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<wpwrak> heh, now the price hike is out :) let's see what happens
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<wolfspra1l> nothing will happen
<wpwrak> ;-)
<wpwrak> i guess i should try to organize some angry protests, just to prove you wrong :)
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<roh> hehe
<roh> price-hike? ah.
<roh> well.. i was actually thinking about buying a efika mx from tuxbrain. they seem to be difficult to get over here
<roh> wolfspra1l: are there no working watches anymore or why does the public mean to give 10mio to these guys?!
<wolfspra1l> don't understand
<wolfspra1l> it's something people like, obviously
<wolfspra1l> I certainly don't ask "why are 10 mio spent on this or that" - if you just look around the world a bit you could ask yourself that question for billions and billions spent every day on total bs
<wolfspra1l> I do like how they pulled it off though, will watch whether they can establish strong/new sales channels.
<roh> wolfspra1l: well.. it doesnt happen that often that one asks for 100k and gets 10mio
<roh> just too sad that i do not carry watches anymore ;)
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/: rename a bit too general "dump" to "dump_param" (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/: new option -dCHARS to dump specific db; replaces use of -v (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/boom.c (main): rearrange to reduce indentation depth (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/db.c: new function parts_dump to dump the whole parts database (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/: move parts dumping from lang.y to boom.c and make optional (-dc) (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/test/Common: support multiple files of the same kind (!-c1, !-c2, etc.) (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/lang.y (part): show part ID in error message (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/test/char: part characteristics database test (master)
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<viric> worth for openwrt/nanonote?
<Ayla> should run out of the box on the dingoo
<viric> ah nice :)
<viric> I even did not care to see if it is packaged already, sorry
<viric> so in the dingoo you run even python games. nice
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<DocScrutinizer51> wolfspraul: which nfs version?
<wolfspraul> don't know
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<DocScrutinizer51> well, I'm just having fun with copying a complete image of $HOMe (~27GB) from my old laptop to a new one, via scp
<DocScrutinizer51> recovers nicely (when mc is managing that copy via /#sh://) but suuuucks for speed
<DocScrutinizer51> buzzword fishfs it seems
<viric> the network link is your bottleneck?
<DocScrutinizer51> nah
<DocScrutinizer51> friggin fs operations via ssh are
<DocScrutinizer51> ~20 files/s
<viric> why don't you use rsync for example?
<DocScrutinizer51> facing another ~12h ETA, plus penalty for each file on source that's not readable by user
<DocScrutinizer51> viric: because I'm a lazy asshole and just realized mc can connect to the ssh of source PC
<viric> not a bad reason
<viric> at least mc provides ETA.
<viric> I don't know any other tool that des
<viric> does
<DocScrutinizer51> I nevertheless evaluated option a tiny bit before, and concluded rsync via ssh would do exactly the same, but without nice progress indicator and requesters etc
<viric> I'm more of: ssh pc "tar c /home" | tar x
<viric> :)
<viric> well, rsync via ssh would not have a slowdown of fs operations through ssh
<viric> rsync gives work to the remote rsync.
<DocScrutinizer51> you *might* be right actually
<DocScrutinizer51> initially I thought "whatever time it takes, I'm not in a hurry"
<DocScrutinizer51> now I realize I have to observe this process for 12h, to eventually hit return to make a warning requester go away, whenever there's a file owned by root and not user, and not readable by user
<viric> ha. :)
<viric> if you know the size of the data... use 'pv'
<viric> ssh pc "tar cp /home" | pv -S 23g | tar xp
<viric> and you'll get an ETA. :)
<viric> ssh pc "tar cp /home" | pv -a -S 23g | tar xp
<viric> the averaging may work better for ETA.
<viric> store the 'tar' stderr, and you'll have a list of the errors.
<viric> ssh pc "tar cp /home" 2> tarc-errors.txt | pv -a -S 23g | tar xp
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<DocScrutinizer51> I used sftp from console now, logging in to source PC as root --- rocks!
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<DocScrutinizer51> from scroll spreed in xterm I estimate I'm up from ~20fileops/s to >500 now
<DocScrutinizer51> well, this might have been the part where dest files already been existing
<DocScrutinizer51> suddenly it dropped significantly
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<DocScrutinizer51> still, I'm confident it won't take longer than 2 hours now
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<DocScrutinizer51> mhm, 2 minutes for qi ML
<DocScrutinizer51> /home/jr/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/ 100% 5131 5.0KB/s 00:00
<DocScrutinizer51> those 130,000 mails suck for sftp, even at an estimated rate of 100/s
<viric> it depends on your filesystem too
<viric> if it seeks once per letter... on a 7200rpm disk it will do little more than 100/s
<viric> with sftp you still have each file requested remotely, one by one.
