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<codec_> Hi
<codec_> @Praetonus, did you manage to do some progress on the code generation bug I discovered yesterday?
<Praetonus> codec_: Not yet. I'll take a closer look later today or next week
<codec_> maybe I should open a bug just we can keep track of it?
<codec_> Plus when you do a PR once you solve it will add some background
<Praetonus> Yeah, that'd be great
<codec_> will do
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<gokr> Tried compiling Tokara but it fails with ... aha. It's the new ? syntax thingy.
<gokr> I am reading up on pony and will probably write some blog article comparing Pony to primarily Nim I think.
<SeanTAllen> gokr: Welcome! I dont know that Tokara is still being developed. We haven't seen the author in IRC for quite a while.
<gokr> Hi, thanks!
<SeanTAllen> I hope you enjoy Pony gokr. The goals are definitely different than Nim.
<gokr> A few random things I have noted so far - Pony is "behind" on the tooling side as (as we all know) and Nim has some nice KISS tooling that might serve as inspiration. For example, stable could be evolved into something similar to nimble (Nim's equiv).
<gokr> Yes, I know the goals are different - lots of things are different - but still, lots of overlap.
<gokr> Question: Nim has nimsuggest (the compiler running in a sort of query-mode, to offer completions etc for IDEs) - anything similar planned for Pony?
<doublec> gokr: things like that tend to be implemented by pony users who want it - I haven't heard of plans by anyone.
<SeanTAllen> gokr: the plan would be to support a language server. we are hoping someone picks that up.
<gokr> Curious, are you Chris Double?
<SeanTAllen> He is
<gokr> Ah :) Small world.
<gokr> SeanTAllen: Ah, there you go. Didn't know about that one, nice.
<doublec> gokr: yes, it is indeed a small world :)
<SeanTAllen> In the end, someone needs to step in and do it. so far, no one has had a large enough itch to want to tackle it.
<SeanTAllen> most of us who are committers already have packed schedules. need more help!
<gokr> Yeah, I understand. But from the looks of... Wallaroo (just stumbled over it) you at least have solid ground to stand on now. That's very nice.
<SeanTAllen> Wallaroo was very much "batteries not needed" for where we started from
<SeanTAllen> That helped a lot
<gokr> Yeah, I understand.
<doublec> Nim is nice, I used it for a couple of small utilities to get a feel for it a while back.
<SeanTAllen> THe surface of Pony APIs is small enough that autocompletion isnt something I've needed
<SeanTAllen> Hopefully some day, there will be many many many libaries and autocompletion is a thing we really need
<gokr> doublec: I have been dabbling with Nim, among other things for my own little weirdo lang (, but also recently a little server for remote controlling Arduino compilation/flashing etc.
<doublec> gokr: Oh nice, I'd seen mention of Spry before. It is inspired by the sorts of languages I like.
<gokr> SeanTAllen: I think "nimble" is prio 1 actually, you already have quite a lot of pony repos on github (I have skimmed a lot) - but no central way of using them.
<gokr> doublec: Spry is still very experimental (yeah, I know you used Factor a LOT) and a bit messy, but fun.
* gokr points at dom96
<gokr> SeanTAllen: So its simple, you give dom96 a HUGE lump of money and he can recreate nimble and choosenim for pony ;) And Jester.
<doublec> Oh, is dom96 the Nim in Action author?
<gokr> yeah, and nimble, and choosenim, and Jester and most of asyncdispatch and big parts of stdlib of Nim. ;)
<doublec> nice
<gokr> doublec: So are you mostly ponying these days or?
<doublec> gokr: I dabble with a few languages still. My day job is C++/JavaScript. My own projects tend to be Pony or ATS.
<gokr> No more Factor or Smalltalk? :)
<gokr> You are one of those out there that have been all over the place through the years.
<doublec> Not lately. I still have a project in Factor that I keep running that I originally wrote for testing HTML video in Firefox ( but don't do much other than fix bitrot.
<doublec> I like Pony's multicore capability, which I miss in Factor, etc, with them all being single threaded.
<doublec> I do still play with the Self, Oz, and other older language implementations though.
<gokr> For me its lots of js/nodejs, a bit of Arduino, and I think we are going to do quite a bit of Elixir/Phoenix also. Nim is mostly for fun still. I haven't touched Smalltalk in a long while, but... I still feel so frustrated that no other langs "come close" in productivity/environment.
<doublec> But for "real world" code, it's been Pony, ATS, C++.
<doublec> gokr: Yeah, I love the Self environment especially. Pharo smalltalk is very nice too.
<doublec> I'd like to do an Oz or Self VM in Pony as a project.
<gokr> I might try to port Spry to Pony, that would be nice.
<doublec> Yes, it'd be a good project to learn Pony
<gokr> exactly
<gokr> I do think Pony has something nice here - the Actor model combined with "reifying kinds of references". Nim has leanings towards Actors (one gc per thread, channels etc) but of course lacks the "reference capabilities". And Rust.. I dunno, it just turns me off. :)
<gokr> doublec: This is Araq's latest ideas which... I have not yet grasped the consequences of.
<doublec> interesting thanks. Nice to see other languages trying to do similar things to Pony and Rust in that area.
<doublec> I like Pony's capability model. It can be a learning curve but is really good at highlighting where you get things wrong at compile time.
<gokr> I have been trying to get Araq's view on Pony, because I do know he has studied it.
