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<Phrogz> Do you really want to always create a new version block each time version_block is called, or should like 27 be something like @version_info ||= ?
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<Phrogz> Anyhow, I gotta bail. I hope that helped you.
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<robert_> no
<robert_> that's dumb
<robert_> bai
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<nikhgupta> hey guys, I am trying to load a specific rvm gemset in a ruby script, but seems like I am stuck at this point. Presently, i am using this irc://!/usr/bin/env ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0@gemset/ Can someone point me on how to load the rvm gemset for my script?
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<banisterfiend> nikhgupta: is 'gupta' an extremely common name for indians? i see so many 'guptas' here on #ruby
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<nikhgupta> lolz.. yes it is.. it is a common surname.
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<bingomanatee_> Hi! how can I parse the "hash string" from my log dump
<bingomanatee_> Parameters: {"auth"=>"DemoDemo99", "mac"=>"00:04:5f:b2:1e:1d", "version"=>"3.2.5"}
<bingomanatee_> back into an actual hash in ruby?
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<apeiros_> bingomanatee_: you can use eval or my LiteralParser (found here: )
<bingomanatee_> thx
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<sullx> anyone have experience with the sequel gem ( ?
<sullx> I am trying to use bind-variables, how can I do this?
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<nobitanobi> I'm trying to figure out a clean way of splitting an array in two arrays with the following way: [1,2,3,4,5,6] --> [1,3,5] and [2,4,6]
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<k_89> is there any difference between @property and ??
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<banisterfiend> nobitanobi: [1,2,3,4,5,6].partition { |v| v.even? }
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<banisterfiend> or
<banisterfiend> nobitanobi: [1,2,3,4,5,6].partition(&:even?)
<nobitanobi> I have done this
<nobitanobi> but that seems much cleaner, what you did
<nobitanobi> hehe
<nobitanobi> banisterfiend: the problem is that I have to take into account the index
<nobitanobi> not the value. The values are strings.
<nobitanobi> So... [a,b,c,d,e,f] --> [a,c,e] and [b,d,f]
<nobitanobi> I believe the method i did is ok :) thanks though
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<Araxia> is there an out-of-the-box inverse operation for File.expand_path that i'm just failing to find (i.e. replace ENV['HOME'] with ~)?
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<sefiu> hello ppl
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<td123> Araxia: string[ENV['HOME']] = '~' ? :P
<td123> that's wrong :(
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<Araxia> currently just going with mypathstring.sub!(ENV['HOME'],'~')
<dbgster> how can I require a file in the parent directory?
<td123> string[/#{ENV['HOME']}/] = '~' works, but your version is easier to figure out what it's doing imo
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<Araxia> dbgster: require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../filename')
<dbgster> Araxia, thanks, just curious are there other ways?
<Araxia> i'm sure there are. what other characteristics are you looking for in your solution?
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<dbgster> I did this: require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../test_helper') in /spec/requests/some_file_spec.rb
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<dbgster> error: cannot load such file /spec/requests/../test_helper (LoadError)
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<dbgster> ignore that sorry, spelled the file wrong. thanks!
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<CacheMoney> I'm having trouble isolating words that have multiple white-spaces surrounding them. Here's my code Not sure what to use in the split() method....
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<Sailias> CacheMoney, consider "A man walk HERE".split.reject{|a| a.empty?}.size
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<CacheMoney> Sailias: perfect! Appreciate the help
<Sailias> CacheMoney, np
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<frontendloader> ruby is almost virus-like when you install it from apt
<frontendloader> I can't get rid of it completely to switch to rvm
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<wallerdev> frontendloader: can't you just put RVM ruby first in your path?
<wallerdev> don't need to uninstall it with apt
<frontendloader> something, somewhere is finding a 1.8.7 ruby binary
<frontendloader> and linking rails to it
<wallerdev> haha
<frontendloader> even though I've removed both ruby and ruby1.9.1 in apt
<td123> frontendloader: might want to check the patches debian applies
<frontendloader> I'm just doing an rvm install now to see if that fixes things
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<CacheMoney> I'm having trouble grouping elements of an array. I need to group words based on whether they are anagrams or not. I already produced the #anagram method, just can't figure out how to group them
<CacheMoney> any ideas?
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<td123> I would create a hash with the keys being the sorted list of chars
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<td123> words.each {|w| hash[w.sort] << w}
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<odinswand> is there an easy way to put my ruby code on my website, properly formatted?
<banisterfiend> odinswand: embed a gist
<odinswand> banisterfiend: that's probably the best solution
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<frontendloader> anyone used the carmen gem before? I'm getting uninitialized constant Country with it
<CacheMoney> How do I take an array of strings and combine them into an array of arrays?
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<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: words.group_by { |v| v.chars.sort.join }
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<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: and if u just want arrays (not hash) do this: words.group_by { |v| v.chars.sort.join }.map(&:last)
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<CacheMoney> banisterfiend: Wow! I've been working on this problem for almost an hour...
<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: <3 Enumerable :)
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<CacheMoney> banisterfiend: I wish I knew what you know... How long have you been programming? With Ruby?
<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: 3-4 years
<banisterfiend> and programming in total about 10 years i guess
<banisterfiend> bbs
<CacheMoney> man! I'm jealous... just got into programming 9 months ago. Still a little shakey with enumerables and method chaining
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<wallerdev> yeah programming is like a drug :)
<CacheMoney> banisterfiend: can you explain the .map(&:last) in the line words.group_by { |v| v.chars.sort.join }.map(&:last)
<CacheMoney> wallerdev: I agree. Hence, the reason I'm spending my Friday night programming and not out chasing women
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<wallerdev> map(&:last) is shorthand for map { |x| x.last }
<CacheMoney> what's x.last do?
<wallerdev> well on an array it'll return the last element
<wallerdev> so [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].last would be 5
<CacheMoney> i understand that but I guess in terms of how it acts in this method
<wallerdev> well just pull the steps apart
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<wallerdev> so look at what the group_by part returns first
<wallerdev> then try using each or map to see what the variable is set to, and see what the last would get you from that
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<CacheMoney> wallerdev: sorry I was eating an orange. Couldn't type with sticky fingers
<wallerdev> lol
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<CacheMoney> wallerdev: it looks like without the .map(&:last) it's just a hash, but when you add the .map(&:last) it just takes the values and adds them into one array
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<wallerdev> yup
<wallerdev> map turns a hash into an array when it iterates over it
<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: sup
<banisterfiend> still groking that code? P
<banisterfiend> :P
<wallerdev> and the parameter sent to it is [key, value]
<wallerdev> so the last is the value part
<CacheMoney> banisterfiend: just trying to understand the .map(&:last) part of it
<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: oh ok
<CacheMoney> wallerdev: that makes sense now that I know how exactly the map method works
<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: you can do some fancy things with map, like destructure the elements in the parameter list
<banisterfiend> that's really sexy
<banisterfiend> like
<banisterfiend> hash.with_object([]) { |(k, v), o| }
<banisterfiend> um
<banisterfiend> hash.each_with_object([]) { |(k, v), o| }
<wallerdev> lol
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<CacheMoney> each_with_object == map??
<ryanf> more like inject
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<banisterfiend> CacheMoney: you could also do stuff like: hash.each { |(k, (head, *tail)| }
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<root_> why won't this work ? help please :(
<banisterfiend> root_: because of yoru 8-space indent :P
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<root_> banisterfiend: i dont get it :/
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<CacheMoney> banisterfiend: that's a little over my head...
<CacheMoney> no pun intended
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<burgestrand> root_: inside SCAN#scan, core is not in scope, even if they were in the same file, core would be expected to be a local variable or a method on SCAN; pass core in as a parameter instead
<root_> umm how can I pass core as a parameter ?
<root_> burgestrand:
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<root_> burgestrand: how can make a variable where others can use it in other classes and change that variable ?
<SullX> anyone know how I can check if my html is being sanitized ? I have a web app with (set :haml, :escape_html => true) but I don't know how to test if this is sufficient for sanitizing my urls to prevent sql injections, as one of my urls queries the db differently for different values in the url
<seanstickle> You shouldn't be depending on HTML sanitizing to protect your queries
<banisterfiend> seanstickle: hey sean what's up
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<seanstickle> banisterfiend: hey hello! I am a Ruby programmer fulltime now.
<seanstickle> banisterfiend: how has your life been going?
<banisterfiend> seanstickle: that's cute
<seanstickle> banistergalaxy: so people say
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: not bad, im on to second round of fb interviews
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: but even if i get in im not sure i'll take it as they have no ruby development at all really, it's all php/c++ with smatterings of python (apparently)
<banistergalaxy> and js of course
<seanstickle> Well, of course
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<seanstickle> You could be one of the brave few Ruby programmers at FB
<seanstickle> Building a better tomorrow yesterday
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: working on any interesting opensource stuff?
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<seanstickle> banistergalaxy: nothing at all right now. All my time is taken up learning about the new company's code and systems and business processes.
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: what is their product
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<seanstickle> banistergalaxy: solar renewable energy credits
<seanstickle> Basically, a financial platform for alternative energy trading
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: oh so u work for a bunch of hippies
<banistergalaxy> :P
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: i bet there's lots of pony-tailed programmers at your office
<seanstickle> banistergalaxy: just 1
<banistergalaxy> hehe
<seanstickle> banistergalaxy: the other of us have relatively short hair
<seanstickle> other (3) of us
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: what does your wife do again? i remember it was something IT-related
<seanstickle> Speechwriting.
<banistergalaxy> ah ok i got that wrong :)
<seanstickle> ha
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: so some how the solar energy credits are actual proprietary rights that are being traded?
<banistergalaxy> how does it work?
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<seanstickle> By generating a megawatt of solar-powered electricity, a person who owns a solar system is granted an SREC by some state legislation; which SRECs can then be sold on an exchange to utility companies who are mandated to provision some percent of their electricity from renewable sources.
<seanstickle> It's a state-by-state thing right now.
<seanstickle> (the megawatt sizing is also defined by the legislation, so that might vary from state to state, I'm not sure)
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: is federal legislation in the works?
<seanstickle> Some states allow exchanges to purchase SRECs generated in other states, some don't.
<seanstickle> I don't know anything about federal legislation at this time.
<seanstickle> I just started a week ago.
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: sounds like a tricky legal labyrinth
<seanstickle> Most markets are.
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<banistergalaxy> i mean if you want to support interstate trading
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: so basically your service is just about reducing transaction costs
<banistergalaxy> im getting vague memories of coase theorem hehe
<seanstickle> Making the market more efficient, yeah.
<seanstickle> We do annuities and things.
<seanstickle> Coase is about why firms exist rather than just a network of contractors.
<seanstickle> This is more efficient market theory stuff.
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<Eruadan> hi, i installed ruby 1.9.2 trough rvm. should i update it to 1.9.3? if so, how?
<seanstickle> rvm install 1.9.3
<seanstickle> Is the obvious way
<Eruadan> nice
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<Eruadan> i love ruby, it's everything so obvious that you try to make it harder somehow ^^
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* CacheMoney is looking at joining the next Startup Weekend in Seattle
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: i just meant that coasian bargaining can take place if transaction costs are low, so in a sense you are enabling coasian bargaining
<seanstickle> I reckon.
<seanstickle> We're basically in the same business as people who create markets for mining or petroleum exploration.
<banistergalaxy> been about 3 years since i studied law & economics though
<seanstickle> Except we mine the sun.
<seanstickle> Or, rather, we trade the results of other people mining the sun
<banistergalaxy> seanstickle: it's a cool idea, do you have much competition
<seanstickle> I dunno.
<CacheMoney> seanstickle: just jumped into the convo... what's your business?
<seanstickle> I have a dozen books or so on environmental finance to read through before I feel like I'll have a reasonable grasp of the situation.
<seanstickle> CacheMoney: renewable energy finance
<CacheMoney> i have an international finance and macroeconomic degree... that sounds interesting
<seanstickle> Nifty! I have a degree in the history of math and science.
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<CacheMoney> so you plan on trading renewable energy as a commodity?
<seanstickle> We already do.
<seanstickle> So… I guess the plan worked.
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<CacheMoney> seanstickle: what's the name of your company?
<seanstickle> CacheMoney: Sol Systems
<CacheMoney> are you a developer for this company? or work in finance?
<epitron> trading energy, eh?
<seanstickle> CacheMoney: I'm a programmer.
<CacheMoney> web dev?
<seanstickle> Programmer.
<epitron> PROgrammer
<epitron> PROFESSIONALgrammer
<CacheMoney> what kind of stuff do you work on?
<seanstickle> Financial models, reporting systems, web applications, systems administration, etc.
<seanstickle> The typical mix.
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<CacheMoney> that's cool. Hope you guys succeed
<seanstickle> That's always a plus.
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<root_> I need a idea for the , lets say i have a class called "Commands" and I need more classes as to run as commands . so how can i get those command in side those sub classes in to Command class ?
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<thomasfedb> root_, please explain your problem a bit more clearly.
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<Daulity> hi
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<artm> hi. is there an way to replace each capture in a regexp match with a new string, without retyping whats between captures. like /(\d+)\.(\d+)/ and i want to get "<$1>.<$2>" without retyping that dot between them. (my goal is that user of the api only needs to provide a regexp with captures and a list of wrappers).
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<Daulity> is ruby hard to learn?
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<thomasfedb> Daulity, no harder than anything else.
<thomasfedb> Daulity, easier than some.
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<Daulity> it's a scripting language right?
<thomasfedb> artm, string.gsub!(pattern, replacement)
<thomasfedb> Daulity, correct
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<Daulity> is it compiled or interpreted ?
<thomasfedb> Daulity, (generally) interpreted.
<artm> thomasfedb: but I need to replace each capture with something different (e.g. different color tag)
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<thomasfedb> artm, ah. string.gsub(pattern) {|match| return_stuff }
<thomasfedb> artm, does that work for you?
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<artm> i'll have a closer look at gsub
<artm> thanks
<Daulity> but there is a compiled version as well?
<Daulity> or more like a frozen binary kinda thing?
<banseljaj> hi people
<banseljaj> hi shevy and canton7
<artm> thomasfedb: gsub doesn't seem to fit, or I'm to thick. i want to provide this sort of api: colorize(string, regexp, *colors) so that the first captured group is wrapped into a colors[0], second in colors[1], etc. inside gsub's block I can get at the captures, but I don't understand how to replace just them keeping characters between the captures intact
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<Mon_Ouie> Daulity: I'm not sure what you mean, but most of the time Ruby is compiled to bytecode
<artm> Daulity means you run ruby code with "ruby bla.rb", and not with "compile bla.rb; bla.exe"
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<Mon_Ouie> artm: I guess you could use some tricks with $~, to get the end of the nth match and the beginning of the (n+1)th match, then use slicing to get the part between those two
<artm> Mon_Ouie: i'm thinking about it. I'll have to remember that match positions shift when i slice, and compensate when slicing the next ones, right?
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<artm> I was just hoping there was a function for that. or $1 etc were writable in a clever way :)
<Transcended> Hello. What is typically recommended for free online learning material to learn, eventually Ruby on Rails. I'm guessing for starters I should learn ruby?
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<thomasfedb> artm, from ruby docs "In the block form, the current match string is passed in as a parameter, and variables such as $1, $2, $`, $&, and $' will be set appropriately. The value returned by the block will be substituted for the match on each call."
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<artm> thomasfedb: yes, so I can access $1 etc, but I don't know easily whats between them in the regex / matched string, so I can't easily just substitute each capture ($1,$2,...), only the whole match.
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<thomasfedb> artm, i = 0; "this is a cat".gsub(/\w+/) {|m| i += 1; "#{i} #{m}" }
<thomasfedb> artm, would something like that solve your problem?
<artm> thomasfedb: no, because each thing I need to wrap is different. like: "/Users/artm/foo.rb:37: Error: you forgot parentheses" and I want to colorize filename, linenumber and error message differently. so the API should be like: colorize(string, regexp, *colors) and it doesn't know up front what the regexp will look like, just that there are as many capturing groups as there are colors in the array.
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<artm> I think Mon_Ouie's suggestion is what I have to follow
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<thomasfedb> artm, look more closely at the code sample above. im pretty sure it does what you require
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<artm> not exactly: it substitutes the same pattern with something new each time. I need to (a) match a complex pattern (b) replace some of the matched parts. to make it simpler to explain: in something like /^E (\d+) (\w+)$/ I want $1 to become "[$1]" and $2 to become "--$2--", while the rest of the line remains as it was: "E 1 foo" -> "E [1] --foo--". And I don't know up front what the regexp look like (regexp is an argument to my function that does
<artm> substitutions).
<artm> the idea is that user of the API might want to handle /^W (\d+) (\w+)/ differently (provide different substitutions for captures, because it's a "W" string, not "E" string), but the logic of what are possible patterns etc is up to the user, not to me. I just know how to wrap their matches in color tags :-)
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<tarnfeld> Hiya
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<tarnfeld> I'm new to ruby, and am working on a command line service (ruby gem). If anyone is looking for something to do i'd love if anyone could flick through my code so far and point out any techniques i'm using that are bad / could be improved? I hate writing bad code but its hard when you're new :D
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: Snowey::Parser::add_command <-- use . for method invocation, while :: works, it looks antiquated
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<apeiros_> tarnfeld: indent is 2 spaces by convention
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: so I would define my add_command method as "def .add_command|" ?
<tarnfeld> (Without the pipe, oops)
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: I wasn't talking about definition :)
<tarnfeld> yeah my editor decided to switch between 2 and 4, though i'm trying to use 2 ;)
<apeiros_> Snowey::Parser::add_command --> Snowey::Parser.add_command
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah ok, yes the invocation (silly me)
<tarnfeld> oh right! ok.
<apeiros_> you have that in a couple of places
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<tarnfeld> I didn't think that would work because Parser is a module
<apeiros_> you have sane require statements. congrats. too many abusing require_relative and __FILE__-hacks theses days…
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: heh, i followed a few tutorials and looked at other gems I use to see how they did it
<apeiros_> in your Logger module, you could define all methods as instance methods and use module_function
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: how does that work?
