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<arossdotme> this is an interested BMS,searchweb201602_2_10034_507_10032_10020_10001_10002_10017_10010_10005_2020019_10011_10006_10003_10021_10004_10022_10009_10008_10018_10019,searchweb201603_8&btsid=b219447d-4b95-4dbd-8162-3fe682639313
<arossdotme> its got an thermistor
<arossdotme> or this one, a one i prev linked to, looks like it also has connections for a thermistor but doesnt include one:,searchweb201602_2_505_506_503_504_10034_10020_502_10001_10002_10017_10010_10005_10006_10011_10003_10021_10004_10022_10009_10008_10018_10019,searchweb201603_8&bt
<arossdotme> sid=eab159c2-6860-492f-81c2-340fa406b7ff
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<roh> i'd recommend using lifepo btw...
<roh> simply because they deal much better with physical safety and low temperatures. classic li-ion/li-po may be a notch better in energy density, but they are both exotherm and cannot handle winter
<whitequark> already suggested lifepo to him
<whitequark> too expensive apparently
<roh> well.. i use that stuff in packsizes up to 423 or 530Wh for some time now.. and can say for sure that as long as you want to use mobile/outdoor for more than a few minutes, one needs proper batteries anyhow. what sense does cheaping out 10% bring when the pack dies after a year
<whitequark> interesting
<whitequark> btw roh, i had an idea recently
<whitequark> as you well know li-ion/poly is prohibited on planes in certain configurations
<whitequark> i haven't found anything that prevents me from bringing a 200Wh lifepo4 external battery on an intl flight
<arossdotme> oh drat didnt think about winter
<arossdotme> err lots of bubble rap to keep it warm?
<arossdotme> roh, i hear you and i put bat life time and quality into my considerations.
<arossdotme> so for example. i only want usb power banks with those really high mah Panasonic cells
<arossdotme> posted a link for a bank that used them yesterday
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<arossdotme> i was planning on making a big pack my self but then this discount huge rc pack came along from hobbyking and well, my thinking was ill try and see. i dont expect the mah to be what it was, but it sounds like that they dont lose there mah that quickily according to DocScrutinizer05. so goodie. i hope that if i look after it, like only discharging it to 3.5v and not storging it fully charged ill make it last its 500 cycles
<arossdotme> the problem with lifepo cells i think was finding somewhere to buy them from
<arossdotme> got any links?
<arossdotme> roh, ^
<arossdotme> btw this monitors are brill! wise there was a version with a huge display and a much bigger time remaining countdown?
<DocScrutinizer05> LiFePo has a vastly different cell voltage
<arossdotme> whitequark, i dont normally search ebay, ill have a look
<DocScrutinizer05> only 3.2 to 3.3V
<arossdotme> DocScrutinizer05, yep. not so high... oh ok so not much diff
<DocScrutinizer05> o.O ???
<DocScrutinizer05> you can't use any LiIon standard stuff for LiFePo. Neither chargers nor balancers nor any other stuff
<arossdotme> i was typeing a reply... then you posted numbers so i added a extra sentence to indicate that i thought the voltage diff was bigger that it was. thx
<DocScrutinizer05> it's a whole 1 volt diff
<arossdotme> doh
<DocScrutinizer05> try to charge a LiFePo to 4.2V and watch it go dead
<arossdotme> oh lifepo 3.2 to 3.3v cus li-ion is 4.2, 3.7 norm. arrgh im confusing my self. 3.this 3.that 333333333 o.0 ;)
<arossdotme> sorry thx
<DocScrutinizer05> well, the end charge voltage is around 3.6 to 3.65V, so it's 'only' a 0.6V difference to LiCoO2 (standard LiIon)
<DocScrutinizer05> invariably you need a special LiFePO4 charger and balancer/protector circuit
<whitequark> chargers often support multiple standards
<whitequark> i have a charger thats liion/nimh/lifepo4
<whitequark> for 18650s
<DocScrutinizer05> well, depends
<DocScrutinizer05> you need one that explicitly does
<DocScrutinizer05> charfing a LiFePO4 in a LiCoO2 charger is a sure bet for disaster
<DocScrutinizer05> LiFePO4 is less likely to catch fire and explode, but it's not impossible
<enyc> I didnot' know 18650's came in form of NiMhs -- woul think that would be worng voltage for whats expected in that size
<DocScrutinizer05> a smart charger could distinguish cell chemistry by (delta-)V/t observing
<DocScrutinizer05> a LiFePO4 will stay at ~3.3V for quite a while, then suddenly sharp rise to 3.6V
<DocScrutinizer05> a LiCoO2 should stay at 3.6 to 3.9V and then less sharp rise to 4.2V
<arossdotme> is LiCoO2 the old li-ion that had a norm of 3.6V?
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<qi-bot> [commit] Stefan Schmidt: flashi/spi: Use tabs instead of spaces. (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Stefan Schmidt: atusb-eui64: add utility to read/write and EUI64 from/to the device EEPROM (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Stefan Schmidt: atusb/fw: add EUI64 read and write fw interface to permanently set an EUI64 (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Stefan Schmidt: atusb/fw: Bump version to 0.3 after adding EUI64 read/write handling (master)
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