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Hi, is it possible to have different layout for different tag?
how would that work?
you can display multiple tags at once
like every other wm, I can have a left layout on tag 1, right layout on tag 2 and full layout on tag 3
and what happens when you display tag 1 and tag 2 at the same time?
I haven't seen any other *dynamic tiling* wm do this
awesome wm, xmodad
maybe they are workspace...
do they not allow displaying two tags at once?
pretty sure xmonad at least calls them workspaces, but I haven't looked at the behavior in detail
I still don't understand the tags concept
how do you use tags?
you can put e.g. your browser on one tag, some terminals on another, a chat client on another
then if you want to see the browser and the terminals at the same time, make the first 2 tags visible
for example my workflow is the follow, I have my browser on worspace 4 with full layout, on workspace 5 I have file manger with libreoffice with left layout, on workspace 3 I have file manager with pdf viewer with right layout. If I wanto to see my browser I switch to workspace 4 but I want my full layout and it I switch back to workspace 3 I still want my right layout
This is what I have with awesome, xmonad, sway...
if your browser is the only thing on the tag, it should already be taking up the full area no?
I usally have 5 or 6 browser windows
I like to lave some pages open for later read
If you wait for river-layout, you can write content aware layouts, which is a much better solution than "different layout per tag"
For my use case actually I can't see any value in displaying more tags at same time. I have my workspace organized by argument with 2 or more window at time so if I display 2 tags at time this would mix 4-8 windows together that will be a mess
you are mixing use case and workflow here, I think. You could totally do it, you'd just have to change the way you assign windows to tags.
YOu have to stop thinking of tags as separate contexts you can switch between. They are just arbitrary groups of windows you can enable.
if it helps, you can think of tags as the logical successor to the taskbar you have at the bottom of some desktops. But instead of activating/deactivating individual windows, you are doing that with groups of windows.