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: My plan is also to have a few options on the logger like Logger::quite = true
<apeiros_> module Foo; def bar; "bar!"; end; module_function :bar; end
<apeiros_> now you can do both: ``, or `include Foo; bar`
<tarnfeld> ah ok
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<apeiros_> an example of a core-lib using it would be the Math module
<apeiros_> you can do Math.sin(0.1), or you can do: include Math; sin(0.1)
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: thanks, i'll take a look at that
<tarnfeld> ah right
<banister_> Mon_Ouie: wb
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: with the module_function thing, it would be something like this...
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<apeiros_> also, self.color(…) - leave away the `self.`, it's superfluous. in some cases it can even be wrong (you can't call private methods with `self.`)
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<apeiros_> tarnfeld: I do think your editor mixes tabs & spaces, at least by how the indentation and alignment looks…
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: yeah its a bit weird (sublime text)
<tarnfeld> apeiros_:
<tarnfeld> like that per say?
<apeiros_> @address = args[:address] || ADDRESS
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: close, module_function message --> module_function :message
<apeiros_> same for the line after
<tarnfeld> oh right thats cool!
<apeiros_> alternatively you can just write `module_function` right after line 11. all methods defined after that are defined as module functions then (works the same as private/protected/public in that regard)
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: thanks! which do you think is better to do, block the module functions together or define them seperately?
<apeiros_> define better… I'm usually lazy and just write `module_function` at the beginning…
<apeiros_> I always struggle with the indentation with that, though…
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<tarnfeld> ah yes, how does indentation tend to work with public/private
<apeiros_> get_arguments <-- I'd rename that to just `arguments`. we usually don't have prefixing like that in ruby.
<tarnfeld> do you just define them on the same indentation level as the def's
<apeiros_> e.g. set_foo, get_foo, is_foo becomes foo=, foo and foo?
<tarnfeld> cool, i'll drop that
<tarnfeld> yeah
<tarnfeld> oh yeah I remember that, I learnt about those, like foo+= and stuff?
<tarnfeld> foo+ *
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<apeiros_> in lib/snowey/parser.rb:51 ff, different ways to write it:
<apeiros_> return unless is_command?(command)
<apeiros_> or: is_command?(command) && COMMANDS[command]
<apeiros_> string.respond_to?("color") <-- in such situations, symbols are preferred. hence: string.respond_to?(:color)
<tarnfeld> oh right, so the last clause of an if will be returned?
<apeiros_> ruby will convert it to a symbol anyway
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: great, i'll do that. I had a question too..
<tarnfeld> about symbols
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<apeiros_> "last clause of an if will be returned?" - yes, though I don't make use of that in my two alternatives
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ok
<tarnfeld> apeiros_ in my snowey.rb file I define a command with a name and an array of symbols
<tarnfeld> then in my parser I end up with the passed arguments as an array with numeric indexes
<apeiros_> you mean e.g. lib/snowey.rb:16 ?
<tarnfeld> yeah
<tarnfeld> is there a way I can get a hash with the keys as the symbols and the values as the array of arguments (snowey/parser.rb#L43 @arguments)
<tarnfeld> without looping or something
<apeiros_> I assume you mean without explicitly looping? :)
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: yeah haha, I'm sure a loop would be involved somewhere
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<tarnfeld> like in PHP there is an array_combine which creates an array with the first array being keys, the second values
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: you mean, you have something like `keys = [:a, :b, :c]; values = [1,2,3]` - and now you want to get a hash {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}
<apeiros_> is that correct?
<tarnfeld> exactly
<apeiros_> what ruby version are you running?
<tarnfeld> 1.9.3
<apeiros_> or down to what ruby version do you want compat?
<apeiros_> Hash[] # 1.8.7+
<tarnfeld> what is that Class[….] syntax? what does that do
<tarnfeld> where you have Hash[ keys… ] ?
<apeiros_> [] is a normal method
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<tarnfeld> ah ok
<apeiros_> and since classes are objects, they can respond to methods too
<tarnfeld> yeah
<apeiros_> so Hash[] is just the [] class-method on Hash
<tarnfeld> I presume the hash class just says, if I get [] with another hash it creates a new one, since I presume returns a hash?
<apeiros_> if already returned a Hash, doing Hash[] over it would be redundant, wouldn't it? :)
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: thats a good point :P
<apeiros_> no, returns an array of key/value arrays
<tarnfeld> I can just look at the code anyway
<tarnfeld> ahhh
<tarnfeld> ok
<tarnfeld> so if I wanted, I could do
<apeiros_> and Hash[] can convert that to a hash
<tarnfeld> Hash[[keys, values]]
<apeiros_> no, you couldn't
<apeiros_> that'd create a hash {keys => values}
<tarnfeld> isn't that what I want?
<apeiros_> no. that's a hash with a *single key*
<tarnfeld> OH
<tarnfeld> ok
<apeiros_> that single key being the array 'keys'
<tarnfeld> ahhhh
<tarnfeld> yeah
<tarnfeld> thats confusing
<tarnfeld> so they key is actually an array object
<tarnfeld> weird :P
<apeiros_> yes. you can try it: hash = {[1,2,3] => "foo"}
<apeiros_> hash[[1,2,3]] # => "foo"
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<apeiros_> Hash accepts any object that responds to #hash and #eql? as key.
<tarnfeld> thats so alien to me :P
<tarnfeld> coming from a php world lol
<tarnfeld> cool though
<apeiros_> yeah, well, ruby is a bit less lame-ass than php :-p
<apeiros_> it doesn't confuse arrays and hashes either…
<tarnfeld> I'll have to agree there :D
<tarnfeld> I've not yet done something by guessing the syntax that didn't work, in php its a totally different story :|
<tarnfeld> anyway, thanks so much for your advice!
<apeiros_> ^^
<apeiros_> you're welcome
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<tarnfeld> apeiros_: I may be back with a few questions in the future, hehe :)
<apeiros_> sure
<apeiros_> that's the purpose of this channel
<tarnfeld> :)
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<tarnfeld> apeiros_: Do you by any chance know any good docs on testing libraries, like, rspec or others?
<apeiros_> generates the API docs for any gem you throw at it
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: Sorry I mean to learn about using test libraries for mygem
<apeiros_> beyond that - no. there are a couple of good books. I'm not a book-reader, though, so I can't really recommend any.
<tarnfeld> I want to write some tests but not sure where to start, is rspec the right thing to look at
<tarnfeld> rspec seems to pop up everywhere
<apeiros_> I'm not really a fan of rspec. but that's a matter of opinions and tastes…
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: of course, what do you use? I'll take a look into a few
<apeiros_> I just dislike the idea of learning a language in order to write tests
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: definitely. I want something quick and simple
<apeiros_> I'd start with test/unit which comes with stdlib. but it's not really a great testing lib :-/
<apeiros_> but it should get you started
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<tarnfeld> cool :) I need something that will let me start up "snowey" in order to fire commands at it etc.
<apeiros_> even if I dislike rspec, it probably isn't a bad choice either.
<tarnfeld> yeah, i'll look at it
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<tarnfeld> apeiros_: is it common to use private or protected for methods?
<apeiros_> fuck, and of course I took the wrong data with me from work >:(
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<apeiros_> tarnfeld: no. for the simple reason that marking a method as protected/private is an advice at max
<apeiros_> it can be bypassed easily, using send or instance_eval
<tarnfeld> ok, I tend to stick with protected in php - I'm sure that will be fine in ruby too
<tarnfeld> oh right, so they're still callable. ok
<apeiros_> I still do use it. mostly to indicate, that something is considered internal, and thus subject to change without warning
<tarnfeld> yeh
<apeiros_> i.e., you have to use send to use it, so you can't say you haven't been warned before shooting your foot.
<apeiros_> (I actually think that's a matter of documentation really - but too many people fail at reading docs…)
<tarnfeld> haha, ok
<tarnfeld> makes sense
<apeiros_> you're german?
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: british
<apeiros_> oh, hah, tom + arnfeld = tarnfeld… I see
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: LOL
<tarnfeld> Yes
<tarnfeld> @tarnfeld
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: have you ever used event machine?
<apeiros_> only for experimental stuff
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: or intact, any ruby code to handle threads
<tarnfeld> infact*
<apeiros_> or indirectly, by using things that use eventmachine
<tarnfeld> yeah
<apeiros_> I think with eventmachine, you should not use threads
<apeiros_> eventmachine implements the reactor pattern, you should let it schedule your other stuff
<apeiros_> otherwise, chances are great you accidentally interfere with the reactor
<apeiros_> but yes, I've written threaded code. my general advice in that regard is: avoid threading unless you really have to. making mistakes there is very easy, it is hard to test and often the bugs are hard to spot.
<tarnfeld> hm o
<tarnfeld> kk
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: I basically need to have a single point (an atomic value, a class ideally) where all clients connected to EM can use
<heftig> EM has #defer for some threading
<tarnfeld> my worry is since EM can handle multiple clients at once, what will happen to my one value, say, I defied it in the global scope?
<apeiros_> nothing
<apeiros_> all you have to take care of is that you don't leave it in an unstable state at any time
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: oh right, so it'll still be atomic
<tarnfeld> ah ok
<apeiros_> but I'd have to look up how/when EM changes context
<tarnfeld> yeah
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<apeiros_> iirc, it won't interrupt a callback, once it is invoked
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<apeiros_> if you don't use EM, but use Threads, you'd have to use a Mutex or a Monitor to synchronize access to shared resources
<apeiros_> i.e., you mark a "section" as locked, anything that tries to access it while some other thing locks it, will wait until the resource is released. the waiting happens in a first-come-first-serve manner.
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<apeiros_> there are other patterns, e.g. there's libraries for the actor pattern. I don't think there are any software-transactional-memory libs for ruby.
<apeiros_> actors IMO just push up the same problem to a different level of abstraction. but I haven't spent enough time with it to really say.
<_bart> Hi, I'm looking for a way to edit an audio file, I want to EQ a frequency range, what's the easiest way to do this in ruby?
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<apeiros_> _bart: I'd go to and search for audio-libs
<_bart> apeiros_: thanks
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah right, sounds way more complex than I want to get into
<apeiros_> :)
<apeiros_> and I haven't yet started with the potential issues ;-)
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* apeiros_ is really looking forward to HTM
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<apeiros_> I think transactional memory is a very promising approach
<tarnfeld> okk
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: i've dropped the 'self.' from my Logger module, but now, how do I call them on say, line 14
<apeiros_> the underlying assumption is, that collisions are rare. and I think most experience backs that up. it *might* change with systems under heavy load, but even there, I think collisions are not common.
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: just `prefix`
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: yeah, its very rare your going to have two threads access the same resource at the same exact time
<apeiros_> you can use `prefix()` if you want, to make it more obvious that it is a method and not an lvar
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: hm, I get undefined local var/meth
<tarnfeld> def message message
<tarnfeld> puts "#{prefix} - #{message}"
<tarnfeld> end
<tarnfeld> oops
<_bart> apeiros_: how would I change things on frequency level using ?
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: forgot to mark prefix as module_function?
<apeiros_> _bart: I have no idea. I've not yet used any audio-lib with ruby. sorry.
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah, yes. Though its private so I don't want to do that? or should I still do that
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<apeiros_> tarnfeld: private? in the code I look at, it's a public class method… did something change in the mean time?
<_bart> apeiros_: I think I found it allows for a whole bunch of stuff from looks awesome!
<apeiros_> _bart: cool
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: sorry, let me paste the current code. not committed yet
<tarnfeld> apeiros_:
<tarnfeld> this works now, but only because of the two module_function calls at the bottom
<apeiros_> aaaah, sane indents :) good :-p
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: haha ;D
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: ah, well, module_function makes all methods private (as instance method)
<apeiros_> if you want it to be private on the class level too, you have to do it differently
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah ok, i'll leave it like that then
<apeiros_> tarnfeld:
<apeiros_> line 5 is what makes baz private as a class method
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah ok, yeah that makes sense.
<apeiros_> excuse the dense style. I wrote it in irb, to check that it actually works as advertised ;-)
<tarnfeld> haha
<tarnfeld> what does class <<self do? Enable you to now do `x =` ?
<tarnfeld> but also
<apeiros_> class << self opens the singleton class of self
<apeiros_> the singleton class is the class that contains "class methods"
<tarnfeld> ahhhh
<apeiros_> there aren't really any class methods in ruby, but that construct enables something that looks as if
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: I noticed that, was a little confused
<tarnfeld> how do you get hold of the singleton instance?
<apeiros_> technically, (almost) every object can have a class that belongs only and only to that object
<apeiros_> that class is called singleton_class - not to be confused with the singleton-pattern, mind you.
<apeiros_> Object#singleton_class
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah! right. ok. so its not a singleton class (meaning you have say, a private initialiser and you request an instance, and theres only one or a few)
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<tarnfeld> let me look at Object#singleton_class
<apeiros_> correct, it's not that.
<apeiros_> I prefer the term eigenclass, but ruby-lang has settled for singleton_class :(
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: haha
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: so I'm still a little confused how you get hold of an instance of that singleton_class
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<apeiros_> well, class << obj; self; end # self within that is the singleton class of obj
<tarnfeld> sorry for being such a noob :D haha
<apeiros_> or: obj.singleton_class
<tarnfeld> AHHH
<tarnfeld> ok!
<tarnfeld> so you could have say, this...
<apeiros_> hm, ah, maybe you haven't been aware:
<apeiros_> class Foo; self; end # self here is Foo
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<tarnfeld> I guess that from my objective-c work
<apeiros_> classes are ordinary code in ruby. the class starts to exist from the very moment the statement `class Name` is executed
<tarnfeld> one sec, writing an example
<apeiros_> kk
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<tarnfeld> I mean obviously I could use attr_accessor or w.e but just as an example of my understanding
<apeiros_> no, that won't work
<tarnfeld> hm ok
<apeiros_> I'm sorry if my introduction of module_function misled you there
<tarnfeld> haha
<tarnfeld> its ok, theres so much to learn
<apeiros_> instance methods of a module can't be accessed directly
<tarnfeld> ah
<tarnfeld> let me modify
<apeiros_> since you can't create an instance of a module
<apeiros_> however, you can use include to include the module into something that can be instanciated (the only things that can, are classes)
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<apeiros_> alternatively, you can use extend, to add them to something that already is instanciated
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: hm ok.
<tarnfeld> I presume this is also wrong too then?
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<apeiros_> I assume line 5 was supposed to be self.speak?
<apeiros_> and yes, that's not working too. line 18 is a no-op
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: yeah typo on line 5
<apeiros_> `class Foo; end` and `class << Foo; end` are very similar, they just open different classes
<apeiros_> class Foo opens the class referenced by Foo
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ok, so if I wanted to make that gist work, what would I need to do?
<tarnfeld> ok
<apeiros_> class << Foo opens the singleton class of the object referenced by Foo
<apeiros_> other than that, they work exactly the same
<apeiros_> give me a sec
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: thanks, my head is a bit confused :P
<apeiros_> I'll give you a couple of equivalences, that might help getting the picture
<tarnfeld> yeah
<apeiros_> tarnfeld:
<apeiros_> that will probably get you to "why modules then?", I'm getting at it
<_bart> When I'm using chain.add 'highpass', '600Hz' I get this error: highpass: usage: [-1|-2] frequency [width[q|o|h|k](0.707q)] what should the syntax be then?
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<shevy> sounds like a specialized library
<_bart> It's sox. But obviously the syntax changes.
<shevy> there are ruby bindings to sox?
<_bart> they are really cool, but how do I apply the highpass?
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: updated to include `class << obj` syntax
<_bart> The flanger and all works, but they don't show an example of a highpass
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: taking a look now
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: oooooh, ok.
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<_bart> shevy: could you help me out? While chain.add 'vol', '3dB' works the chain.add 'highpass', '600Hz' doesn't, because the arguments are wrong, how do I fix that?
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah. ok. this makes MUCH more sense
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: so essentially, a module is a static class
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<tarnfeld> (if you define it like that)
<shevy> _bart, you assume that I have any knowledge about this library
<shevy> I do not have
<apeiros_> define static class…
<apeiros_> a module is a class that can't be instanciated
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: well, in php (haha) you have instant and staticmethods
<tarnfeld> static = on a class
<tarnfeld> isntance = onan instance
<tarnfeld> on an*
<apeiros_> a module is the single and only container for methods in ruby
<shevy> the guy who wrote it did not seem to care much about it, none of the two issues that were reported ever seemed to get fixed
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: aah, then no
<tarnfeld> you also have instance and static properties
<shevy> oops sorry
<apeiros_> I'll get to it
<shevy> actually 4 issues, 2 fixed
<tarnfeld> which are the same
<tarnfeld> but, in ruby they are totally different containers
<tarnfeld> in php they are all inside the same object
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<shevy> hey
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: as I said, the clue lies in "there are no class/static methods in ruby" - there are only instance methods in ruby. the tricky parts are a) what's an instance of what, and b) how does inheritance work
<shevy> in php you can not deny access to static methods right?
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<tarnfeld> shevy: you can
<tarnfeld> you can have private/protected/public in any methods (static or instance)
<tarnfeld> the same with properties
<shevy> hmm
<tarnfeld> its a bit different, and after learning this IMO shitter
<_bart> :D shevy: I found it, had to remove the 'hz', chain.add 'highpass', '600'
<_bart> works now
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: step 1 to understanding that:
<apeiros_> what's up with's syntax highlighting? o0
<_bart> really cool, a flanger, highpass and gain in 3 rows of code.
<banister_> burgestrand: hey
<banister_> burgestrand: have you seen 'headhunteres' the danish film?
<banister_> anyone here seen it?
<apeiros_> broken js… evil…
<shevy> _bart hehe
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<tarnfeld> apeiros_: yeah its broker :/
<tarnfeld> broked*
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<shevy> broker!
<tarnfeld> shevy:
<shevy> we trade with rubies!
<tarnfeld> ^ thats basically the Thing module/class in Ruby but in PHP
<tarnfeld> loooool
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<shevy> hmm why is the public there for the static methods?
