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<snusnu> yo mbj
<mbj> snusnu: jo
<mbj> on a train, expect me dropping from channel
<snusnu> how does anima behave when a subclass needs more than the base class attributes?
<mbj> snusnu: class Base; include; end class Subclass < Base; include anima.extend(:bar); end
<snusnu> mbj: aha! thx!
<mbj> snusnu: undocumented :(
<snusnu> heh
<snusnu> maybe i'll fix that at some point soon
<snusnu> mbj: and how would i do a ducktrap that first transforms a hash, but then does more transformation and instantiate a concord class?
<mbj> snusnu: No buildin so far
<mbj> snusnu: use custom
<snusnu> mbj: so i'd have … yeah
<mbj> snusnu: Feel free to come up with ideas!
<mbj> snusnu: BTW concord from ducktrap? What is the use case :D
<mbj> ?
<snusnu> i actually won't need it probably, but i started out with concord classes representing different states during derserialize/sanitize/authenticate
<snusnu> you know, i don't really see a point in anima as long as i have only 1 or 2 objects i want to inject into a class
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<mbj_> snusnu: A good point is the ducktrap integratin.
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<mbj> snusnu: The thing is, I use concord *only* for cases that are NOT modelling my domain in an "outer" interface.
<mbj> snusnu: Okay for processors/internals etc.
<mbj> snusnu: But for "public" interface such a s DTOs it makes lots of sense to have named params.
<snusnu> mbj: yeah
<mbj> Also anima is easier to refactor than concord.
<snusnu> mbj: in my case, i requestify the incoming rack request, then i deserialize the cookie out of the header, then i sanitize using a SESSION ducktrap, and that ducktrap converts to Input::State::Unauthenticated
<snusnu> for that last state, concord would be enough, even if i were to add a timestamp to the session, i'd still only have 2 objects to inject
<snusnu> and i doubt that my session cookie will ever contain more than those 2 properties
<mbj> snusnu: anima supports functional copy updates
<mbj> snusnu: concord NOT
<snusnu> i know, but it feels weird initializing such an object with a hash, it takes only 2 fixed objects
<snusnu> also, i don't care about updates, i do state transitions
<mbj> snusnu: Its okay for me to use anima at the boundaries, positional logic and mapping isnt hat easy
<mbj> hehe
<mbj> I need to see such code :D
<snusnu> so i have class Unauthenticated; def authenticate;; end
<mbj> Is subway already usable?
<snusnu> give me 2 more days
<snusnu> but even then, surrent subway mostly provides router wrapping
<snusnu> i haven't yet generalized a lot of handlers, only the mustache renderer that is able to do layouts too
<snusnu> but i know you're not using mustache
<mbj> yeah, hate terminal duplication (closing html tags)
<snusnu> yeah, i hate ruby that tries to be html, also, the guy writing the html hates it
<snusnu> anyway, i have to go now, cu later
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<timkurvers> hi folks, am I right in thinking that utilizing ROM as an ORM is not feasible yet?
<mbj_> timkurvers: read only
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<timkurvers> I see, thanks :)
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<mbj> solnic: snusu had the idea to ship Gemfile.devtools via a gist. I'd support this.
<mbj> solnic: This way we ould *release* devtools as a gem.
<mbj> solnic: And this would solve lots of problems for me (and other). Also devtools *could* (but not must) have its own dependencies.
<mbj> solnic: What is your opinion, I like the idea.
<mbj> solnic: The Gemfile.devtools is just "an artifact of our build system".
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