<DocScrutinizer51> sure
<DocScrutinizer51> /home/jr/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/ 100% 7094 6.9KB/s 00:00
<viric> good luck.
<DocScrutinizer51> I hope it'll be thru with mail eventually
<viric> I don't think sftp will respect symlinks, dates, ...
<DocScrutinizer51> -pr will
<DocScrutinizer51> bottleneck CPU still, not HDD: Avg: 25.1% sy: 5.1% ni: 0.0% hi: 0.0% si: 0.6% wa: 35.4%
<DocScrutinizer51> which makes a total of 100% on one of both cores, plus a bit on other one
<DocScrutinizer51> wa is it
<DocScrutinizer51> device reads SDA (8.0): ~80/s max
<DocScrutinizer51> usually way ,ower
<DocScrutinizer51> lower*
<DocScrutinizer51> well, no, that's actually average. max is 500
<DocScrutinizer51> those 80 though could actually be the msg files read one by one
<DocScrutinizer51> *yawn*
<DocScrutinizer51> watching make runs is more fun ;-)
<DocScrutinizer51> *yaaaawn* /home/jr/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/,S 100% 3816 3.7KB/s 00:00
* DocScrutinizer51 sobs for all the inodes
<wpwrak> if you delete all the files, your inodes will enjoy freedom again :)
<DocScrutinizer51> jr@halley:~> find /home/jr/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/ |wc -l
<DocScrutinizer51> 154729
<DocScrutinizer51> took an amazing ~5s to complete, despite this sftp monster running concurently
<DocScrutinizer51> YAY OM-kernel ML
<DocScrutinizer51> through with community
<DocScrutinizer51> anyway mail takes >30% of the files to copy
<DocScrutinizer51> number of, not volume
<DocScrutinizer51> \o/ internal
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: fisl2011/Makefile (DL): Atben_atusb_prod_03.jpg was missing (master)
<DocScrutinizer51> and stalled >:-(
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<DocScrutinizer51> fsck that d-link dir615, which obviously has problems with occasionally dropping ARP table or whatever
<DocScrutinizer51> or firewall/NAT hangups
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<DocScrutinizer51> fuuuuuck, sftp won't resume, I.E. will start from very first file again, ignoring all the stuff already copied. Worse: rsync does that too :-o
<DocScrutinizer51> seems rsync hold a local file where it keeps a list of files already synced, and it doesn't care at all about actually existing real files on destination
<DocScrutinizer51> or maybe not
<DocScrutinizer51> already at "xfer#25322"
<DocScrutinizer51> 44k done 61k left
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<DocScrutinizer51> left 1900 of 171000
<DocScrutinizer51> and friggin rsync is way slower than sftp: while sftp maxed out a ~11MB/s on large files, rsync gets to 3.xMB/s when lucky
<DocScrutinizer51> and the WTF: it's not been dir615 but the sis190 kernel module of source machine. Had to modprobe-cycle it to make the NIC work again
<DocScrutinizer51> "it"=the lockup
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<DocScrutinizer51> sigh
<DocScrutinizer51> sent 8096479 bytes received 19742271984 bytes 2132984.34 bytes/sec
<DocScrutinizer51> total size is 28602138243 speedup is 1.45
<DocScrutinizer51> rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1530) [generator=3.0.9]
<wpwrak> make a tar and scp it ? or would that be too easy ? :)
<wpwrak> extra points for rsyncing the tar, since this will let you restart
<DocScrutinizer51> make a tar of 28GB, on a disk that has 300MB free?
<DocScrutinizer51> suuure
<wpwrak> delete all the porn first :)
<DocScrutinizer51> well, seems it's thru now. but now I have a dir /home/jr/halley with lots of stuff in it. And a dir /home/jr/halley/home/jr, with all the stuff in it again :-S
<wpwrak> that's called a "backup" :)
<DocScrutinizer51> could you tell from the cmdline >> rsync -vaRzxP --fake-super root@ ~/halley/jr/ << which is the real stuff now?
