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is it possible to pass a string object to %x[] ?
ruby is trying to execute the string name instead of its content
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omry: #{} works inside of
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samuelkadolph, I noticed. but I still want to execute the string content (I am using the string somewhere else, don't want to repeat it)
omry: Then perhaps you should gist your code since that makes no sense
that makes perfect sense. I want to print the command and run it, for example.
That makes sense and it's easy to do: puts cmd; %x[#{cmd}]
patricksroberts joined #ruby
ah, okay. I actually tried it but had a syntax errr in the inner string
(accidentally rried %x[%{cmd}]
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can I ask RVM questions in here?
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diago1: You can but it should be better to ask in #rvm
oh snap, didn't know aabout #rvm thanks
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Topic for #ruby is now Ruby programming language || || RUBY SUMMER OF CODE! || Paste >3 lines of text in || Para a nossa audiencia em portugues
user__ joined #ruby
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oh man... little-know but incredibly useful flag: ./configure --with-gcc=clang
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exist a method to remove white spaces in strings like "Hello World"?
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I've noticed that there is no #ruby/#ruby-lang IRC logs, and I wrote a log viewer to make some:
this has raised some privacy concerns on #ruby-lang, through.
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ah, gsub
stunna joined #ruby
* brownies
installed ruby from source... without gcc.
cordoval joined #ruby
how to get todays date on format 20111116 ?
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and also how to output current time in 11:00 format?
cordoval: strftime
hmm url? any examples?
quest88 joined #ruby
ok, no one cares. fine then
privacy concerns?
Uh … thats kind of like being nude in a park and then complaining that someone is looking at your junk.
That's one I found, but I remember it being a lot better a few years ago
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how could I see all gems deps are resolved ?
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I have uninstalled some gems and I am not sure now if I have deleted a good gem now
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what is the difference between `fmt % argarray` and `sprintf(fmt, *argarray)`? which one should I use?
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panzi: they’re the same, I’d use the String#% one myself
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Feels better to ask the string to format itself rather than asking the Kernel to format a string for me :x
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burgestrand: ok, if there are no differences I'd also use %. for one I'm used to this from python and it is more object orientated. I just saw sprintf used in the code of a coworker and wondered what this C-ish function is all about
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I don’t see the sprintf style often; mostly you do string interpolation or String#%
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seeing something strange with rbenv.... anyone around to help?
just got this random error, and i notice the version numbers don't match...
/Users/brownies/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/openssl/buffering.rb:121:in `sysread': Operation timed out (Errno::ETIMEDOUT)
they match just fine
ruby 1.9.3 uses stdlib 1.9.1
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oh hmmm ok
so that's not the issue?
epochwolf|vps: ahhh… so thats why. i thought some packager somewhere forgot to bump their version strings
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fixed it. gem update.
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hi guys i am have problems with the gsub function can i get a little help
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easy question: how do I strip "," from the ends of a string?
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"f,o,o,".gsub(/,$/,"") might work for you
u think if i pastebin the code someone could take a look
if there's always a , at the end you can just remove the last character
glacius: not for your question, for ciupicri
didn't see yours
LiquidInsect, it's not always, otherwise I might as well truncate it
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Hi, Is it possible to call a method of a subclass via inherited method of the superclass? It keeps raising NoMethodError. Any help is much appreciated
as for the code it's Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('mysql --version').chomp.split(' ')[4] and sometimes the version can be "5.1.52,"
as in "mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.52, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386) using readline 5.1"
it's just looking for any comma which comes at the end of a string and removing it
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LiquidInsect but it does change but that s an example
LiquidInsect, yeah, although it's kind of overkill to use a regex :-)
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LiquidInsect, nevertheless, thank you
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ciupicri: simpler solution? grab that last character, if it's a comma just truncate the string then
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then you're not using a regex, just comparing one character
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LiquidInsect, I think that would destroy the one-liner :-) I find it a bit odd that Ruby doesn't have a parameter for strip just like Python which lets you mention what character to trim
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LiquidInsect did that string help
glacius: honestly I can't spend a lot of time helping here. I'll take a look but I'm at work.