<tarnfeld> shevy: you don't have to write "public"
<tarnfeld> just thats the normal way, so you know its public
<shevy> no I mean
<shevy> private static function Speak()
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: AH! Ok. So, singleton_class *is* the ruby implementation of the singleton pattern
<shevy> that would work too?
<tarnfeld> shevy: yes exactly
<tarnfeld> public is the access
<shevy> aha ok
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: no
<apeiros_> really not
<shevy> cuz I was told by someone else that it does not work or something
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<apeiros_> it's a case of the singleton pattern, it is not the implementation of the pattern. it's IMO a bad name really…
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ah right, ok
<apeiros_> a generic singleton pattern implementation can be found in the Singleton module (ri Singleton)
<tarnfeld> oh cool
<tarnfeld> I gotta run now, thanks for all your help guys :D !!!!
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: oh, too bad
<apeiros_> I was still working on the explanation…
<apeiros_> well, ping me :-p
<tarnfeld> yeh will do
<tarnfeld> ill be back in an hour or two
<tarnfeld> got a meeting :P
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<Enchilada> Someone awake?
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<shevy> Enchilada no
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<steakknife> Sup
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<steakknife> Given a pid Fixednum, is there a method that can create or locate a Process object?
<steakknife> Fixnum*
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<wubino> is there anyway to get just the methods explicity named within a class instance?
<banistergalaxy> wubino: get the methods in what sense
<steakknife> symbols?
<apeiros_> Klass.instance_methods(false)
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<tarnfeld> apeiros_: Pinggggg
<apeiros_> kottunk
<tarnfeld> :P
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: so where've we left?
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: we were chatting about modules/class methods/singleton_class stuff
<steakknife> Speaking of enumerating things, pid Fixnum to Process?
<apeiros_> right, I think I've updated
<apeiros_> it's about 'every method is really an instance method'
<apeiros_> steakknife: Process is a module
<apeiros_> so you can't get a Process instance by pid…
<steakknife> ?!
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: ok, first question
<steakknife> ah so it's not really useful for Process enumeration and inspection.
<steakknife> No Process objects. :(
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: actually, its ok
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<tarnfeld> apeiros_: nope, ok so I do `foo = X.singleton_class; = "Tom"`
<tarnfeld> then later, somewhere else
<tarnfeld> `bar = X.singleton_class; puts`
<apeiros_> he, if foo is a singleton class, then would be calling the `name=` method on the singleton class of that singleton class ;-)
<tarnfeld> wat.
<tarnfeld> so when I call
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<tarnfeld> .singleton_class I always get the same instance right?
<tarnfeld> because its a singleton
<apeiros_> all methods are instance methods, so means foo is defined on x's class
<tarnfeld> yep yep
<tarnfeld> ok I think i've got it now
<steakknife> apeiros_: thanks much, btw.
* steakknife is on a stupid solo mission to implement spec helpers for signal handlers.
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: and modules just serve as method containers. you can't really use them directly, but you can add their methods in other places
<apeiros_> tarnfeld:
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<apeiros_> that a module can have class methods is just a side-effect of every object being able to have "class methods"
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: is it accustom in Ruby to extend the Exception class (for begin:rescue) so you can rescue specifically that later? like Snowey::Parser::CommandError ?
<steakknife> :)
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: yes, but you should subclass StandardError
<tarnfeld> ahh ok
<apeiros_> rescue defaults to StandardError, not Exception
<tarnfeld> yes makes sense now :D
<tarnfeld> okidoki
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<steakknife> I usually subclass that, then have all mine subclass the subclass.
<tarnfeld> Yeah
<apeiros_> things like NoMemoryError etc. inherit directly from Exception, because usually you do not want to rescue that
<tarnfeld> so like SnoweyError
<tarnfeld> or something
<apeiros_> steakknife: I usually subclass what fits best
<steakknife> Makes it easier to tell if it's really mine, or another StandardError
<tarnfeld> yeah
<tarnfeld> I don't think i'll ask about Mixins? Thats a whole other hell. lol.
<apeiros_> and if I need it, I add a module to all my exception classes
<apeiros_> you can rescue modules
<steakknife> tarnfield: lol, i just started yet another gem for that
<apeiros_> e.g. module MyLib::Error; end; class MyLib::InvalidPort < ArgumentError; include MyLib::Error; end
<steakknife> tarnfeld: sprinkles! :D
<apeiros_> rescue MyLib::Error will rescue that
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: that last pastie was about mixins
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: all there really is is include. extend is mostly include on the eigenclass
<apeiros_> s/eigenclass/singleton_class/
<tarnfeld> ahh too many conversations lol!
<tarnfeld> ok that all makes sense
<tarnfeld> steakknife: sprinkles? :P
<steakknife> they're tasty
<tarnfeld> haha
<steakknife> and doesn't include the world by default
<steakknife> like, i wanted has_keys? implementation which returns true if any of *args
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<steakknife> just gimme one feature, not all kinds of project-breaking donkey punches
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: so, I don't do this - I do this -
<tarnfeld> using include rather than directly subclassing?
<apeiros_> tarnfeld: Parser::ParserError is IMO a bit redunant
<apeiros_> I'd just make that Parser::Error
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: yeah ok
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<apeiros_> same for SnoweyError
<apeiros_> but yes, that's one way to do it
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: the second one, with includes?
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<apeiros_> tarnfeld: that'd be how you could do it with include:
<steakknife> btw, if it's easier:
<tarnfeld> yep thats what I thought! awesome :D
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<workmad3> apeiros_: if it was a parse error, I'd probably change it to Parser::ParseError myself, in distinction to other errors that may occur (SyntaxError?, ReadError?)
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<apeiros_> workmad3: mhm, sounds reasonable
<tarnfeld> here we go
<tarnfeld> indentation dentoes inclues
<tarnfeld> includes*
<tarnfeld> ah, denotes* includes*
* apeiros_ gotta go, sorry
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: bye, chat later :)
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<tarnfeld> steakknife: thanks
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<interrobang> Hi
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<steampunkee> i did rvm uninstall 1.8.7, and i have 1.9.2 installed, but ruby-v just won't stop showing 1.8.7 what's the deal?
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<steampunkee> rvm-auto-ruby --version shows the correct version after rvm default 1.9.2, but ruby --version does not.
<steampunkee> i don't even want 1.8.7 installed on my system.
<_john> did you set rvm 1.9.2 --default
<steampunkee> i did rvm default 1.9.2
<steampunkee> _john: i tried your line now, still 1.8.7
<steampunkee> rvm remove and rvm uninstall for 1.8.7 say it's already non existent/removed, but it's there.
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<_john> 1.8.7 is installed on your system, not via rvm
<_john> it sounds like maybe you don't have rvm set in your path correctly
<steampunkee> _john: not sure what you mean. what should i do?
<_john> steampunkee: are you using zsh?
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<steampunkee> _john: no, dash. btw. i Ctrl+F'd for path in install instructions (that's what the site directed me to), but it doesn't explain anything
<_john> steampunkee: have you tried 'rvm use 1.9.2' ? installing it does not make it the default
<_john> rvm --default use 1.9.2
<steampunkee> _john: yes, still the same
<steampunkee> _john: rvm-auto-ruby is correct, ruby is not.
<_john> hrmm, and you added [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" into your shell profile?
<steampunkee> _john: nope, never heard of it.
<_john> ..
<workmad3> steampunkee: that's part of the install instructions on the RVM site
<_john> It's part of the install instructions:
<steampunkee> workmad3: _john: did that now, no go.
<steampunkee> it was already there
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<_john> wait, you're on osx right?
<_john> i've never heard of 'dash'
<steampunkee> _john: no, it's the debian default. lightweight bash clone
<workmad3> 'dash' is the default 'sh' shell in ubuntu
<_john> oh ok
<workmad3> I'm not sure if rvm works with bash
<workmad3> *dash
<steampunkee> o.O
<steampunkee> type rvm | head -1 #gives me: rvm is /home/user/.rvm/bin/rvm
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<workmad3> steampunkee: rvm isn't loaded correctly then
<steampunkee> workmad3: i don't know how to fix that.
<steampunkee> or what it really means
<workmad3> steampunkee: you could try running the [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" line manually
<workmad3> steampunkee: otherwise, I'd guess you need to be in #rvm asking about dash support
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<steampunkee> oh, i thought there was no channel. i just am not identified.
<workmad3> :)
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<steampunkee> workmad3: thanks for the help. esp. the last suggestion. turns out the line fixes the prob. looks like dash is ignoring .bash_profile or smth. *shakes head*
<workmad3> steampunkee: well, that's not surprising
<workmad3> steampunkee: .bash_profile is for bash after all, not dash ;)
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<steampunkee> workmad3: it respects other .bash_* things afai noticed.
<workmad3> steampunkee: hmm... it could be to do with how you loaded your terminal then
<steampunkee> o.O
<steampunkee> is there a way to incorrectly load it? :-)
<workmad3> steampunkee: is this a terminal window running in a window manager?
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<steampunkee> yep
<workmad3> steampunkee: right... on deb systems, I recall that a terminal like that loads .bashrc, not .bash_profile
<workmad3> steampunkee: it got me annoyed to the point where my .bash_profile has the single line '. $HOME/.bashrc' and I just stick stuff I want into .bashrc :)
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<steampunkee> heh
<workmad3> steampunkee: and it's not an 'incorrect' way of loading terminals... just there are different ways (tied into what type of terminal it is, and whether it's a login prompt or not, etc)
<steampunkee> thanks for all your help mate.
<workmad3> steampunkee: and different linux and unix variants have different rules as to what files get sourced in different situations :)
<workmad3> (I don't follow what they all are myself tbh... just that it gets really annoying)
<steampunkee> distro over convention ;-)
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<workmad3> for all I know, all the distros are 'correct' :)
<steampunkee> cya
<wubino> how do I get a random number within a range?
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<workmad3> wubino: rand(last - first) + first
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<rippa> rand(last - first+1) + first
<workmad3> wubino: or range.to_a.sample
<rippa> or rand(min..max)
<rippa> in 1.9.3
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<Tasser> workmad3, throwing away a bit of memory ^^
<workmad3> Tasser: if I cared about memory, I wouldn't be using ruby? :P
<Tasser> workmad3, constant vs. linear is a difference ^^
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<Walenrod> hello, how to force encoding to UTF-8 in ruby scripts?? I`ve tried with #encoding: utf-8, but it did not work for me. I have rvm 1.10.2 and ruby 1.9.3-p125
<startling> Walenrod: I believe the magic string is # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ?
<Walenrod> I`ll try
<Walenrod> __ENCODING__ still returns to me US-ASCII
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<shevy> Walenrod something is bugged then
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<Walenrod> This is newly compiled ruby, on other machine it works fine.
<shevy> Walenrod
<shevy> magic comment:
<shevy> # encoding: UTF-8
<shevy> results in:
<shevy> <Encoding:UTF-8>
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<Walenrod> hmm
<Walenrod> shevy: In that way, I can`t load additional gems into script
<shevy> in what way and why do you jump from encoding problems to gem problems suddenly
<Walenrod> shevy: I see require: command not found
<shevy> with what code
<shevy> perhaps rvm requires a shebang?
<shevy> ok I still dont understand why you jump from encoding problems to gem problems suddenly :)
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<shevy> the encoding problem is solved now?
<Walenrod> with this simple test i see puts command not found
<denzuko> Walenrod: how are you executing the script?
<shevy> on what OS are you
<shevy> I am on linux, I do "rb foo.rb" and things work
<shevy> I dont use RVM
<Walenrod> when i launch script with ruby script.rb it works. I wanna to use this file as executable.
<Walenrod> I am on linux
<denzuko> ah then yes, on line one add the shebang #!/usr/bin/env ruby
<denzuko> otherwise bash is trying to parse it as a shell script
<shevy> yeah you need a shebang line in that example
<Walenrod> denzuko: when I have this addon at file begining I can`t switch encoding to utf-8
<shevy> no that is not correct
<shevy> it may be that env finds the wrong ruby
<shevy> for me here though it works 100%
<shevy> I dont use env either though ;)
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<shevy> I point to the ruby path directly
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<Walenrod> shevy: it points right ruby for me
<shevy> then it must work
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<shevy> what line do you use though?
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<shevy> my shebang is "#!/System/Executables/ruby -w", where /System/Executables are all symlinks pointing to the currently used version in question of any binary
<denzuko> yeah, env(1) alawys works well with rvm and rbenv
<shevy> (of any program)
<Walenrod> shevy: please, paste me __ENCODING__.names from your script
<shevy> k
<shevy> ["UTF-8", "CP65001"]
<shevy> I dont use UTF-8 btw :)
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<Walenrod> shevy: I know where problem is. ["US-ASCII", "ASCII", "ANSI_X3.4-1968", "646", "locale", "external", "filesystem"]
<shevy> yay!
<shevy> no UTF!
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<cloudgeek> how we can count the number of words
<cloudgeek> with ruby
<Sailias> 'Count me'.split.size
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<denzuko> Walenrod: sounds like your build doesn't support UTF-8 or your system doesn't have the utf-8 intl libs
<denzuko> and codepage
<cloudgeek> Sailias: hey like "a man, a boy ,a girl" then a =3 , man =1 , boy=1 ,girl=1
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<shevy> cloudgeek,
<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> I think you may have to replace "downcase" with self
<Sailias> Cloudgeek: I'm on my phone so no irb; but try 'a man a boy a girl'{|w| puts "#{w.first} = #{w.last.size}"}
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<denzuko> shevy: nice one, lot cleaner than what I would of came up with
<Walenrod> denzuko: I`ll try with switching LOCALE in system
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<shevy> hmm what is .group ?
<shevy> is that a 1.9.x-ism ?
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<cloudgeek> shevy: +1 ,cool
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<cloudgeek> Sailias: thnaks i try to do same
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<Walenrod> trick with LOCALE and locale-gen do the job. Now it works as is supposed to be. Thanks for help :)
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<denzuko> glad to help :)
<shevy> "lately when using Google search I've found myself nostalgic for the old days, when Google was true to its own slightly aspy self."
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<cloudgeek> shevy: hey i can test my wordcounts like ,how i print my result
<shevy> what
<shevy> english please
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<cloudgeek> shevy: i look on your code ! how can i count words with that
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<cloudgeek> shevy: like how can take my words as input for that programm
<shevy> well if you know ruby you would know
<shevy> one way is to modify a core class of ruby
<shevy> the other is to turn it into a method with one argument
<shevy> and work on that argument
<shevy> did you write any ruby code on your own before? ;)
<cloudgeek> shevy: i am new
<cloudgeek> to ruby
<shevy> please don't /query me, it is much easire for me to answer here
<shevy> *easier
<shevy> do you have irb?
<cloudgeek> shevy: yep
<shevy> ok, start it
<shevy> then do this:
<shevy> x = %{ Dogs cat? cat? cat dog dog dog cat dog eagle dog dogs }
<shevy> in irb
<shevy> did you do that?
<shevy> oooooops
<cloudgeek> shevy: right now i am using vim , then save your code test.rb , then ruby test.rb
<cloudgeek> shevy: wait checking
<shevy> no
<shevy> I said irb
<shevy> I said nothing about vim
<shevy> I am sorry man, if you want to solve things your way you are on your own
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<cloudgeek> shevy: not i am telling my way , now i am switching to irb
<shevy> good
<shevy> after you did the above, tell me what x.class returns
<cloudgeek> shevy: i done that
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<cloudgeek> in irb
<shevy> what does x.class say
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<cloudgeek> shevy: string
<shevy> good. next thing:
<shevy> hash =
<cloudgeek> okay
<shevy> then
<shevy> x.scan(/\w+\??/) { |word| hash[word] += 1 }
<shevy> and then tell me if:
<shevy> hash
<shevy> returns the proper dataset
<cloudgeek> okay
<shevy> aah I now see why I used downcase back then... my method always downcases the given argument
<shevy> anyway, you can then specify the behaviour when you use your own method
<cloudgeek> yep
<cloudgeek> geeting some
<shevy> hash returns the right data?
<shevy> ok, now you must turn this into a method
<shevy> those 3 lines
<shevy> this is one way
<cloudgeek> shevy: yeah
<shevy> the other is to extend class String and add that method
<shevy> where you can get rid of the (input) part, and use self instead directly
<cloudgeek> shevy: telling me correct number
<shevy> good
<cloudgeek> shevy: hey how i can save programm as script
<shevy> lol
<shevy> you use vim!
<cloudgeek> and then whatever word i want count
<shevy> go use another editor
<cloudgeek> most of time i use vim
<shevy> I settled for bluefish 1.0.7 which is ancient but has happy ruby highlighting
<shevy> well, why do you ask me :) vim has some commands
<shevy> I think :save or some other shit, what do I know, I gave up on vim and emacs years ago ;P
<cloudgeek> shevy: i know use vim very well
<shevy> hehe
<cloudgeek> shevy: i am asking only after saving code , what
<shevy> ok you saved it in a .rb file?
<shevy> well it depends
<shevy> you can require that code in your projects
<shevy> require 'bla.rb'
<shevy> then use it
<cloudgeek> shevy: a.rb is done
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<shevy> pp to_words "Dogs cat? cat? cat dog dog dog cat dog eagle dog dogs"
<shevy> {"dog"=>5, "cat?"=>2, "dogs"=>1, "eagle"=>1, "cat"=>2, "Dogs"=>1}
<shevy> in your case require 'a.rb'
<shevy> I made one .rb file for every core class of ruby
<shevy> class String has a string.rb
<shevy> class Array has an array.rb
<shevy> all those reside in a directory called core/ or extensions/ in the directory I store my ruby files
<shevy> and on irb startup, I include these all
<shevy> also installed into std_includes for me:
<shevy> require 'std_includes'
<shevy> but those are my modifications, I tend to avoid doing that for projects I release for others
<shevy> as they'd have to use those modifications too, and this is kinda not ideal
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<cloudgeek> shevy: i edit your code something by my own what i want you may guess
<cloudgeek> now it showing me number with a input ,then print output too
<shevy> sure, if that works for you
<shevy> but you use puts on a hash
<shevy> I used pp
<shevy> pp means pretty_print
<shevy> it shows a nicer structure of your data
<shevy> you can change:
<shevy> puts to_words(str)
<shevy> to
<shevy> pp to_words(str)
<shevy> but you must do:
<shevy> require 'pp'
<shevy> at the beginning of a.rb
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<cloudgeek> shevy: thanks
<cloudgeek> shevy: wait i pasting my improve code
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<cloudgeek> shevy:
<cloudgeek> shevy: this is your effort what i want , i got the same thanks
<shevy> good!
