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* yopp is reading stuff about memory management.
<yopp> holy fucking shit.
<yopp> I've suspected that hardware made by humans, but you know, I was thinking that only best of genius allowed to design it, and it perfect.
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<GitHub126> rubinius/master 007040c Joe Eli McIlvain: Free Metrics object from SharedState when done.
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<[spoiler]> Morning
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<yorickpeterse> morning
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<yopp> morning
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<yopp> cremes, stupid question about mmap: let's say, I have 5 processes, and they are mmap one file. 4 can only read, and 1 can read and write to that file. If writer modifies section of the file mapped to memory, this change will be reflected to readers almost immedeately?
<yopp> another thing, that I'm not getting: if I'm randomly reading file (lets say, reading index), I need to do read using 1 mmap'ed memory region, or I should map to one buffer for each read, or I should use map each time?
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<yopp> or it's more like: I can mmap a file bigger than amount of memory available, and access to mmaped buffer will take care of everything? I will be able to access any part of the file, and it will copy it to memory on demand?
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<DireFog> mmap makes the file part of virtual memory space, physical memory doesn't play into it too much
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<DireFog> visibility of changes depends on the parameters to the mmap call
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<yopp> DireFog, so proper way is to map whole file, and just seek/read over it, and all the memory access will be managed by OS?
<DireFog> the idea is to map the file and then you access it just like memory
<yopp> so I don't need to think about how much physical memory is needed?
<DireFog> I don't know how any OS handles paging for that
<DireFog> it should only use a couple of pages at any given time, it doesn't read the entire file into physical memory
<yopp> from mmap man page, seems like if you access to region of file, that is not in physical memory it will generate a page fault, and page will be loaded to memory and then it will be accessible to process
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<yopp> okay, that's makes sense
<yopp> and if I'm using MAP_SHARED, then all processes will see changes immediately
<yopp> so basically I can avoid reader blocking, if changes are atomical
<cremes> yopp: i see that you read the man page. that should answer all of your questions.
<yopp> I read a lot of stuff lately, and it's made a mess in my head :B
<yopp> I'm trying to verify my assumption, since man pages can't talk
<DireFog> goota love workdays that end with closing 5-10 RFCs
<yopp> and seems like memory operations are not atomical, which is sad :|
<cremes> yopp: if you need atomic operations with mmap i think you need to look into shared mutexes or semaphores. that’s outside my area of expertise.
<yopp> that means locking :|
<cremes> of course. how else would you do it?
<yopp> with magic! :B
<cremes> ha! well, you just need something to serialize the operations. a mutex is a reasonable way to accomplish that. maybe you can use pipes.
<yopp> I'm curious how LMDB achieved this "Reader/writer transactions: readers don't block writers and writers don't block readers. Writers are fully serialized, so writes are always deadlock-free."
<cremes> some kind of FIFO probably
<cremes> it also probably allows “dirty reads”
<yopp> dirty reads?
<cremes> yes, where a read can occur in the middle of a write so you aren’t guaranteed to see the “latest” version of data. google for dirty read and it will probably give you a lot more detail.
* DireFog recommends safe search when googling for that
<yopp> :B
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<yopp> uh.
<[spoiler]> Lmao
<yopp> huh. Now I'm getting why our mongo it locked 75% of time.
<cpuguy83> Lots of writes == really bad for mongo
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<yopp> yep
<yopp> okay, seems like LMDB uses "multi-version concurrency control"
<yopp> so instead of writing to the same page, they are using new one
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<cpuguy83> 2.8/3.0 (mongo) looks like it actually implements document-level locking, which is a HUGE improvement.
<yopp> really?
<cpuguy83> Based on the docs, it seems that way.
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<yorickpeterse> Bingo, got an AWS multi-threading problem in MRI
<yorickpeterse> "hurrdurr these problems don't occur on MRI therefor aws-sdk is thread-safe"
<yorickpeterse> my butt is thread-safe
<yorickpeterse> oh wait, this is actually JRuby even
<yopp> do you have mutex on it? :B
<yorickpeterse> Not in this case
<yorickpeterse> I have on all my own apps
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<kagaro> brixen i fils a ticket for rubysl-date, %Z is not working as expected, its just showing %z instead
<pchalupa> hi does initialization of an object provide any visibility guaranties, e.g. similar to final field in java
<yorickpeterse> visibility as in?
