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<aw-> hello
<aw-> is there a video conf today?
<Regenaxer> Hi aw-! Yes, we are online
<aw-> oh ok thanks, i will join shortly
<Regenaxer> Cool
<aw-> sorry i'm jumping in late
<aw-> i have a question
<aw-> <Regenaxer> The problem with RISC-V is that pil64 is designend in such a way that it absolutely *depends* on CPU flags
<aw-> what is this "CPU flags" ?
<razzy> Hi all. I joined in on conference. Hope you do not mind :]
<razzy> I do not see computer screen on jitsi conference. Is it problem on my side?
<razzy> yeah, problem on my side
<razzy> solved
<Regenaxer> aw-, most importantly the carry flag
<Regenaxer> pil64 also uses sign flag and zero flag a lot
<Regenaxer> razzy, welcome of course
<razzy> Thank you, bye :]
<Regenaxer> :)
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<aw-> Regenaxer: hi
<aw-> but that's not an issue anymore with pil21?
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<Regenaxer> No, llvm has at least the carry control
<Regenaxer> ok, concerning RISC-V, the runtime logic is different then
<Regenaxer> it compares register values
<Regenaxer> but PilAsm is oriented to branch on these condition code register bits
<Regenaxer> For pil21 it is not an issue because it compiles to a different architecture (not a normal CPU like emulated by PilAsm, but an SSA architecture)
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<aw-> ok i see
<aw-> thank you!
<beneroth> Regenaxer, do you have some time for pilog troubles?
<beneroth> 1) I wondered select/3 optimizes index/generator usage also on partial matches, or only on full matches (all filter clauses satisfied), maybe you know? Asking because I consider using select/3 with (prove), wondering if that is meaningful
<beneroth> I would think even if select/3 only optimizes based on full matches, using select/3 with (prove) might still be faster than traversing a single index, if the used indexes/generators happen to have very different lengths/sizes
<beneroth> 2) Secondly I have trouble with writing generator clause for +Aux, I can get it working but get I invalid matches. So my generator is wrong, or my filter clause (using bool predicate)
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth
<beneroth> \o/
<Regenaxer> It always puts matches in front of the search, hes
<Regenaxer> and a match is always if all non-empty search criteria are fulfilled
<beneroth> ok
<beneroth> I expect (prove) to stop at the first match (all criteria fulfilled)
<Regenaxer> Yes, that's right
<beneroth> so select/3 generator optimization is not happening when using it with (prove)
<Regenaxer> Why not?
<beneroth> only 1 match?
<beneroth> so its round robin, until the shortest generator is exhausted?
<Regenaxer> Not necessarily the shortest
<Regenaxer> the first one exhausted
<beneroth> T, on a match
<Regenaxer> Yes, or no matches
<beneroth> when no match is can be found, then it stops on shortest generator, no?
<Regenaxer> yes
<beneroth> ok
<Regenaxer> I understand
<Regenaxer> when it never has a full match
<Regenaxer> then the order is never re-arranged, right?
<beneroth> so the advantage with multiple length indexes still plays out when using select/3 with prove, should be better than using the not-shortest index
<beneroth> then again the shortest index can maybe be decided by looking at the counter values, right?
<beneroth> except for +Aux, which I want to use here :D
<beneroth> <Regenaxer> when it never has a full match
<beneroth> <Regenaxer> then the order is never re-arranged, right?
<Regenaxer> Aux later, it is a different issue
<beneroth> T
<Regenaxer> I still did not get your problem with prove
<Regenaxer> There is no need to determine the shortest index
<beneroth> order not arranged.. I would expect it to switch generator on every iteration/candidate? just an assumption
<beneroth> what I mean is
<Regenaxer> as soon as *one* index is exhausted, there is no need to continue
<beneroth> T
<Regenaxer> so, ok
<beneroth> that is the benefit in using select/3 in (prove) over traversing only a single index
<beneroth> I assume
<Regenaxer> it does not switch always
<Regenaxer> only when a full match
<beneroth> ok
<beneroth> so without a full match, it uses the first generator clause to exhaustion?
<Regenaxer> a full match means we are on the right way
<Regenaxer> hmm, wait
<beneroth> yes, but I believe (prove) stops at first full match, right?
