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<eintopf> anybody know the special technical word for small fan molex connectors?
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<DocScrutinizer05> look it up in datasheet of small fan ;-)
<whitequark> JST connector maybe?
<eintopf> yea looks like such...
<eintopf> but I read another forum thread
<eintopf> the idea was... I have second fan on my notebook and I want to connect it to the main fan - just for the sensing, that I don't get FAN ERROR at booting
<eintopf> now in forum thread, somebody flashed the EEPROM with another notebook which don't have such second fan...
<eintopf> and it worked
<eintopf> I suppose now - in eeprom, there exists a magic bit where I can turn off the FAN ERROR check for the second fan
<eintopf> but don't know which bit :-)
<eintopf> sadly the guy didn't compare both hexdumps of eeprom
<eintopf> I don't care about manipulating eeprom if the tool sets the correct CRC afterwards - but I care about that my system has no password afterwards set
<eintopf> and I need to access i2c
<eintopf> I think it's impossible to find that bit :(
<eintopf> without having two eeproms
<eintopf> dumps
<eintopf> maybe... I could lookup in BIOS flashing tool
<eintopf> and search for the eeprom default settings
<eintopf> and then compare them, but... then I need to figure out which eeprom do the second fan check setting and which not
<eintopf> this is real hacking :(
<eintopf> another option in forum thread is to remove some circuits on the board :-)
<eintopf> I really don't need the second fan, it's so loud
<eintopf> sadly the bios has also no setting to disable the check... it's just some hidden config bit
<eintopf> anybody ideas?
<eintopf> I should maybe simple ask on the mailinglist for thinkpad_acpi - there is maybe one person which knows that bit :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> eintopf: sorry you lost me. When you got NO fan connected then the sensing (actually ALARM) for that connector evidently is already disabled, since otherwise a missing signal from fan sensor is same effect like blocked fan
<DocScrutinizer05> you CANNOT connect two fan sense signals to one jack
<DocScrutinizer05> if your plan is to *remove* the 2nd fan and you can't disable the alarm in BIOS (usually that's pretty simple by either dedicated flag or by setting lower threshold to 0) then you simply could connect the sense input of FAN2_JACK to an arbitrary other fan's sense output, i.e connect sense pin of fan jack1 and jack2
<DocScrutinizer05> also see linux "sensors"
<DocScrutinizer05> --set
<eintopf> DocScrutinizer05: I want to remove the fan but with no warning message from bios afterwards - so yes
<eintopf> that's my plan
<DocScrutinizer05> sensors --set
<DocScrutinizer05> is your friend
<eintopf> I can't control the second fan
<DocScrutinizer05> man sensors
<eintopf> I mean I can control it but then the main fan is also disable -> big design failure
<DocScrutinizer05> -s, --set
<DocScrutinizer05> Evaluate all `set' statements in the configuration file and exit. You must be `root' to do this. If this parameter is not specified, no `set' statement is evaluated.
<DocScrutinizer05> man sensors.conf
<eintopf> that doesn't work
<eintopf> the board is build that the embedded control (external mcu) readout eeprom setting and control the fans
<eintopf> and the embedded control firmware has no possibility to control both fans independend from each other
<eintopf> it's a big design failure
<DocScrutinizer05> i'm not talking about fan control
<eintopf> or somebody didn't found the right bits :-)
<eintopf> ah ok.
<DocScrutinizer05> the name is SENSORS
<DocScrutinizer05> as mentioned above: when nothing else helps, simply connect the sense input of fan2 jack to same pin of fan1
<eintopf> yea, that was the idea
<eintopf> I just need such tiny connect to build such cable connection
<eintopf> if it's not threshhold...
<eintopf> I think with such 555 "pulse" generator, I can generate a similar wave e.g. second fan
<eintopf> but...
<eintopf> it's a dummy which consumes power :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> set alarm min RPM to 0 in BIOS
<DocScrutinizer05> if there's no such setting in BIOS, you're SOL
<eintopf> it's not there...
<DocScrutinizer05> I wouldn't recommend flashing a wrong firmware to the controller
<eintopf> but i believe it's a hidden config. I can access the bios config eeprom from linux :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> then otoh I wonder if your notebook would not overheat without that 2nd fan
<eintopf> only models with wwan cards has that fan
<DocScrutinizer05> oh
<eintopf> i don't use this card anymore
<eintopf> i think my best choice is to ask on thinkpad acpi mailinglist if somebody knows that hidden bit
<eintopf> that would be a software solutiom
<DocScrutinizer05> arrrgh thinkpad
<DocScrutinizer05> had fun with swapping blue and ctrl key, also involved flashing a new/patched controller MCU firmware
<DocScrutinizer05> somebody RE'ed it but didn't punlish the findings, only the results
<DocScrutinizer05> publish*
<eintopf> yes, same here
<eintopf> but middleton bios has versions for ctrl/fn swap
<eintopf> don't know if your model is supported by middleton
<DocScrutinizer05> my model is cursed by defect fan
<DocScrutinizer05> actually defect controller driver FET for fan
<eintopf> oh
<DocScrutinizer05> I blocked the fan with some plastic stick when cleaning heatsink with pressurized air, but that stick bent and glitched ---> BORKED
<DocScrutinizer05> you can kill the mobo of a laptop with a simple vacuum cleaner
<DocScrutinizer05> without disassembling the laptop
<eintopf> :-/
<eintopf> new thinkpads are worse
<eintopf> we need to build a qi hardware notebook
<eintopf> based on retro thinkpads but opener and better
<eintopf> not a nanonote, i mean x86 hardware
<DocScrutinizer05> do you know of any service manuals for thinkpad (T510) ?
<eintopf> search for hmm
<DocScrutinizer05> nm, aunt google helps
<eintopf> hmm is the usual thinkpad bible
<eintopf> but we do more infos there
<eintopf> and the embedded controller will be open source
<eintopf> yes... we will create the better thinkpads
<eintopf> if we have a embedded controller...
<eintopf> sorry, i am dreaming
<DocScrutinizer05> that dang service manual has not even a component placement diagram of mobo :-( of course no schematics
<DocScrutinizer05> seems this will be a true EE revocery job for when I'm terribly bored
<eintopf> :-D
<eintopf> thats why we need to do an open retro thinkpad
<eintopf> we need another name
<eintopf> hackpad
<eintopf> brainpad
<eintopf> sounds like brainbug
<eintopf> qipad
<eintopf> thats too ipad like
<DocScrutinizer05> sidenote: byebye avalanche! we won't miss you
<DocScrutinizer05> :-D
<DocScrutinizer05> alas I'm pretty sure somebody else will take over in not time
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* DocScrutinizer05 glares at F13