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<martinium> I am new to pony. how can I perform an http GET request and parse json if the response returns a json array?
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<SeanTAllen> there's an http client that is part of the standard library and a json parsing library (although i'm not a fan of the json library) martinium
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<martinium> anyone know where I can see lots of pony sample code?
<SeanTAllen> martinium: sample as in "in the wild"?
<martinium> yeah like seeing how people are using the language etc
<martinium> doesn't seem to be much code to learn from
<martinium> at least on github
<SeanTAllen> for all the awful guts
<SeanTAllen> this tag will also finds you lots of various projects of smaller sizes usually:
<SeanTAllen> i'd also highlight:
<martinium> thank you so much these should keep me fairly busy
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
<martinium> SeanTAllen, I am fairly new to the language. It claims to be high-performance, is it really so in practice?
<martinium> comparable in speed to java, C++?
<SeanTAllen> I wrote a good amount about that:
<SeanTAllen> And yes, over at Wallaroo Labs, we've found the performance characteristics to be quite nice
<martinium> I am going to read up on capabilities-secure but does this mean that good code will avoid the usual weaknesses that C code might produce like buffer overflows etc that can be exploited maliciously?
<SeanTAllen> That's not really what capabilities security is about.
<SeanTAllen> Capabilities security is about having to have "an unforgeable token" in order to do something.
<SeanTAllen> So for example, the main part of a pony programmer has give a token to other actors in order for them to be able to open a socket.
<SeanTAllen> unless they do it via FFI. but you can control which packages are allowed to use FFI.
<SeanTAllen> buffer overflows and what not, thats different
<SeanTAllen> although the parts of Pony that arent using FFI also avoid such issues
<SeanTAllen> The first parameter, is the main programmer given a valid token to allow a socket to be opened
<martinium> interesting
<martinium> I have a lot to learn
<martinium> do you know of any examples working with http get requests that return json? I would like to see how it is done in Pony so I can begin grounding myself
<SeanTAllen> there might be something in the examples. i havent done much with that. jemc might have a better answer.
<martinium> yeah I'll definitely search
<SeanTAllen> i haven't used the http stuff other than to look at performance problems in the http server (it wasnt written for performance) and i played around with the json parser once (im not a fan, but its a place to start).
<SeanTAllen> i know many people have done stuff with it, im just not sure where it all lives.
<martinium> cool. Hard to track this stuff down
<martinium> SeanTAllen, the wallaroo product looks impressive. The performance is due to Pony's features?
<martinium> very enlightening article SeanTAllen thanks
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
<martinium> Your company HQ isn't too far from where I work. I work in FiDi, always glad to see more tech companies in the area
<SeanTAllen> we have a 2 person office in the WeWork. We are a fairly distributed team although the most folks are in the NYC area.
<martinium> nice, maybe my next job will be more remote based compared to in an actual office. Real estate is expensive in NYC as it is.
<SeanTAllen> ya. I live over in Brooklyn.
<martinium> many of my coworkers live in BK
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<codec_> hi
<codec_> can someone explain me the ony way to deal with IO?
<SeanTAllen> codec_: what do you mean?
<codec_> *Pony, well I don't understand the Auth thing
<SeanTAllen> that's not related to IO per-se
<SeanTAllen> thats capabilities security
<SeanTAllen> code in your program has to be allowed to do open files, read from them, write to sockets etc
<codec_> can you develop a bit ? I have hard time seeing the benefit of the system
<codec_> It seems to line up with the no global variable idea of pony
<codec_> so there if I don't give an "Auth token" to a part of my app I am sure it won't have side effect
<codec_> Yet, I am quite sure I miss the big picture here
<jemc> codec_: just checking, are you the author of this new blog post?
<codec_> yes
<jemc> thanks for contributing it!
<jemc> I just wanted to make a note about your lambda inference point
<codec_> please do
<jemc> this is actually a feature I added recently to the language, because I agree that it's really important for usability as the signature gets more complex
<jemc> so your "does not compile" example actually would work with a small adjustment to the syntax:
<jemc> `let onlyOdd = listOfNumbers.filter({(n) => (n % 2) == 1 })`
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<codec_> is this just the : that got removed or am I missing something ?
