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<banister`sleep> deryl: what about up/down? :)
<deryl> that too :)
<banister`sleep> i mean for stack walking
Guest84252 left #ruby
LittleBill902 joined #ruby
<banister`sleep> deryl: i think next/step is just a matter of messing with set_trace_func maybe with a tiny bit of C to ensure we're in the same frame
jfredett joined #ruby
<burgestrand> What’s the difference of next and step?
<burgestrand> banister`sleep: ^
<deryl> watching your vid
<deryl> nice
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<samuel02> why does this, , give me 'Failed assertion, no message given' !?
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<deryl> banister`sleep: ok, so say i wanted to do what i was saying. I require 'pry' in my run.rb file, I execute it as ruby bin/run.rb <params go here>. depending on what params i pass, I'll end up in the if, the elsif, or the else. if I put binding.pry at the top of each of those, I shoudl then be able to up/down my way through the execution as I 'continue' ? or do I need to wait for the next/step you're writing?
LittleBill902 joined #ruby
<burgestrand> samuel02: because it failed an assertion perhaps?
<burgestrand> samuel02: which line?
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<samuel02> it only tells me, Assertion at ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems/activesupport-3.1.1/lib/active_support/testing/setup_and_teardown.rb:35:in `block in run'
<burgestrand> samuel02: what’s the full message?
<samuel02> burgestrand,
<burgestrand> That’s an awfully helpful message :p
<samuel02> can you see what I'm writing?
<burgestrand> Yeah
<samuel02> k, cuz it didn't show up in my irc-client when i sent the link, but anyways did you see the code I pasted in my question?
<burgestrand> samuel02: perhaps you should add a description to each of the assertions and the failure message’ll be more clear
<cyril_> anybody knows Sequel? do the schema attributes defined by set_schema in a Sequel::Model class actually add the corresponding attributes to the class?
<burgestrand> (actually, you’d probably be better off testing each of those assertions separately)
<samuel02> burgestrand, I think I've located it to the image_url part if I comment that assertion out it passes
<burgestrand> samuel02: you do it by adding a string parameter, like “assert entry.invalid?, "entry is invalid"”
<burgestrand> Yeah, the validations you have in place there allows it to be blank
<burgestrand> I just wanted you to figure it out using the tests, sorry for not telling you :p
<samuel02> haha, well why wouldn't that work?
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<burgestrand> samuel02: that assert line you commented out will fail if image_url does not have any errors on it
<burgestrand> samuel02: but when you do, image_url will be blank
<burgestrand> samuel02: the validations you have in place on image_url allows it to be blank (allow_blank: true), and as such, it will have no errors on image_url
<deryl> i take it pry-stack_explore hasn't been released yet
Clooth joined #ruby
<samuel02> I see!
<deryl> (doesn't work with git:// or just gem 'pry-stack_explore' and gem search pry -dr doesn't list it)
<burgestrand> samuel02: so, for example, if you require image_url to be present, you could add it to the presence validation you have on title and description
<samuel02> burgestrand, so if I want it to be optional but still validate for format?
<deryl> banister`sleep: hehe was that the gem you were referencing? the pry-stack_explore? (would explain why its not there yet)
<burgestrand> samuel02: you’d assign image_url to something that you won’t allow, like a string that does not have the correct format
<samuel02> of course!
<burgestrand> samuel02: so, => "something_with_invalid_format.bmp")
<samuel02> thanks a lot!
LittleBill902 joined #ruby
<samuel02> you swedish btw?
<banister`sleep> deryl: the gem in the screencast is actually pry_time
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<banister`sleep> deryl: the up/down thing i was talking about was pry-stack_explorer yeah
<burgestrand> samuel02: yeah
<samuel02> burgestrand, tack så mycket då! :p
<burgestrand> samuel02: varsegod, don’t be afraid to ask more questions if you have any :)
cooper joined #ruby
<samuel02> burgestrand, sure
<samuel02> tack
<burgestrand> samuel02: I’d put that particular image test in its’ own test block, though
<burgestrand> samuel02: the test block you have there says it specifically checks for attribute presence, but the image_url test is for format
<banister`sleep> deryl: all unreleased :)
<samuel02> burgestrand, yep that's what I'm gonna do now, split it all up in separate block
<deryl> yeah neither of those are available from listing
<samuel02> s
<deryl> ahhh explains why :)
<burgestrand> :)
<banister`sleep> deryl: they only work with HEAD pry anyway
<banister`sleep> afaik
<banister`sleep> they use a hook system that doent exist in the current version of the pry gem but exists on head
<deryl> no way to pull those in via Gemfile then? (I can test muahaha)
<deryl> i tried the gem 'pry-stack_explore', :git => "git://" but got no joy :/
<burgestrand> samuel02: oh, by the way, for testing attribute validations I personally like (most of those gems for this kind of thing tend to suck, but this one is fairly sensible), I’d suggest waiting with that until you grasp these first steps though
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<samuel02> burgestrand, thanks for the tip!