<cloudgeek> shevy: finally what i want that is there
<shevy> yeah
<shevy> always keep an eye on the regex you use
<shevy> the part:
<shevy> /\w+\??/
<shevy> it scans for woards... and something else which I forgot (hahaha...) I think it makes the "?" character optional or something
<cloudgeek> shevy: i am looking on your code , try to get it
<shevy> *words
<shevy> you can probably simplify it to:
<shevy> /\w+/
<cloudgeek> shevy: i new to ruby only 5 days old in ruby
<shevy> did you program in other languages before?
<cloudgeek> shevy: this my first
<shevy> ok
<shevy> then it will be harder
<cloudgeek> shevy: i am in 9th standard
<shevy> once you understand common concepts, it will be easier to translate into other languages
<shevy> just learn :)
<cloudgeek> shevy: In India , no one care about us
<cloudgeek> shevy: I am in a Goct. School
<shevy> in austria it is almost the same ;P
<cloudgeek> GOvt
<shevy> oh that
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<shevy> but you have the WWW
<shevy> you can learn from WWW resources
<shevy> it only needs time
<cloudgeek> yep
<cloudgeek> but a guide or master
<cloudgeek> too
<cloudgeek> that i don't have
<shevy> your brain must become a guide
<cloudgeek> our staff at our village govt. school
<shevy> you must notice patterns and translate them to your brain
<shevy> self-learning is the most basic way to learn!
<cloudgeek> shevy: but when you stuck somewhere if you get help it very useful
<shevy> yeah
<cloudgeek> shevy: yep i agree with you
<cloudgeek> shevy: i don't have account on social networking site i like to spend my time with coding on irc,mailing list
<shevy> oh yeah
<shevy> I often go to
<shevy> especially for ruby-gnome2 but also on general ruby
<cloudgeek> shevy: just help me in learning , like if i stuck help me solve problem
<shevy> yeah just ask your questions on #ruby, people will try to help here
<cloudgeek> shevy: i use ubuntu
<shevy> comforts ;)
<cloudgeek> shevy: :)
<cloudgeek> shevy: let me understand the code , then i try solve another problem
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<shevy> yeah
<shevy> is also good to work through once, if you did not
<shevy> it has many many small examples
<shevy> and all can be tried in irb
<shevy> so you learn ruby syntax
<cloudgeek> shevy: i bad thing about mr
<cloudgeek> me
<shevy> <-- very helpful if you want to understand block and Proc
<cloudgeek> shevy: I am addicated to command line and vim both
<shevy> aha
<cloudgeek> i use them most of time
<shevy> I am addicted to command line too
<shevy> not vim though
<davorb_> vim sucks. real brogrammers use emacs.
<cloudgeek> shevy: i map all autocomplete , identation syntax highlight in vim
<shevy> well you can use irb
<shevy> hehe
<shevy> I used to have a lot of abbreviations in vim
<cloudgeek> davorb_: i am talking with shevy
<cloudgeek> davorb_: if you emacs user , i am happy , but i am vim user , why you :(
<shevy> and I use bluefish
<shevy> but only 1.0.7 because they changed the syntax highlighting
<shevy> and now it sucks :(
<cloudgeek> shevy: i try the same too but
<shevy> geany is better, but has awful syntax highlighting by default
<cloudgeek> in INDIA 98% use vim
<shevy> gedit just sucks all around
<cloudgeek> our local linux user group teach us use vim as super user
<shevy> yah well
<shevy> I used vim in the past as well
<shevy> I am too lazy for it these days
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<cloudgeek> shevy: you really impress with my syntax highlight
<shevy> learning ruby is more fun than learning vim
<cloudgeek> if you can see my screen wait i show you
<shevy> I dont understand other screens ;)
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<shevy> I watched some vim videos on youtube, it's kinda fun
<shevy> but I dont want to learn more about vim anymore
<cloudgeek> shevy: i show you on imagebin
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<cloudgeek> shevy:
<shevy> yah well
<cloudgeek> shevy: i love it, sure might be you too like
<cloudgeek> shevy: it expalain me , complete code and spell both
<JonnieCache|home> thats last weeks excercise ;)
<JonnieCache|home> somebodys behind...
<cloudgeek> shevy: now i am reading code
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<shevy> cloudgeek: that's the old bluefish default syntax highlighting for .rb files
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<cloudgeek> shevy: cool , i have this color scheme too , might be known as desert in vim
<shevy> cloudgeek hmm I see
<shevy> I also like a dark theme of vim for .rb file
<shevy> I think... SubSlime or whatever was the name, had that too
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<cloudgeek> shevy: are you here on weekend too
<shevy> cloudgeek yeah
<shevy> but I also idle a lot
<shevy> not right now though ;P
<cloudgeek> shevy: i need someone who can help me , some help to learn ruby to become master in it
<cloudgeek> shevy: i need a path , that's only
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<cloudgeek> shevy: i think you use irssi
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<undersc0re> I was wondering how would I catch RETURN
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<workmad3> undersc0re: 'catch' return?
<undersc0re> workmad3: so in my code
<steakknife> def return ? ;P
<undersc0re> no
<shevy> with a catcher
<undersc0re> when someone hits the return key
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<shevy> tie him up with a rope
<undersc0re> actually
<undersc0re> I think I have another idea
<shevy> not sure plain ruby allows that
<steakknife> here's a sturdy noose
<shevy> getch perhaps
<shevy> well not quite
<shevy> :\
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<workmad3> undersc0re: sounds like you just want the 'gets' method in the simple case
<steakknife> writing mixins, is there a simpler way to chain a call with an optional block, e.g., is passing a block without block_given? a different call signature than omitting it?
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<shevy> steakknife you mean in method chaining? like
<shevy> foo.bla {|x| x.empty? }.yada.yodeldo
<undersc0re> workmad3: probably
<workmad3> steakknife: it's the same method called whether you pass a block or not, and if you have an explicit block parameter then it's automatically optional
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<steakknife> shevy: similar, yes. trying to avoid block_given? ? ... : ... all over
<shevy> hmm
<steakknife> workmad3, shevy: interesting. so it won't get evaluated unless a chained function yields then?
<workmad3> steakknife: the block won't be evaluated until you yield, no
<shevy> well you have to return something so that the method chain can continue
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<workmad3> ^^
<shevy> I usually see things used like so though:
<shevy> yield if block_given?
<shevy> inside a block
<workmad3> steakknife: I think what you really need to do is look at the code for Enumerable ;)
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<steakknife> Yeap, I'm working with some enumerable class mixing (Array and Hash).
<workmad3> steakknife: as that's a good example of returning a place-holder object for later chaining if you don't pass a block to the enumerable method
<steakknife> mixins*
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<steakknife> workmad3: cool, i'll just sift through the git repo.
<nobitanobi> What would be a good approach to tackle this: I get a string (representing a date) in a format like this: "20120225" . And I want to have it like this: "02/25/12"-
<nobitanobi> Shall I convert the string to date and do the transformations or do it directly as a string?
<steakknife> nobitanobi: chronic gem perhaps?
<nobitanobi> mmm, I have never heard of it. But I was thinking on doing something like... splitting the string
<nobitanobi> into the parts I want, and create the new string
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<arrowcircle> hi! how i can run ruby (rails) code on specific cpu core? i need to run 4 independent works on 4 cpu cores simulteniusly. i use mri 1.9.2/1.9.3
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<Kyle__> With ruby's zlib, is it safe to just make one deflator, and use it for an entire script, or would that cause problems?
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<Kyle__> I ask because I tried, and I had a number of failures out of a large number of successes, but since this is the first I've used the library, the failures could have easily been my fault.
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<JonnieCache|home> lol just heard the new railscasts intro music
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<JonnieCache|home> ryanb is on some old school hands in the air tip
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<JonnieCache|home> might have to sample that
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<jesly> can any one help me with A* algorithm and heuristic function??
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<arrowcircle> hi! any ideas how i can run a ruby process on specific cpu core?
<JonnieCache|home> arrowcircle: thats an OS thing, not ruby specific
<JonnieCache|home> the binding of a process to a core or a CPU is called its affinity
<JonnieCache|home> theres some unix command that assigns it, cant recall the name
<JonnieCache|home> could be nice, that sets cpu priority maybe it does affinity as well
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<arrowcircle> JonnieCache|home, oh, dont know anything about it. i have debian squeeze and 3 hour task, that uses only 1 cpu core of 4. im looking for a way to optimize it and dont know from where i can start
<JonnieCache|home> ohh you want to make it run on more than one core. when it currently runs on one
<JonnieCache|home> thats a big subject :)
<JonnieCache|home> look up resources on concurrency
<JonnieCache|home> it very much depends on the nature of the task
<arrowcircle> i dont know if threads in 1.9 help me. Will move part of the job on another cpu core?
<Kyle__> arrowcircle: are you saying you have four cores, and you want your code to run always on the second core, for instance?
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<JonnieCache|home> no he wants to parallelise his currently non parallel code
<Kyle__> arrowcircle: That's really low-level programming, and you need a kernel that supports it, in an OS that supports it, in a language that supports it.
<arrowcircle> Kyle__, no, actually i want to run 1 task on each core.
<Kyle__> Ahh.
<arrowcircle> ruby 1.9 MRI
<arrowcircle> its a rake task in rails app
<arrowcircle> on debian 6
* Kyle__ generally does his concurrent programming the old-fassioned way, forks.
<JonnieCache|home> it depends on how each of the sub tasks relate to each other
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<arrowcircle> they dont relay at all
<JonnieCache|home> does each part of the task depend on the bits before it?
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<arrowcircle> no
<JonnieCache|home> youre in luck then
<arrowcircle> each task goes through the specific table and sometimes midifies record
<JonnieCache|home> you need to split the list of jobs into 4 and run it 4 separate times
<JonnieCache|home> like Kyle__ said its easiest just to have 4 different processes rather than bothering with threads
<arrowcircle> yes, but if i run them in one cron file, they use only one core without concurrency
<steakknife> nobitanobi: btw on ruby toolbox, see date parsers.
<arrowcircle> how i can run 4 proceses in parallel?
<JonnieCache|home> the shell lets you spawn processes asynchronously
<steakknife> arrowcircle: fork (except windows)
<arrowcircle> steakknife, Process.fork?
<JonnieCache|home> put an & at the end of a shell command
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<arrowcircle> and OS will run it on different cores?
<steakknife> arrowcircle: you might want to look at popen4
<JonnieCache|home> yeah or do process.fork which is basically the same thing except youre forking from within the ruby script as opposed to doing it from the shell
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<JonnieCache|home> MAKE SURE you use database transactions though
<JonnieCache|home> even though you say the subtasks dont relate to each other, you cant be too careful
<arrowcircle> JonnieCache|home, ok, i will check for race-condition.
<arrowcircle> thank you, folks
<steakknife> probably want to use something like zeromq and coroutines perhaps
<arrowcircle> you get me very helpful answers
<JonnieCache|home> steakknife: its only a rake task to migrate data thats taking too long to run, a message queue is going a bit far
<arrowcircle> steakknife, i dont need to sync any data between these processes
<arrowcircle> steakknife, why zmq? why not rabbitmq?
<steakknife> if non-windows, god can do it
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<arrowcircle> i dont use windows, for luck
<steakknife> brokerless, low latency, easier to setup
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<steakknife> zeromq is not a proper queue, it's a messaging framework
<steakknife> mainly for handling messy rpc
<arrowcircle> afaik rabbitmq too
<steakknife> put message pack, protobufs on top of it
<arrowcircle> its all some kind of amqp
<steakknife> rabbitmq is a queue that needs to be maintained, etc.
<steakknife> it's like git vs svn
<arrowcircle> and whats where?
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<arrowcircle> ok. thank you again. going to make some tests with forks
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<steakknife> JonnieCache|home: is is this for migration or production? using stalker or some sort of background tasks and webhooks for notification perhaps (if prod)
<JonnieCache|home> its not my thing it was arrowcircles
<steakknife> ah, too many windows. ; )
<JonnieCache|home> he implied it was just a one off task that was taking longer than he would have liked
<JonnieCache|home> no need for infrastructure just a quick hack to make it go faster
<steakknife> the problem with backgrounding is that is it's own additional level of complexity
<steakknife> ah, kk
<JonnieCache|home> although i think he may be disappointed when he finds out that the cpu wasnt the bottleneck anyway
<steakknife> map reduce, rake edition :)
<steakknife> db or iops likely
<steakknife> :)
<JonnieCache|home> no no its not a map reduce style thing, the tasks were completely independent
<JonnieCache|home> otherwise it would have been more complex
<steakknife> that's too bad, there's scripts for booting an ec2 hadoop cluster for ruby tasks
<steakknife> map reduce for rake ; D
* JonnieCache|home does a little techno waltz
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<steakknife> functional folks would say there's no reason to explicitly do things in order. only dependencies between tasks matter.
<Kyle__> steakknife: What's the ruby-hadoop interface like? I've never seen it (or even knew it existed).
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<JonnieCache|home> physics folks would say the whole universe works like that
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<Kyle__> steakknife: Hu. I'm gonna have to take this for a spin on my hadoop cluster here at work. Sadly I've got student VMs eating up the bulk of my cloud right now, otherwise I'd try it there :)
<banseljaj> hey guys.
<steakknife> Kyle__: nice. i used to be an hpc sysadmin once upon a time.
<banseljaj> what's the best way to show updated stuff on the command line?
<steakknife> $stderr.sync = $stdout.sync = true
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<Kyle__> steakknife: I'm a general linux sysadmin working under the title "Lab Manager", as it offers tuition remission on a masters. My boss is supposed to get that title changed.
<banseljaj> Imean, how can i use the whole command line window as my UI and update stuff on that
<Kyle__> steakknife: Of course it ends up being, run the network, manage student accounts, and BTW, here's an HPC system we want, can you build that and manage it too?
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<steakknife> Kyle__: so that's either of rocks, hadoop or debian (pick 2)
<JonnieCache|home> Kyle__: its amazing how people group all computer related tasks under one heading
<Kyle__> OpenStack & hadoop.
<steakknife> Kyle__: mission creep. : /
<JonnieCache|home> surely it should be obvious that plugging in switches and resetting the passwords of idiots is not in the same pay bracket as building a cloud
<steakknife> Kyle__: oh god. nebula's fart.
<Kyle__> JonnieCache|home: Yea. But a title change to something better than "Lab Manager" would still rock.
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<JonnieCache|home> hmm tbh i think id prefer lab manager to sysadmin
<steakknife> steakknife: clustercorp is always hiring.
<JonnieCache|home> i mean a lab leaves something to the imagination. it could be a particle accelerator or something
<steakknife> s/steaknife/Kyle__/
<Kyle__> JonnieCache|home: As an experiment, I used the XKCD password example (four random short words) this semester, instead of a random very long word.
<steakknife> JonnieCache|home: PHDcomics vs. xkcd ;)
<Kyle__> JonnieCache|home: I've had a total of 2 requests for a lost password with this method, vs over a dozen in previous semesters (big words are apparently not known vocab for our students).
<JonnieCache|home> oh you mean as the policy for users
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* Kyle__ ndos
<Kyle__> s/ndos/nods/
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<steakknife> Aren't passwords obsolete yet?
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<steakknife> ssh keys ftw
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<Kyle__> steakknife: Not for labs. And a pittiful few number of our students log in remotely. Though that will change soon I hope.
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<steakknife> OPIE or something like that perhaps?
<Kyle__> Eh?
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<steakknife> disposable one time use passwords
<heftig> has user-acceptance problems
<steakknife> but here's the think, i ran a central cluster at big-name unit.
<steakknife> univ*
<steakknife> students would much rather use ec2 or something like that.
<steakknife> they don't use school stuff for some reason.
<Kyle__> Ah. My goal is to limmit the amount of 'lab manager' work I do, and focus on the real sysadmin stuff instead. Easy to remember, but reasonably secure from brute-force passwords, are the way to go for that.
<JonnieCache|home> hmmm its probably cheaper for a uni to just buy a massive amount of ec2 time for their students/faculty than to run a cluster in house anyway
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<steakknife> Kyle__: let me share the secrets of empire building :)
<steakknife> Kyle__: you have too much work? create another position! :D
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<Kyle__> JonnieCache|home: Depends on your budget, dataset, pipe, etc. One proff here has an 8TB+ db. We just couldn't pump the data up to ec2 at will.
<JonnieCache|home> hmm good point
<steakknife> Kyle__: import/export service :)
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<JonnieCache|home> once you set up that infrastructure then in future datasets like that would originate in the cluster anyway so itd just be a migration thing
<wubino> How can I get two random selections from a sample (array)
<steakknife> but you're right, at scale, need panasas/ddn sort of stuff
<Kyle__> If we move to laptop labs: ie students bring in a laptop and connect to a VM with all the requisite software and data for their classes, all the budget that goes towards traditional lab machines goes to in-house cloud machines.
<davidcelis> wubino: array.sample(2)
<JonnieCache|home> or maybe they wouldnt. i guess its more fun to have lots of iron on hand anyway
<davidcelis> wubino: unless you're using ruby 1.8. But don't do that.
<wubino> thanks davidcelis
<Kyle__> wubino: I beleive foo[rand(foo.length)] if you want the quick and dirty.
<steakknife> ddn is pretty sweet gear.
<wubino> Being a python guy the ruby quick and dirty is killing me
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<JonnieCache|home> wubino: heh. in what way?
<JonnieCache|home> just aesthetically?
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<Mon_Ouie> Also sample(2) ensures you won't get the same element twice
<wubino> Just when I think I learned how to do womething in Ruby, there is another way to do it
<Kyle__> davidcelis: When did .sample get in there? How did I miss that!
