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<whitequark> "Even in moderate concentrations it will release poisonous nitrogen oxide gases (NOx) that will kill you." pfhahahaha
<whitequark> spoken by someone who has never actually breathed NO2 in
<whitequark> a pretty good article though
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<larsc> I was confused for a moment and thought the nanonote will poison you
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<sb0> how prevalent is acute NO2 poisoning anyway? this stuff is so awful to breathe that you normally GTFO pretty quickly
<whitequark> wellll
<whitequark> I just cough when I inhale it
<whitequark> a friend had something that looked like a moderately severe asthma attack when exposed to even less
<sb0> the risks of fuming nitric acid also seem overstated. i once got a small drop of it on my finger, and all it did was a yellow stain that went away after a few weeks
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> most mineral acids excluding HF give you relatively benign burns
<whitequark> conc sulfuric would carbonize your skin but the larger issue is the heat of combining it with water
<whitequark> also, HNO3 isn't really that incompatible with nitrile gloves
<whitequark> I've spilled HNO3 on nitrile gloves many times and all that happens is mild discoloration
<whitequark> inhaling HNO3 vapor isn't that bad either
<whitequark> I mean it's... acidic
<sb0> doesn't it contain decomposition products like NOx?
<whitequark> I'd say if it's white it doesn't
<whitequark> NO equilibrates very quickly with NO2 in ambient air, especially when hot
<whitequark> and that's colored
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