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trying to start Unicorn with REE. "/usr/bin/ruby: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/kgio-2.6.0/lib/ undefined symbol: RARRAY_PTR"
i have system Ruby in /usr and Enterprise in /usr/local. i set RUBY_LIB and GEM_HOME etc, but cannot get it to find the right gems
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How do I turn a JSON object that's been parsed into something where I can call it as object_name.variable? Is there a method that already exists for doing that or do I have to write one myself?
Jarred: you can use Hash[] to turn that into a hash and then use the normal [] operator to pull values out
alternately you could do like arr.assoc("created_at") I think?
ikaros joined #ruby
you'd have to go a bit out of your way to get dot access like that, but I'm also not sure what the point would be compared to just making it a hash
Targen joined #ruby
well, not that far out of your way. you could just use OpenStruct
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Topic for #ruby is now Ruby programming language || || RUBY SUMMER OF CODE! || Paste >3 lines of text in || Para a nossa audiencia em portugues
RomD joined #ruby
I'm just going to make it a Hash
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you could also use a method_missing "enhanced" Hash
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strange question but I'm looking to use Capistrano to deploy php web apps, has anyone done this before?
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I had a feeling I'd get that kind of response
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thing is I don't think PHP has anything as elegant as capistrano and rake and all that
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i need to get an explanation of the keyword "next", but googling "Ruby next" isn't really giving me any results :-P
anyone who'd care to help?
linduxed you iterate through something. that's when you use next sometimes, to continue without caring for the specific element
shevy: so like break, but not dropping out of the loop?
but I rarely need to use it, somehow it doesn't seem too useful
apeiros_ joined #ruby
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you can try this linduxed
%w( test1 test2 test3 ).enum_for(:each_with_index).map { |axis_range, index| next if axis_range == "test1"; axis_range }.map { |s| puts s }
in IRB
it will omit test1
Mahoek joined #ruby
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enum_for? Why?
does it matter
It looks fugly
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%w( test1 test2 test3 ).map { |axis_range, index| next if axis_range == "test1"; axis_range }.map { |s| puts s }
are you happier now :D
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You forgot each_with_index
I am going to write the perfect oneliner
Then you wouldn't use next but select :P
ah I don't really use next myself
that was all part of me trying to help linduxed :(
Your first example was better
but you didn't like it
I mean the while gets one
ah that one
hmm I don't like that one either though
somehow I don't use while myself
stercor joined #ruby
How do I clear "undefined method 'require_gem'" error?
LittleBill902 joined #ruby
goodieboy joined #ruby
I just pushed a gem to but need to push a tiny enhancement (not a fix or additional feature). If my gem is at 1.2.1, what should the next version be?
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... basically, I'm making the dependencies less strict
goodieboy 1.2.2 :D
unless you care much about the minor version
shevy: Nah, just curious about what others are doing
1.2.2 ... good enough for me :)
well 1.3.0 wouldn't be worth it since it is just a bug fix ... what could be done is kill the 1.2.1 and release the new 1.2.1 too ... though 1.2.2 would probably make more sense
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shevy: yeah makes sense, I think I'll go with 1.2.2
to re-release 1.2.1 kinda defeats the purpose of versioning
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Could someone please confirm if this is a bug in ruby... Or that I dont understand a simple regex?
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ziggles: Declare $foo (eg: $foo = "derp") before you run that and watch what happens
TheMoonMaster: I see that it's interpolating it
Behi joined #ruby
I've never seen it used like that, so I was surprised myself.
TheMoonMaster: hmm... if user input was given to a ruby script that contained something like: #$herpin would that still be ok?
TheMoonMaster: yeah ive never seen it either and bugging the people in #rails i see that it's a commonly used/known shorthand
well common to those who know lol
nerdy_ joined #ruby
String interpolation doesn't work like that
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samuelkadolph: Why is it working then? Just a weird bug?
You can omit the {} for instance, class and global variables
please send all profits to TheMoonMaster and samuelkadolph
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RoR seems to require sqlite3. How can I eliminate this requirement?
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it doesn't. (also see the #rubyonrails channel instead)
Norrin joined #ruby
its set in Gemfile to default to sqlite. modify your Gemfile and bundle install. Or if this is an older Rails app, modify your config/database.yml and add the gem to the environment for whatever db you're going to use
google has tons of examples
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deryl he is long gone!
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damn, i keep getting nailed with the join part quit blocks. :) got tired of all that noise. causes me to occasionally respond to someone i never saw leave
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there, should fix that crap.