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Have you tried macthing on a smaler subset of the string?
LiquidInsect oh not a problem, thanks so much for even considering
ciupicri: you could still make it a oneliner, it might just get ugly
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When I attempt to run `bundle install` for a rails app, I get the following error: rescue in <top (required)>': uninitialized constant Bundler::BundlerError (NameError)
I've tried bringing everything up to date, with no success. I'm on ubuntu 10.04 lts and using aptitude
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hey, is it possible to check whether string is in array in case statement?
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for example, "case str when in array ... end"
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hi, i'm receiving what i'm told is binary data through a web service.. using savon to speak to a .NET soap service
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the binary data, representative of a zip file is coming through as a string of random numbers and letters in an XML element
i'really struggling (with savon) to make it behave as anything other than a string
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Can I set GEM_HOME from within a script before calling rubygems?
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require 'rubygems' that is
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does anyone know if there is a solution to this ubuntu ruby 1.9 ssl problem?
skrewler: case str; when *array; end
Err, that was for skim1776 but he's gone
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hey guys, can anyone tell me what's wrong in this spec? First steps into Rspec and Rails:
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hey, is it possible to check whether the string is in array in case statement?
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I tried to install Ack on a Unix install that didn't install it, and it installed "Ack- the Kanji code converter". WTF?
ah, it's ack-grep normally. lame
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hi! I need some help setting my ruby environment up in OSX. I ran "gem install heroku"... which installed fine. but I cant run the "heroku" command at command line. this worked fine at work with ubuntu. what dir do I need to put in the path?
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good afternoon guys.
I have a error here with gitorious, but I know nothing about rails, someone can help me? Error is at ...
durre: Did you use sudo?
I really need help on that
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samuelkadolph: yep
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Maybe reload your terminal
sudo gem install should work fine with OS X's ruby
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samuelkadolph, tore tore: apologies for any lack of response, i got disconnected
ruby needs a good zip library
samuelkadolph: I restarted the terminal a couple of times. I have other gems I can run. like "compass". I'm thinking maybe I have several ruby installations or something and heroku ended up in the wrong one
What does gem which heroku give you?
samuelkadolph: I'm not sure what you mean. it's the CLI for the heroku platform
durre: the output of gem env
compass was in the same place
My guess is you installed compass with the system ruby (/usr/bin/ruby) which installed a compass stub into /usr/bin but you only installed heroku with your brew ruby
And it's gem executable directory is not in your $PATH
Now /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/1.9.2-p290/bin and see if heroku is there
Now check*
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toretore: where have you gone? I've got it working thanks, it was base64 encoded and i've written the decode64(data) to a file which unzipped nicely as a standard zip file
andywww: You were talking in #rubyonrails before
samuelkadolph: heroku is in that dir
i just realised! sorry
durre: There ya go
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samuelkadolph: wonderful! thank you for straightening that out
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rubygems executable stubs are rather interesting and sometimes annoying like that
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hello, I'm using datamapper to create a table in a mysql database but the encoding in the sql query isn't query i'm specifying. any tips on how I can troubleshoot this?
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sorry. the encoding in the sql query isn't the encoding that I'm specifying in the datamapper call
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is there anyway to auto-generate tests cases in ruby?
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Is there another name for '<=>' thats more google friendly :D
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Squee-D: spaceship operator
any idea why symbols don't support it?
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Squee-D: because symbols will either be the exact same or different?
Squee-D: symbols ain't strings. but in 1.9, they get <=>, using their name to sort them by.
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apeiros_ which is a bit closer to how their (sometimes) used in lisps, for sorted sets for example.
All good. wish i had 1.9, working on that today. meanwhile i'll let my list be unsorted
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Squee-D: given that we know how <=> is implemented in 1.9, there's nothing stopping you from backporting that to 1.8.
