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<sb0> is getting a very familiar treatment...
<wpwrak> spreading the word certainly can't hurt
<whitequark> familiar?
<sb0> yes, single-digit % funding, hackaday cheapskates complaining it doesn't have feature X and Y, comparing it with cheap mass-produced stuff, etc.
<whitequark> right
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<kyak> DocScrutinizer05: did i disable TR-069 by installing openwrt onto my router? :)
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<baaba> Hello ! I tried with an older bootloader, still not working but there are error messages now
<baaba> The first one being Bad ext2 partition or disk - mmc 0:1**
<baaba> I'm wondering something, what partition table do I need to use ?
<DocScrutinizer05> kyak: I guess yes :-D
<mth> baaba: I'm guessing a traditional PC boot sector (MBR) with primary partion 1 being vfat and primary partion 2 being Linux formatted as ext2
<mth> although it sounds like it can also just be a single Linux/ext2 partition if you're using a boot loader that includes the linked commit
<mth> this is extrapolating from how boot loaders work on other systems; I don't have a NanoNote myself
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<paul_boddie> baaba: Sorry to see that you're still having difficulties!
<paul_boddie> For the record, doing "fdisk -l /dev/sdb" tells me...
<paul_boddie> "/dev/sdb1 10 2097899 1048945 83 Linux"
<baaba> allright thanks I am trying again after having formatted the sd card
<paul_boddie> I can never remember the magic around formatting and partition tables.
<paul_boddie> Interesting that the start is "10", though. I guess the partition table is from 0 to 10.
<baaba> omg
<baaba> it seems to work
<baaba> YES
<baaba> Finally !
<baaba> I formatted with no partition table
<baaba> But without changing the bootloader for an older one i wouldn't have known the issue was the partitions
<baaba> I am so happy !
<baaba> so thank you !
<paul_boddie> Glad that it worked! Not sure I understand how it works now, though. ;-)
<paul_boddie> Do you get similar output from fdisk?
<baaba> well now yes, I don't know about before
<baaba> except that I have a second partition for swap
<paul_boddie> Maybe I should add an example of fdisk to the page.
<baaba> there is one, maybe just specify that there must be no partition table
<paul_boddie> Actually, how did you reformat the card?
<baaba> well I'm not a pro with fdisk so I just did it from gnome-disks
<baaba> Now a small problem is that I don't have apt-get, ping and internet on my nanonote
<mth> you can do networking over USB (cdcether)
<baaba> thanks mth !
<paul_boddie> OK. I'm not a pro with fdisk, either.
<baaba> lol i don't even have ifconfig
<paul_boddie> The default kernel should support Ethernet over USB:
<paul_boddie> But for the tools, you will need various packages in Debian.
<paul_boddie> When configuring multistrap, you should specify those packages. For example...
<baaba> yeah I added some packages to multistrap but not these ones :(
<paul_boddie> I guess net-tools and ifupdown and so on. You can ignore stuff like python-pygame. ;-)
<baaba> do you have ifconfig working ?
<baaba> Or maybe there is a way to grab packages and dependencies from my main pc and put them on my sdcard then do some dpkg -i ?
<paul_boddie> Yes, ifconfig works. (Just testing to make sure!)
<paul_boddie> You could copy packages and install manually, too.
<paul_boddie> I'm not sure if it is possible to multistrap a rootfs again with more packages and not make it upset.
<baaba> I think I will do a fresh install with a ton of packages, is there any cli game you recommend ?
<paul_boddie> Not really, sorry!
<baaba> by the way do all guis require x11 to be installed ? if I want a graphical game will I need a x server ?
<paul_boddie> Just looking now, and it hasn't activated Ethernet over USB, but that did work in Wheezy.
<paul_boddie> So maybe I need to find the right magic for Jessie. ifconfig is there, though.
<paul_boddie> I think my brother got the framebuffer version of Qt working on the NanoNote at one point.
<baaba> oh okay
<paul_boddie> Maybe I should check my kernel, although it should be the right one (and not one I compiled with different modules).
<baaba> maybe sdl games will work without xorg
<mth> baaba: lots of games work on the framebuffer
<mth> check games for the Dingoo A320
<baaba> thanks mth ! I'll do that
<mth> you could even try to use the OpenDingux rootfs via chroot, then you don't even have to build the games
<paul_boddie> Yes, SDL stuff works on the framebuffer pretty well. That's why I was messing around with python-pygame.