<banister`sleep> deryl: stack_explorer remember the final 'r'
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<deryl> i tried both of those actually
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<deryl> also your site shows it as gem install pry-stack_explore
<deryl> was why i used it originally
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<banister`sleep> deryl: what site
<deryl> from the repo
<banister`sleep> ah that was just an automatically generated README
<deryl> Install the gem: gem install pry-stack_explore
<banister`sleep> yeah i didnt update it when i changed the repo name
<banister`sleep> sorry
<deryl> ah
<banister`sleep> that repo was private until yesterady too
<deryl> Could not find gem 'stack_explorer (>= 0) ruby' in git:// (at master).
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<deryl> even changing it to that doesn't nab it via Gemfile
<banister`sleep> but i opensourced it to impress the judges so i can try to win some grant money :)
<deryl> money is nice. pays bills amazingly enough hehe
<burgestrand> deryl: the repo needs a gemspec in it for that to work, I believe
<burgestrand> (and it has none)
<deryl> ahh right. (wow you'd think *I* would have thought of that. derp!)
<banister`sleep> burgestrand: how do i take screenshots such that cloudapp shares them now
<deryl> banister`sleep: shoudl I use the :branch => "experimental/eval"? or just stick with :tag => "" ?
<burgestrand> banister`sleep: not sure if there’s any set-up, on my macbook i just take them normally
<burgestrand> banister`sleep: ah, looks like it has a setting for “Auto-upload screenshots” in the menu bar icon though
<banister`sleep> deryl: holdon ill release a new gem for stack explorer
<deryl> hehe, no pressure man. :)
<banister`sleep> i dont know if it'll work with the latest on pry head
<banister`sleep> burgestrand: i take screenshots using 'picture viewer' or something
<deryl> thats the one that includes the up/down right? just that next/step is not implemented yet?
<banister`sleep> im still a noob with mac
<banister`sleep> burgestrand: what's the normal way?
<deryl> I've had this MBP since April and I'm still a newb with it
LittleBill902 joined #ruby
<burgestrand> banister`sleep: ah, CMD + SHIFT + 3 for full-screen screenshot
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<burgestrand> CMD + SHIFT + 4 for area, and then you drag around the area you wish to screenshot
<banister`sleep> deryl: just up/down, so obviously at the point you call binding.pry you can only go 'up'
<burgestrand> press space to turn it into a window-specific area and just click the desired window
<banister`sleep> burgestrand: so
<banister`sleep> burgestrand: it goes in my clipboard?
<banister`sleep> burgestrand:
<deryl> should I be declaring context.pry at the top of the block I'm in and binding.pry at the bottom?
<burgestrand> Looks like it, yeah :p
<burgestrand> Nice and warm color theme there
<burgestrand> looks halloweeny
<banister`sleep> burgestrand: wow my life has improved
<banister`sleep> dramatically
<banister`sleep> thanks
<burgestrand> banister`sleep: looks like there’s plugins for it too
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<deryl> like I have --script as a param. run.rb processes it in the elsif in run.rb (I use clint for ARGV parsing) so I should context.pry at the top fo the elsif and put binding.pry at the bottom of the elsif just before the else correct?
<banister`sleep> deryl: depends where u want to inspect
<banister`sleep> deryl: but it where u want the program to 'break'
<banister`sleep> and then from there u can go up the call stack
<deryl> yeah the end of the elsif is where i would want to 'break'. I guess i was wondering if i needed the context.pry at the top of the elsif to explicitly establish the context
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<banister`sleep> deryl: no
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<deryl> ok
<banister`sleep> deryl: one sec
<banister`sleep> deryl: what ruby version r u going to test it on
<deryl> starting with 1.9.2-p290, and then would move to 1.9.3-p0
<banister`sleep> deryl: ok the latest pry-stack_explorer gem should work
<banister`sleep> note it's a --pre gem
<banister`sleep> deryl: pry-stack_explorer-0.2.2pre1
<banister`sleep> versio 0.2.2pre1
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<banister`sleep> works with head pry
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<deryl> pry-stack_explorer.rb:93:in `<top (required)>': undefined method `add_hook' for #<Hash:0x007fc2dd063900> (NoMethodError)
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<deryl> Using pry ( from git:// (at HEAD) Using pry-stack_explorer (0.2.2pre1)
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<banister`sleep> deryl: are you modifying hooks in your .pryrc ?
<banister`sleep> deryl: did you build the gem for pry head?
<banister`sleep> cos it looks like it using the pry gem rather than pry head
<banister`sleep> (or yoyu're modifying hooks and setting them to be an array)
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<emocakes> hola
<emocakes> que tal?
