb... and I have two classes (Part1 and Part2) however in part2.rb whe I do require 'part1' it cannot find the file
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<JonnieCache|home> cmasseraf: you need to understand the load path
<JonnieCache|home> the load path is the list of dirs it looks in when you require stuff
<JonnieCache|home> by default, the current dir is not included in that
<cmasseraf> so... I need to add my current dir to it?
<JonnieCache|home> yes you can do that, with $LOAD_PATH << '.'
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<JonnieCache|home> thats not generally encouraged but its fine for learning
<JonnieCache|home> generally what you do is put everything in a lib directory and put that in the load path
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<Mon_Ouie> File.dirname(__FILE__) is the directory that contains the current file
<Mon_Ouie> . is the current working directory, which is different
<JonnieCache|home> ah right
<torrancew> Anyone know why this CGI snippet would silently fail to print the h1 and h2 fields?
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<JonnieCache|home> Mon_Ouie: is . what it does in 1.8, the behaviour which was removed for security reasons if i understood correctly?
<JonnieCache|home> because the working dir could be anything
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<Mon_Ouie> Yeah, and therefore it breaks your script when you run it from a different directory
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<JonnieCache|home> i thought it was a security thng
<JonnieCache|home> people could sneak files in and have them required. but i suppose . was at the bottom of the load path so that wouldnt work
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<ericdfields> is there a more concise way i can do this?
<burgestrand> ericdfields: (1..8).map { |i| … }
<canton7> ericdfields,
<fowl> canton7: he wants an array of arrays
<ericdfields> right
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<ericdfields> in this case map does work tho
<ericdfields> thanks burgestrand
<canton7> fowl, oops, missed that. updated the pastie
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<Phrogz> Or duration_array = (1..8).map{ |i| pluralize(i, 'hour') }.zip(1..8) :)
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* Phrogz loves Array#product and Array#zip
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<Phrogz> ericdfields: BTW, what are you using this datastructur for? Smells...wrong.
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<Phrogz> I'm still surprised how the presence or absence of a single character can transform an otherwise-good sentence into something that appears to come from a 12 y/o fool.
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<deryldoucette> lol
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<squidz> I tried to run a block in ruby every 194 times by using the modulo condiational if(index%194 ==1) then run block, but it doesnt seem to do it every 194 times
<squidz> any idea why?
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<squidz> could it be that ruby is rounding the division result?
<burgestrand> squidz: 5.5 % 5 # => 0.5
<burgestrand> so, no rounding
<burgestrand> but floats can be scary to deal with at times
<fowl> squidz: 1000.times { |x| next unless x % 194 == 0; p x } #=> 0, 194, 388, etc
<fowl> i dunno if thats what you need but you can use something like that in irb to model the results
<Phrogz> squidz: On the face of it what you're doing works fine.
<squidz> fowl: it looks like that might well be what I am trying ill look into it, thanks
* Phrogz ponders what makes 194 special
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<Phrogz> 194.prime_division #=> [[2, 1], [97, 1]]
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<shadoi> wow, there are a lot of "facts" associated with 194.
<shadoi> heh
<squidz> Phrogz: I am trying to scrape a 974 links, which should be no problem except that I seem to time out becaues of excessive traffic so I want to break those 947 page visits up with a sleep every now and then. I though 194 divides 974 evenly but it looks like that was a mistake. Maybe I am approaching this wrongly
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<robacarp> o-O
<shadoi> hehe
<Phrogz> Oo indeed
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<Phrogz> squidz: Why not just a) put a small sleep after each fetch, and b) rescue the timeouts and handle them appropriatel?
<robacarp> this is one of my favorite wikipedia articles:
<shadoi> better yet, spawn a thread for #-cores at a time, and let them finish before spawning new threads.
<robacarp> "This is an incomplete list"
<shadoi> hahha
<Phrogz> And no, c) 974.prime_division #=> [[2, 1], [487, 1]]
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<squidz> rescuing the timeouts looks like a nice solution but i'm not sure that sleeping after each call with prevent my problem
<shadoi> wikipedia is so FAIL, they can't even list all numbers!
<squidz> damn you 974
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<robacarp> you don't need to divide you request blocks evenly to make it happen
<robacarp> just make it sleep every 100 or so.
<robacarp> the last block will only be what...