<wpwrak> my bet would be on the subdirectory
<wpwrak> but you can just move it out. then do a du -sh to compare size
<DocScrutinizer51> indeed
<wpwrak> or diff -r if you're bold and they should be the same :)
<DocScrutinizer51> already thought abizt du -sh, but thanks for the moving suggestion
<DocScrutinizer51> about*
<DocScrutinizer51> jr@HaleBopp:~/halley/jr> du -sh /home/jr/halley2/home/jr/; du -sh /home/jr/halley
<DocScrutinizer51> 28G /home/jr/halley2/home/jr/
<DocScrutinizer51> 13G /home/jr/halley
<DocScrutinizer51> wpwrak: thanks
<DocScrutinizer51> it seems like the destination argument on that rsync cmd took no effect at all
<DocScrutinizer51> anyway 28G is what I expected
<wpwrak> you could du a find with md5sum on source and origin to be 100% sure
<wpwrak> s/du /do
<qi-bot> wpwrak meant: "you could do a find with md5sum on source and origin to be 100% sure"
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<wpwrak> cd /home/jr/halley; find . -type f -exec md5sum '{}' \; >~/output
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<wpwrak> then do a sort out1 out2 | uniq -u
<DocScrutinizer51> what for?
<rjeffries> wolfspraul expresed interest in making hos own PCBs. this article is not bad.
<wpwrak> that will allow you to see if a) all the files made it and b) if they were copied correctly
<rjeffries> s /hos/his/
<DocScrutinizer51> this will take longer than doing another rsync
<wpwrak> no. worst case, it takes just as long :)
<DocScrutinizer51> friggin idiot I am, giving -R parameter without thinking
<wpwrak> better than --remove-source-files :)
<wpwrak> rjeffries: seems reasonably up to date. the etchant tank is a bit overkill, though, unless you plan to do monster boards
<rjeffries> wprak did you see [not talking about this artcle] where one person made a spray chamber so he could etch boards quickly with no muss or fuss? amusing.
<wpwrak> he seems a bit confused about what 3D printers do, too
<DocScrutinizer51> HAH, now the benefits of rsync hit
<DocScrutinizer51> +mwDGO1eWKyOiCJnpYZVFtUcItXrsync: readlink_stat("/home/jr/.gvfs") failed: Permission denied (13)
<DocScrutinizer51> rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1530) [generator=3.0.9]
<DocScrutinizer51> second run was "lightning fast"
<DocScrutinizer51> nfc what's this >>key_read: uudecode AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAAEBAP8Bo+QhQ...<< foo at beginning though
<DocScrutinizer51> friggin 7 lines of uuencoded key, WHY oh WHY?
<wpwrak> replacing the muriatic acid (HCl) with household chemicals
<DocScrutinizer51> OUCH
<wpwrak> i just hope those people never get their hands on higher grade peroxide. the graveyard of overly adventurous pioneers is already quite full :)
<DocScrutinizer51> he could rub some marshmallows on it and let ants eat away the copper
<DocScrutinizer51> ~curse gnome and all g*
<infobot> May you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, gnome and all g* !
<wpwrak> that could work. probably a bit slow, though
<wpwrak> faster than just waiting for proton decay, though :)
<DocScrutinizer51> wpwrak: would you be interested in getting involved into a bit of kernel development discussion?
<wpwrak> the kernel is vast. what area of it ?
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<DocScrutinizer51> there's this guy FreemanGordon over there at #maemo-ssu, and he investigated for almost a felt year now how to make thumb interworking working on N900 which has an OMAP with a silicon erratum that fscks up the branch prediction when you (mem)swap a thumb branch for a ARM branch, or sth like that
<DocScrutinizer51> actually there are (at least) two silicon errata, and common urban legend is the fixes for those two are mutually exclusive
<wpwrak> nice ;-)
<wpwrak> sounds like a topic for the linux-arm list ?
<DocScrutinizer51> freemanG now claims he made it work, but none of the "experts" is willing to listen
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<DocScrutinizer51> which is kinda expected, since that OMAP3430 is rather old silicon anyway
<wpwrak> did he try that list ? i'm no longer on it, so it can't check quickly
<DocScrutinizer51> and not much to earn on fixing kernel stuff to make thumb interworking fixed for that particular chip - at least unless you're a fan of N900
<DocScrutinizer51> list not yet afaik
<wpwrak> thumb is for running closed binaries ?
<DocScrutinizer51> well, thumb is a smaller (16bit) alternative opcode set
<DocScrutinizer51> or what's been the question?
<DocScrutinizer51> his interest is in reducing RAM footprint of certain libraries like Qt etc
<DocScrutinizer51> since N900 is in a permanent swap hell
<wpwrak> ah, i see
<DocScrutinizer51> thumb instruction set is supposed to be ~30% smaller than ARM, but possibly slower in execution
<wpwrak> i think (conceptually) what thumb is. just never saw anyone actually use it
<DocScrutinizer51> you usually don't even realize I guess
<wpwrak> you mean s/instruction set/code size/ ?