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<deryl> banister`sleep: nice
<deryl> i deleted the local gem, pulled the repo, did rake ruby:gem, installed the pkg/ file, and got it running.
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<banister`sleep> deryl: up/down work as expected? btw the contexts you move through are fully read/write
<banister`sleep> so you can actually modify local variables inside the caller method
<deryl> banister`sleep: yea working as I expect :)
<deryl> now this this is getting much closer to what i wanted
<banister`sleep> only works in 1.9+ though
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<banister`sleep> the 1.8 private API is too tangled and messy and i cant yet figure out how to do it
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<banister`sleep> deryl: btw did u nkow u can just type 'show-method' (with no parameters) to show the full source for the curren method your'e inside?
<deryl> banister`sleep: ok, how do I limit it to just th emethods defined on the object Im in? like right now i've gone 'down' into my Command object. I try an ls -m and it shows all the ActiveRecord methods etc along with 'Command methods' (last set of methods before the variables). How can i limit that to just Command specific methods?
<banister`sleep> deryl: ls -mq
<deryl> ah hah!
<deryl> thanks
<banister`sleep> q for quiet
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<deryl> btw, if you're in a method, it owuld be nice if Command (my object) was shown instead as Command.method_name
<deryl> liek right now I'm inside Command.env_to_hash. but I see pry(#<Command>)> not pry(#<Command.env_to_hash>)>
<banister`sleep> deryl: cos it just shows the 'self'
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<deryl> ok
<banister`sleep> deryl: but i like your idea it's just that it could become confusing
<banister`sleep> deryl: if say they invoke pry not using binding.pry, but the invocation point is still inside a method
<banister`sleep> like: def hello; 5.pry; end
<deryl> ah
<banister`sleep> deryl: your strategy would be useful, but only in the case they always only use 'binding.pry', other than that and it could be confusing, but we'll think about it
<banister`sleep> it's a nice diea
<banister`sleep> idea
<deryl> cool :)
<deryl> btw, how do i continue execution here? I thought it would be continue
<deryl> ahh exit (to get out of that binding and into the next in the chain)
<banister`sleep> deryl: just exit the session
<banister`sleep> yeah
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<deryl> what i did was put 'binding.pry' at the end of each and every method I knew I'd hit in the chanel
<deryl> err chain
<deryl> just trying to walk through how the command is moving through
<deryl> which you get to through
<deryl> i think this will become much more useful to me as the timidness of using it for the first time,and trying to map mentally where i am with what i know of the code, and when the next/step portion is ready
<deryl> banister`sleep: more than happy to be a guinea pig for oyu. just as long as you balance your expectations with "he's newish. might not understand all of it"
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<deryl> banister`sleep: but in any event, what you've given me so far is *excellent* for fulfilling my current expectations :)
<banister`sleep> deryl: it doesnt move through a given method, it moves through the call stack
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<banister`sleep> so if you want to understand the code in that gist u have to wait for next/step :)
<deryl> right i got that much. (the call stack) I figured I had to wait for the next/step. thats why i was saying "and when the next/step portion is ready"
<banister`sleep> yeah
<deryl> can i expect something along that line soonish? or is that a ways away?
<banister`sleep> deryl: have you looked a pry_debug?
<banister`sleep> deryl: Mon_Ouie did a fairly good job on that i think and a few ppl like it/use it
<deryl> is that in replacement of pry, or in conjunction with?
<banister`sleep> deryl: it's not a plugin, it's a spinoff project. it's a pure ruby debugger that uses pry
<deryl> i see pry_debug 0.0.1. will what you've given me so far work with it as well? the stack_explorer and the pry ?
<deryl> before i go futzing with my Gemfile and the like again
<banister`sleep> i dont think pry_debug lets you explore the stack
<banister`sleep> but it has step/nexr
<banister`sleep> ntext
<banister`sleep> next
<deryl> ok. Will try both. but i'm definitley interested in your stack that you're showing me now.
<deryl> rvm-test is considered the official beginnings of RVM's testing capabilities, and its already got a dep on pry+pry-doc. hopefully since wayne backs rvm-test and rvm-test uses pry it gives an additional push to pry :) (one can hope)
<banister`sleep> deryl: really? rvm-test uses pry? whose call was that?
<deryl> mine. wayne backed it
<banister`sleep> how does it use it?
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<deryl> in the end i plan on making it so that all of the rvm vars which i capture right now in a hasha long with command output, exit status and the like that I trap now are explorable with pry in development mode. production will be basically cranking out reports. so if I can have pry output the call stack through rvm-test, and (hopefully) walk through going through Sessions etc etc and make it part of the reports, then people using the test suite will ...