<squidz> robacarp: yeah I thought about that too, but I think just rescuing with a timeout would be more efficient
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<squidz> preventing unneeded sleeps
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<squidz> but this is the first time ive done anything with error/exception handling with ruby, since it is only my second thing ive done in ruby
<squidz> but so far i'm really diggin it
<shadoi> squidz: did you look at Scrubyt and Mechanize?
<robacarp> I mean...the reality of the problem is that you are being rate-limited by the server, which is inherently a chronographic problem. Implementing chronographic delay solutions to a chonographic problem seems reasonable to me.
<robacarp> but, now that I think about it....I agree with you...
<robacarp> rescue a timeoutt, then sleep.
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<robacarp> /but/ that might not be the fastest way to scrape all the links. If you stay within the bounds you don't need to wait for the timeout.
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<robacarp> I suppose it depends on how long the timeout takes compared to how long you'd need to sleep between requests.
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<squidz> robacarp: true
<robacarp> MATH!
<squidz> thanks for the help and advice guys, the ruby community seems pretty friendly. Yall make it a good experience
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<booginga> hey all this is more a rails question but the guys in #RubyOnRails are talking about hair cuts :) Anyone know why something like this would be giving me a routing error format.html { render 'admin/users/show', :layout => true }
<booginga> but this format.html { render 'admin/users/index', :layout => true } works fine? Im trying to render a partial from another controller that lives in the namespace admin
<alaa_> Hello guys, I need to build my final project using Sinatra and MongoDB, but I need to learn Ruby first, I have good exeprince with PHP, JAVA, OOP, and design patters. Would you give some resrouces to learn the latest ruby. thank you.
<gogiel> alaa_: Eloquent Ruby book
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<alaa_> gogiel: thank you
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<squidz> shadoi: yeah I am using mechanize
<gogiel> alaa_: this is my favourite. you can read any book/tutorial and go deeper with google
<squidz> shadoi: it's handy as hell
<undersc0re> booginga: Ask in #RubyOnRails anyways
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<undersc0re> i dunno why so many people come here for rails questions ._.
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<doublethink> undersc0re, because they think that ruby is rails
<undersc0re> RoR should change it's name to Rails on Ruby
<undersc0re> Because Ruby doesn't ride on Rails
<fowl> thankfully
<philcrissman|afk> booginga: if you stop and think about your routes you'll see the answer. Ask in #rubyonrails, I'll tell you. :)
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<philcrissman|afk> ah heck. I guess I can tell you here. But; think about the show route. How's it different from an index route?
<booginga> needs an id
<philcrissman|afk> and what did you not give it?
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<philcrissman|afk> sorry, just saw that you did ask in ROR. Maybe someone will answer it there, too. :)
<booginga> thats weird though because i can pass admin/users/edit
<booginga> and its fine
<booginga> how should i pass it it
<philcrissman|afk> booginga: ...
<booginga> :id =>
<doublethink> params[:id]?
<philcrissman|afk> actually edit should not work without an id either. That's interesting. Would have to see your routes to know why.
<philcrissman|afk> booginga: see #ror, answering now
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<booginga> i would its invite only i think
<philcrissman|afk> booginga: nonsense. you've already asked several questions.
<booginga> oh sorry thought you were actually saying #ror
<philcrissman|afk> booginga: #ror is just shorthand for #rubyonrails. if there's an actual #ror channel, I've never bothered with it.
<philcrissman|afk> booginga: no, I see how you could think that, sorry. less typing. :)
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<undersc0re> philcrissman|afk, booginga: #ror redirects to #RubyOnRails
<philcrissman|afk> undersc0re: aha. Well, there you are.
<philcrissman|afk> undersc0re: hm. Actually, for me, it does say "cannot join channel, must be invited" (#ror)
<undersc0re> uh
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<bingomanatee_> For some reason my metal class is not kicking in - is there something you have to do to disable/enable the "metal" directory in a 3.0 app?
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<apeiros_> bingomanatee_: #rubyonrails
<bingomanatee_> thx
<sungji> Hi! I'd like to add a function to "enumerables", e.g. [54,692,830, 3240].great? However, apparently, Enumerable isn't a class :/ so how can I add a function to enumerables?
<fowl> sungji: Enumerable is a module
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<fowl> module Enumerable; stuff; end
<sungji> fowl, oh, I see
<burgestrand> won’t work for objects that have already included/extended Enumerable
<apeiros_> sungji: you may be looking for the already existing method `max`
<apeiros_> assuming you want: [54, 692, 830, 3240].max # => 3240
<booginga> underscOre: ahh thanks
<sungji> apeiros_: thanks!