<baaba> do you think love2d would work too ?
<mth> does that require GL ES?
<paul_boddie> OK, so it was the kernel that didn't have the "Ethernet Gadget" driver. That shouldn't be a problem for you: I just copied the wrong file from my system.
<baaba> oh okay
<baaba> well now that everything works I am going to pick some games and programs and multistrap again
<paul_boddie> Good luck!
<mth> baaba: A320 software is here:
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<baaba> thanks mth and paul_boddie
<paul_boddie> No problem! Nice to see people getting into the NanoNote even now.
<paul_boddie> I thought I was a late adopter back in 2012. ;-)
<paul_boddie> Now if only there were a new edition. :-)
<baaba> yes that would be cool !
<baaba> There is the pyra that looks a bit like the nanonote due to its size mainly
<baaba> by the way idasystems website is still not working, maybe they stopped their activity :o
<baaba> maybe I am the last buyer of a ben nanonote
<wpwrak> paul_boddie: (new edition) find a pot of gold, and we'll make it happen :)
<baaba> I'm trying to add the modules for sound to work as explained here but i get a modules.builtin no such file or directory, same for some modules.order
<baaba> is it just a warning ?
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<baaba> ok it won't work…
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<paul_boddie> Not sure if I tried sound. Not a big sound user, really. I can ask my brother, though.
<paul_boddie> wpwrak: The funny thing now is that you could replace the jz4720 with something like the M150 and have four times the RAM embedded on-chip.
<wpwrak> oh, nice
<wpwrak> and no embedded NAND. excellent, just what i've been preaching for years :)
<paul_boddie> I think all these things have hardware floating point support as well. The jz4775 does, at least.
<wpwrak> yup, the M150 has that
<wpwrak> there's a reasonably detailed data sheet:
<paul_boddie> No need to rebuild libvorbis or whatever.
<wpwrak> (ftp, so retro)
<paul_boddie> Yes, I think I already grabbed the datasheet. There were also programming manuals for some SoCs on the FTP site.
<paul_boddie> At some point I'll get the enthusiasm to do more low-level MIPS stuff on the Ben.
<wpwrak> (programming manual) indeed, even for the M150. nice that ingenic have reverted to the openness of the early nanonote days
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<paul_boddie> I kept getting timeouts when looking for manuals, so I only found a couple of them.
<wpwrak> looks decent enough
<wpwrak> so we have the MCU, the memory, a boot architecture. lcd should be findable, too. now, who gets the money ? :)
<paul_boddie> I think I found the M150, jz4775 and jz4780. The latter may have been made available because of the MIPS Creator CI20 and the need for documentation.
<pcercuei> need some more?
<pcercuei> very cheap. :D
<paul_boddie> But yes, nice that they're putting them on their FTP site.
<pcercuei> doing a nanonote 2?
<paul_boddie> Idle chat, really. :-)
<paul_boddie> Just noting that you could drop the external RAM and have a lot more on the chip itself now.
<paul_boddie> A lot more by Ben standards, at least. :-)
<baaba> ok I think the problem comes from alsa not being installed
<paul_boddie> Most likely.
<baaba> but apt-get seems to be missing…
<baaba> do you know how I could download and install all dependencies only using dpkg and an other pc ?
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<mth> use and look up the dependencies manually?
<baaba> yeah :/ seems a bit long if there are many depedencies :o
<baaba> but I shall try
<mth> maybe you can make an ftp mirror and add that to your sources.list?
<mth> but then you probably need a huge SD card
<mth> 110 GB for mipsel according to
<mth> not impossible, but probably more than the card you're using
<baaba> yes :p i have a 32GB card
<baaba> meh
<paul_boddie> You could perhaps multistrap separately and then compare the package archives.
<baaba> oh yes good idea
<paul_boddie> Not sure where the package archives live, though. :-)
<paul_boddie> I know the package scripts usually go into /var/lib/dpkg/info.
<paul_boddie> Not sure if the actual .deb files are kept around.
<baaba> by the way, what packages includes the apt-get command ?
<baaba> oh apt
<baaba> found it
<paul_boddie> Yes. On a Debian system "dpkg -S /usr/bin/apt-get" says "apt".
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<baaba> bye i'm going to bed !
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