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<JonnieCache|home> wubino: you just have to accept that this is basically always going to be the case
<davidcelis> Kyle__: Ruby 1.9 :)
<Kyle__> davidcelis: Sweeeet!
<wubino> How can you have 100+ methods available per object.... that IS UNFATHOMABLE
<Eruadan> hi, i have installed ruby 1.9.3 using rvm install 1.9.3 . if i do ruby -v , it says ruby is not installed, but if do rvm install 1.9.3 it says ruby 1.9.3 is installed, that i could only do rvm reinstall 1.9.3 . is there a problem?
<Kyle__> steakknife: oooh.
<JonnieCache|home> wubino: yeah it does get a bit silly sometimes
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<steakknife> Eruadan: rvm use 1.9.3 ?
<Mon_Ouie> Eruadan: You need to call rvm use 1.9.3
<steakknife> :)
<JonnieCache|home> wubino: python solves that by putting lots of string methods and the like in the top level namespace, which to my mind is much more upsetting
<Eruadan> ahh..ok ^^
<steakknife> Eruadan: rvm use 1.9.3 --default # to make it permanent
<wubino> Is there any way to see all the objects in IRB?
<Eruadan> all right
<steakknife> wubino: which objects?
<JonnieCache|home> how do yiu mean all the objects?
<Mon_Ouie> ObjectSpace.each_object
<steakknife> wubino: Symbols, ObjectSpace?
<wubino> Any object that has been loaded
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<JonnieCache|home> thats ObjectSpace
<Mon_Ouie> That means thousands of them
<steakknife> Symbol.all_symbols too
<Eruadan> great, it's all setup now. ready to install gems, yay!
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<steakknife> that'll be $14.95 ; P )
<Mon_Ouie> ObjectSpace.each_object.count #=> 111119 in a newly-started Pry session
<Eruadan> nice and cheap, that's why i love ruby ;P
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<wubino> Thats $30 at office max
<steakknife> That would be pretty funny if copy stored had paid dev suppt
<steakknife> stores*
<wubino> there are 100,000+ objects ready to go every time I run IRB?
<Mon_Ouie> No. I got 35669 when I tried in IRB.
<Mon_Ouie> And there are more here because my config loads some libraries and stuff
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<wubino> I had to buy a laptom and they said no windows install cd comes with it anymore
<steampunkee> hey. i want a class to be applied to a piece of markup if params[:property]=:value. I tried to do this in haml by conditionally setting :class in a call to link_to(), but it says param is not in the environment. am I doing this the wrong way?
<Kyle__> wubino: Are you including some extra libraries in your .irbrc? Then, possibly.
<wubino> laptop*
<JonnieCache|home> wubino: theyve been putting the restore disc functionality in a hidden partition for a while now
* Kyle__ is way behind....
<steakknife> Mon_Ouie, wubino: yikes
<wubino> I liked Ruby monk but I am failing to understand the zen like nature of Ruby at the moment
<Mon_Ouie> Funnily, I see more objects when I disable loading of my ~/.irbrc than when I don't
<Kyle__> wubino: If your work has an MSDN liscence, a nice coffee and or a beer may get you an ISO and one of their for-dev-purposes liscense keys.
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* steampunkee coughs
<steakknife> 3298 symbols, objectspace 22643
<Kyle__> If it's for development for work, I was under the impression it's kosher.
<RubyPanther> puts "%d (%s)" % [ObjectSpace.each_object.count,RUBY_DESCRIPTION]
<RubyPanther> 19126 (ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16 revision 34643) [x86_64-linux])
<RubyPanther> with combined falcon patches
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<steakknife> anyone using tis?
<steakknife> tcs*
<JonnieCache|home> RubyPanther: i tried those patches. i got the promised 33% load time increases, but i also got segfaults galore and all sorts of mad stuff
<JonnieCache|home> RubyPanther: you seen any bugs with it?
<steakknife> :(
<steampunkee> i want a css class to be applied to a piece of markup if params[:property]==:value. I tried to do this by modifying a haml view, and conditionally setting :class in a call to link_to(). However, it seems param is not in the environment. Am I doing this the wrong way?
<RubyPanther> JonnieCache|home: I haven't had a segfault, and you're the first person I've heard of claiming any problems
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<JonnieCache|home> tbh the segaults werent in what you would call normal usage, they happened when i was doing weird shit like calling pry inside a test which was being run from guard
<RubyPanther> you should add your report to the comments, see if somebody can recreate that
<JonnieCache|home> unfortunately i do that all the time
<steakknife> heroku brought on matz to supposedly work on gc and mem utilization, seems ruby is fragmenting
<steampunkee> am i muted or something?
<JonnieCache|home> RubyPanther: i should really. ill do it on monday
<RubyPanther> steakknife: You heard wrong, heroku is sponsoring the Ruby core work that Matz was already doing. Also they are adding paid "positions" for other important core members.
<steakknife> steampunkee: probably want to try #rails
<JonnieCache|home> steampunkee: youre not muted. what do you mean param isnt in the environment
<Eruadan> also #rubyonrails
<RubyPanther> I think Matz' main sponsor is the Japanese government who is supporting mRuby development
<steakknife> RubyPanther: that's what i said. but it looks like ruby is still fragmenting grass-roots
<JonnieCache|home> ruby fragmented ages ago if you want to look at it like that. jruby, rbx and so on
<RubyPanther> How is core members getting extra pay and doing the same work a "fragmentation?"
<steakknife> engineyard : shakes fist :)
<RubyPanther> Seems like they're building up the ramparts to me
qurve has joined #ruby
<steampunkee> JonnieCache|home: join me in #r.o.r.
<qurve> Has anyone ever ran across a good library/gem for doing in-memory creation of tar or zip files? Everything I'm seeing online seems abandoned or not very good.
<steakknife> competition is good, jruby is pretty neat in production
<steakknife> qurve: prob going to need to use io_splice
<qurve> I'm using RMagick to resize images in memory, I want to then archive them to return a single download to the user, ideally without touching the file system.
<steampunkee> JonnieCache|home: #rubyonrails plz
<qurve> (e.g. user uploads one image, I return a zip/tar with 10 images)
<JonnieCache|home> steampunkee: ill be back in 10 mins
<steampunkee> :-(
<steakknife> qurve: zero-copy pipes for linux
<qurve> io_splice may be more than I need, I just don't want to have to shell out or write files to disk.
<steakknife> qurve: that's what it's for!
<qurve> OK.
<audrius> is this possible to change or define custom class "self" meaning?
<qurve> But with that I'm still responsible for the code for creating the tar archive?
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<qurve> What I'm looking for is something like: f = new Something::TarArchive; f.add('file1.jpg',; f.add('file2.jpg',; send_data f.dump; or something
<qurve> So it reads/writes directly to streams.
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<RubyPanther> qurve: if it is one file you don't need tar, you can just use zlib in the stdlib
<qurve> It's multiple unfortunately.
<steakknife> qurve: sorry to burst your bubble, but it's going to be wiring file handles together.
<qurve> OK.
<qurve> I'm building something where someone can upload an image and I automatically resize the image to the appropriate apple-touch-icon sizes and returns a .zip or .tar of those files.
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<qurve> I was hoping to be able to do that without ever writing the data to disk or shelling out to the cmdline.
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<steakknife> put varnish in front of it.
<qurve> Ultimately it's going to be shot off to s3.
<steakknife> cloud front then i take it
<qurve> Yeah.
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<qurve> I just figured I could actually build the archive in memory and then transfer the data directly to s3
<qurve> And never have to write a file to the ec2 instances HD.
<RubyPanther> qurve: there are a bunch of tar gems like archive-tar-minitar
<qurve> I saw a few of those Panther, they all seemed abandoned.
<RubyPanther> wtf is "abandoned?"
<qurve> I was hoping maybe my google-fu was lacking and there was some awesome gem that is still maintained.
<steakknife> Perhaps find a native extension library that uses the tar libs.
<qurve> Not updated since like 2009?
<RubyPanther> the spec of a tar archive doesn't change, why would the lib?
<JonnieCache|home> not much has changed in the world of tar
<RubyPanther> that just means that it is mature and debugged
<qurve> That's a glass-is-half-full of looking at it :D
<RubyPanther> stable == good => true
<qurve> That's another one I ran into.
<JonnieCache|home> do you check the last-modified date on stdlib classes before you use them?
<RubyPanther> Just because we're all agile and can respond to change, doesn't mean that we want libs to change when standards haven't
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<qurve> I have no problem using older libraries, especially if people recommend them.
<qurve> Hence why I came here for opinions.
<steakknife> qurve: you could probably use nginx to handle most compression/decompression
<qurve> With this it's less about the compression and more about packaging multiple files into one.
<JonnieCache|home> those libs are used by lots of high profile gems so if there were major problems theyd have been found. i say try it and see what happens
<steakknife> multipart mime no go?
<qurve> Thanks a bunch, I'm going to try them both out and see how it goes.
<qurve> steakknife: I would imagine it might not be as user friendly.
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<qurve> The user experience I'm going for is: upload image => get .zip/.tar with 3 images back
<RubyPanther> minitar even gives examples of doing it in memory in the docs
<steakknife> qurve: UX, what's that? :)
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<qurve> RubyPanther: that's the first one I'm going to try.
<qurve> Very much appreciate your guys' help.
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<steakknife> qurve: just be sure this hasn't already been solved with existing standards (
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<qurve> That's the standard for sending data TO the web server, I've never seen it used for sending data back.
<steakknife> ah, that's another story ;)
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<qurve> Yeah I need to accept one file and send back multiple.
<qurve> Although dragonfly is neat, never seen that before.
<qurve> I'm just using rmagick directly, which works fine.
<RubyPanther> qurve: if you find bugs that prevent some lib with working with the a modern Ruby, just come complain and you can find somebody to update it for you. Even a C extension going from 1.8.6 to 1.9.3 is usually only like 3 defines to make it compile.
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<qurve> That's good to know, I've gotten fairly familiar with ruby and rails, but I have yet to start digging much deeper (yet)
<steakknife> People are us. responsive.
<qurve> I haven't written C in years at this point :)
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<steakknife> The problem is more often *not* hearing feedback.
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<RubyPanther> I write "baby C" and it is all I need for Ruby wrappers and bugfixes :) That's 50% of why I bailed from Perl, I didn't want to learn XS
<qurve> RubyPanther: Maybe I'm blind, but where did you see an example of in-memory archive creation in the minitar docs?
<qurve> Rad, I'm going to go try this real quick.
<steakknife> The thing with doing lots of processing is that buffers are created and destroyed all over the place.
<steakknife> RubyPanther: it's a bicycle, you never forget really. :)
<steakknife> strcmp, strlen ... baaaaaad
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<steakknife> ohey, what's the most solid, well-organized mixin libs out there?
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<dreamr> howdy howdy
<Mon_Ouie> "mixin libs"?
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<qurve> Grr, it looks like Minitar can only create archives by reading files off the disk, not from memory.
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<steakknife> Mon_Ouie: actually, there's a whole category
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<qurve> Well, I still can't get this to work sadly.
* qurve bangs head on desk
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* shevy bangs desk on qurve
<qurve> Equally useful!
<qurve> I could not get minitar to generate working tar files, I'm sure it's my problem.
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<qurve> rubyzip however I got working in 2 minutes.
<qurve> Thanks for your help guys!
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<artm> i've solved my regexp problem from this morning:
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<rburton-_> is AMQP bunny thread safe?
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<rburton-_> not seeing whether its thread safe or not
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<glosoli> Guys what's the best cross platform supported GUI Toolkit for Ruby ? just opinions wanted
<glosoli> or if there is any of them which has Designer Generators ?
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<tarnfeld> Hey. Anyone know how I can only read one line of data (where the length of the line is undefined) from a TCPSocket?
<seanstickle> glosoli: HTML/CSS/JavaScript
Eruadan has joined #ruby
<glosoli> seanstickle: I can build computer apps with HTML gui???
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<seanstickle> Sure. I use Gmail everyday.
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<petolreum> Shoematsu desu, nibble the hair buns with caution Belgable wolf waffy. Is anyone here a rubberty dugger? Is anyone a reggy dick plegger? Shoody spalooj moojer! Mella McTasterum. Is this happy hour at the retard shack again? ron ron reggatoon. Walla julie malerf luck. Weggerty wing yaing plucking time!
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<petolreum> Gotta set up for the suicide slide Gamma mareenmon. I've got more scrap ass shit than you can balieve with. Sally McNuffo whip. after secv on a sp00ky stream Fagga foo regga makegg mahoun. Its all fun and games until the power goes out. Mennima Pay Street. Rubbity dib dadge pickard. Lelly in ma kellar.
<petolreum> Float a pelly plack ass. You're a digital dumbass. Smuggy jaloo meff jillahole. Dick, dick, dick dickaloo! Dick dickaloo my darling. Haggity ma heggal hole. nuriggerdy diggal. Visi blurb cage. O melon man mist meluhn mijohn. Oh man mellajoram. Hebble oh babble.
<petolreum> Two guns and a ruck roog. Turned into a hollow loop. scritch scratch the happy fog. Is anyone here a fudge plucker. I'm talking bout a rastal marry yo map. Too many ruggerty dag datoes Or are you fuck wappys out for kill gore!
<petolreum> Ploona lefflie ludge picking! Haggy smith heddal, marry oh dettal. Hannabalist, no cannibalist, no hannibalist balievar. Ban dackoo. Put on weight! Wherr wiss fall, nudge plucking. too many |\|igg/\s, that's my line. I'm squirt with the worth of the mother plucking fine. Hoomee missee Mic daisy too. Davey oh doubt. Meggie mahoo middle.
<glosoli> wtf
<petolreum> Too many Romulan potatoers. Matoonal dakkal. Helly muhp, melly muhp, runna minuck taste-rum. Wack ass weight! Hellamanorf weg watthal. I think I'll just start to try my McTasterums. Rubbity boom ducking. Hitchaleval exasht romice. Up with jelly my humpfrins. Uva devil miss tee pie. She can't poo!
<petolreum> Shniqqen munuh lik leggal perritolma penis pran chella maloney day breeze Paahster jam ban wikkle. Hella mah lun mick hella malole. Hella minull mic mella manoh. The roadline, it's illegal. Trully mulla mih nole. I'm a relladge-o-melladge-o-ram. Come on you fuckin dag asses.
<glosoli> :((
<petolreum> Damned ram bastions. McJellio oper Smelly gruthergrarin trilaxals. withers ground ring air Puggle dee maggle dee mack traggle Jeremy sniqqle. Jeremy spoken, in next day I brusht boyered, I kicked a ball! mellaminorf troll protectors, trolls on the road! troll protectors, their stones of power glow!
<tarnfeld> aahhhh
<petolreum> Fleeberty dith bub, a hick now a hither they humpty tance Hunchell munch a reg uhl schoolio tress nael Chuck a lick a loon baby tunes Weerz mellicorp To the wack ann watching machine wells darilla raptor plexing
<glosoli> stop
<petolreum> Shligga ligga millik hole Shligga ligga millik hole regamakio mathjul hah there Just like in Bart Simpson the Magazine! Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! menario mibs Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin slujjal jeggy moran magomorph baleener
<petolreum> I spell it throwt, you spell it throat, the real way to spell it is throwt throwt THROWT! Hux a mex a lig dwarf dudikolan mail street. Rella manae, Rella Manae, Rye dut duh! I'm living on budgy placky street. Reggal dee deck shweener Hicker trellalicker
<petolreum> What part of that doesn't make sense to you robo I'm rang dang smacking it up to the reck a heek a horn drom. Rag agg big chacka lo datey fifty. Sniggital maggal Shelly a jelly a jew lillaputan meglamarian necks booga man Rejja mella mic jeggal Baika looka reg tag
<petolreum> Throat a pelly proat raick axe. It doesn't eat muggo whip. It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. Where's songy brother? Where's spongy brother? Jellanie mic flyer. Paloody pluck bag ack. Paloody pluck bag ack.
<glosoli> stop him
<petolreum> Whyn you call it throat throwt. I'm a baffy hoe. Flivvy a niv von neffran. Purity and prudence I'm suing for diaper damage. Scragg a billy blunk rake rast eye heeker, playmus guy I don't know what a rubbity dabby is. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole.
<tarnfeld> stoopppp
<petolreum> Arthie shlellijge. Arthie shlellidge. Talking about a bee turning into a guano root. today I'm doing pasta, i crumble it and pan fry it. Fuckin frosty. david hippa lappa pomprin. Is anyone here a hemp hole? Yeah, well shnijjy mc millicker: i know billy knalavolitz.
<petolreum> The Baby Faced Assassin pond. yrummin! Shmega melanie goetz I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam! When will another green skroan the horrified scream
<petolreum> Rubbity dag daggy dib dib, daggy daggy dib dib, daggy daggy diggy diggy dib, throwt a welly wheel wall Reppity shcrep bam bam rep rep paranep Shnubbity shnib up bam bam Givin' me twice, i a molst a meeka pleck. Givin' me twice, a molst a meeka pleck.
<petolreum> Jeminee smucking smiggle. Halittle halorst hamerrian sects nep tep hotep gargle dee gook mackie mchellic hole. My niqqer dee dag sparky. Ponto comical blessnor I'm dain dead. Razor renzor manellik s-meg smeg you're all smegs. We're hovvy hella pruss miss puss Smelly mudga munaqqal Posta wicka holma melancholy laggam
<petolreum> Shmelly a mellac. Cloaky active camoflauge mail bow Warez into a whoop coup daddy deam, I filed a lawsuit with G.L.E.A.M. Dag a ricka bleg nagg. Richel reprezhnik rally mic hoe whip.