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hi !
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Are there any packagers of ruby for CentOS 5? (I have installed a source ruby 1.8.7, but centos is insisting on the ruby 1.8.5 packages from the repo)
i mean ruby 1.8.7 or above
compile from source!
wget; tar -vjxf ru*33*bz2; chdir into and, configure with --prefix=/usr, make and make install!
I read that as like
thought you were doing some kind of l337 thing
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nah, just too lazy to type out the full :)
ruby 1.8.5 is really very old
thecreators joined #ruby
are RSpec and Cucumber always used together?
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shevy: i can install from the ruby source but, the existing tools wont use the newly created binary with some jiggery in the symlinks
hmm symlinks?
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or ill have to install all the apps that need ruby from source as well
are there like 1.9 or 2 rpms for centos that I am missing somehow?
LouisJB joined #ruby
skim1776: not necessarily, lots of people use rspec without cucumber
there are probably not many people using cucumber without rspec though
so cucumber goes with rspec, but rspec is independent from cucumber
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something like that
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can we say that Cucumber is not necessary for the testing - it's kinda luxury?
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hi, I've just installed ruby on Win7 using rubyinstaller and when I try to print from the command line I get this error: "Unable to initialize device PRN"
Turns out the Windows gems are compiled against 1.9.2 instead of 1.9.3
But whatever, it's a learning experience :P
can we test only classes using rspec?
tolland when your ruby installation works, you can install rubygems, then install everything via gems
only very few gems need any form of compilation... hpricot comes to mind I think
tolland that's always the question, every distribution has its own packages, packages formats, and expects you to know where to look for these, or how to install them. :) I myself was too lazy for that. These days I either install something myseful, via setup.rb rake or gems
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rippa: do u ever stay up all night teasing and abusing your dog for being a different species
puts outputs an integer, p outputs a string
i don't understand the difference
p calls #inspect on your object, puts calls #to_s on your object
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when puts calls #to_s, does it have to output a string?
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srji not sure... redefine it and see?
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i see
it's the same
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seems puts falls back to Object#inspect if to_s does not return a string. and by Object#inspect, I mean it forgoes the object's own inspect and uses the core implementation directly.
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consider: ruby-1.9.3-p0:055:0>> x =; def x.to_s; 1; end; def x.inspect; "hello"; end; puts x
that's ruby 1.9.3, as you can see. I don't know how it is in older rubies. I thought 1.8 raised.
shouldn't matter too much anyhow - not returning a string from to_s should be stomped upon
I'd raise
IMO it's clearly a bug if somebody tries to puts a non stringifiable object.
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also consider: ruby-1.9.3-p0:056:0>> String(x)
TypeError: can't convert Object to String (Object#to_s gives Fixnum)
so Kernel#String() IMO does it right
I suppose it is consistent with to_i and Integer behaviour though
now we could make fun of it and see what it does when the object it returns reports a class that does not return a string on to_s :D
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aw, mean, they (quite expectedly actually) don't go via the object's methods to determine the class :(
Bad things would happen if they relied on object.class; they would try to access fields that are only available on strings on something that isn't really a string
of course
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if i load 2 different files in which i have 2 different constant variable assingments to the same constant variable name
would that be an issue since im loading them to the same namespace?
response: no such file to load "/home/user/loading_file.rb"
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gener1c: you probably want require instead of load (that won't solve your issue, though)
gener1c: both load & require use $LOAD_PATH to find files you try to require.
so i need to make a bash file that will assign something new to $LOAD_PATH?
so you need to make sure in your env or executable (and *only* in your executable, not in your library/loaded files/etc. - that'd be bad style) that your $LOAD_PATH is correctly set up
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one way is to wrap your stuff into a gem and install the gem. rubygems will then deal with the load path for you.
another way is to use the -I (capital i) option with ruby: ruby -I/path/to/your/lib /path/to/executable.rb
paths can of course all also be relative to your working directory, e.g. ruby -Ilib bin/exe.rb
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and a third way (IMO the worst way) is that your executable knows where the lib directory is located relatively to itself and adds it to $LOAD_PATH.
wont use it then
i tried changing load to require
it doesnt recognize the file
do i need to use full path?