<sungji> fowl, thank you
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<fowl> apeiros_: can i suggest taking the link out of the channel greeting and replacing it with something about rails having separate channel
apeiros_ changed the topic of #ruby to: programming language || || Paste >3 lines of text in || Rails is in #rubyonrails
<apeiros_> I should probably put the rails part to the front…
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<apeiros_> fowl: oh, channel greeting is done by chanserv
<apeiros_> can't change that…
<fowl> apeiros_: i meant the chanserv greeting you get when you join
<fowl> ah
<apeiros_> I'm trying to get fflush to change ownership of the channel or at least give me more power for years now… I don't think it'll ever happen.
<undersc0re> -Notice- {from ChanServ} Registered : Feb 05 15:20:56 2003 (9 years, 5 weeks, 3 days, 07:56:50 ago)
<undersc0re> apeiros_: wow
<apeiros_> undersc0re: now do /ns info fflush
<apeiros_> pay attention to the 'last seen'
<undersc0re> apeiros_: :|
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<apeiros_> undersc0re: yeah, that's my face. except - 2 years ago
<apeiros_> now it's just =(
<undersc0re> apeiros_: you may be able to convince freenode staff to transfer ownership
<apeiros_> no
<apeiros_> I asked a bit around
<apeiros_> not a way I can go
<apeiros_> neither #ruby nor #ruby-lang is an official channel, they actually already violate freenode policy
<apeiros_> (#ruby-lang is at least half-way official by being acknowledged on
<undersc0re> Wow.. I'm surprised they haven't shut this place down
<apeiros_> I'm not
<apeiros_> I've started the process to get my hostmask about 5y ago
<apeiros_> it should have taken a week or something
<apeiros_> I still don't have it
<undersc0re> o_O
<apeiros_> not surprised by a bit that stuff like shutting down a channel doesn't happen in the blink of an eye…
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<bpgoldsb> If I have a class (foo) inside another class (bar), how do I access the baz method of bar from insize foo?
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<apeiros_> bpgoldsb: the nesting of classes doesn't change anything about accessibility
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<apeiros_> also, for the sake of clarity, capitalize your classnames in your questions…
<bpgoldsb> apeiros_: Well, inside bar, I can call notice. When I try to call it from within foo, I get undefined method.
<fowl> bar::foo.baz ?
<bpgoldsb> Admittedly, I'm new to ruby, so it could be another issue. But I'm having problems tracking it
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<apeiros_> bpgoldsb: yes, because methods of Foo have nothing to do with methods of Foo::Bar
<fowl> nm, i didnt read it right
<apeiros_> the two classes are unrelated
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<apeiros_> it's no different than if you had a class Foo and a class Bar, without Bar beint nested in Foo.
<apeiros_> *being
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<frontendloader> what broke this going from ruby 1.8 to ruby 1.9
<fowl> lol @ pingfloyd
<fowl> frontendloader: whats the error
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<frontendloader> line 45, trying to bitwise and on a string
<frontendloader> (digest[digest[19] & 0x0F, 4]
<apeiros_> frontendloader: any reason to use a pastebin with ads?
<robacarp> gist!
<frontendloader> how will you ever survive!
<fowl> lol
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<fowl> not sure what a bitwise & is supposed to do to a string
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<robacarp> this is some gnarly code
<frontendloader> that code /should/ work in 1.8.7
<apeiros_> frontendloader: if you'd have given the actual error, you could have gotten a quicker answer
<apeiros_> String#[index] used to return an int
<apeiros_> it doesn't anymore
<frontendloader> thanks for the answer without the snark
<apeiros_> use unpack or String#ord
<apeiros_> frontendloader: I can easily give you a boot too…
<frontendloader> you reap what you sow man, was I snarky to you at the outset?
<fowl> everybody calm down and drink appletinis with me
<apeiros_> frontendloader: I have not much left for people who make half-assed questions, and fail to provide proper info even when explicitly asked for it.
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<frontendloader> getbyte/byteslice are the new methods for that then?
<robacarp> ord
<robacarp> string.ord(5)
<robacarp> er
<robacarp> string[5].ord
<frontendloader> ord's for chars I think
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<robacarp> that syntax works under both 1.8 and 1.9 rubies, iirc
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<td123> so
<apeiros_> it doesn't work pre 1.8.7
<td123> does ruby keep a copy of past ruby releases as a .bz2? it seems ruby 1.9.3p125 has done a silent release and only updated the md5sum on the pkg