<gokr> Of course, his first comment was "yuk, it's written in C" :)
<gokr> Is there some plan on rewriting Pony in Pony? Or is it in C for good reasons?
<doublec> Yes, there's work in progress on a pony in pony
<gokr> Aha! Now we are talking.
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<xi2> Hi. Newbie here just playing around with Pony. I found that one of the benchmarks segfaults and some example code does not compile. Would you like me to file github issues for these, or are they known about?
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<bp__> Hi friends. I'm trying out Ponylang and trying to write a little memcached pool as a first shot. I'm somewhat familiar with the actor model but certainly no expert. I'm a little stuck on the right way to, when there are no connections available in the pool, instantiate a new connection and then send it a new task when it's ready
<bp__> the tricky part right now being "when it's ready"
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<bp__> I see that I can notify and maybe put it into the pool, but what would be a sane way to pass it work to do?
<bp__> I'm trying to avoid e.g. sleeping in a loop for work as that definitely seems like the opposite of the good way here :)
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<jemc> x12: feel free to file issue tickets about those, that would be much appreciated, thanks
<jemc> bp__: I'm happy to help you find the right pattern, can you show what you have so far?
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<xi2> jemc: ok, will do!
<bp__> @jemc Not much, as mostly still theorizing, but maybe the intent makes sense:
<bp__> I think I'm missing one sort of primitive I would expect to make use of here as a first pass (a queue with a timeout for retrieving an item from?)
<bp__> So the question is how I could replace that
<bp__> and how I might wait for a connection to be available appropriately would be handy too, if I hit some max pool size
<jemc> bp__: my most immediate thought is to add another field to pool `let _pending: Array[(String, Promise[(String | None)])] = []`
<bp__> And then fire a command whenever a connection is released?
<jemc> yeah, if one is pending
<bp__> hmm
<bp__> am somewhat worried about the possibility for indefinite blocking
<bp__> Would I need some actor monitoring the process for that?
<bp__> every second <check command staleness, fail if lasted to long> ?
<nisanharamati> or a TimerNotify (that gets cancelled if the command completes before it times out)
<bp__> nisanharamati mind gisting an example of what that might look like?
<bp__> @jemc Will give that a shot though, thanks
<bp__> :)
<nisanharamati> I can do that in a few minutes :)
<bp__> Thanks !
<jemc> yeah, a TimerNotify would be the way to deal with timing out and "rejecting" the timed-out promise
<jemc> on timeout, you'd reject the promise and return the connection to the pool
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<nisanharamati> There's also for just using timers in general
<nisanharamati> note that while I'm using another TimerNotify to do the cancelling, any class or actor could do here... they would just need tags to the original Timer and the Timers actor
<nisanharamati> but another Timer simulates "a command that takes some time to complete" pretty well :)
<bp__> Thanks for the link :)
<bp__> will save it for later heh
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<bp__> what are my options if a actor constructor should die on an error?
<bp__> `an actor constructor must handle any potential error`
<bp__> the error-raising piece is `env.auth as AmbientAuth`
<bp__> The class holds a reference to a TCPConnection, so if I can't connect do I bail?
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<bp__> Do I just make everything nullable?
<bp__> well
<bp__> | None
<jemc> the best pattern for this would probably be to push the possibility for error back up to being the caller's responsibility
<jemc> in this case, the pattern would be to do the `env.auth as AmbientAuth` at the top level of your system, and just say that your `Pool` actor takes `AmbientAuth` instead of `Env` as its argument
<bp__> I want to have it around for logging too, hah
<bp__> well
<bp__> printline debugging
<bp__> :P
<jemc> for printline debugging, check out the `Debug` package
<bp__> Will do that, thanks
<jemc> err... I mean the `debug` package, which has a `Debug` primitive
<jemc> it's a way of "cheating" a bit and not passing around a logger reference where all you need to do is debug
<bp__> sounds like exactly what I need
<jemc> and you'd only pass around a logger reference to places where you actually expect to do "real" logging in your final application
<vaninwagen> bp__ in general for validating actor parameters and bail out for errors, there is the supply chain pattern:
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<jemc> vaninwagen: thanks for sharing that - I forgot we already had that write-up for the pattern I was trying to communicate
<bp__> @jemc Eyyy, I think I've successfully queried the darn thing. Thanks for the help
<vaninwagen> jemc i also forgot, SeanTAllen reminded me :)
<bp__> time to write the rest of the protocol up
<jemc> cool!
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<bp__> How does GC work for actors?
<bp__> `Garbage collection is never attempted on any actor while it is executing a behavior.` aha
<jemc> each actor is it's own GC scope, with GC being peformed in between behaviours for that actor, with an async protocol "behind the scenes" for actors doing something similar to reference counting to track when a shared object can be GC'd
<jemc> the actor itself would be one of the objects in its own GC scope, IIRC
<jemc> an actor will be GC'd as soon as the runtime can determine that it's not possible for it to receive any more messages
<bp__> Is it possibly to set TCP_NODELAY on a pony socket?
<SeanTAllen> yes
<SeanTAllen> there's a nodelay method on the socket
<SeanTAllen> you can call it from your notifier
<bp__> @SeanTAllen where is that?
<bp__> ahh
<bp__> @SeanTAllen don't see that in the docs?
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<bp__> ah thanks
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<bp__> is there a constant for number of bytes in a usize
<bp__> or some such
<jemc> `USize.bitwidth()` is the number of bits
<bp__> : ) Thanks!
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