require './file.rb'
got it
code for a typical PROJECT/bin/exe.rb, PROJECT/lib/foo/bar.rb where exe.rb tries to `require 'foo/bar'`:
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you don't need the './' and '.rb'. by convention you just do: require 'file'
so all my classes should be in a lib dir
and just the main should be in bin
another convention btw. is to have a file per class & per module. that is, Foo goes into foo.rb, and Foo::BarBaz::Quuz goes into foo/bar/quuz.rb
if the main is an executable, then yes, it belongs into bin
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i do a class per file
whoops, that should have been foo/barbaz/quuz.rb
aw, fuck, I was still logged in under the company account when I gisted that =(
Ruby threads don't seem to get killed when the variable they are assigned to goes out of scope. How does one go about achieving this? Via ObjectSpace.define_finalizer?
tinhead: you have to stop the thread
and yes, threads keep running, regardless of whether they're still referenced anywhere.
so the thing you posted to pastie is the proper way to do it?
apeiros_: Simply put, my problem with using define_finalizer is that the thread get's created in the object space. So no amount of abstraction seems to enable me to kill the threads when they are GCed.
what do you mean, "gets created in the object space"?
gener1c: what I pasted is way 3 done properly
way 1 & 2 are to be prefered IMO
apeiros_: I do in initialize.
and what stops you from storing it somewhere?
btw., finalizers aren't guaranteed to be run, neither are there any constraints as to when they'll be run, if they're run
I did try puting it in an array which is a class variable. The finalizers don't run.
apeiros_: I manage how often GC runs by calling GC.start at the right spots.
apeiros_: Hm, so there is no guarantee that finalizers will be called even if I do GC.start?
tinhead: my knowledge on that is limited, but that's how I understood it, yes.
also if you fail to account for even a single reference, the finalizer is guaranteed to not run
finalizers are IMO the wrong way to perform an action that must be performed
and even more wrong if timing matters too
my test app won't launch, saying i did not do "bundle install". why is this step necessary?
killing-joke: because your app uses bundler.
apeiros_: hmm, timing doesn't resources do, a load average of 40 on 8 cores does
apeiros_: thanks for time, I'll let the room know if I am able to crack this one
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apeiros_, thanks. i guess i see this in the gemlist. (running ... ) boy, there were a bunch of unmet dependencies.
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Hello, trying to find the escape character in slim so I can output the character # in my template, but can't find it anywhere. Anyone know how to do this? Please tell me if this is the wrong place to ask :)
_walle_: I don't know slim, but \ is probably the most often used escape character
how do I have a each block in a array select block?
ruby complains about block within block
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apeiros_, thx, not in slim apparently :) I went around the problem instead
(preferably on the bottom to keep line numbers intact)
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apeiros_: added
apeiros_: the weird thing is that, ok let me show you another method I have
pen: seems like list1 == true, not an array
nothing to do with the nesting
apeiros_: I just added another method in the paste, that def segment output is used as an input to this code
apeiros_: so list1
Algorith joined #ruby
apeiros_: and i'm sure that def segment returns an array
apeiros_: that's where it gets weird
pen: you can be sure all you want, ruby tells you it's not :)
so all you need to do now is when things start to go wrong
you can make sure my assumption is correct by inspecting list1 before that loop
e.g. `p :list1 => list1`
apeiros_: just do list1.inspect?
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should print: {:list1 => true}
while you expect {:list1 => […something in here…]}
apeiros_: you are wrong
apeiros_: it prints out the list
apeiros_: ruby is wrong
Has anyone before encountered a similar problem? Whenever I run a program containing a 'sudo' command Aptana completely crashes :s, pretty sure it's sudo related, when I run Aptana as root there are no problems at all.
apeiros_: yea, that's weird. because I inspect the list and it shows up in the structure I wanted
pen: is the code small enough to paste it completly? with sample input that'll trigger the exception?
Algorith: #ruby channel here, I think you wanted another channel…
apeiros_: it's not small and it has to do with other db structure then I have also paste that if you want to understand the list structure.
apeiros_: but let me tell you one thing, list1 is a list, it is not a true value
pen: can you reduce it to a reproducable case?
pen: your exception tells you otherwise
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apeiros_: let me try
"5:in `block in filter': undefined method `each' for true:TrueClass (NoMethodError) " this *very clearly* states that you're trying to call `each` on true
try it in irb if you want: true.each {}
$ ruby -e 'true.each {}'
-e:1:in `<main>': undefined method `each' for true:TrueClass (NoMethodError)
there. precise error you get.
are you sure the error happens in the place you say it does?
