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yo solnic
if i were to write code that dumps/loads memory-adapter content to/from a yaml/json file .. where would i put it?
snusnu: you would use a yaml adapter :P
snusnu: because effectively when using yaml adapter you’re loading everything into memory
solnic: sry, bbias
solnic: how does the current yaml adapter work? is stuff being written to disk on #insert,… ?
solnic: cause i don't want/need that
i want to setup a dev/test env, where i all i care about is that it's fast
and i want to have seed data, and not loose user entered data between app reboots
i guess, really, my intention is to use the memory-adapter (the reference adapter) and "fake" persistence to ease dev experience a bit
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solnic: something that you said yesterday got me thinking
solnic: you said that you don't TDD Rails apps, so how do you approach testing ?
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cored: I partially TDD when I work on rails apps
cored: I can’t imagine to TDD everything in a rails app because things are so slow
I also often prototype features by writing high-level acceptance specs but that’s more test-first kind of thing
solnic: I see
solnic: got my point?
snusnu: sorry, yes
snusnu: you need something external then to dump memory into yaml
solnic: right
solnic: it's no biggie, i'm just wondering if i should stick it inside my app, write a gem for me, or write a gem for rom-rb
solnic: which probably leaves me with starting out inside my app :)
snusnu: you can’t stick it into adapter if you want to have it on demand
because as you said, you want to use memory store and dump to yaml only when you want
snusnu: in other news, I just finished mutcovering virtus after axiom-types integration
solnic: yeah, i'm guessing it's really for a rather specific usecase (that btw, i see myself running into quite often) .. it seems to me to be good practice to develop against memory-adapter, and have that bit of persistence to be able to do presentations of the app under dev for example
solnic: awesome!
not 100% but it’s because those few alive mutations are not relevant
solnic: also, my app is designed in a way, that when running in dev environment, it uses memory-adapter only, for speed reasons .. also, i do that in test env obviously
solnic: then as we know, ignore them ;)
yeah, mutating warning messages for example
actually, no, there are some mutations alive that I kinda want to kill eventually - all are about removing calls to super in inherited/extended/included hooks
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but no time to kill them now, need to move forward with this
fair enough
I will make sure nobody will remove those SUPER calls for now :P
but I must say mutant found at least 8 bugs today
so I’m happy
a also improved stuff as I was improving tests and killing suckers
solnic: btw, i've listened to the rr episode and you did a great job!
shit, really?
I’m scared to listen to it lol
I’ve read the transcript and was like “*FACEPALM* geeez I talk like a moron"
solnic: heh, no really, i found it to the point and really ok!
fighting stress when speaking in english is hard, esp when you now they are RECORDING you
solnic: there's so much things to mention, it's really hard to stay focused and not wander off, you did a good job at that
solnic: heh, i can imagine
yes, I was so worried about loosing focus on going astray with the discussion subject
solnic: that said, i'm sure that we could fill another episode at some point, mentioning more of the stuff you (rightfully) left out
yes, just need to make shit more useful :)
solnic: yeah :)
holy crap
Showing 196 changed files with 1,895 additions and 4,388 deletions.
now that's the kind of diff we like :)
2493 LOC removed
almost 2.5k LOC removed
that’s more than 2k
and less than 2.5k
it is
that’s a shit load of LCOs
LOCs even
now the funny part - it has better functionality, it’s simpler and I fixed some bugs
the way it should be .. congrats!
now I’m gonna run reek just for fun
even though I already now what it’s gonna say
btw, i really want reek to scream at me if the config contains reference to stuff that doesn't exist anymore
my config is obsolete
not working with latest reek
I think I’m gonna stop using it
I really think mutant is becoming the only tool that makes sense to me
the rest is just annoying
class Foo has more LOCs that the max threshold
so what
fwiw, i still think reek provides me with enough value to keep on using it … i still miss a few things, and if i don't have something that reminds me, i forget them
lol that's a silly metric
it works, I understand the code, I’ve got everything in one place, it’s easy to grasp it
I’ve got a gigantic Builder class in Virtus now
it sucks, I hate it, but I’m gonna push it because a) it works b) it works c) it works
go for it
I’m sure I’ll refactor it at some point but getting this stuff working was HARD
virtus supports a rather neat syntax with Array[String] and all that stuff
yeah dude, time to celebrate, refactoring can come later
solnic: btw, when i listened to the rr episode yesterday, i smiled, especially when the conversation moved towards (early) input sanitization/validation .. the stuff possible with mbj's libs like vanguard/ducktrap .. along with the design "promoted" with substation/subway .. allows for an insanely clean separation of that kind of logic
solnic: i also think that eventually, i won't need anything like form objects at all
snusnu: we use virtus in gitorious with a library called use_case
solnic: iirc that's the one that more or less does what the very first version of substation did
how about adding support for % threshold to mutant config?
that'd involve adding config file support for mutant i guess, but yeah, should be done
snusnu: we could have it in the cli
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—threshold 97.16% :)
solnic: as a start, yes
cause that’s the current status of virtus
hah, why did i think that this is the case … :)
good morning
oops sorry 96.16%
hey dkubb
morning dkubb
dkubb: sorry for bothering you in the morning but can you fix that axiom-types issue? :)
I’m wrapping up the refactor so would be cool if that was fixed
solnic: I can look at it tonight
it’s no buggy since I’ve got a workaround in place
2955 less lines of tests in virtus now. most mutations are killed (all significant ones). I’m really curious to know if I introduced some regressions
solnic: did you refactor the interface? if not then you could always pull out your old tests and run them against the code
I left old integration tests untouched
interface didn’t change
running prev unit tests against refactored codebase will produce million of failures
because internals changed
like, accepts type and options now
vs name, type and options
so internal interface changed
mutant rocked btw
are you going to do a few rounds of rcs before 1.0?
found many bugs today
helped me cleaning up stuff
I noticed things that I could simplify or even remove completely
amazing stuff
dkubb: yeah I plan at least one more beta, then rc then final
I hope people aren’t relying on the attribute subclass hierarchy
if they are, I will just add it back but those would be empty classes
no options no custom behavior
I guess I should add back prev interface for creating attributes too with a deprecation warning
should be easy to do
people are actually building attribute instances “manually” so now it would not work for them
you could also start documenting those classes using @private
we’ll see if I need to add them back
maybe people won’t care ;)
dkubb: is it intentional that Axiom::Types::Boolean.primitive is BasicObject?
solnic: I believe so, because it's one of the few cases where there are multiple primitives that map to the type
hmm ok
solnic: if I recall, it's #include? method does handle instance of TrueClass and FalseClass
#primitive isn't really a good abstraction in those situations
I’ve got a small edge case now that if you do it will not figure out that we want to create Attribute::Boolean instance because of the primitive not being TrueClass
but I’m actually wondering if I could just nuke Attribute::Boolean too
need to think about this a bit more
oh how I wish there was a Boolean superclass
I've seen cases where people define a Boolean module and mix it into TrueClass and FalseClass, so that they can go: object.kind_of?(Boolean)
the problem with that is naming conflicts
yeah I know
yeah, I think the final touch in this integration refactor is to get rid of boolean/hash/collection/embedded_value subclasses
I’ll do it probably as a second step
need to wrap this up, 88 commits already in the PR
yeah, that's a long lived PR
I've begun to break down some of my changes so if the PR gets to a state of equivalent functionality with improved internals, I will think about merging it into master and then open a new PR for the remainder
it's better to think about improves as being a specific direction, rather than an absolute state