<DocScrutinizer51> err yep
<DocScrutinizer51> e.g. STE modem is all thumb afaik
<wpwrak> evil blobs :)
<DocScrutinizer51> sure
<DocScrutinizer51> do you think you could give some guidance what to post to linux-arm ML
<DocScrutinizer51> *my* problem with FreemanG is that our ideas of patch validation differ vastly
<wpwrak> i'm only an occasional visitor there myself. haven't posted there since openmoko. so i wouldn't have any specific recommendations. just do the usual - describe problem, solution, and see what happens
<wpwrak> patch validation ?
<DocScrutinizer51> somehow I think such a patch for a silicon erratum has to be validated somehow
<DocScrutinizer51> to be effective
<DocScrutinizer51> and actually target the problem comprehensively
<wpwrak> well it needs testing, like anything else. if the erratum is version-dependent, it may need a switch, too
<DocScrutinizer51> esp since here we got 2 bugs in chip, with common notion (seemingly based on rumour) being that the already esisting patches are mutually exclusive
<DocScrutinizer51> and my approach is based on building a testbed that 100% reproducably and traceably invokes the problem
<DocScrutinizer51> while FMG's approach is "it's not possible to write such testbed. but ubuntu is all thumb and it runs on my N900 since 3 weeks now. That's proof enough"
<DocScrutinizer51> maybe slightly different rationale and wording, but the general idea AIUI is like that
<DocScrutinizer51> I'm affraid with this approach of his, he won't see benevolent reviews on linux-arm ML
<wpwrak> he does seem to have a certain, erm, assertive style, yes
<DocScrutinizer51> that's where your comments are welcome
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<wpwrak> just tell him the key guys on linux-arm have had daily exercise as top of the foodchain bullies for the last 20 years. he's not going to out-stubborn them ;-)
<wpwrak> well, some of them have. others are gentle :)
<DocScrutinizer51> (version dependent) one of the fixes - published by TI itself - is by setting some bit in auxiliary control register of CPU, to flush branch prediction on every context switch (whatever that means, now that I come to think of it)
<DocScrutinizer51> obviously there is a performance penalty in flushing branch prediction frequently
<wpwrak> if it's just per context switch, that should be negligible
<DocScrutinizer51> usually yes
<DocScrutinizer51> then there's another bug that kicks in on that (or not), related to commands that flush branch prediction which may result in some nonsensical CPU action (like branching to a destination offset by an unrelated obscure register)
<DocScrutinizer51> and patch for that is to either not use the flush-branch-prediction-queue instructions, or to initialize that random bogus unrelated register to 0, so it won't affect stuff
<wpwrak> maybe whitequark could write a thumb decompiler for you ;-) then you could recompile the whole mess with something that's actually been tested :)
<wpwrak> so zero-initialize and flush, to kill both birds ?
<DocScrutinizer51> all disclaimer: IIRC & AIUI
<DocScrutinizer51> yeah, and that's where fun starts: so far nobody was able to do that (except Nokia), as you can access that auxiliary register only in secure mode / context. The secure context gets irreversibly locked during bootloader execution
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/test/curr: currency exchange test (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/lang.y (provider): don't allow provider to be redefined (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/test/prov: provider database test (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/test/Common (run_boom): place inventory after parts and currency (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/test/inv: inventory database test (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/: move substitutions dump from parser to boom.c (master)
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: b2/: insert a virtual empty hierarchy if test input starts with other file (master)
<DocScrutinizer51> FMG now claims he found a "BIOS call" to write to that register from normal linux context
<wpwrak> OMG :)
<wpwrak> how can the BIOS write to an "irreversibly locked" register ?
<DocScrutinizer51> it's basically like a usual age old sw irq
<DocScrutinizer51> "BIOS" = ROM bootloader code here
<wpwrak> so it depends on the location of the executing code ? because it doesn't seem to be locked. else it wouldn't matter what you do once linux runs
<DocScrutinizer51> AIUI there's a way to trigger an exception that switches state of CPU to secure context and same time jumps to the "BIOS" code - just like good old INTxx
<DocScrutinizer51> it's just the RING0, RING-N concept
<wpwrak> ah, i see. well, if that register doesn't get changed by anything else, then he can put that magic code in the platform-specific initialization
<wpwrak> and still flush branch prediction on each context switch
<DocScrutinizer51> yep, probably that's what he does, or plans to do, or whatever
<DocScrutinizer51> I not *completely* wrapped my head around all that yet
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