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I'll just be patient and not add work to my day. Running 1.9 is a priority anyway
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how would one access the key of a hash without knowing the name of said hash, assuming i'd have to for loop it to access that without calling blah[??]
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segv: eh?
do you mean access a key stored in a variable? `key = 'mykey'; hash[key]`
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how do you read a value into a variable like read... or scanf..
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deryldoucette: what are you trying to do with json? I couldn't quite make out your tweet
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How do methods work that allow you to do Method "text" instead of Method("text")
All of them allow you to do that
All of them do that
its just automaticly like that?
oh cool..
that's ruby's syntax
Yeah, you can leave off the parentheses, even when defining them if you want
def method a, b, c
puts [a, b, c].inspect
Don’t do it slavishly though, remove them sparingly
Leaving them out can cause confusion sometimes, whereas you’re pretty much always safe having them :)
chronos joined #ruby
since it works either way i think ill stick to using them
it is what im use to seeing
Guys, I'm here upgrading gitorious but when I do a db:migrate I get rake aborted with following error: (already tryed #gitorious). I already upgraded EVERYTHING on system and tryed again, same issue
Looks very gitorious-specific
BoomerET joined #ruby
may guys can help with trace
I'm 0 in ruby
I'm trying to get my SOAP client working, and using wsdl2ruby, so far it's going great. I'm printing a return value, and it sayd #<LoadBalancePort:0xbb664422> I thought that might be an array, but how do I access the values?
I've been googling all day with little success
Being 0 in Ruby: self #=> 0
gearaholic joined #ruby
How do i iterate through an array skipping the first item in the array
chronos: it's likely that upgrading EVERYTHING caused the issue. Looks like a compatibility problem with activemessaging.
Is the url of the page stored in the NET:HTTP response object. I need the url, because it could have followed a redirect
im trying to pass in a array as a param to a method but i want to pass the whole array minus the first item so instead of interating through them all and make a new array excluding the first item could i instead just pass array[1..-1] as a param?
artOfWar joined #ruby
Is there a chomp equivalent for arrays?
Or just define a new array with only 1..-1
Hey, I have a gem file that I want to install just in my home directory somewhere so I can peruse the source. What's the gem invocation to do that?
design by contract. watch the movies about it on
ah yes, know about contracts
eggs: --user-install or --install-dir
samuelkadolph: like ||, but not working with false?
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Would be nice to use instead of ||=
I want ?. from groovy: nil?.join # => nil
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[1,2,3]?.join # => "123"
apeiros_: already exists as .try in activesupport
i.e., if the receiver is nil, the return value is nil, nothing is yielded, nothing is raised.
whitequark: not the same
try is a poor mans workaround
but it is considered harmful by some
It's the same just not native
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I wonder if you could implement ?. with method_missing
samuelkadolph: no, it's not the same. it can't shortcut for one
Shortcut what? A chain of them?
6 symbols instead of 1
otherwise just the same
there was some other thing where it'd be different… ah, stupid memory fails me today
What does symbols have to do with anything?
yes, a chain of them
apeiros_: chains do work
He's talking about not being able to optimize the rest of them away
At least that stupid commit that silenced errors in the block (or somesuch) got reverted
(for try)
oh, right, and I want the warning system reimplemented on top of exceptions
with something like Kernel#resume
use strict; ?
the current warning system is pretty much useless.
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resume code where the exception was raised. if you want warnings in terms of exceptions, that's pretty much a prerequisite :)
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Wouldn't that break a lot of code that expects code to not run after raise?
