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<SeanTAllen> Pony 0.20.0 has been released:
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<martinium> SeanTAllen, how soon until it's uploaded to the linux repos?
<SeanTAllen> martinium: by "the linux repos" do you mean the bintray repos that we use?
<SeanTAllen> if that is what you mean, then they have been there for a few hours. we never announce until windows, deb and rpm packages are available in bintray and it's also available via homebrew.
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<martinium> SeanTAllen, yeah I meant the bintray repos. I just tried to update on Fedora 26 and nothing yet so i guess it isn't "live" yet
<SeanTAllen> they are there in bintray ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<martinium> got it to work. Just had to force a repo refresh
<martinium> :)
<SeanTAllen> ah
<martinium> it kept trying to use recently cached data
<martinium> dnf update --refresh did the trick
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<codec_> hi
<SeanTAllen> hello codec_
<codec_> I have created a prototype for the pony tutorial book to be able to send code samples to the playground
<codec_> But it has quite a few issues so I don't if this is really usefull, do you think I should open a PR/issue about that ?
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<SeanTAllen> what sort of issues?
<codec__> it adds the button for any code block (even the how to compile instruction) and most of them are not valid per se (they often lack the actor Main declaration)
<codec__> Plus I am no expert on Js and npm, so it don't know if there is some issues I haven't seen yet.
<codec__> On the good side, there is nothing to do from a user side.
<SeanTAllen> i'd say open a PR where discussion could happen
<SeanTAllen> make sure that you raise the issues that need to be discussed
<SeanTAllen> also, you could join the sync call today to discuss if you want
<codec__> at which time?
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<SeanTAllen> it's at 3:30 eastern
<SeanTAllen> if you join the developer mailing list, you'll see all the info. its a zoom meeting.
<SeanTAllen> developer list is here
<codec__> thanks for the invitation but I will not be able to be available at that time
<codec__> Can someone help me with the this one please?
<codec__> It seems by introducing an alias the compiler does not allow my code to compile
<SeanTAllen> so codec__ what is going on there, the iterator, that's an alias to the iso, so its unsafe to do with the `iso` type that split is returning. what i did there was say, "actually" this isn't an iso, it's immutable (val), which makes it safe to iterate over using `values`
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<codec__> I have trouble understanding it
<codec__> dimensions is a Array[String val] iso, so why can't I call values() on it ?
<SeanTAllen> because values() creates an alias
<SeanTAllen> iso says "there is only 1 copy of this"
<SeanTAllen> there are no other aliases.
<SeanTAllen> iso is very strict in terms of what you can do with it
<codec__> I see, so values() should copy the list to avoid making an alias? But it probably don't because of performance?
<SeanTAllen> probably not but if you want to safely iterate without violating "iso" then yes, you want a copy
<SeanTAllen> so the real question is, do you need an iso after you split?
<SeanTAllen> i assumed, no, you don't and made it immutable.
<codec__> not at all, and by subcasting it to ref it works as I wanted
<SeanTAllen> basically that "recover val ... end"
<SeanTAllen> i was saying "i give up mutability on this"
<SeanTAllen> by changing to a ref, what you are saying it "i give up the ability to share this with other actors"
<codec__> that is fine for that case
<codec__> what confused me was that since I don't mutated it the compiler would see that it could relax the constraint on iso
<codec__> to make the code compiling
<SeanTAllen> the compiler could be made smarter in its analysis but thats a rather tricky problem
<codec__> by the way, can I subtype it to ref without stating the whole type?
<codec__> of any other capabilites for that matter
<SeanTAllen> im not sure i understand your question
<SeanTAllen> can you give an example?
<codec__> sure, so it compile fine if I do let dimensions : Array[String] box = content.split("x")
<codec__> but I can't do let dimensions : box = content.split("x")
<SeanTAllen> yes you have to provide the full type
<codec__> ok thanks
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<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
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