<pchalupa> yorickpeterse if there is a final field in java object it's guaranteed that all threads will see correct value (supplied in initializer) no synchronization needed
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<yorickpeterse> Ruby has nothing like that
<yorickpeterse> If you want synchronization you'll have to do it yourself in most cases
<mustmodify> we like threads, but not enough. :P
<pchalupa> MRI's GIL provides that afaik guarantee. This is an issue/question only on rubinius and JRuby
<yorickpeterse> The GIL isn't bulletproof, you can still have race conditions on MRI
<pchalupa> yeah sure
<mustmodify> pchalupa: can you provide documentation on that?
<pchalupa> but in this case you cannot se old value in @ivar afaik
<pchalupa> mustmodify hi, on what?
<pchalupa> java final field or MRI GIL ?
<mustmodify> that MRI guarantees synchronization.
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* pchalupa still looking
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<yorickpeterse> pchalupa: what do you mean with "but in this case you cannot se old value in @ivar afaik"?
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<pchalupa> e.g.: in thread1: set @a = 1 then @a = 2 then context is switched to thread2 @a will always be 2 never 1 (in MRI Ruby code)
<pchalupa> yorickpeterse ^
<pchalupa> sorry for poor explanation
<yorickpeterse> That is not guaranteed I believe
<yorickpeterse> MRI can decide to switch threads between the assignments
<yorickpeterse> Although much of that is "undefined behaviour" as far as I know
<yorickpeterse> in general you should not rely on any variable assignment being synchronized
<yorickpeterse> I think constant assignments are synchornized, but I'm not 100% sure
<yorickpeterse> but even there, if you want to share the data:
<yorickpeterse> Mutex it
<pchalupa> yorickpeterse yep, I know that the context switch may happen at any time, this was an example: if it happens at that place, @a will be seen as 2 in thread2.
* pchalupa trying to look it up where I've got that.
* pchalupa may be wrong though
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<pchalupa> yorickpeterse mustmodify sorry i did not find the original source but looking at where native_mutex_lock uses pthread_mutex_lock here
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<yorickpeterse> what about it?
<yorickpeterse> That doesn't say anything about _when_ it can do a context switch
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<GitHub11> rubinius/1.8.7 52442ef Brian Shirai: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 1.8.7
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<brixen> additionally, is it specified anywhere?
<brixen> MRI makes a guarantee about when it will or will not change GIL semantics?
<brixen> if they do, I've never seen it
<yorickpeterse> People claim it can switch when doing IO, and that apparently it's "sort of good" at it
<yorickpeterse> But I've yet to see any docs on that
<yorickpeterse> or anything close to "this is defined behaviour"
<yorickpeterse> instead of a "happy little accident"
<brixen> anyway, what is the question we're trying to resolve?
<yorickpeterse> I actually don't know :P
<mustmodify> he asked if you guaranteed that his value would be what he expected without mutexes.
<mustmodify> and he said MRI promised that.
<mustmodify> And I asked for documentation.
<brixen> yorickpeterse: so, I was triaging old tickets yesterday and about 10% of them look like build system issues
<mustmodify> because I remember working with threads in C and thinking that you could pretty much guarantee it would figure out how to screw you if it could.
<brixen> yorickpeterse: one idea I was pondering is a VM in sh that we can target with a simple build language :)
<pchalupa> the question is not about when it can switch, it's about: can you see different values in @ivars from two different threads ?
<yorickpeterse> brixen: a lot of them are from the 2.0/2.1 days
<yorickpeterse> 2.0/2.1 was a bumpy ride
<brixen> yorickpeterse: yeah, a lot of tickets are period
<yorickpeterse> pchalupa: in rbx, yes
<brixen> working on cutting them down
<brixen> pchalupa: *nothing* in Ruby is guaranteed to have volatile semantics
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<yorickpeterse> pchalupa: since we have proper concurrency thread 1 could set an instance variable and then change it, while thread 2 at exactly the same time uses a variable
<brixen> pchalupa: you'd need to use some specific facility to guarantee that
<yorickpeterse> s/a/the variable
<brixen> evan played with a way of annotating a class so that all ivars would have volatile semantics
<pchalupa> yeah that is what I expect on Rubinius and JRuby
<brixen> I should say, nothing in vanilla Ruby
<yorickpeterse> brixen: VM in too strong? :P
<pchalupa> my question os about MRI, so you need to synchronize there too?