(line number in the backtrace helps with that…)
No, it returns true if it finds one element in the array for which the condition is true
pen: ri Enumerable#any?
I strongly suggest reading through all of Enumerable's methods
they're very useful
also lots of things in ruby are Enumerable
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are the arguments to a function like "def foobar(a, b, c)" stored in some array?
linduxed: no
apeiros_: ok...
also, it's methods, not functions
jargon slipping now
you can define the method as: def foobar(*args)
then all arguments will be stored in args as an array.
oh i see, that sounds pretty handy
a method is a function/procedure that is attached to an object
although in this case it won't be possible
spacebug: that's cool
apeiros_: cool
it is. it's also what makes variable number of arguments possible
like in c
C has a splat operator? :)
hehe nope
but i think a defined amount of arguments is important in most cases
an array could be used instead for example
there are variadic functions in C
see e.g. printf
yeah i know
i forgot how to make those but i have the K&R here
so i can find out
or maybe i can just google it
i've got a problem here, i've got a function that takes three integer arguments. i need to check how many of those are equal
so if a = b != c then it should return a certain value
either there are two, three or no equal integers
To be able to call a variadic function with an array of arguments, you need an alternative function that doesn't really expect variadic arguments
e.g. vprintf for printf
my first thought was to just go making a set of if statements, but that feels so sloppy
is there a better way?
linduxed: 3 ifs should be the fastest way to do it
there's others, but I think with just 3 values it's the easiest too.
actually 4 if's
meh, 3 ifs. or exists, after all…
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apeiros_: ok then it was as i thought... i'm getting detrimentally hesitant to type code when i think it would be ugly
don't overthink stuff
if it takes you 2minutes to write an ugly solution and 30 to think of a nice one - write the ugly one and use the 28 minutes saved to write tests.
How do you know it takes 30 minutes to find the good one, and not 5, though?
blocks are amazing
how do you know you found a good one at all?
are there different ways to use them or are they always used when iterating ?
one nice thing about the human mind is a thing called "incubation". you don't need to actively think about a problem. your brain will still try to solve it.
ah wait i can use them like callback functions
so if you have a solution, go with it. test it. and then if your brain suddenly pops a nice solution that is different, you can implement it without fear of regressions
def foo; yield 3, 4; end # this calls the block with 3 and 4
now i need to find a callback function usage article
gener1c: you can store a block using &varname syntax
def foo(&block); @callback = block; end
def function(var1,var2,&block)
wait what
when you call foo with a block, that block will be stored in @callback and can be invoked using
at any time.
implicit lambda?
is that an implicit lambda invocation?
you made a proc from that block
never heard that term…
without using the lambda word explicitly
i thought i was supposed to use yeald
well, yes, ruby can (and does) convert from block to proc and vice versa
yield will always invoke the block passed to the *current* method
but if you save a block and use it in a different method, it's no longer the block passed to the current method…
but wouldnt that hurt the readablility of the code?
consider things like: after 5.minutes do puts "5 minutes are over!" end
you'll save that block to invoke it after 5 minutes
button.on_click do puts "you clicked the button" end
you'll save that block in order to invoke it whenever you detect a click
* shevy
clicks on apeiros_
* apeiros_
feels clicked
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or: class Foo; extend Validations; validate :attribute do |val| … end; end # <-- you'll store the block to invoke it whenever you want to validate an instance of Foo
the possiblities are huge.
and yes, blocks are awesome.
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procs likewise, but the syntax sugar that is blocks makes it super nice to use.
you wanted to be able to pass multiple blocks to the same method once, or?
shevy: wanted? I still want.
ah ok
they tried but fell short IMO with ->{}
pass em as a proc array?
hmm don't like the -> notation too much myself
skyrocket operator!
a proc array?
I wonder why -> doesn't use |x, y| format
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gener1c: yes, you simply pass procs, whether as individual arguments, as array, or as hash doesn't matter
it's about the syntax
rippa: probably amibguity issues in the syntax
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whats wrong with [&blcok1,&blcok2]
gener1c: that's not how you invoke the method
no im talking about an alternative to ->{}
you cant pass an anonymouse array anyways
of course you can
you can!?
nono i mean
foo([1,2,3]) # <- sure
when defining
you canty
ur right
i meant
when defining
def methond([1,2,3]) has no meaning
neither does def method(1, 2, 3) mean something
def methond([var1,var2,var3])
nevermind , im confused
def foo((a, b, c)); puts b; end
foo [1, 2, 3]
But then if you have a finite amount of arguments you should be using foo(a, b, c) directly
How can i name a belongs to relationship in mongoid? For example a User model and a Car and i want to have a belongs_to :user, :as => :owner in car. How can i do that in mongoid?
