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<baaba> !log
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<paul_boddie> baaba: See for the person who bought a NanoNote from Ida Systems.
<paul_boddie> They also posted to the mailing list:
<paul_boddie> I have no connection with Ida Systems. They were the only company apparently with any after Pulster (from whom I bought mine) sold out.
<paul_boddie> On the topic of successors, I still think it's a shame that only the A20 card was part of the EOMA68 campaign, since the jz4775 might have been of interest.
<paul_boddie> Maybe people in the MIPS scene can persuade lkcl to do a run given that the other options for competitive MIPS products are thin on the ground.
<paul_boddie> (Especially since the CI20 seems to be yesterday's news and the CI40 is all about "IoT".)
<paul_boddie> Anyway, that's probably more than what baaba wanted to know. ;-) Good luck with your order, though! :-)
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<baaba> hi thanks paul_boddie :p sorry i was afk
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