<deryl> ... see how their commands go through the suite, everything about the commands executed etc
<deryl> still a work in progress
<deryl> mainly ideas in the head ive been bouncing off wayne and michal
<banister`sleep> deryl: stack explorer will probably only work in MRI 1.9 though
<banister`sleep> so if you're targetting other ruby versions/implementatios you may be out of luck
<drizz> MRI 1.9?
<deryl> yeah we're targetting all of the rubies. might have to make a conditional that checks for the ruby and version being used within the tests themselves. rvm-test in and of itself is running with MRI 1.9.2 and will be 1.9.3-p0 once all the debugging crap is working
<banister`sleep> deryl: ruby-debug only works on MRI too
<deryl> right
<banister`sleep> it's because decent debugging stuff really requires hooking into ruby's internals
<banister`sleep> you can do some OK stuff with set_trace_func but it's kind of messy and not as powerful or as accurate as hooking into ruby's internals
<deryl> which is why right now all rvm-test does is track exit status, the command itself, cmd_output, and both the per-command and encompassing TestReport gists etc
<deryl> so right now pry is being used more for helping to develop and flesh out rvm-test itself. i was just hoping to integrate it a bit deeper and use it against the commands being tested as well. figured on finding some way to hook into the sub-processes.
<banister`sleep> deryl: what does wayne say about it?
<deryl> banister`sleep: he's quite happy with my ideas. he said he likes where i'm going with it. :shrug:
<deryl> though he'll be especially happy when i add the distributed testing :)
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<deryl> development branch is the action branch at the moment
<deryl> i try to follow git-flow for development
<deryl> i usually play on
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<deryl> and no laughing at my code. :-) (well, go ahead, I do sometimes too) I wholey admit I'm a novice. this is my first major non-trivial
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<banister`sleep> deryl: your code looks fine, but one suggestions about that method in the gist u showed before, the method seems a bit too long
<banister`sleep> maybe break it up into 3 or 4 other methods IMO
<deryl> banister`sleep: the next major step is creating an API for submitting jobs to test ndoe members (i run a 5 node testing cluster here with all the major distribs and OSs we run on) and having the clients update the records
<banister`sleep> :P
<deryl> the
<deryl> yeah i was thinking that too
<banister`sleep> yea\
<deryl> i just haven't done it yet because i didn't want to add *more* complexity by trying to decide the right spots to crack it and then get it wrong
<deryl> i still get kind of flustered easily whenthe complexity grows :/
<deryl> banister`sleep: so what i have os far isn't 'childish'? stands up pretty well?
<banister`sleep> deryl: how long have u been doing ruby?
<banister`sleep> ah
<deryl> for real? a couple months
<deryl> been lurking around the channels for maybe a year. finally put the fear of being a screwball behind me a couple months ago and just said screw it and started coding
<banister`sleep> deryl: yeah, apart from the method being huge it's looking fine i think
<deryl> banister`sleep: whew. long as its not moronic. I admit i do like non terseness. i prefer expressiveness to terseness in my writing. but so far no one has told me that my code is slow because of the way i've chosen to code.
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<deryl> i know i'll eventually have to go back over everything and optimize. i just want to lay everything out and then worry about how 'lean and mean' everything is
<deryl> banister`sleep: you familiar with Lynda.Com's Ruby - Essential Training? along with The Well Grounded Rubyist, I'm using that to pick up ruby
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<deryl> and yes, i know that i have to add the api_key support from to rvm-test :0 just haven't gottent hat far yet
<banister`sleep> deryl: never heard of it
<deryl> oh, its the frontend to rvm-test. rvm-test is console only. completely standalone. rvm-testsuite is a rails 3.1.x frontend to rvm-test which encapsulates rvm-test (basically you can extract rvm-test directly into rvm-testsuite and not mess with a thing)
<deryl> the goal with the frontend is to make it so that you can use the frontend to submit testjobs, the rvm-test testing nodes will contact the rvm-testsuite FOR jobs, and then return the completed jobs and the gathered information to rvm-testsuite (or directly to the db as an additional option) for updating the db
<deryl> i want the ndoes to talk to the suite for jobs because I want to be able to make it so users behidn *shudder* something like a triple NAT like I have here at home can still use remotely deployed testsuite setups. testsuite can't contact the nodes, so the nodes will contact the testsuite :)
<deryl> just hoping im not biting off mroe than i can chew hehe
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<banister`sleep> deryl: if it's your first project it might be a bit ambitious actually, but you'll still learn a lot doing it
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<deryl> works for me :) so long as what i learn is solid, and what i put out is viable
<deryl> plus im hoping like all open source projects eventually someone or several someone will come along and start wanting to bang on it too
<deryl> what you've given me so far with pry will go a long way to helping *me* out
<deryl> so don't mind me if i bug you every so often about the next/step stuff :)
<deryl> banister`sleep: oh btw, does what i have here give me the ability to look AT the call stack? is that just calling 'nesting' ?