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anonymouse! he wrote anonymouse!
a mouuuuse!
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how is this line wrong ?
if ( a == b ** b == c )
it is probably parsed as: (a) == (b**b) == (c)
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and that in turn is ((a) == (b**b)) == (c)
but how about you tell us how it is wrong?
bier joined #ruby
well i got some errors, but i fixed it (i think) by writing "if (a == b) ** (b == c)"
grekko joined #ruby
undefined method `**' for true:TrueClass :-S
isn't ** ruby's logical and?
in that case, it obviously is (a == b)**b
yeah, later down it says ** - logical and
should have followed my intuition and went for && ....
that's messed up
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also While and stuff is capitalized
that's not gonna work
bad article IMO.
matadon joined #ruby
Any idea what method you need to implement on the class being enumerated over for Enumerable#grep to work?
E.g., regexp matching on a Class
Nope, it does it the other way around
it calls pattern === element, not element === pattern
Mon_Ouie: Exactly.
matadon: #each , I guess
rippa: No, that just implements the iteration part. I want to create a class Foo that can match against a regexp (e.g., pattern.match(
You just need an object whose === method can be called on what you're iterating over
Mon_Ouie: So I have to munge the pattern provided to grep?
Or is there some method I can implement on the enumerated object so that pattern.match(...) will work on it?
It just depends on what pattern === does
(it does not call match, only ===)
matadon: you mean you have [,].grep(/pattern/) and you want the YourClass instances be matched?
you'd need YourClass#to_str
Thanks, to_s wasn't playing ball.
be aware though, that to_str technically means that your object has one true string representation
* apeiros_
wonders why ruby doesn't use a coerce mechanism there…
apeiros_: Thanks! The string representation won't be a problem for this class.
how do i split that up to multiple lines?
i can't split up the condition can i?
You can have a newline after ||
oh, that does it then
rippa: pretty true...
you can also use \
Mon_Ouie: Hey there :)
can i have a newline after if?
'alut matti :)
Yes, it knows there needs to be one expression after if
And that the condition is only one expression
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trying to write a class for aes encryption with openssl.. I have this: when I use my class to encrypt and decrypt a file, the decryption works sometimes but other times it returns an error about the "wrong final block length"
did I forget something or leave something out?
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got it, there was a problem with encoding, opening the file both times with "b" in the mode fixes it :) the encoding was screwing up my slicing the iv off the front of the file
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eeeew windows
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can you tell me if this sqlite3 string has errors? I'm concerned about the 1st '?' … which should be sqlite3 table name=> db.execute('INSERT INTO ? (username, date, content, content_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?)', @userid, username, time, text, text_id)
it comes out with an error
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Hello everyone, have a question. Please check following paste - Not quite sure why we've converted symbols to strings to make that include check? It could work without it
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qanyan: because if you used symbol it would match regardless of existence of method with same name
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rippa, was testing it in irb and it returned false but once I've made test.rb file and executed it there - returns true even for nonexisting method. Why is it happening?
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Simple question: I have an idea for a web based app, my only programming experience is c++ (ten years ago) I've narrowed my language of choice down to Ruby and Python, any thoughts?
sullx joined #ruby
use either
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Annaeus: ruby is better imho
i really like the sinatra web framework for ruby
sinatra sure is fun
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and really simple
shellox: yeah I'm leaning that way, just because I found the rails framework, haven't found a framework for python yet (although I'm sure they are out there)
ruby: rails or sinatra
python: bottlepy or flask
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i dont like rails much to be honest
rails is too invasive
monkeypatches everywhere
too bloated for me
what makes sinatra better than rails?
i'd go with sinatra if you're just starting. i started with rails right away and it's really confusing if it's your first experience with ruby
and too much changes with every version
Brozilla: i code ruby for 1 year now. I started with sinatra for web stuff then and try tried rails, but i failed soo hard ;)
what is special about sinatra
Brozilla: i really asked myself 'wtf, where to add this?. Which woulb be the correct place'
haha, exactly :p
shevy: i like it because it's simple and powerful
sinatra is really really simple
I'm guessing sinatra is open source?