<Regenaxer> of course it rotates
<Regenaxer> sorry, I forgot
<Regenaxer> would make no sense
<beneroth> yes, but on every iteration (checking a possible match) or only after a successful match?
<beneroth> yeah well "I don't know anymore" is an acceptable response to this question :D
<Regenaxer> It must rotate on every step
<beneroth> so I would assume
<Regenaxer> otherwise it would hang forever in the first index which may be verrrry long
<beneroth> exactly
<beneroth> T
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> For an +Aux search, you must give a FROM and a TO
<Regenaxer> They must be both lists
<beneroth> so then a (prove) with a select/3 which uses multiple generators will do maximum (+ <length of shortest generator> + <number of generators -1>) rounds
<beneroth> ok, about Aux
<beneroth> that is already a good input
<beneroth> I understood I had to make lists, but not a FROM and TO
<Regenaxer> yeah
<Regenaxer> Best way is to (trace 'init)
<Regenaxer> That way you see what is actually used
<beneroth> can the lists be inline within the pilog generator clause code? or do the lists have to be first bound to pilog variables @From @To which then are used in the generator code?
<beneroth> Regenaxer> Best way is to (trace 'init
<beneroth> right, I forgot!
<Regenaxer> They can be inline
<beneroth> ok
<Regenaxer> Pilog anyway first expands variables
<beneroth> second.. I search a code example
<beneroth> so pilog code for Aux generator should like this?
<beneroth> @A A @B B (select (@X) ((auxprop Entity ((@A @B) . (@A @B)))))
<Regenaxer> (cons (list *VkKd (or *VkBis T)) (list *VkKd *VkVon))
<Regenaxer> (rel gp (+Dep +Aux +Ref +Link) # Kunde
<beneroth> generator clause syntax: (<idx> <Entity> (<FROM> . <TO>))) and Aux values are lists
<Regenaxer> yep
<Regenaxer> the model is incomplete
<beneroth> aye
<Regenaxer> (rel gp (+Dep +Aux +Ref +Link) (ansp) (dat ansp) NIL (+Kd) )
<beneroth> an aux value can be partial (shorter than the index keys) ? e.g. (auxprop Entity ((@A @B) . (@A @B))) even when the relation is (+Aux +Ref +Sym) (a b c))) ?
<Regenaxer> so (cons (list *VkKd (or *VkBis T)) (list *VkKd *VkVon)) gives (({KD} dat1) . ({KD} dat2))
<beneroth> ah, ok that also answers my last question
<beneroth> an incomplete aux from/to value has to end with T or NIL
<Regenaxer> Yes, but this comes actually from +Ref
<beneroth> T
<Regenaxer> +Ref needs this
<beneroth> because it just compares CDRs, and this way T/NIL matches both atomic values and also lists
<beneroth> bad wording, but don't know
<beneroth> maybe you understand what I mean :D
<Regenaxer> not really. It compares all, not just CDRs?
<beneroth> we have a lack of terminology for such a detail level
<beneroth> yes
<beneroth> but the key has not all, but then T/NIL are well comparable to a list of more values
<beneroth> e.g. aux with 3 properties, and the search value is only 2 values
<Regenaxer> This works because T is infinite
<Regenaxer> (a T) is bigger than (a b c d)
<beneroth> yep, that I meant
<beneroth> tried to say
<beneroth> exactly
<Regenaxer> :)
<beneroth> :)
<beneroth> thank you very much!!!
<beneroth> I try out now
<Regenaxer> No problem :)
<Regenaxer> great
<beneroth> I have multiple +Aux with up to 3 indexed properties on the same object
<beneroth> and one select/3 clause with multiple generators
<Regenaxer> very advanced
<beneroth> and the aux filter values might be shorter or the same length as the indexed values
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> the point of it is a kind of +Annotation which can be attached to a large number of other data
<Regenaxer> I see
<beneroth> and then to efficiently check if there are any annotations at all for given criteria (therefore (prove), I'm not interested in the values but if something exists or not))
<beneroth> (of course sometimes also get the values with more traditional pilog)
<beneroth> because I use +Aux (for other reasons.. because also doing exact (aux) calls), I cannot tell which index/generator is the shortest (without +Ref, I could check the object count on the index)
<beneroth> so I believe select/3 will do the optimal thing here, even when used with (prove)
<beneroth> makes sense?