<deryl> to see that info
<banister`sleep> deryl: what do u mean look at the call stack?
<banister`sleep> deryl: you mean like the 'caller' method?
<deryl> yeah to see a list of all the methods(callers) that were hit
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<banister`sleep> deryl: try just typing 'caller'
<deryl> like i know i can go up or down and it gives me an arrow pointing at the line of code (the entry into the method) that was last called. i meant could i see say, i hit run_command then run then gist etc
<banister`sleep> deryl: dont quite know what u mean sorry
<banister`sleep> can u try again? :D
<deryl> hrmm that gives me the *exact* same output (all lines are exactly the same) no matter where I move up or down.
<deryl> hrmm. ok..
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<deryl> say i run ruby bin/run.rb 'rvm info' which launches the app, and then stops at the binding. there are a bunch of methods that got hit along the way. I can go to those methods by hitting up or down.
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<Banistergalaxy> Deryl repeat
<deryl> i'm looking to see if i can get a... calls trace (?). A list of all those methods?
<ryanf> deryl: just use the method "caller"
<deryl> ryanf: i did. gives me the *exact* same output no matter where i am in the call stack.
<deryl> lemme gist it
<deryl> see how I hit run_command, then run, then env_to_hash?
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<deryl> was looking to see if i could get a list of the methods hit in a format similar to that last gist url
<deryl> does that make sense now?
<deryl> i know i'm sometimes not entirely clear. hopefully that was
<ryanf> ah
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<ryanf> well I guess at least it is pretty bad that caller gives you all the pry crap
<deryl> ryanf: yeah that doesn't help. though reviewing, i see what you were meaning. i was missing some of it in the noise.
<deryl> would be great if that was a toggle (to make the pry stuff visible/hidden)
<deryl> rather than unilaterally getting rid of it
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<ryanf> well caller is built into ruby
<ryanf> but it would probably be good to have a command along with up/down that just gives you the trace from the actual thing you're running
<ryanf> and then I guess it would be pretty easy to add an asterisk next to where you currently are
<deryl> well what was actually throwing me was that i was in env_to_bash but it was telling me i was in run, run called it, but i was actually in env_to_hash
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<Banistergalaxy> Yeah show-stack or sth
<deryl> ad then when i was all te way at the top of the stack . it was till telling me about line 173 of run.rb but i was at call stack slot 0. (line 0 of run.rb after backing up the stack all the way) then i realized I didn't have a binding.pry at the very top of the file so of course since line 173 was the first actual binding thats why it was it wasn;'t showing me anything different
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<Banistergalaxy> Should probably add a cleaner caller to pry itself too
<deryl> no such method show-stack OR sth
<deryl> undefined local variable or method 'show-stack;
<deryl> err '
<Banistergalaxy> Dude
<Banistergalaxy> I'm talking hypothetical name ;)
<Banistergalaxy> Sth means something
<deryl> hehe ok, i didn;t know :)
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<RiceKing> Is there a Visual Ruby sort of thing?
<heftig> RiceKing: what would that be?
<RiceKing> Example Visual C#, Visual Basic... sorry for my noob terminology
<heftig> you mean a ruby support in visual studio?
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<rodayo> if q is an array then what does "q = q - [u]" do? I'm confused about why the u is in square brackets.
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<pdeschen> hi
<pdeschen> any standard place to put derived file from file tasks in a rakefile?
<ryanf> the - method on arrays takes another array, so you couldn't use u by itself
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<rodayo> ryanf: oic, it just treats u like an element in q and removes it
<rodayo> ryanf: sorry..."as an array"
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<deryl> wow. definitely thankful for syntactic sugar. i do not think i'dlike ruby so much if i had to do array.<<(4) instead of array << 4
<deryl> or array.[]=(2,'x') instead of array[2] = 'x' ::shudder::
<shevy> yeah deryl
<shevy> ruby made me lazy though :(
<shevy> vs
<shevy> how can I love python
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<deryl> hehe
<bjorkintosh> where does the irb hold what's typed into it?
<bjorkintosh> ... is it accessible?
<shevy> bjorkintosh dunno but you could use pry and then ask Banistergalaxy here :D
<shevy> I think _ is the return value in irb bjorkintosh
<shevy> oh wait
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<bjorkintosh> pry?
<shevy> that's the return value... now what you typed. you mean the history then I suppose
<shevy> yeah the better irb
<shevy> anyway, to get history in irb ...
<bjorkintosh> i simply use the up or down arrow.
<bjorkintosh> i know.
<bjorkintosh> but can i access the entire buffer?
<deryl> another reason I use pry.
<RubyPanther> bjorkintosh: ~/.irb-history
<shevy> I am trying to find out bjorkintosh
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<RubyPanther> or is it ~/.irb_history ?