<petolreum> fucking ass licking piss sucking cunt. Threnthie oh pod throonis Tragallellah. bweeey eeeiw! bweeeeey ail! shnib polmans mahhal wourney Track a mix a meg norge
<petolreum> Flathican fellow street. Mc Grellae Mc Regegg. Prag a cuckian bag of gunk. Duh nuh nihh nuh farty milligers. Par boockalie twistie taiter. Tittly spoof bee Trellie oh dabble Antenna rethal Fucky daddy dicky Fucky daddy dicky
<petolreum> Chucka lucka ling to the chucka looka lat, man can't be banned! Dee oh doing! Chili box sand reggat. Crackity raggity ann shaggy rab rabble smiley oh diley oh reggal na meck transhole In a tough manner pung dungh chicka licka bang dad. Guess what you smartie millickan jallefnaord. Spend rellik maholmes.
<petolreum> Rudda boom boom dugging. My name is jameel my name's jamaan. Take this you fuckin' brack stab from buck hole. Brag a cuck of bintorns. I had to have jalooch to have breakfast. Trug a leck leg hole. Tellah mef raf. Trukkle trella lickle mazzle trag. Shab shab skrellix magellix
<petolreum> Roonah bucky blay lee! Roonah bucky blay lee! An aggle dee dak beyond the premier. switch up to a wedge pluckie A jecka looch reft round! poochin maleggal Drek a lek meek foamie. shlick a jig jeffjob A jella jitch manifest Horkin malurgis hoarde. prebelally mobijowrist.
<petolreum> Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Hicka low daggal. Manil hill the jiller. Reet dih doo deh dih, reet deh doo duh. dendridic millimorph cardackio cleptio maggle Jackintoshy zillword. Just another macgasm trexie o mario bubble. I had to have a mummified wheat bread.
<petolreum> Slaggy McNelly O-Loop. Hillie Millie. Mijujik calej loft, shweener screlly mellamanorf. The plux to the plack a leak a lithio meth galactical terrial tuesday. Ploody loon, back a toon! ron ton a jelly a shawn. Herd mah thuh fah thuh. Jeggal mig ella cracker. trellamanorf mick hick hole
<petolreum> Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Farbooky twistie taiter. Farbooky twistie oh plox. jickellastrip shtiffy Trellie oh dabble Sabba7kom allah bilkhair ya rawafeth 3ash men shafek. 3alaikom essalam mawlana. 9eqeleyya kaanat men madresat Averroes. plan dan duckalin jee uhst waistband
<petolreum> Sparra kitha mellon hoh snail bookanees. Pucka hoonkin dick ass waste. Triclapian transcripts. Are you a jalellaputian? Arthie midge millik. See that is why I keep going "galactico trallie o-reggal" Cuckin twanbastin wigwams shmagga miggal smell-it syllabalistic macro. Oh-rellage oh ram
<petolreum> Trellik mic jelliger. Throwty a pellage plex. Spigga McGregor peggly oh dabble Hicky trellalick. You stupid pudgy fucker. Sneqqal segagal. Purital laggy oh baggal. Bucka broon broom shella muluk mic niqqer. Rooshta shpella. Plocky of pleckal bag a cuck of frin torns
<petolreum> Wa Alikum salam wa rehmatullah e wa barakat. Tarka dellalie dool. Mig iff raheg hord. Raga nahoolie jeg narf. Hellage rellage o-ram well to do it pollis Scribble dee babble. Mezzle ma norf. Praggity no maddak Duck a ween wark. You shpuffy shpook ma leggin don't be such a terrorisdt.
<petolreum> Hedgy McPillik. Hocka licka meals on weals. Batman, batware, guess who could be in the next Batman movie? It could be you! Galactical tactical earns the hard way. Maggie Mig mellijopod. trar ga moogly a mix traeger Puh reb deb dejjer. fuck jalafi jalive.
<petolreum> Leepadipa did away. lovely women spit things. shnep a leppie loon. smellagajee smellamanew. Fruggity diggty! Scrunny maloo lef heel hole shlody shlicka rabbits Galactical tactical plack ass. Pawikki scrap runa mallilligram. pick tatots. Conifanible pluckin. Boom bam shpaghetti monk.
<petolreum> Sum bum parlacktical barthy backthickal. partrusially prtregally reggal megagal. You fuckin roody poot noink. Smullah jah litch jitch runhole. Shit up you bad ass. Is anyone here a rubbity deaf nard. Sniggital wathal whip. Thylacoleo carnifex for a pet, hugga ghigga micomprin. Don't fuck with my restaurant!
<tarnfeld> apeiros_: hey, you there? :)
<petolreum> Truggity reg up rim dum, a spoon contacts the kinigigal concern. trust no one, tiger miller Michelle and jantsy with a banshee! pasa wuh thuh fail the jookified coin. Oh my gum! Oh my gum! It's oh ho ho he's here! Malika joola jalegnorf. Malika joola jalegnorf. Heggal the munch tunch taste rins.
<petolreum> Prestegious milla ma hoe. Panny meffa lick waifers. Malorf jin, jalallally jin, screggat mo meggat mo methalithal lowdown. It's oh ho ho she's here! Has anyone here ever been to the bastard zones? Shmeggal dee mech eck golms. Boon toon underwear, boon town.
<petolreum> Veronika, days of joy, happy time for girls and boys. Fuggle dee daggle. Ploody pluck a loon, baby tunes. Hella mah nor. Snuggity rabbity pit street. Hackel meal McZhellikehr. Wooh wee! spagg midge mellot. Jello mic tatum. Trucka looger legga baby. martial mic reg egg trans mestrials
<petolreum> Mella Midge Mister Pluggity ricking. Rab trab traisies. fruggity hesterani knellect. Rumpin dumpin dighole. Rumpin Dumpin durds. Barvis joon a hear a harvey snards. Jellis mellis Trelalix twixt nick davey. Rawl eenf rurst o plast. Rella mahole rick.
<petolreum> Scrunny mit tack pick jack. I'm talkin bout plucky PLUCKIE pluckie o'hare. withers ground ring air. parchookalie buckle, weeh eeh. pluckily boosier bael regget ramajot. bartoofteein regleg. Ret round hujamima bound. Tickle me timbers. Farg duddly uck uck darg marg. Hosh a mosh a luke a leek a leggin! Audacity of it all, you feel small
<petolreum> Clarbudgy cabujjin, Carblinkin carblastan carbleggegg. Are bastion you jastuin. We're all for the Kardassians who lost the war against the Federation, don't you tell worf we need another ration. Fargleb skeeol skowl all bleb. carmattick raticular pledge mahole heel. Mettick marial mahoney blastokist
<petolreum> Shmartooty boots breath. Rennimino rick taid. Renniminnow rick taid. Carbloochy bad ass. Renna ma nick patrol. A chucka oo maow maow, chucka oo maow maow, a chucka oo mow maow, chucka oo maow maow. Panta hoasta leeka tolweth hade. Rum dump dump digalagger.
<petolreum> Cannabalism regamalan. Bardacian bull-horne mooses aren't in this quadrant of the galaxy. Playin' Star Trek Online cause it's free to play, just like All Points Bulletin: Reloaded and Final Fantasy XIV. Eee dah climp lah plocky ug tug tech.
<td123> lol this guy just left #RoR and starts spamming #ruby
<petolreum> I went out with twenty of those rebbity jellickers. we're all midge millickers. Puh reb deb dejjer. Galactical tactical plack ass. Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin. Reggal dee deck shweener. It doesn't eat muggo whip.
<petolreum> It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. maggity von heffrin Shtooty mic blackened. Shooty hick black and pick tatots. hugga ghigga micomprin. Don't fuck with my restaurant! Truggity reg up rim dum. a spoon contacts the kinigigal concern. trust no one, tiger miller.
<petolreum> Michelle and jantsy with a banshee. prebelally mobijowrist. Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Where's spongy brother. eye heeker playmus guy. Helly midge mushkin. Rumina mee drowls wall width.
<petolreum> I've got your mother's pussy juice bottled, I sell it out of my house
<petolreum> S.ll.a.g.g.y mc pit street. Hustler hova heeva Chick ova heeva ova heeva. Braxalarian blalalxrals. snuggity rab rab rabbits. Snuggies aren't selling anymore. most people don't know what a "snuggie" is. Halla micka wheel wyaujtkchtpt.
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<petolreum> Spaqqa miffa liffa leggin. Terry baloris trickaleggal. Sequester mlajjap eastro diz hamta wan ta licka holmus preed. Scatty picka loon dunes. Hoakalin McGregoar. Roddy McFlyer. Hillie Midge Millik! Arfie McChaffer Chickababy
<petolreum> Shaggy mig rehehehehehehp Spleggy melajamick pick tatot. Pegila meligomesk pigilidack fellijiscrap barckarian bustrap piggin kegalarelej shtooty shtipt kid mlelagaraphix transslits
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<petolreum> Milla jalaoft jitch breakfast Peef pond pallooleol babble. I had to have sex in diapers! I HAD TO HAVE SEX IN DIAPERS! diaper sniper days, everyone knows about sex. it pays when my nickname used to be snake.
<petolreum> Puritalin baggy of gunk. my name's not tristan it's rastan. rallin for null like a holdy hook black ann. Tiny tim, dick ass whim. Shaloody shlock braze made. Pullilcoch dravinarial balactal guarns.
fixl has joined #ruby
<petolreum> Albatross doog ee rook rack egg. Wanny manilnorf traggat muh hilli hole back street pormande usft vadinal deena. sex with a shoogie look laygie. Zellamanorf worf wallow. isn't that up the street?
<petolreum> Shlagg lagg McNellanorf. I'm a jalooch jooch jeggal jalalicker. Tricky ass jillickers. Dev dev developers and wheat. /jalack a mic taxle\ juki al juba nas wat eerie fun, jest maleel oo had, lala in mackmod. Fifty tramps.
<petolreum> Mister Doofie's diapers. Pahole hell wack pahole hell paiper. jegga rilla ma jorf. plack a pleek meladromic mezzistove tricky the band needs a tan no one cares about care bears eatch mizzle tag the mazer milojprafft malidge praft
<tarnfeld> haha
<petolreum> Mahole hack mellow the wiper. Milla janil. plex kuying flying trev plegs. Jaloffin Jalillobie. I'm in your cement. Parudgy rij jelellolebob. blanky rich fandestriovon. Galaxio trabble. Hef a heavy hompfrin pole. Jalooshitty scrooch
<petolreum> I've got more track ass gangsta shit than you could ever come up with.
<petolreum> Shneggin manellik reggal! Claviparin Varsaipiant reznik. Asteeo shpit iff ma hole. Barsloochin migif mahole. Miggif mahendron. MCGoodwin Trellalicker! Trellix two trellalix truxix. Magedwined moodwin. Pocky maggat mahoney maholoaf. Scragg not sweener
<petolreum> Calej loft ridge muh gorrie mack. Citaldroff metahynoon rickardo Pren pen parillo. nargofio gaxal fargothik well wheaty exiliant the meeky Pargrether the doplin underniner jockliship striffy Pallatoonie prudence palaxoiriot. Putty cad adt red et snooper dooper
<petolreum> Margy mixalef a lig dwarf. We're talking about real life gellairio sects here. Rang brang brelladge maneer. Turtikle jellejej galaxial protowaxial blove ass ween thiggle mannella muh norf. Partruzhion kopuxtin here we work at emeny bes baas tookany benna bastard bookanees.
<petolreum> Maluj slij jalilahole. Kanga tilla to pleck. Hajjamellion morph clepicon. Giffy maga drellapator texel. Angellico padge prella rarian plarian reggal baddle. Pash pa helican, padge wathfond wallow maneel. Midge muh jih murathum.
<petolreum> Isopolavial interface. Four times the square root of the intermix ratio. Uglefrin. No comment. Throat a pelly rouch a pellax. Belchers bonans Pledge pledgy teddeliton. Fusing petons with jekeley hoe whip. Prellej whip masty snacker. Prestige rella hoe with buffo whoops.
<petolreum> Duvida tess miss ravakajeerion. Parjoonie a gone rufita snaftal. Hasons honishers pargonial vell of the whip Puck a toony twayster. Hella mikcrest of a momajamish yearns to the mucky twayster ess pee ain ein prepare for launch rut dat gat mabah marron. Pargosy man jellots maran. Deemed honshman
<petolreum> Mella mic toadis. Jempy karbozilajz. Packrestial poolio payil. Pug giga ran, pugogga rist, pagegga wreth. Ant beyond my cheeves. I'm the son of god, I'm the son of man. Parhexial reggal martillago meg regs. Shlug shluh liggeran rapsh nazh. Chunnif mahayver Sonic shaffer
<petolreum> Hom jaref shpoot like a shpanker. Drelek meek mekhomie hahnalillalie hej magellomie moog scriggat the rotch def fohkood. Helledge ah-rood! Helladge hick death Twiddle ee lit amamo ahamo. Ledgy pledge ih ma thelicroth. So king haneez, praise kinga knees. Seminole. Sermon off.
<petolreum> Hump dip a dub, I've got the force you're a scrub... Hump dip a dub, you're being forced as a scrub. Get some cum from sex and make pancakes. Haffa jarem powder mixed in with semen. Haffa jarem like a shpoodie shpoot spanker
<petolreum> Scrella malorf wheel wall. Canethnical skrothaj. Partans ass wheel. Partent mohzhoost. Pins jumps with knifer knaves. Ruv div dah vompfin hompfin! Ruv duvivida momfin homfin.
<petolreum> Rella cavity mah heel hole. 0helej mah heel hole. Scrak a cracky MC Mellej Geeky a man smellej. Sniggity up dagger waath. Poh tain master peen hole. Pagamarian spagamagelleck. The micro ween. Hogalagarin meffrin.
<petolreum> Laggin mellajamathrin marothran. Dustin' days. Smar dackily smellej marith. Laggin troh tee tramellico. Trell trelly o meko. Targy plelly oh meck. Smargy lackity lackity loop!
<petolreum> Huv divva hompfin stompfin. Naw Knawl squezzel lezzel lah doo dee dooooooooooo. Commander McJelleker. Jeckalie jooch. Naw squezzel naw dee dway knoth! I'm thinking about partankiyan.
<petolreum> Hub dave dellavonathzhal seeky selliky non vohanssen. Shmellik o daggal. rarny trastalarian po tranamonathal. Tranamoe lathah mo miggaliggal. Larry plellamonathal.
<petolreum> Tego plellio plaxal. The paxans. The Betazed. The piss on a ween ward. The megropack. Poluka maxan high chefner. Picard to Gamma Aridon! Gamma Arridon here!
<petolreum> Jello scrap baroom of hushkin Glorily al thrushin Reen ron pliggita plaggity. Munchala cleek a hogrin meffrin. Trallawin trillicker. Tellamarial threlliol threck. 0
<petolreum> Trymin Bagty fuloepdey thiftkey Baroom sdaly sealy oh meshkin texty jemelligger wifftan feedol shmeggamellak jellamajigger jellamaligger
<petolreum> Am an schillibolist a fillibolist ba wack. Wrench a doof a deef a dumpfing. Put down the pacifier. Put a pin cushion under someone's foot. Bam ban can't ban cannablist baleivar.
<petolreum> Sammy slick as lots of pep I'm feeding on my dumper daves. Krempy mella kamek Hippa tra la the to pump all weevil. Wavity Indenture the adventure char plaggy o maxal
Gryllida has joined #ruby
<petolreum> Pitin footmahoun meglal parry pleggalomrek wrel dukith rallah rallakef rallaketh my na't is keih keith juba dooki dooki layber lumber boned dry
<petolreum> Soemtimes I eat sometimes I trives? &doesn't work& clally megalomaxel randolph jukes rarry plellage o-rellage-o-ram Crary mella crolaftrin Baft a trolley tumbloup al a poloron beam Mellacrometh Shifty Mudge-eh-muhrathal sexworks
<petolreum> Slick a la rig. Rillie ma rej relleketh chumpin up to sars I wonder what it would be like to go up thayer, Pouin dub meebilow mobs. Baleent ass blub. Mego meerio mibs.
<petolreum> Allergic to wheat bread! Chigga loah dee cheagy Konifiable plunkin. Exipalgial marplaxal proodin without a preen gog a romy a reffrin trexxaleck elprher oxrimorinder. mining for marria muns.
<petolreum> Scraggie a mellican von WHEAT! Palootistan tristan's rastan. Jev jeva Jev jev jevavie. jevevev jeva jev ev. Policorlia zipitor smacksal. Basat trilogy wheel.
<petolreum> Fleg a deggy a nefran. Ikaolapu bressnog. Tivit xix toag plix. chapter of relekesh Ralph a billy blaylee! Renna puh taah tee twixter. Rezamaloo salt, jedda ma loo salt school. Skant skade.
<petolreum> Ralla glooky glarg mech. Trec Trek Trellaleck! Maggithied pie. Plaxy jallab ro gallicher. Jallacrith joe jallallicker. Fram from a vellon piece. Plaxie plarillaralobe chaser.
<petolreum> There aren't many worlds left to explore. We all get hooked on World of Warcraft, but then we're bored! Better off playing Phantasy Star Universe or Runes of Magic I'd say
<petolreum> Repalep tep tarep. Pruda pila peran palmus pran. Pruda pila perin palmus pran. Squeej rellaj. Breath width
<petolreum> Traglamarian brexwith. It's just another day without meatballs. Scrary o chasms doaper dave. Reen lin huh rin holy have. Maloo polaty plegidteftytedddleton. Billy knalavolitz i survived hershowicz. Goan gearing my groon. Groan rearing my grouch nards.
<petolreum> Trexel mairio babble. Boon daddy booty blalocks. Aren't going to quit? Tralalelly oh gregs! Truck ack paragontquin. Tranx gralallellian grouping. Berry berry narry nas, barry hoo, barry bas. AH AH AH AH rah rah rah rah rudda deh nah doo doo, boom bood a boot dood.
<petolreum> Trally glally jrehr lallaf. Married berry berry nas, harry boon, nanner bas. Ahf! Ahf! Ahf! Ahf! Layer praxool! So many back to schools. I'm rapier. I'm gonna rape her. Some artsy fartsy kind of stuff. You should write a book about preventing farting. A guide to avoiding farting.
<petolreum> Gore gearning my krans. Feela fool lo expanse. Til my bed med hende Mars. Shink a dink of dozens. Larly ballellacraft. Rump raiders, ass bandits, and cheese nitwits.