<Regenaxer> right, but with select/3 it is not an issue, right?
<Regenaxer> yes, I think so
<beneroth> thanks =D
<beneroth> yeah I believe my aux values were just wrong
<Regenaxer> But (prove) is needed anyway
<beneroth> possibly my filter too
<Regenaxer> I mean, it *is* the Pilog interpreter
<beneroth> yeah
<Regenaxer> aux values messed up somehow?
<beneroth> (rel foo (+Aux +Ref +Bool) (bar zeta))
<beneroth> pilog parameter: @Foo T|NIL - filter clause: (bool @Foo @X foo)
<Regenaxer> interesting
<beneroth> should be correct?
<Regenaxer> never tried with bool in the first position
<beneroth> that might be the issue
<Regenaxer> but should be ok
<beneroth> yes, so we thought
<beneroth> I will first try with correct generator
<Regenaxer> The index would be (T ...) or (NIL ...)
<beneroth> but my filtere is correct, no ?
<beneroth> yes should be so
<Regenaxer> (scan (tree 'foo ...
<beneroth> right, I should do that!
<Regenaxer> yes, the (bool @Foo ... is good
<beneroth> ok
<Regenaxer> if @X is the object
<beneroth> yes
<Regenaxer> (select (@X)
<Regenaxer> ok
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> I try out
<beneroth> interestingly, my wrong code worked except for one combination of property values where it matched in violation of the filter clause
<beneroth> or so it looked to me
<Regenaxer> hmm
<beneroth> I will test now with corrected generator clauses and then look at the tree if the issue is still there
<beneroth> (yes cannot be, no ideas, maybe I tested wrong - that's also possible...)
<Regenaxer> Sometimes it helps to do 'msg' between the filter clauses
<beneroth> ah nice idea
<beneroth> another question
<Regenaxer> (@ ^ (msg (-> @X))) or so
<beneroth> (+Aux +Ref) -> generator clause: do I need to prove FROM and TO even when only looking at a single value, right? then ((@Val NIL) (@Val . T)) ?
<Regenaxer> or try the whole select/3 call in the repl
<beneroth> yeah I always try around in the repl.
<beneroth> I'm getting more used to pilog, but still I often have trouble to do the right amount of parentheses ^^'
<beneroth> it's all logical, but many details
<Regenaxer> I always test the single values in the filters
<Regenaxer> In the above case (same @Kd @@ gp)
<beneroth> do I need to prove FROM and TO even when only looking at a single value, right? then ((@Val NIL) (@Val . T)) ?
<beneroth> or can it then also just be (prop Entity @Val) even when its an +Aux +Ref relation?
<Regenaxer> Not explicitly in the filter
<beneroth> generator
<Regenaxer> because the variable is a pair
<Regenaxer> ok
<Regenaxer> misunderstood
<beneroth> I know I have to check in the filters, except when it is a criteria which is part of all generators
<Regenaxer> If a single value, I think you can use it directly
<beneroth> ok
<beneroth> thx
<Regenaxer> hmm, mot sure not
<Regenaxer> now
<beneroth> collect works that way
<Regenaxer> ah, ok
<beneroth> iter always needs a list
<Regenaxer> but collect calls iter
<beneroth> yeah collect builds a list value if necessary
<Regenaxer> ok, that's why
<Regenaxer> yes, a list is needed, otherwise it doesn't match the index keys
<beneroth> yippiee
<beneroth> no everything seems to work as I expected
<beneroth> Regenaxer, I looked at the tree with scan. Secondary +Bool in a +Aux get indexed. But if the primary +Bool of a (+Aux +Ref +Bool) is NIL, then no index entry exists
<beneroth> makes sense, naturally, when one keeps in mind that the index structures are updated by the relation prefix classes, which don't get called when the property is NIL
<beneroth> secondary +Bool properties in a +Aux relation also get their changed value properly changed in the index key when their value change
<Regenaxer> Thanks, good to know
<Regenaxer> yes, it is natural that primary aools are not indexed
<Regenaxer> *bools
<beneroth> T
<beneroth> makes sense
<Regenaxer> Not only bools, but any relation type
<beneroth> T
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