<brixen> yorickpeterse: hah, it was only a quad shot
<brixen> pchalupa: dunno, we don't develop MRI
<brixen> pchalupa: there are no docs that I know about MRI's memory model
<brixen> but that's something you could go ask on the ruby-core mailing list
<yorickpeterse> Worth keeping in mind: with LLVM 3.6 coming up we'll probably have more build problems coming up
<pchalupa> sadly no :/
<yorickpeterse> I believe 3.6 is supposed to be released in February
<brixen> yorickpeterse: aww shit
<brixen> best get crackin on that
<yorickpeterse> Brace for all the distros that insta-upgrade (e.g. mine)
<brixen> I'd be happy if some distros even had packages for 3.x
<pchalupa> brixen let me backtrack, original question was about rubinius :) if you can do save immutable object in multi-threaded environment without locks?
<yorickpeterse> brixen: Yeah, probably for a while we'll end up with 3.5 vs 3.6 #ifdef :/
<brixen> pchalupa: could you rephrase that question, it doesn't make sense to me
<pchalupa> brixen similar to final fields in Java,
<yorickpeterse> unless we're going to require 3.6
<brixen> yorickpeterse: the APIs in 3.6 are in 3.5, no?
<yorickpeterse> Not sure if MCJIT is
<pchalupa> brixen sorry s/save/safe/
* yorickpeterse still needs to figure out if it's "msee-jit" or "MacJit"
<brixen> pchalupa: there are no volatile semantics on Ruby ivars in Rubinius
<pchalupa> brixen if you create an object with one final field in java you can pass it safely between threads.
<brixen> pchalupa: if you want a memory barrier, use Atomic
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<pchalupa> I am thinking about following: def initialize; @a = 1; freeze; Rubunius.memory_barrier; end; then I should be fine passing that object around without further locking? I am correct or is it a stupid idea and I am missing something.
<brixen> pchalupa: if the object is not mutated, there's no need to lock
<brixen> if all you want is a memory barrier at a point in time, we could expose that independent of Atomic
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/1.8.7 (52442ef - Brian Shirai): The build passed.
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<pchalupa> brixen thanks
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<evan> who made the Monad mug all those years ago?
<brixen> evan: dwaite did
<brixen> sadly, he never hangs out on IRC anymore
<brixen> might be able to lure him to gitter though
<evan> :D
<evan> ok, thanks!
<evan> I sent him a messages on the twitters.
<brixen> his campaign to rename Rubinius to Reubinus didn't fair as well as his mo' nads cup
<evan> :D
<evan> brixen: how are you doing??
<brixen> pretty well!
<brixen> how's Vektra going?
<brixen> evan: sneak preview :)
<evan> Vektra is good! Chugin' along
<brixen> sweet
<brixen> I wish we could use it
<evan> (book) nice!
<brixen> we're building our own thing, as badly as anyone :'(
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<brixen> alas, only have energy for so many battles
<evan> yeah, I totally understand.
<brixen> do you have any screen casts yet? :)
<yorickpeterse> we're not calling it Rubinious?
<evan> not yet!
<yorickpeterse> it would certainly help with the typos
<brixen> yorickpeterse: gah :p
<brixen> evan: hopefully soon!
<evan> At least I didn't name it Rubinios
<|jemc|> Rubin-iOS
<brixen> Rubini-OS
<yorickpeterse> iRubinius
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<GitHub121> [rubinius] brixen pushed 5 new commits to master:
<GitHub121> rubinius/master fb3b114 Brian Shirai: Updated gems.
<GitHub121> rubinius/master d196769 Brian Shirai: Updated News.
<GitHub121> rubinius/master d39c079 Brian Shirai: Updated Changelog.
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brixen changed the topic of #rubinius to: Join us on Gitter! : 2.5.1 - : logs -
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<GitHub20> [rubinius] brixen tagged v2.5.1 at 8fd046f:
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<nirvdrum> It looks like is still pointing people towards 2.4.1. Is that intentional?
<yorickpeterse> Hm, good point
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<yorickpeterse> fixed
<brixen> thanks yorickpeterse
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<cremes> This is what I was hoping to create but someone else beat me to the punch:
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/master (3d449b7 - Brian Shirai): The build has errored.
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<cremes> not sure if all of the FFI syntax is compatible with rbx’s internal FFI, but i bet it’s close.
<|jemc|> cremes: in places it's not, let's work to close the gap - that's one of my goals
<cremes> and it uses libclang to do most of the heavy lifting.