<deryl> then i just type hist -t # to see the last amount of command, hist -a to see all of them *ever* run, etc.
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<deryl> you wre right the first
<RubyPanther> I have both files, I'm not sure
<shevy> I have .irb_history
<shevy> I think a _ is more often found than - in file names
<shevy> but having both is kinda confusing
<shevy> in pry it is .pry_history
<shevy> I am disappointed that IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] does not hold that file :(
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<airhorns> anyone know why requiring something like 'em-synchrony/em-hiredis' might not work
<airhorns> sorry by not work i mean take no effect, none of the methods redefined by em-synchrony are changed
<deryl> the gem or lib isn't available or your pathing is incorrect
<deryl> ordering?
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<airhorns> im pretty sure im requiring them in order because both requires return true and i require the lib and then the changes to the lib in that order
<airhorns> its rather perplexing
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<deryl> sorry, thats all i had in my musket.
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<bjorkintosh> so you shot your load, deryl ?
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<xissburg> what is THE ruby tutorial/book?
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<bjorkintosh> xissburg, the pickaxe book.
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<Banistergalaxy> RubyPanther sup bish
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<thehin> hello guys. are there any good guides out there on how to configure a production server with unicorn+nginx?
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<Kiten> xissburg: i'd recommend why's poignant guide :P
<Kiten> and
<Kiten> C1 was just a friendly introduction :p
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<deryl> I'd also recommend anything here:
<deryl> *especially* the Ruby Koans. (love that project)
<xissburg> hmh thanks dudes
<xissburg> too many recommendations
<xissburg> º‿º
<deryl> also, if you find learning by video is better for you (*I* like hearing a voice and seeing stuff be done. helps *me* to learn) I'd recommend Lynda.Com's Ruby Essentials.
<deryl> however, that is not free
<johnjacobson> I recommend buying a book
<johnjacobson> and starting at page one
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<alexi5> hello
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<xissburg> heh
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<SixEcho> so, i'm trying to use DRb to remote to a database connection interface that will not compile+run on my local platform, but am running into object recycling problems, as the returned DRbObject has methods that return more DRbObjects and it would be very tedious to keep track of these and have the server-side keep references somehow….
<SixEcho> anyknow know of a general pattern or DRb alternative that alleviates issues with object recycling?
<SixEcho> I was thinking about keeping some DRb session object - and somehow modifying DRbObject to help automatically keep references to nested objects create /// however the key is to still get GC to function — is there a handle in ruby to inspect some/all objects that are about to be collected - so they could be remotely de-referenced for remote GC?
<SixEcho> …looks like define_finalizer may be what i'm looking for
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<Mon_Ouie> No
<Mon_Ouie> Or maybe not, at least
<Mon_Ouie> Because you can't use a reference to the object in the finalizer proc
<Mon_Ouie> Or the object will never get garbage collected
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<chilling> hey
<chilling> IM A TROLL.
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<chilling> IM A TROLL.
<chilling> hehe
<chilling> no one can read this. why? because they are all japanese..
<chilling> its a japanese scripting language:))
<chilling> konichiwa
<chilling> blablabla
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<chem_none> omg
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<d3c> I get a strange error: <- I guess syntax is alright but it keeps complaining about that
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<d3c> reply to self: OSX for some reason encodes ][ as [] if you type it quickly. found out by escaping non-ASCII input in terminal. weird stuff
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<aef> i have a "read, write = IO.pipe" question. If I want something that I have written to the write part to be readable from the read part i have to call write.close. if i don't blocks forever. why is that so? is there another way to achieve this, without closing the pipe?
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<aef> the propblem is, that i have a child process which is given the pipe as stdin. when i close it, it seems that the child process simply dies. but what i want is to give multple commands via stdin
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<aef> and always receive the response through stdout without creating the process again
<dr_bob> IO#read by definition will read to the end of the stream. For a pipe that is not reached unless you close the write end.
<dr_bob> You can use IO#read(100) i.e. with a max len.
<dr_bob> Or use IO#gets to read delimited messages (you can pass a delimiter, default is \n)
<aef> dr_bob: in my previous tests, i think that didn't work. it seems the read part is only able to ever give me data back if the write part of the pipe is closed, else it will block forever
<dr_bob> That has likely another reason: you are using buffered IO. Best is to use #flush after you wrote a complete message. Alternative is to use IO#sync= true.
<aef> dr_bob: i'll try that
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<aef> dr_bob: well, so far, if i only set a pipe to stdin, write to it, flush it, the command sends output to the inherited stdout
<aef> dr_bob: thanks so far. but now i need to be able to catch what it's writing
<aef> dr_bob: i just tried to give it another pipe write end as stdout
<dr_bob> I am not sure what you mean. Are you talking about another process that you started? Did you look at IO.popen and Open3?