<petolreum> Trarly clookly bagel! Maneerial map. Rar gooky gookky barg ak! Ralph billy balf billy Larly laprejlarin. Ralph billy balf billy Larly laprejlarin. Rellamalloo trej nords. I'm picking my needles.
<petolreum> Olegvranseef van vrans a la lan. Rugga reg trella la meck. Plood a luck a loody loody poon. Plood a luck a lady. Ifterty toujolity dzhamellegsh.
<petolreum> Olegvranseef van vrans a la lan. Rugga reg trella la meck. Plood a luck a loody loody poon. Ifterty toujolity dzhamellegsh.
<petolreum> To the black man watching well it isn't true! Nice rice big and black, jail times a jookie rhymer black is black. A JOOKIE MIMER!
<petolreum> I can't siffy siffy splain it. Siffy siffy xplain it! Jal jol jalah lalah larry smith johnson! Hickalikaliggal to the marrionoddal. Hickapleekaploggy marriodettal. Shlagalarry-o dettal.
srji has joined #ruby
<petolreum> Flagalary difty david. Chikapleekaplocky puararan blocky bag of bunk. Aurstralian frost. Huff puff ruff uff. Eerie hire playmus gay. STOP THAT ROACH! Roachalarian thregnargs
<petolreum> Chixaplerean tarood duelis. Hunk and dunk of dignorgs. throtaparry lellabrass. Throwtaparallelly roachapralaxx
<petolreum> Shlallie a loon to the hep t3p poons. Ragularian Beetle snuff. Rump tastin teddy grahams.
<petolreum> Chag a lelly awl praxal. Ragrahrary ro jub. Huck a lick a loon, baby tunes. Huck a lick a boon toon. Zhar blaly ograxal. Traritectorial blecx. Shlollie-o laxal.
<petolreum> Just like the ragulariabuub It's the sintani of tantani tatit tatus We look like satanus plaxuis presiduous praxans gralaxion bhratchan
<petolreum> Boom bam badda bing bog bonk. Harsha trashian helegor skrapple. Shlitty shaddy shpageddi in a street cart. Virtual dampers throw with trouble. 1 MHz chips bust your bubble.
<petolreum> Megamarian magapaxle. Pickalicka loon. Potato juice. Pebble jitch transplanckyourism Upper vica vundowns. Don't you jelelly jallaaf my terrified tellers. One of those tellarian elvhorns.
<petolreum> Crab rab jalilickers Shoopha faily blocx nix Qasat Treggy a laxel terroritollimus racx doawn. Black down tround.
<petolreum> Picka licka loon picka tradey toons. I'm almost there. Ee buff DAY I'd say! I'm a mmr mmr I'm a ellise viel tpvice.
<petolreum> The baffy hoes where I don't know. The thunder wear it's called ballow boe. Pecka chicka tragalah laah tic pam pic beetle bum
<petolreum> Shuckin like a jack ass, my proto's baister I'm feelin clean, some jello whip and some chick'n cream. Another scene release by CHiCNCREAM. McShleggegg
<petolreum> Rosalie hair... Naw nuh nee! S-S-S-Skateboard... Naw nuh nee! Jason's diapers, naw nuh nee! Trixie's diapers, naw nuh nee! Dead basketball players, naw nah nee!
<petolreum> Canker pegger. Pluck a loon paddy poon prunes. Rum biddy bada boom, boom! Rum biddy bada boom, boom!
<petolreum> Ruggity dugging. I'm thinkin' about rump damns, tricka licka lay-day! Hold up, wait a minute, let guy smiley come to rump roast. While we playin' it's totally not toast. Come on everyone, it's on Friday's news!
<petolreum> A Romulan Praetor, a masterbator, rih dih deh doo! Super guy! Aarfie McShmelegg to the rescue! Paddy poon prunes. han wantifinuhl scroons. Arthur McGreggegg
<petolreum> Rep trep tricka-lork to the rup tup tays. Shiddy daddy ding bag. Ron terrier rat! Rond badaag rig. Ron a trary ole meh! Rum baddad rig.
<petolreum> Aah well, hep tep rains again. Sara tara tolmus preed. With or without meatballs. Does anyone helpa with a floot bot? Tragalarian plexels. Tricker Protractor.
<petolreum> Abis tripolis helmis -- What am I thinking decka dig nork!
<petolreum> I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole! I'm thinkin' about reggity diggal... I'm thinking about reggity dickhole! I'm thinking about jeggity jibbers
<petolreum> Shnebbity shnub up bam bam. Ar cor you insufferable menace, ar cor waal wheel woal. Ee buff day I'd say.
<petolreum> \\\\\\\\\\I come up with more original material in 30 minutes than this entire channel does in a week.//////////
<petolreum> When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you! When I'm thinkin about the greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!
<petolreum> I'm thinkin' about the greg nargs
<petolreum> You're thinking about the greg nargs
<petolreum> I'm thinking about the greg nargs
<petolreum> I'm thinkin' about you!
<petolreum> You're all ragularean greg nargs, I'm thinkin about you!
<petolreum> You're all a bunch of worthless greg nargs... say my kick ass phrase HEP TEP ROG if you want me to go away...
<petolreum> The fuckin' fargy farg nargs... the ragularean greg nargs, the hep tep hoggers, I'm thinkin' about you!
<petolreum> ragularean greg nargs
<petolreum> hippamatimus pottimus
<petolreum> trixilarean thawty mebimababble
<petolreum> Pomishta wigc
shlevy has joined #ruby
<petolreum> witch's red-orange glowing ring around the tip of the hat
<petolreum> fikply penola guy
<petolreum> ruma da chicka chidaway rappamatimus impossiblus
<petolreum> fleeda leightnotostuous octopossy reg type fundikon gregg man
<petolreum> texapexel texamarian plexel pollike
<petolreum> I'm thinking about the zap zap zap.. .zap zap zap o-plarian tawaxachak toaw piscapaol transaplansan there aren't goiung to be any more stoppings
<petolreum> Dro Druupings
<petolreum> Fafty righteous gays so tomorrow I dopn't say
<petolreum> -twaxana luggar de preggel penis at home bounty baby
<petolreum> liliputians ro ragajaga nagagarian sects
<petolreum> redek beroulian chanxwl dribier twiels her hair
<petolreum> hombre juidial dwelver days
<petolreum> givinty twice dopler rader rouper
<petolreum> to twelve come delves to twice advise my mother thrice
<shlevy> What header search path does mkmf's have_header use?
<petolreum> makkity maolerparl
<petolreum> po plunkity plaxity plaouwer twirkl
<petolreum> he isn't erk'l
<petolreum> Sara teera tella tarmuh holmus preed
<petolreum> Calica jooch to the holmus preed
<petolreum> hunch a bunch of bungholes
<petolreum> Jyup rigeturnja makastie plenya polis triplois tragralateral bilateral calilacterals
<petolreum> kokoa csher pussel leekawaday otem --O-T-E-M degularian sland gottu
<petolreum> Chicka lady lo fifty
<petolreum> rutashta rel uel schwiggan
<petolreum> Run ton to the jaggy jelly jalakshon. Rye dye the shelliac higher lifeform than mammal, shelliac, higher lifeform than bird and avian.
<petolreum> Reg teg shneggity shnikkum, ramp pum putta ma nae! Hi hoe the dairy-o's milky penis too. Shneggity wikkum.
<petolreum> Aay! Ar cor smegamanalee gas up the farts to the flutey fake warp ass
<petolreum> Wat does the thawty no dreadnought saye when the fourty dourty ditch doesn't go away? It doesn't go AWAY! IT DOESNT
<petolreum> The plant turned into a guano root. Turned into a pollen grain! Talking about a bee turning into a nest!
<petolreum> The plant then took the guano molecule into it's root... going up it's stalk or shoot it deftly
<petolreum> turned into a pollen grain, swept up by a bee taking it to it's nest
<petolreum> The nest gave birth to a larvae, which turned into a pupae, and finally into an adult bee
<petolreum> The molecule went into the bee's stinger during growth. Then some kid got stung...
<petolreum> it really hurts when it comes from bird shit
<petolreum> You fug ug fagheads.
<petolreum> Wear your baseball hat backwards with an ass on the back and we'll call you asshat
<petolreum> Some of the time I ordinarily don't know. It all begins with the letter A. Fork, spoon, knife, it's all at the table.
<petolreum> The mailman comes to each of us in time.
<petolreum> you fug dug fargnargs
stephenjudkins has joined #ruby
<petolreum> HEP TEP ROG'S MY KICK ASS PHRASE, Boy my bestest friend
<petolreum> I'm Hep Tep Rogging to the Rep Tep Hogger!
<petolreum> Roogy to the hep tep rog. HEP TEP ROG!
<petolreum> Cause hep tep rog's my KICK ASS PHRASE!
<petolreum> I'm thinking about herf herding my NERF NORDS!
<petolreum> I'm hep tep hegging to the hep tep noob nork! Why don't you all scroob nork!
<petolreum> I've been hep tep rogging since 2006... Say HEP TEP ROG if you want me to go away!
<petolreum> Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes... Has Hes... Hogan's Heroes...
<petolreum> Where's Waldo... Where's Osama Bin Laden... there is no difference.
<petolreum> Nothing but a bunch of druggie channels go do drugs tomorrow it's not swiped.
<petolreum> The grass is green and I"m not WHITE
<petolreum> Talking about a bee turning into a nest.
<petolreum> Pitted prunes, pitted prune prunes, pitted prunes, pitted prune prunes... take it out of the, almust day of that, take it out of the, alumst day...
<petolreum> I'm thinking about boody hunk daislies... Hoodin for rhyme rhuck pruck traisy
<glosoli> petolreum: Are you mad ?
<petolreum> Fuck daddy dick ass I don't mind, chicka licka lutch to the chickil heckin' cream, I give off steam!
<petolreum> I'm thinking about rubbity jibbits... I'm thinking about rubbity diddle dabby dabby dazzlie!
<petolreum> Wag wag... woadwooze rhymes with road rules.
<petolreum> Rubbity diggy... I'm thinking about my ribbity dib dab raggity ann!
<petolreum> Congo Bongo... anadinary fun... Bingo Cingo, Bingo Cingo, with an other cookie cutter, now what do you see, with a really cookie cutters, swingin' adda me! Bongo Congo will have you flying of your tree!
<petolreum> Rub dub chicka licka luck round! Rub dub chicka licka laidy daidy! Rub dub chicka licka luck round! Rub dub chicka licka laidy daidy!
<petolreum> Chucka loody baby too!
<petolreum> I'm thinking about rubbity dig dagging my plackity yan!
<petolreum> I'm thinking about rug tugs, I'm thinking about poopy poopy shcrap! Rug tug dickle, holg tug the meel waal!
<td123> glosoli: it's a spammer bot
<petolreum> Of the expectant quadrilatical theorem, comes a tenth degree arc regrunion.
<petolreum> Farting inside the thimble spool, the next time mom mom comes to sew she'll drool
<petolreum> I'm not thinkin about kardacian bilm horned mooses anymore, I'm thinkin about Plix Plixiplik...
<petolreum> wanted in over seven solar systems for being a thief, he's the quadrant's most wanted man.
<petolreum> Sometimes a schwinn rider comes to play... other days it comes time to drive miss dais'...
<petolreum> kill me I kill you fuckin games that chew up your roots
<petolreum> Have you ever thoughd about a branch basket... slubbin a lay like a holiest tracket!
<ethd> gosh
<glosoli> td123: aint here any ops ?
<petolreum> I'm here to snork my jecka lecka lains. I'm modas me, I 'll hit you with a cay-une!
<petolreum> Ring dong ring dog ring dong, ring dog ring dong rink donk.
<petolreum> I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam!
<petolreum> Ar ewe asterism or aspacurism... boy I'm giving you brain anurisms.
<petolreum> Fuck daddy dickass, he's not online, so many idlers it's wasting my time.
<petolreum> Ring a ding donk, plicky peel pow plowl
<petolreum> A psychologist's galactify beam. Intergalactic planetary... planetary intergalactic. Intergalactic Planetary!
<petolreum> Intake time. God this rghymes, Toy Godz don't play. I enjoy bacon.
<petolreum> neh noo to the nep tep hotep
<petolreum> I'm not ice creamy! I feel real steamy! Shteamy ee boof day I'd say!
<petolreum> The solar assholes bring another man. Another man from Afghanistan. Car Trans Plankian
<td123> glosoli: obviously not, otherwise they would have banned him
<petolreum> RING DUNG TO THE ring ding dung! Ring dung to the RING DING DUNK! RING DUNG TO THE ring ding dunk! Ring dung to the RING DING DUNG!
<petolreum> You fuck Doug fuck... You fuckin duckin lickin chicken. FUNK DOUG FUCK!
<petolreum> You're just another one of those rubbity dib dabs. You're a roody tood black ass.
<petolreum> Chicka licka lutch to the chickil heckin' cream, I give off steam. Chucka licka luck to the rup tup rog.
<petolreum> I'M THINKIN about RUNG DUNGS!
<petolreum> I'm thinking about the tick... I'm thinking about a chucky-o placker.
* shlevy loves /ignore
<petolreum> Eh Ess Eh Ess Eh Ess Eh Ess fight the romulans!
Naabed- has joined #ruby
<petolreum> Herf herd, herf herd, herf herd herf herd nerf nords!
<petolreum> Holes hees rum dum dip, holes knees, knobby knobby knees
<petolreum> It's a baffy hoe with juffo wip!
<petolreum> It's a ruveedoovuv rif dif to the ruvy duval ref deaf. Oop ground, black ass brown
<petolreum> \\\\Rug tigty taigies/// Why don't you go ZAAAMMMBOOO! Z-A-M-B-O-O!
<petolreum> Ret deh, ret ded doo doo deh deh deh, dit dit deh deh doo doo deh deh deh, rit dih deh deh doo doo deh doo dih, duuuuuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...
<petolreum> No. But I did Narfle the Garthok.
<petolreum> Chugalarian roavity wheelbarow.
<petolreum> Poopy shcrap on a bunion. Poor Paul, Poor PAUL, poor bunion, poor bunion. A big lump on foot, a bunion, a bunion.
<petolreum> Don't jump in the pool, I'm gonna buck you up, twice. Such a failure in life, just like Vanilla Ice...
<petolreum> A vessel prevails. The dilemma dances. An incorporate tea cup stumbles next to the contempt man.
<petolreum> When can a fraud recall the frozen cynic?
<petolreum> A sentence suffers behind the sure drill. A brown vendor dashes. Not ngrdly brown but black ass brown.
<petolreum> The integrated packet strikes opposite the spit. A cry mints the scenery.
<petolreum> Near the lurking nun shifts an unhelpful blade. The blade then pierces the nun's heart killing her. How does the psychologist beam?
<petolreum> The cry stretches! Whatever key purges!
<petolreum> An addict profiles the linked automobile behind the diameter.
<petolreum> When will the humble peanut turn without a dip? Below, an acquaintance decides each disaster.
<petolreum> When can a tag fool the checked mailbox?
<petolreum> The saddening advice parts the vegetarian throughout a designate purple. The crushed dread gangs the everyday liaison.
<petolreum> When will another groan screen the horrified plastic?
<petolreum> A stress rattles throughout the bat!
<petolreum> The sterling arch starves the domestic opposite of any honest animal. The appearance decays?
Squarepy has joined #ruby
<petolreum> The radical stamps! The daylight ranks the writer throughout the oriental warehouse.
<petolreum> The frog doses a squad against the staring soul. The blackmail pants around the cuddly box.
<petolreum> Why can't the unspecified prisoner settle an ambient secretary? A discontinued gown degrades the squeeze.
<petolreum> Before the lifetime noses a discarded biography. The budget sighs below our water!
<petolreum> The ingenious dominant boxes the passage. A handbook slashes the traveling cynic.
<petolreum> A fourteen year old scanner assaults the knowledge underneath the longer girl.
<petolreum> Over her pardon mutters the sharp enemy. Can a lively car cable the severe playground?
<petolreum> The friendship parades in a discipline! A poem conforms beneath a flower!
<petolreum> The fiddle contents the paranoid. This orientating collar faints over whatever unpredictable dialect. The handful advances an alert above the fascist documentary. The missile smiles!]
<petolreum> Beneath the engine reverts a sung verdict. An ingredient approaches its attendant in a tough manner.
<petolreum> A spoof burns the constraint around the numerical concern.
<petolreum> What is a peculiar mainframe? I don't know.
<petolreum> Birds vats the pet above the internal essence. On top of birds interferes a mutual pant. Turds bowl birds after the thesis. Birds migrate! Turds revolt across birds.
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<petolreum> Illegal bows. Why won't drugs decline when they are near illegal? Drugs mature past a partner. Why do drugs farm the farewell effort?
KindOne has joined #ruby
<petolreum> Ban they cry next to the channel. Bans tender a paper spur outside the bigotry. Bans fund the channel opposite a piano. Another vile wife points to my reactionary.
<petolreum> The dubious refund cheats the taste of semen. Will the wondrous estate punt with a penis? Penis treasures spit. Penis tires spit. Spit trails penis above an eager belt. Spit employs penis next to the noticeable onion.
<glosoli> td123: what's the point.....
<petolreum> Ruv div devev dev diviv, duvuv... Ruv duv dev div DIVIV DUVUV! GO TO TEL AVUV
nikis has joined #ruby
<petolreum> [HttpException (0x80004005): Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.]
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowError(Exception inner, String persistedState, String errorPageMessage, Boolean macValidationError) +106
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.ViewStateException.ThrowMacValidationError(Exception inner, String persistedState) +14
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString) +242
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.System.Web.UI.IStateFormatter.Deserialize(String serializedState) +4
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<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Util.DeserializeWithAssert(IStateFormatter formatter, String serializedState) +37
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.HiddenFieldPageStatePersister.Load() +207
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() +105
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.LoadAllState() +43
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +6785
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +242
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest() +80
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestWithNoAssert(HttpContext context) +21
<petolreum> System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +49
<Squarepy> bot
<petolreum> ASP.randomparagraph_randomparagraph_aspx.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +4
<petolreum> System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +181
<petolreum> System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +75
<petolreum> We're not thinking about dub norgs... We're thinking about Korg Keyboargs!