<brixen> cremes: cool
<cremes> |jemc|: you knew about this and didn’t tell me? shame on you! :P
<|jemc|> knew about what? that there are differences between the two APIs?
<cremes> no, that there was a tool that you could feed a C header into and it would spit out FFI::Structs and stuff.
<|jemc|> heh, either I misinterpreted
<|jemc|> or you did
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<GitHub69> [rubinius] brixen pushed 4 new commits to 1.8.7:
<GitHub69> rubinius/1.8.7 0a101bd Brian Shirai: Fixed rubysl-readline version in Gemfile.installed.
<GitHub69> rubinius/1.8.7 4cae271 Brian Shirai: Updated Changelog.
<GitHub69> rubinius/1.8.7 1f3e6c8 Brian Shirai: Updated News.
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<GitHub88> [rubinius] brixen pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub88> rubinius/master db75dd1 Brian Shirai: Removed 1.9 language syntax in configure.
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<yorickpeterse> hmpf, seems I'll be writing a language detector this week
<yorickpeterse> or alternatively trying to fix our current Java based one
<yorickpeterse> brrrr
<yorickpeterse> if I write more Java I might turn into a factory :<
<yorickpeterse> (or a factory bean even)
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<GitHub170> [rubinius] brixen tagged v1.4.1 at 1.8.7:
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<mustmodify> I have another fun WTF-is-going-on-with-Rubinius issue. :( Using MRI 2.1.4 and rails 4.2, when I start my server, I see the app in all its glory. When I use rbx-2.4.1, I get "Routing Error: Missing or uninitialized constant: PagesController" ( this happens for every controller. ) WHen I go into the console and type PagesController, it works perfectly. I'm having a second issue that *may* be comorbid. When I start a server, it says, "Listening on tcp://
<brixen> mustmodify: please try rbx 2.5.1
<brixen> mustmodify: hot off the presses
<mustmodify> ok
<mustmodify> was there a 2.5.0 that I missed? Or are you guys taking "odd numbers are stable" super-seriously?
<|jemc|> 2.5.0 was released
<yorickpeterse> ffffff, fucking papers behind paywalls
<|jemc|> it's more like taking the "release early, release often" seriously
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/master (3d449b7 - Brian Shirai): The build passed.
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<mustmodify> Oh, I forgot the most important thing. This commit works fine in production under rubinius.
<brixen> mustmodify: super weird
<brixen> mustmodify: 2.5.1 is released
<mustmodify> yep. That's really got me.
<brixen> mustmodify: and our version numbers don't follow odd/even
<mustmodify> brixen: Just finished compiling.
<brixen> I'd prefer that no breaking changes were in minor but we can't support that while chasing MRI compat
<brixen> so changes in X.Y may be breaking
<brixen> but we release often enough to just try the next one
<brixen> and working on an automated process today where any contributor can make a release :)
<brixen> I know, I know, total anarchy
<yorickpeterse> might want to put a `if user != 'yorickpeterse'` in there :P
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<mustmodify> brixen: it works in 2.5.1, which kind of angers me. WTF?
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<brixen> mustmodify: are you sure you weren't hitting the Thread::Backtrace::Location#path bug?
<mustmodify> pretty sure.
<mustmodify> and by pretty sure I mean...
<brixen> although, you did say Rails 4.2 so that shouldn't be it
<mustmodify> I can read. :)
<brixen> heh
<brixen> I'm sure you can
<brixen> I can too, but that doesn't mean I'm not confused 100 times a day :)
<mustmodify> same code. Works on 2.4.1 on production, but suddenly not on dev? AHHHH
<mustmodify> sure, I get confused. OK well, whatever.
<mustmodify> 2.5.1 it is then
<brixen> let's see, it's Monday
<brixen> I'd really like this week not to end without 1) automated Rubinius releases, and 2) no more Ruby build dependency
<brixen> who's with me? and who do we talk to about altering time?
* yorickpeterse hides
<|jemc|> brixen: sounds like you need to acquire a few sh-writing slaves
* |jemc| also hides
<yorickpeterse> oh hey, I found a Google language detector which means possinly no Java
<yorickpeterse> instead "yay FFI"
<yorickpeterse> hmpf crap, the newer version of this Google library is crap
<yorickpeterse> :<
<brixen> |jemc|: volunteering? :)
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/master (db75dd1 - Brian Shirai): The build passed.