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<aef> can anyone tell me if there is a way to check if there's something to read inside an IO object before I try to read it? i have stderr and stdout. normally i want to return whats in stdout but if there's something in stderr i want to return that instead. but if i do stderr.readline the system blocks if nohting is in it
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<Mon_Ouie> You can use, maybe?
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<banisterfiend> Mon_Ouie: you looked at fancy lang yet?
<Mon_Ouie> I had seen it already
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<banisterfiend> Mon_Ouie: oh, is your language going to be similar?
<Mon_Ouie> Well, a bit, because it will use Smalltalk's syntax for method calls too
<banisterfiend> Mon_Ouie: btw, support 'it' as in groovy block that would be very nice
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<d3c> isn't this perfectly valid syntax? I'm getting a "undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass" error: @notifier.notify("Role: #{node_inventory[:facts]['role']}. FQDN: #{node.hostname}. Puppetmaster: #{chosen_master.hostname}", 'New node')
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<d3c> node_inventory is a hash and so is :facts
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<virunga> Hi, with the interpreter how can I reload a file or flush/remove it?
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<pi3r> hi all
<pi3r> i have 2 modules
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<pi3r> module A includes module B
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<pi3r> and i want module B to define static method in module A
<pi3r> how i can do that?
<pi3r> hum
<pi3r> class_eval seems good :)
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<thehin> why would i be getting a Could not find a JavaScript runtime. See for a list of available runtimes. (ExecJS::RuntimeUnavailable) when trying to run rails g controller?
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<Bish> is there a clever way to manipuliate binary data with ruby? i mean if u have definitions in c-header format?
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<yxhuvud> bish: elaborate your needs. I believe you will probably want either Array#pack or FFI.
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<Bish> yxhuvud, i was more thinking about something like, u have a defnition of a structure in c format.. and using it, the same way
<yxhuvud> sounds like FFI then.
<Bish> gonna check that
<Bish> yxhuvud, well i dont want to call extern calls, i just want their headers q-q
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<Bish> like if u have the header Elf32_Ehdr from elf.h, that i can access binarydata.e_type
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<zabi> hello, i have a problem with OptionParser. I try to parse string arguments, but all I receive are values of true/false, am I missing something?
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<zabi> hello, i have a problem with OptionParser. I try to parse string arguments, but all I receive are values of true/false, am I missing something?
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<heftig> zabi: try opts.on("--ipaddr, String, "...") do |n|
<heftig> er, opts.on("--ipaddr", String, "...") do |n|
<zabi> heftig: tried that, all I am getting is nil
<heftig> ah right
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<heftig> the way the first argument (the one starting with "--") is formed is important
<heftig> if it's supposed to have a mandatory argument, you need do this: "--ipaddr IP"
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<heftig> e.g. opts.on("-i", "--ipaddr IP", "blah blah blah")
<heftig> or opts.on("--ipaddr IP", "blah blah blah")
<heftig> see the documentation for OptionParser, it has a comprehensive example
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<zabi> thank you heftig
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<__jonathan> Hi all. What is exactly the method inspect ?
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<__jonathan> I'm learning Ruby by following the learn ruby with koans, but the exact usage of the inspect is still unclear for me. Thanks for your explanations :)
<heftig> inspect is supposed to return a string representation of the object which is suitable for debugging
<__jonathan> just discovered ruby-doc ... All the answers are here !
<heftig> as in, human readable and somehow capturing the state of the object
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<chiel> Hello. Which gem would you guys recommend for working with mysql?
<chiel> is mysql2 still the way to go?
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<Jake232> chiel: I think so
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<chiel> Jake232: cool ty :)
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<pen> is it possible to have thread within a class?
<pen> and it has the same scope as the class instance?
<pen> so it can access the instance variables?
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<d3c> if I lock a flock a file, will it unlock when script execution ends? or will I have to unlock it somehow?
<d3c> if I flock a file*
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<enikar> d3c: since flock works on file descriptor and file descriptors are closed on programm end, you can expect the lock disappear on programm end.
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<zastaph> there seems to be no convention how to name ruby gems.. I see mygemname my-gem-name and my_gem_name
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<Mon_Ouie> Depends on what your namespace is usually, and if it is related to another gem
<Mon_Ouie> Plugins are like (some_gem)-(plugin_name) typically
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<zastaph> bundle gem my_project made module MyProject though
<Mon_Ouie> Yes, that's what is expected
<Mon_Ouie> and my-project would rather be My::Project
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<zastaph> but I guess I need to read more about local gems.. <- the lolcatz module here is a subdir in /lib .. however what if I wanted lolcatz to be a global module for use in all my projects?
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<zastaph> then I'd make it a gem? and install that gem locally to each of my projects ?