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If you swamp my ruby debug output with a shitload of exceptions I will find you
burgestrand: but that's the point - right now you either get swamped by warnings or don't get any. if it uses the exception system, you can filter warnings.
also you get backtraces, hurray
Pft, use caller. The poor man's backtrace
samuelkadolph: you can't use caller with warnings…
apeiros_: have you seen judofyr's Exception#continue?
banister`sleep: looked at it
it's pretty badass
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You can't catch the warning and look at the caller but you can certainly include the caller stack in your warning
yeah, but I'm only interested in it with regards to warnings ;-)
oh ok
samuelkadolph: yes, you can. but the issue are the warnings of all the other m'therf'ckers code
apeiros_: implement it in a gem then :P
samuelkadolph: you still don't get rb_warn
monkeypatch warn and use that Exception#continue
apeiros_: I meant more rather that if you throw exceptions nowadays, even if you catch them, running ruby with “-d†will show them, which means using them for anything other than exceptions will make the output of “ruby -d†a little less useful :o
samuelkadolph: also having a backtrace still doesn't solve the problem. I want to be able to do something like: rescue MyLibWarning => warning; …print the warning…; resume; rescue Warning; …ignore, I don't care about 3rd party code stupidities…; resume; end
That would be hard without the library dev helping you
iow, filter for warnings that my code emits, print it, resume operations. all other warnings: just resume operations, don't print anything. what do I care if 3rd party code is a mess?
samuelkadolph: no, that's the point. it would be stupidly easy. but only if warnings work on top of exceptions.
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I suppose if you just lump them all under Warning it would still work
with the current warning system, you can patch warn and filter out stuff based on the backtrace, but that's stupid.
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samuelkadolph: of course. you'd need a baseclass (no idea for the name), from which Exception and Warning inherit. warn raises Warning per default. raise raises RuntimeError per default.
you rescue warnings by rescue Warning or subclass.
I would if it would be feasible to patch warn to use fibers to achieve reentrant warning exceptions
(or included module
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apeiros_ i forgot to thank you for helping with my spaceship question earlier :D Didn't mean to be impolite, was just coding frantically.
Squee-D: heh, easy. I only get put off by people who ask and do a goldfish (30s later vanish and stop don't act upon answers)
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apeiros_ Certainly an annoying trait. But I usually get put of by people who don't exhibit awareness that there are other humans present :D
Of which basic manners is an integral part
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* apeiros_
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is there a better way of keeping track which line you are on when performing an each loop on a file, than creating a counter variable and ticking it up once each loop?
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C|S: Array#each_with_index ?
Is this a decent channel to ask some basic rails-specific questions, or should I be elsewhere?
"'activesupport','~> 2.3.4']" what does that ~> mean
would that limit it to loading 2.3.x instead of 3.0.10?
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epochwolf|vps: thanks, is the value of the index saved as a variable labeled 'index'? I need to do a next if index=INT
C|S: it takes a code block...
so, file.each do |line,index| ?
epochwolf|vps: ^
I suppose, I didn't read the docs.
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each_with_index, not each
epochwolf|vps: right, ok thanks
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hi im trying to programmatically run a test::unit TestSuite from a build script and was wondering how one can pass in an external value into the my TestCase class when my build script executes?
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This is the code I currently have: I need to set a URL attribute inside of JKEFunctionalTests to get the tests to work:
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samuelkadolph: you can't monkey-patch most of warn calls
it just does not involve any Ruby-alterable code paths
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I know you can't monkeypatch c methods
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Has nothing to do with patching most warn calls
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samuelkadolph: looks like I'm missing something. I always thought that warn calls are "most" useful as a part of verbose mode to find smelly constructs
and that Kernel#warn is seldom used in the wild
am I wrong?
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You probably weren't reading the conversation then
yeah I understand that you were talking about libraries. That does not exclude the verbose mode usage.
Nevermind, I already understand that I indeed missed something.
It had nothing to do with verbose mode
And there are more warn calls in ruby than in c in ruby itself, so you can patch most of them
rook_flood joined #ruby
Were you talking about patching existing warn calls in the existing libraries to make them more helpful, or just about improving the generic interface to encourage it's usage in the future?
I was talking about if you could patch warn to achieve what he wanted after we started talking about ruby 2.0