it's basically just get '/page/:id' do [your code] end
Brozilla: keep things simple is good imho
thanks, I was just about to google, since it was not on Git
it is
rails started simple but turned in the wrong direction imho
i need 5% of the rails framework, so it doesnt make sense to ship a product with the other useless stuff, which i dont use
Brozilla: and it's so fucking hard to write a rails app w/o a database ;)
never attempted, but i can see why
maybe it got easier now, im not sure
i tried it with the release of rails3
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shellox and Brozilla: thanks for your help, I've decided to go with Ruby. Still up in the air on sinatra versus rails though, I'll take you at your word that sinatra is better, but rails has a bigger community with more help
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what does -> mean?
i.e. ->(value) { TagList(value) }
I'd say sinatra is easier to get into
fladamd: it's alternate syntax for lambda
ah, thank you!
lambda {|value| TagList(value)}
means exact same thing
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how do you get arguments like the sprintf method that has a variable ammount of methods?
like you can do sprintf("hello %s %s, how are you today? I am %s", first_name, last_name, my_name)
in case anyone was looking for some advanced ruby tricks :P
tomhsx joined #ruby
what is that doing
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just what he said
yfeldblum: it not only has to answer to to_proc, the method actually has to return a Proc.
it returns 3
cause thats how its defined homie
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yxhuvud: that's right
you can also pass nil, so that this trick works: `call_some_method(3, 4, 5, :hi_there, &( if block_given?))` whether or not a block was passed in to the current code
but please don't do that, it's ugly :P
IrishGringo joined #ruby
is anyone in here familiar with jruby? and even if you're not how does the rspec process go?
I should just be able to install the rspec gem and then run rspec with no arguements right?
after building from source i mean
i believe rspec requires arguments: you have to pass in the list of files/directories to run ... `rspec spec` or `rspec spec/models` or `rspec spec/models/post_spec.rb`
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but I've got the process right correct?
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I build from the source and get the ruby executable (or jruby.jar in this case), then run 'rake spec' or 'rspec spec' and it should work
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hello, I'm looking for a server to deploy some rails apps, Heroku and Slicehost seems the cheapest ones, but they are quite expensive
I dont want to pay 150$ a month, do I have some alternatives plz?
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you could get a vps.. linode is like $20
alexisd, if you have to ask that question, you should probably just pay the money (imo)
it'll be less hassle for you in the long run
def my_method(first_arg, second_arg, *args) How would i go about using that glob?
daidoji, I checked linode but it seems some poor on documentation, and I cant try it
do you use it ?
oops I mean k0i
daidoji, I dont have 2000$ a year
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I now use free heroku account that is superb, but is like 200$ a month if I go commercial :(
rackspace cloud is $11/mo for the smallest slices
alexisd, I mean I myself would/have run VPSs for some of my smaller projects
but its a matter of experience
heroku has a free tier
I can do everything from linux on up to rails
so if you feel like you can do that then go with a VPS or a cloud solution thats cheap
yfeldblum, on i check cloud servers and cloud files, that is 11$, but it says cloud sites starts from 150$ a month
I wonder why that huge difference
but its usually pretty cost effective just to let Engine Yard or Heroku do all the heavy lifting while you focus on your app
because you'll end up spending that much in support costs anyways
daidoji, yes heroku is amazing, but quite expensive :(
I wonder why rails host is so more expensive than php
alexisd, well because the php host doesn't have to do anything
you slap modphp on an apache box and you're set
the rails guys do a lot more to work with you to enhance your rails app
I mean if you're really really strapped for cash, go with the VPS solutions
but you'll have to support everything yourself
this pricing is really huge problem on rails
daidoji, you have heroku account?
how do i test actionmailer?
alexisd, I do but only the free version
i generate a Mail::Mesage and call .deliver
no errors outputed
alexisd: why are you looking at cloud sites? it doesn't support rails
but im not receiing the email
yfeldblum, the support, I have already deploy rails 3 on them
alexisd: last i checked, they used to support rails on cloud sites but they were discontinuing that
yfeldblum, what are u saying? We talk about Heroku
That's the tut I followed, and it works fine.
But I've been installing this for a while now
Like, debugging, testing, etc.
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So the latest dep I added doesn't work any more
I feel that it is most likely that it is caching somehow something
Cause that dep looks like all the others in the gemspec
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hi, i was wondering if anyone knows of a way to get a sequence of numbers regardless of whether it is incrementing or decrementing.. what i mean is, (1..3).each .. etc works, but (3..1).each etc does not, how could i make either case work?