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<|jemc|> brixen: I'd honestly like to help out with getting the project past this roadblock and on to other things like MCJIT, but if I have time to devote to a massive chunk of shell scripting, it'll be at least few weeks from now
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/1.8.7 (419ee42 - Brian Shirai): The build was broken.
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<cremes> anyone know of any example where a built-in class (like Array as defined in array.cpp) calls from C++ code into Ruby?
<cremes> and I’m not asking about the CAPI.
<cremes> i’m interested in where a class calls *itself* from C++ to Ruby.
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<|jemc|> cremes: looking for usage of Object::send in vm/builtin gives me just autoload.cpp
<|jemc|> vm/builtin/autoload.cpp:26
<cremes> i see it, thanks.
<cremes> now i need to figure out how to pass args
<cremes> here’s what i’m trying to do…
<|jemc|> object.hpp:174 has the declaration with args
<|jemc|> of type C++ "Array"
<cremes> I want to replace IO::open_with_cloexec’s code to just call into the ruby method with the same name so it can do the work.
<cremes> |jemc|: great! just what i need!
<|jemc|> ruby-ize all the things!
<cremes> that’s the plan.
<cremes> we’ll see how much of it brixen accepts… :)
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<yorickpeterse> cremes: calling Ruby from C++ can lead to weird bootstrapping problems
<cremes> yorickpeterse: discovering that… :)
<yorickpeterse> e.g. the C++ code might run before the Ruby code has been set up
<cremes> yorickpeterse: i see in ontology.cpp where all the built-in classes get initialized and started. where is the code that loads the ruby code in kernel/bootstrap and kernel/common?
<yorickpeterse> there's some arcane magic and alcohol involved
<yorickpeterse> and the rubinius-compiler
<yorickpeterse> I don't remember specifically where it starts
<yorickpeterse> (or ends :P)
<cremes> i’m reading this:
<brixen> cremes: environment.cpp
<yorickpeterse> cremes: it's dangerous to go alone. Take this!
<cremes> :)
<yorickpeterse> meanwhile I'm trying to find out how the F to call a method with a block in JRuby
<yorickpeterse> :<
<yopp> ++ on "fucking papers behind paywalls"
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<yopp> also fuck the algo patents :(
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<yorickpeterse> "Check out this cool natural language processing tool I made. It's publicly available and oh you have to pay for commercial usage"
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<GitHub128> [rubinius] sshao pushed 3 new commits to 1.8.7:
<GitHub128> rubinius/1.8.7 5924993 sshao: Added spec for Enumerable#enum_with_index...
<GitHub128> rubinius/1.8.7 eb86227 sshao: removed Enumerable#each_with_index specs' ruby_version_gaurds...
<GitHub128> rubinius/1.8.7 33e1035 sshao: Added Enumerable#enum_with_index back...
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<mustmodify> yorickpeterse: that sounds cool. Link please?
<mustmodify> Or the name or something
<yorickpeterse> wut?
<mustmodify> I may have misread. Did you say you wrote a cool natural language parser? Or that someone else said they did?
<yorickpeterse> Oh no, it was just an example about the patents/papers stuff
<mustmodify> right.
<mustmodify> ok
<yorickpeterse> but I did work on plenty of NLP stuff, though most of it is a bit of a hack
<yorickpeterse> <- we use this for serious internet business
<yorickpeterse> don't hate me for the quality of some of the code, it's being worked on :P
<mustmodify> machine learning. I read a cool book where there were machine-learning robots that could only be used for about an hour or they would figure out that you were smarter than them and take over.
<yorickpeterse> chrisseaton: ping
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/1.8.7 (33e1035 - sshao): The build is still failing.
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<yorickpeterse> welp, lets take it to the twitters
<yorickpeterse> because I cbf grepping JRuby source code for another hour
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/1.8.7 (33e1035 - sshao): The build was fixed.
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<chrisseaton> yorickpeterse: hello
<yorickpeterse> chrisseaton: headius already helped me in #ruby-lang
<yorickpeterse> chrisseaton: I was wondering how to call methods from JRuby while passing a block, but CallBlock19 it is
<chrisseaton> yorickpeterse: I wouldn't really know that anyway - my stuff is quite separate from this classes
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<yorickpeterse> Ah right
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<travis-ci> rubinius/rubinius/1.8.7 (419ee42 - Brian Shirai): The build passed.
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