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<sythe> Facade is a first-person, futuristic, 3D, cross-platform (Win/Mac/Lin) FOSS adventure game project, using the Ducttape Engine! | | (WIP) Design Doc: | Tech Doc: | Tracker: | Music: | Video:
<sythe> ,/end self-promotion
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<zastaph> .so = somalia :) all the others were taken?
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<deryl> Mon_Ouie: does your ruby-debug-pry have up/down (call stack) and next/step (stepping through source as app executes)
<deryl> asking before i attempt to retool off pry and pry-stack_explorer
<deryl> banisterfiend says he's not done the next/step portion of pry (or stack_explorer) yet, so was wondering if your's had that support.
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<deryl> i've got his up/down on the call stack installed. loving it. just casting around for a more (currently) complete solution if possible (or I can just wait til he's done with it)
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<Mon_Ouie> deryl: I'm not the ruby-debug-pry guy
<deryl> oh my bad. I thought you were. My apologies
<Mon_Ouie> And pry_debug doesn't have that
<deryl> ok
<deryl> i'll stick with what i got now then. thanks for answering. again, apologies for the misidentification
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<johnnus_> I've got some problems with BCrypt and their == comparer and salts. Can anyone give me ideas about how to make this better? . It works, but it's not very elegant.
<johnnus_> oh, and the 'password' is hard coded, never mind that - you'd still get the idea
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<dabaR> Does anyone want to share their most involved capistrano script?
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<nooodl> hi, what's the preferred way to check if a program was run without command line arguments?
<nooodl> ARGV.empty? or something?
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<nooodl> i basically need to know whether "gets" would read from stdin or from the AGRF files
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<nooodl> oh, nevermind
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<r3x> :-)
<shevy> nooodl do you need an "e"
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<Kiten> anyone want to recommend a gem for reading pdf's ?
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<lysgaard> I'm trying to install the SystemTimer gem with ruby 1.8. It fails to build with: "error: ‘rb_thread_critical’ undeclared" Is this a known problem?
<dagnachewa> hi all
<dagnachewa> gem update --system gives me Invalid gemspec in [/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/specifications/mongoid-2.3.1.gemspec]: invalid date format in specification: "2011-10-11 00:00:00.000000000Z"
<dagnachewa> ...
<ryanf> dagnachewa: uninstall and reinstall mongoid
<dagnachewa> ryanf, is't just all the gems
<dagnachewa> ryanf, can't reinstall all the gems
<virunga> Hi, with the interpreter, i created a page object using Mechanize and now i want to print it on file. But with f.puts page i write only the id of page object and not the same thing i get when digit page. What can i do to print on file the entire definition of page object?
<dagnachewa> ryanf,
<dagnachewa> please help I have gem update --system errors
<burgestrand> dagnachewa: check out “gem pristine” command
<ryanf> ime gem pristine doesn't fix this one, maybe he'll have better luck though
<ryanf> I only had a few that broke that way
<ryanf> dagnachewa: you might try asking in #ruby-lang since rubygems maintainers are in there sometimes
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<dagnachewa> please help for invalid date specification while updating gems
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<drPoggs> dagnachewa: have you tried Googling?
<dagnachewa> drPoggs, yes but I have to resintall or modify all my gems
<drPoggs> does that help?
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<cyril_> Hello, how do you create a partial unique index with sequel? that would generate something like: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX part_of_name ON customer (name(10));
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<marcin_m> Hi i have problem with fuzzy finder and command-t with ruby 1.9.1 on ubuntu
<marcin_m> this vim plugins working with ruby1.9.1 ?
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<rb2k> Anybody got any experience with running multiple capybara tests at the same time?
<rb2k> I need XVFB for each of them
<rb2k> but since the tests themselves open up the XVFB, they can't share one
<rb2k> because test 1 might finish before test 2
<rb2k> and close the xvfb when it's done
<rb2k> (forked children get killed)
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<emocakes> :\ killing children..?
<drizz> best thing about programming
<emocakes> ...that's really bad..
<emocakes> I'm just here for help getting windows to boot
<drizz> that's bad
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<shevy> try format c:/ emocakes
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<metrix> what is the suggested unit testing framework to learn with ruby?
<shevy> there are many
<metrix> shevy: I know.. I don't know what to choose, so I figured I would ask so I didn't end up using one of the "weaker" ones..
<shevy> metrix if you want to go back to the roots try Test::Unit::TestCase
<metrix> ok
<shevy> it's the curse of the ruby world, 100000 things to pick from. wait a bit for other people to suggest other frameworks :)
<metrix> hahah :) ok
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<shadoi> metrix: MiniTest is bundled with Ruby, I think that gives it a significant vote, and it can be used in various ways to be like rspec, or Test::Unit, etc. I use it by default pretty much always now.
<metrix> shadoi: interesting! I will look into it