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<mbj> solnic: I like the develery name, should we wait for more "acks" or can I do the rename and release now?
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<solnic> mbj: looks like you’re in hurry ;)
<solnic> that’s ok, no idea if dkubb will like the name but we could re-rename again :)
<mbj> solnic: jo
<solnic> mbj: I keep confusing your ‘jo’ with ‘yo’ :)
<mbj> solnic: surry
<solnic> that’s ok, I say “jo” myself from time to time (in some regions in Poland we say ‘jo’ as ‘yes’)
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<mbj> hehe
<solnic> really, esp in the north
<solnic> post-german stuff
<solnic> as you probably figured :)
<mbj> solnic: Too bad I'm su busy, but I expect I can do more sql generation stuff in the evening.
<mbj> solnic: Okay, rename is done locally
<mbj> solnic: I'd nuke the new develry repo, and rename the original devtools one to develry
<mbj> solnic: Than push pre develry code to a newly created devtools one.
<solnic> mbj: yeah just go ahead and do it
<solnic> mbj: so, remind me - we will have a separate project to distribute the Gemfile?
<mbj> solnic: yeah
<solnic> I’m wondering…maybe we could make develry depend on those gems?
<solnic> no need to include extra Gemfile this way
<mbj> solnic: That project will not be semversioned
<mbj> solnic: Rubygems does not have platform specific deps
<mbj> solnic: That is the reason we need this whole hack and are distributing a Gemfile
<solnic> right
<mbj> solnic: But maybe we should squeeze out all tools that require platform specific deps :D
<solnic> also it would be nice if we could configure which gems should be pulled in
<solnic> current Gemfile.devtools is HUGE
<mbj> hehe
<solnic> no need to have all of that there
<solnic> esp guard stuff
<solnic> guard should be optional btw
<solnic> a lot should be optional
<mbj> yeah
<solnic> heck, most of the stuff should be configurable / optional :)
<mbj> When I started devtools I was happy to have a centrlalized setup WITHOUT options.
<mbj> Would be to much work at this time to make it configurable.
<mbj> So for now, I'll release the develry gem
<mbj> And I'm happy to break it up
<mbj> solnic: the only platform specific gems are here:
<mbj> mutant happily bundles under jruby
<mbj> so we could remove mutant platform guard
<mbj> so basically we have Gemfile.devtools for jruby-opensssl :(
<mbj> Mutant does not work under jruby
<mbj> And the mutant tasks detects this via the "non requrebility" of mutant, because it was not bundled.
<mbj> solnic: So IMHO lets accept jruby users need to bundler jruby-openssl by theirselv
<mbj> *to bundle
<mbj> and shipt mutant under all rubies
<mbj> And detect jruby from the mutant task. This would allow us to NUKE Gemfile.devtools
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<mbj> snusnu: hola
<mbj> snusnu: pls read the last 5min of logs and help me :D
<mbj> solnic: Another problem, the devtools gem would need a version bump each time a dep changes.
<mbj> solnic: And I'd dislike this, so a non-semversioned gem is a better option. IMHO.
<mbj> solnic: I'll maintain my develry fork for some time to see how it feels.
<solnic> mbj: gah, I wonder if we could distribute it using sth else than rubygems
<snusnu> hey guys
<snusnu> imo the only reliable way when in maintenance mode, is to have Gemfile.devtools in a separate gem, have a very loose dep on that from a semver'd devtools, and bump gemfile version each time
<snusnu> but tbh, i don't really care about this atm, because i don't need it, i can happily use it already :)
<mbj> snusnu: git sources are sower than gems
<snusnu> sower?
<mbj> snusnu: you you should like a faster alternative
<snusnu> ah ok slower
<mbj> snusnu: slower, yeah
<snusnu> yeah, i'm not denying some benefits, and i'm obviously not against it, i just don't need it :)
<solnic> and why can’t we just have it inside the develry gem itself?
<solnic> bkz semver?
<solnic> because…that’s not a good reason IMHO
<snusnu> solnic: well imho it is
<snusnu> solnic: most of the time the code in devtools will not change, only the shared gemfile will
<snusnu> solnic: api breakage in devtools will be even more rarte
<snusnu> rare
<snusnu> it just feels weird to not do semver because of that shared gemfile (that as you said yourself, could be delivered by some completely different mechanism too)
<snusnu> the idea to put the shared gemfile in a separate *gem*, is in order to allow people to pin their devtools setup to a consistent "snapshot" by regular means
<snusnu> solnic: there's still a lot of improvement doable in devtools
<snusnu> solnic: imo we should move the logic currently buried in the rake metric tasks into their separate classes
<snusnu> solnic: once we do that, we can enhance it much more easily
<snusnu> solnic: it will become "more and more proper code" .. which imo always benefits from semver
<mbj> snusnu: I'll do my first release of develry soon, but without externalizing Gemfile.shared
<mbj> snusnu: And I'll learn from "how it feels".
<snusnu> mbj: and why's that if i may ask?
<mbj> snusnu: Timeconstrains :D
<mbj> snusnu: Later versions will have it.
<snusnu> mbj: but please, let's not start meaningless version bumps in a "fresh" gem
<mbj> snusnu: it is at 0.0.2, I think with 0.0. prefix we can "play around" freely
<mbj> snusnu: I dont expect we'll nuke devtools soon
<mbj> snusnu: I'll maintain my PR a bit and learn from the results.
<mbj> snusnu: Currently we have lots of assumptions in our discussion, and I'll validate them.
<snusnu> mbj: hmm .. i fail to imagine them atm
<snusnu> mbj: like, what are the lot of assumptions?
<snusnu> mbj: it just seems like maintaining a fork is a pretty pointless effort that only creates more work
<mbj> snusnu: Just pushed develery-0.0.2 with deps hardcoded. Lemme tests and I'll release the second develery-deps or something later this day.
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<mbj> dkubb: hi
<dkubb> good morning
<dkubb> I'm fine with the rename to develry btw
<dkubb> I saw some of the backlog
<mbj> dkubb: nice
<mbj> dkubb: Just released develry-0.0.2 to rubygems
<mbj> dkubb: Testing it in my constrained environment
<dkubb> nice
<solnic> snusnu: gotcha
<solnic> fair enough
<mbj> dkubb: Once it works I'll move deps to another gem we can push without semver
<dkubb> mbj: so develry just becomes a configuration manager or something
<dkubb> ok, gtg. I'll lurk in here, but I probably won't respond right away. bbiab
<mbj> dkubb: yeah, and it reduces redundant cross project boilerplate
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<snusnu> mbj: so to sum up, our plans haven't changed? so we will have a develry gem that follows semver, and a develry-gemfile gem that contains only the shared gemfile and doesn't follow semver?
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<solnic> dkubb: you there?
<mbj> back online in 30min
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