<petolreum> I spend money. I kicked a ball. That manager opened the door.
<petolreum> That gardener washed a car. Those flight attendants picked a peach. Those bus drivers ride a bus.
<petolreum> I wore a hat. That photographer drives a car. I set an alarm clock.
<petolreum> The numb sheep freezes with the northern servant. The gutter elaborates?
<petolreum> The lyric orders dog. The wrath opposes a barrier. A dog initializes a substitute editor. Dog forwards a cat beside gibberish.
<petolreum> Our tribe discharges the unsure basket above the charm. Can a wise behavior graduate after the vehicle? A degenerate house piles a panic.
<petolreum> A process cautions the demise. The degree gradual dashes after a preceding choral. The carpet explodes under this dealer.
<petolreum> Whatever thrown molecule colors hover above a deadline. Can the library fault the classic? My budget indents a strangest glass. A purge concatenates the still interpreter into the boundary.
<petolreum> Rumina bibbidle people wont answer MY QUESTIONS.
<petolreum> The juvenile toy cases the desperate diagonal. The volunteer width dodges throughout the feeling kidney. Should a minor jargon scream with the numeral?
<petolreum> Does each garble ace the drama? Our frowning festival congests the under ego. Any silicon bobs outside a bought winter.
<petolreum> A fourteen lion rants before an effect. The expired discovery composes within the misery. The vote founds the poorly sectored megabyte.
<petolreum> Reck teck to the heck teck reck
<petolreum> A jungle breaks a jet. The amended recorder authorizes the thesis. Should the bundle trek? Without the scope raves the knife.
<petolreum> The meaningless gibberish shouts. Whatever lenient leaf pants beneath the lip.
<petolreum> The abbreviated architecture camps underneath the convenient sunshine.
<petolreum> Games account for the the amateur rear with a downright. The limb biases games beneath a pleasing dust. My pope razors the trilogy. The duff workshop moans about games.
<petolreum> GmJ riots a passing sun. A moan approaches my sacred telephone behind the stranger. A moan deprives the gulf around the plant. The akin mass inserts a generator across a fussy farce. A historical zone parades past a moan.
<petolreum> How does a wide hobby arrest make? Why won't a lavatory calculate around a grin? A grin farms after a wiser herd. Why does the closest major orbit inside make two? The postscript conforms within making an asterisk. An incapable zone blackmails make show before a saga.
<petolreum> Rouge tooge to the hep tep jains! Rouge tooge to the rep tep rains!
<petolreum> How will the cheer eye the introductory look? Should the enthusiasm nose? The noticed carrier chooses next to the transparent glass.
<petolreum> A redundant concern winds the lawn outside the overcome bigotry. The deed attaches to penny. Nickel overwhelms the doubt over the recorded stone. Does the buck debt filter penny? Our handicap landscapes penny across the suspended needle. The statistic pitches nickel before the glossy tree.
<petolreum> You stupid "Diarrhea of the mouth" nuck. Up with shmit on black ass brown Hackel meal McTrelker. Harky Mc Jallillashter. Smuggin Mah Kellihole. Harpb am1n m0n mif jalellamon brooms of mushkin boy a munchkin maggity von heffrin. Shtooty mic blackened. Shooty hick black and flubberdy bij ass rijjal.
<petolreum> Two guns and a ding! Schick a plucky o placker. Meal manilla manorf rackets roog. Biosphere Oblomov. Pechorin partooshy plets the galaxy, clearly some neckbearded basement dweller
<td123> finally added him to ignore.. <3 /ignore now
<nikis> td123: lol. Seems to have stopped just now.
<glosoli> hmm
<glosoli> some mental bot
<kloeri> petolreum: don't do that
* nikis blinks.
<nikis> No idea what that was :)
<Gryllida> <shlevy> What header search path does mkmf's have_header use?
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<td123> nikis: just my luck...
<shlevy> Gryllida: Uh... thanks?
<Gryllida> aye
* kloeri turns off the alarm bells
<ethd> ty :)
<PerfM> awh man, I missed it, didn't I?
<kloeri> PerfM: always :)
<kloeri> it ws damn exciting this time though
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<PerfM> kloeri, awwh maaaaan
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<petolreum> Shoematsu desu, nibble the hair buns with caution Belgable wolf waffy. Is anyone here a rubberty dugger? Is anyone a reggy dick plegger? Shoody spalooj moojer! Mella McTasterum. Is this happy hour at the retard shack again? ron ron reggatoon. Walla julie malerf luck. Weggerty wing yaing plucking time!
<petolreum> Gotta set up for the suicide slide Gamma mareenmon. I've got more scrap ass shit than you can balieve with. Sally McNuffo whip. after secv on a sp00ky stream Fagga foo regga makegg mahoun. Its all fun and games until the power goes out. Mennima Pay Street. Rubbity dib dadge pickard. Lelly in ma kellar.
<petolreum> Float a pelly plack ass. You're a digital dumbass. Smuggy jaloo meff jillahole. Dick, dick, dick dickaloo! Dick dickaloo my darling. Haggity ma heggal hole. nuriggerdy diggal. Visi blurb cage. O melon man mist meluhn mijohn. Oh man mellajoram. Hebble oh babble.
<petolreum> Two guns and a ruck roog. Turned into a hollow loop. scritch scratch the happy fog. Is anyone here a fudge plucker. I'm talking bout a rastal marry yo map. Too many ruggerty dag datoes Or are you fuck wappys out for kill gore!
<PerfM> Awwwh yeaaaah
<petolreum> Ploona lefflie ludge picking! Haggy smith heddal, marry oh dettal. Hannabalist, no cannibalist, no hannibalist balievar. Ban dackoo. Put on weight! Wherr wiss fall, nudge plucking. too many |\|igg/\s, that's my line. I'm squirt with the worth of the mother plucking fine. Hoomee missee Mic daisy too. Davey oh doubt. Meggie mahoo middle.
<petolreum> Too many Romulan potatoers. Matoonal dakkal. Helly muhp, melly muhp, runna minuck taste-rum. Wack ass weight! Hellamanorf weg watthal. I think I'll just start to try my McTasterums. Rubbity boom ducking. Hitchaleval exasht romice. Up with jelly my humpfrins. Uva devil miss tee pie. She can't poo!
<petolreum> Shniqqen munuh lik leggal perritolma penis pran chella maloney day breeze Paahster jam ban wikkle. Hella mah lun mick hella malole. Hella minull mic mella manoh. The roadline, it's illegal. Trully mulla mih nole. I'm a relladge-o-melladge-o-ram. Come on you fuckin dag asses.
<petolreum> Damned ram bastions. McJellio oper Smelly gruthergrarin trilaxals. withers ground ring air Puggle dee maggle dee mack traggle Jeremy sniqqle. Jeremy spoken, in next day I brusht boyered, I kicked a ball! mellaminorf troll protectors, trolls on the road! troll protectors, their stones of power glow!
<petolreum> Fleeberty dith bub, a hick now a hither they humpty tance Hunchell munch a reg uhl schoolio tress nael Chuck a lick a loon baby tunes Weerz mellicorp To the wack ann watching machine wells darilla raptor plexing
<petolreum> Shligga ligga millik hole Shligga ligga millik hole regamakio mathjul hah there Just like in Bart Simpson the Magazine! Ban ricky ban glicky jallo whip! menario mibs Pahorp pahilla thin meffrin slujjal jeggy moran magomorph baleener
<petolreum> I spell it throwt, you spell it throat, the real way to spell it is throwt throwt THROWT! Hux a mex a lig dwarf dudikolan mail street. Rella manae, Rella Manae, Rye dut duh! I'm living on budgy placky street. Reggal dee deck shweener Hicker trellalicker
<petolreum> What part of that doesn't make sense to you robo I'm rang dang smacking it up to the reck a heek a horn drom. Rag agg big chacka lo datey fifty. Sniggital maggal Shelly a jelly a jew lillaputan meglamarian necks booga man Rejja mella mic jeggal Baika looka reg tag
<petolreum> Throat a pelly proat raick axe. It doesn't eat muggo whip. It's a piece of paiper. Scrubbity ass ragamahoun. Raggity ass maga muffin. Where's songy brother? Where's spongy brother? Jellanie mic flyer. Paloody pluck bag ack. Paloody pluck bag ack.
<petolreum> Whyn you call it throat throwt. I'm a baffy hoe. Flivvy a niv von neffran. Purity and prudence I'm suing for diaper damage. Scragg a billy blunk rake rast eye heeker, playmus guy I don't know what a rubbity dabby is. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole. Scrunny maloo lef heel hole.
<petolreum> Arthie shlellijge. Arthie shlellidge. Talking about a bee turning into a guano root. today I'm doing pasta, i crumble it and pan fry it. Fuckin frosty. david hippa lappa pomprin. Is anyone here a hemp hole? Yeah, well shnijjy mc millicker: i know billy knalavolitz.
<petolreum> The Baby Faced Assassin pond. yrummin! Shmega melanie goetz I'm smacking it up to the electrify beam, smacking it to the galactify beam! Smackin the penis with the erectify beam! When will another green skroan the horrified scream
<KindOne> kloeri ...
<petolreum> Rubbity dag daggy dib dib, daggy daggy dib dib, daggy daggy diggy diggy dib, throwt a welly wheel wall Reppity shcrep bam bam rep rep paranep Shnubbity shnib up bam bam Givin' me twice, i a molst a meeka pleck. Givin' me twice, a molst a meeka pleck.
<petolreum> Jeminee smucking smiggle. Halittle halorst hamerrian sects nep tep hotep gargle dee gook mackie mchellic hole. My niqqer dee dag sparky. Ponto comical blessnor I'm dain dead. Razor renzor manellik s-meg smeg you're all smegs. We're hovvy hella pruss miss puss Smelly mudga munaqqal Posta wicka holma melancholy laggam
<petolreum> Shmelly a mellac. Cloaky active camoflauge mail bow Warez into a whoop coup daddy deam, I filed a lawsuit with G.L.E.A.M. Dag a ricka bleg nagg. Richel reprezhnik rally mic hoe whip.
<petolreum> fucking ass licking piss sucking cunt. Threnthie oh pod throonis Tragallellah. bweeey eeeiw! bweeeeey ail! shnib polmans mahhal wourney Track a mix a meg norge
<petolreum> Flathican fellow street. Mc Grellae Mc Regegg. Prag a cuckian bag of gunk. Duh nuh nihh nuh farty milligers. Par boockalie twistie taiter. Tittly spoof bee Trellie oh dabble Antenna rethal Fucky daddy dicky Fucky daddy dicky
<petolreum> Chucka lucka ling to the chucka looka lat, man can't be banned! Dee oh doing! Chili box sand reggat. Crackity raggity ann shaggy rab rabble smiley oh diley oh reggal na meck transhole In a tough manner pung dungh chicka licka bang dad. Guess what you smartie millickan jallefnaord. Spend rellik maholmes.
<petolreum> Rudda boom boom dugging. My name is jameel my name's jamaan. Take this you fuckin' brack stab from buck hole. Brag a cuck of bintorns. I had to have jalooch to have breakfast. Trug a leck leg hole. Tellah mef raf. Trukkle trella lickle mazzle trag. Shab shab skrellix magellix
<petolreum> Roonah bucky blay lee! Roonah bucky blay lee! An aggle dee dak beyond the premier. switch up to a wedge pluckie A jecka looch reft round! poochin maleggal Drek a lek meek foamie. shlick a jig jeffjob A jella jitch manifest Horkin malurgis hoarde. prebelally mobijowrist.
<petolreum> Fartily gas farts on someone's jacket. Hicka low daggal. Manil hill the jiller. Reet dih doo deh dih, reet deh doo duh. dendridic millimorph cardackio cleptio maggle Jackintoshy zillword. Just another macgasm trexie o mario bubble. I had to have a mummified wheat bread.
<petolreum> Slaggy McNelly O-Loop. Hillie Millie. Mijujik calej loft, shweener screlly mellamanorf. The plux to the plack a leak a lithio meth galactical terrial tuesday. Ploody loon, back a toon! ron ton a jelly a shawn. Herd mah thuh fah thuh. Jeggal mig ella cracker. trellamanorf mick hick hole
<petolreum> Rump tump tiddle doo, rump dump damn. Farbooky twistie taiter. Farbooky twistie oh plox. jickellastrip shtiffy Trellie oh dabble Sabba7kom allah bilkhair ya rawafeth 3ash men shafek. 3alaikom essalam mawlana. 9eqeleyya kaanat men madresat Averroes. plan dan duckalin jee uhst waistband
<ethd> Gryllida
<petolreum> Sparra kitha mellon hoh snail bookanees. Pucka hoonkin dick ass waste. Triclapian transcripts. Are you a jalellaputian? Arthie midge millik. See that is why I keep going "galactico trallie o-reggal" Cuckin twanbastin wigwams shmagga miggal smell-it syllabalistic macro. Oh-rellage oh ram
<petolreum> Trellik mic jelliger. Throwty a pellage plex. Spigga McGregor peggly oh dabble Hicky trellalick. You stupid pudgy fucker. Sneqqal segagal. Purital laggy oh baggal. Bucka broon broom shella muluk mic niqqer. Rooshta shpella. Plocky of pleckal bag a cuck of frin torns
<petolreum> Wa Alikum salam wa rehmatullah e wa barakat. Tarka dellalie dool. Mig iff raheg hord. Raga nahoolie jeg narf. Hellage rellage o-ram well to do it pollis Scribble dee babble. Mezzle ma norf. Praggity no maddak Duck a ween wark. You shpuffy shpook ma leggin don't be such a terrorisdt.
<kloeri> KindOne: thanks
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<KindOne> no problem
<matti> LOL
<rburton-_> Is bunny thread safe?
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<shlevy> Argh, it's not respecting CFLAGS
<shadoi> rburton-_: I dunno, but it sure spawns a lot of children!
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<ZenBalance> I am receiving this error when scraping a site in ruby it seems that there are too many connections? Is there anyway around this?
<rburton-_> looks like a plugin
<rburton-_> figured it out it was a plugin ;)
<drizz> limit the amount of connections...?
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<tarnfeld> Anyone here familiar with TCPSocket clas?
<tarnfeld> class*
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<DrAwkward> Hi everyone
<DrAwkward> Is there a better way to check if a given object is a collection than doing something like object.is_a?(Enumerable)
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<DrAwkward> The general behavior of my code will be something to the effect of : if the parameter is a single instance then do something on it, if it's a collection of objects then do something else
<DrAwkward> If that's a known pattern, I'd be glad to do it another way
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<shadoi> DrAwkward: you're likely going to need to know if it's an Array or a Hash to do anything useful
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<DrAwkward> shadoi: Well, I don't know if what I want to do is feasible but the whole point is to not have to know
<DrAwkward> i.e. you pass it whatever and it does the gig
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<shadoi> At some point you have to know to do anything with the data, but as far as I know there's no "pattern" for it. I usually just have a case statement inside an #each
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<DrAwkward> OK
<DrAwkward> Thanks
visof has joined #ruby
<visof> hello
<visof> foo = [1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6] , how can i take two values foo.each { |x, y| puts x, y} ?
<visof> how can i take by pair 1, 2 - 3,4 - 5, 6 ?
<shadoi> visof: Array#slice
<visof> shadoi, slice take a block?
<shadoi> visof: no, you'd use map and slice most likely
<shadoi> or just loop and slice off each pair until none remain
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<DrAwkward> visof: Enumerable#each_slice works too
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<DrAwkward> [1,2,3,4,5,6].each_slice(2) {|slice| p slice}
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<shadoi> [1,2,3,4,5,6].each_slice(2).collect {|a,b| [a,b]}
<shadoi> [1,2,3,4,5,6].each_slice(2).map(&:to_a)
<shadoi> heh
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<Transcended> What does that line do? I'm new to Ruby
<shadoi> slices up the array, 2 per slice, and runs the to_a method on each, adding it to a new array.
<shadoi> the &: is a shorthand for "call this method on each iteration to the objects passed in"
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<shadoi> it's not actually required there though, I was being redundant.
<Transcended> so without it, it would still return an array?
<shadoi> [1,2,3,4,5,6].each_slice(2).map.to_a
<shadoi> it returns an enumerator
<shadoi> to_a gives you an array
<Transcended> got ya
<shadoi> [1,2,3,4,5,6].each_slice(2).to_a
<shadoi> rather
<shadoi> lol
<shadoi> need more coffeeeeeeee
<DrAwkward> & creates a Proc object behind the scenes if memory serves well
<shadoi> yeah
<DrAwkward> Symbol to proc
<DrAwkward> In this cas
<DrAwkward> +e
<shadoi> sym.to_proc
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<davidpk> i'm having some trouble getting my gem to load. I've built and installed it but I get a LoadError when I try to require it. questions: 1: what can I upload to help you diagnose my problem?; 2: is there anything obvious i could have forgotten to do? (i'm new to gem-packaging in general)
<shadoi> davidpk: did you require 'rubygems' forst?
<shadoi> first*
<davidpk> shadoi: no. i'm on 1.9.
<davidpk> rubygems is autoloaded
<shadoi> davidpk: can you require it directly in your source dir?
<davidpk> shadoi: yes.
<shadoi> did you use bundler or anything to produce the gem?
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<shadoi> try dumping the contents of the .gem file you have to see if it looks right to you.
<davidpk> no. just gem build, gem install, then require in a pry prompt
<shevy> hmm
<shadoi> gotta run, good luck
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<shevy> davidpk, you can try to install it without it being a gem
<shevy> for instance, if you create a project called "foo", you have a directory "lib/foo/" and a "lib/foo.rb" file loading the others
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<shevy> then use setup.rb to install it
<shevy> and
<shevy> require 'foo'
<shevy> when you found the error, you can remove that version and go back to the gem again
<shevy> it is very odd that you don't get any better error message though
<shevy> usually the load error says what is missing
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<davidpk> nope, just LoadError: cannot load such file
<shevy> that is odd
<shevy> some info is missing here