<jemc> yes, the colon gets removed, but the params still need parentheses around them
<codec_> because I just realized the : in the first example is a typo
<codec_> oh I see
<codec_> did your modification was merge in the compiler?
<jemc> unrelated, but the other modification I made to youe example line was adding binary operator parentheses in the expression in the body because I think otherwise the compiler will yell at you about operator precedence not being supported for mixed operators
<jemc> codec_: yes, it was released in about a month ago:
<codec_> actually it works without the parenthesis for the operator because I tested it in the playground
<codec_> just to sum up, the lambda always need parenthesis around the argument ?
<jemc> yeah
<jemc> > it works without the parenthesis for the operator because I tested it in the playground
<jemc> wow, that surprises me :)
<jemc> I was expecting that to fail - not sure if that's a feature or a bug, given the disallowing of other mixed operator expressions
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<codec_> here you go
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<codec_> compile just fine, I will submit a PR for my article then, I am not keen on leaving wrong statement in it
<codec_> especially that since the tutorial is not very complete it may induce other people in error
<codec_> anyway, is there more information available about the capabilites security ?
<jemc> so, it should be made clear that this is just Pony's take capabilities security, which is an established field of computer science research, so I can find you some links that talk about the goal and the benefits, but they're likely to be prior work outside of Pony
<codec_> why not but I am not searching the how but more the why
<codec_> The way it is explained in the tutorial make sense for concurrency
<codec_> but I don't see how it translate to something like file system or network for example
<codec_> well in fact the how to deal with it is interesting to
<codec_> because at first glance, it seems rather limiting, let's say for debugging purpose I want to write some text into a file
<codec_> In a class or actor that does not have a reference to Env
<codec_> Should I modifiy my program to pass the Env all the way down to my actor/class while it is only usefull temporary for debugging purpose?
<jemc> yeah, I was definitely referring to the "why" when I mentioned outside work. this seems to be a reasonable place to start for learning about the "why":
<jemc> regarding practicality with respect to debugging - yeah, that's definitely a concern - you'll find that most pony programmers will bend the rules on capabilities security for debugging purposes, using FFI directly, or an "unsafe" package that wraps FFI calls
<jemc> for example, the standard library has a `debug` package that can be used to log to stdout for debugging without passing the `Env` or `StdStream` around
<jemc> with the idea being that leaving your `debug` statements in the file is an easy-to-grep-for code smell
<codec_> but what the rationale to avoid actor to have access to a bunch of things by default?
<codec_> because I could pass the Env to any function to make sure I can do all I want
<codec_> this would be tedious and need a lot of boilerplate but it should work (i think)
<codec_> so what are the benefits of such restrictions ?
<jemc> in short, the rationale is based on the principle of least privilege
<jemc> it *would be* tedious to pass `Env` privileges around to all the actors in your program, but in practice this rarely happens, because the tedium makes folks rethink their design and separate concerns a bit better
<jemc> it's usually possible to isolate privileges to just a few types/actors in your program, and have the other types/actors make use of those appropriately
<jemc> and the psychological pressure exerted by the code smell of passing privileges around is part of what can drive better-compartmentalized designs
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<codec_> thanks
<codec_> your explanation worth being in the tutorial I think
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<slfritchie> Hm, I suppose a more actor'ish approach would be to have the a DebugActor actor that received messages (string, or string + what-channel-or-file-descriptor-identifier-I-might-want-to-scribble-to). Nobody who sends string/string+whatever to DebugActor would need `env` also.
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<nisanharamati> but then they'd need a tag to the DebugActor
<jemc> yeah, so not necessarily good for the debugging concern, but other than that it's a good example of principle of least privilege
<jemc> pass around an `Env` or `AmbientAuth` everywhere and all those actors can do *anything*
<jemc> pass around a tag to your logging actor, and those actors with access to it can just log things and nothing more
<jemc> by the way, the `logger` package in the standard library does pretty much exactly that
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