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Good morning
Hi beneroth
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Hi Nistur
o7 Nistur
freemint has joined #picolisp
razzy i've been reading the logs. Yoour queestions got way better how did you manage?
Hi freemint
Hi Regenaxer
BTW, it was a really nice presentation!
that means a lot from you
i want to give longer once too but no chance yet. I think it might be interesting to start from the cell level onward
Yes, that would be great
Can you think of a nicer way to do this: ('((X) (list (cons 'quote X) (cons 'quote X))) '((X) (list (cons 'quote X) (cons 'quote X))))
(a list expression which is a Fixpoint under eval)
or an X with (and (lst? X) (not (num? (car X))) (= X (eval X)))
For (cons 'quote ..) there is 'lit'
(list (lit X) ...
that works
'lit' also tries to be clever, not to do unnecessary quoting of auto-quoting items
i was irritated what it does with numbers for a moment
(list list) -> (268908) but (eval @) -> (268908) meaning the list starting with a number is kept even when 268908 is a function pointer ... why?
argument gets evaluated before the function (list) is called
so its like (list 268908)
that i clear but why does (268908) does not yield a list with nil?
yes, there is no concept of a function pointer here
*is in function pointer range
Lists with a number in the CAR are auto-quoting
its not a function call
maybe, but what is that range?
function calls start with a symbol, a number is not a symbol
and even if it is a legal function pointer, it may be just a number which looks like a legal function by chance
I thought there was a mechanism that the number is applied if it might be a function pointer determined via fun?
No, this is not the case
and would result in chaos
yeah chaos
'fun?' is just guessing
it can only *exclud* non-functions
ok i assumed eval uses fun? internally
ah, no
it does no check at all
you can jump to *any* number
(def 'a 1) (a)
(fun? 1) -> 1
couldn't we make a smarter fun? which looks if the code at the number and decides whether it is an number or not?
(and checks whether it can be accessed with out segfault)
btw, in ersatz 1 *is* a function:
$ ersatz/pil +
: (def 'a 1) (a)
!? (a)
a -- Bad message
: +
-> 275
: meth
-> 1
you would not want to use that smartfun in eval though, to slow.
Functions are small ints in ersatz
yes, it is a bit slow
but not much, it just looks at the lowest bits
also i found a nice programming language web site which has a similar charme as picolisp, quirky asf. The author is german too it seems. websire recooemnded with js
this was because a function pointer was always aligned + 2
aka Forth?
Yes. In a Forth in C.
s/In a/A/
Hi DKordic
Greeting Regenaxer :) .
Regenaxer, beneroth: Why "apply" is not a "msg"?
A msg is a symbol sent to an object to locate and execute a method
apply passes a list of evaluated args to a function
The "apply" Factor of "eval" then?
Or an "eval" "msg"?
hmm, completely different things
apply is not the same as eval
it is about *function* application
applying a function to arguments
Yes, I am aware. Could both of them be "msg"s?
FSUBR would be a subclass of FEXPR?
(apply fun List) is something like (eval (cons 'fun (mapcar lit List)))
From the point of sharing the code at least.
msg is something different, OOP
and FSUBR and FEXPR differ in the implementation
So all these terms are about different concepts
AFAIU pL has a Static Type System... deleted from the Run-Time.
nothing is deleted fromt he run-time
picolisp type system is static and strong for its basic types number, list, symbol
In Lisp the data have a type, not the variables
important point!
* DKordic
[de cnt? [N] [when (== N (+ 0 N)) N]]
Why can't I obtain the CDR of a "num"?
"user-defined types" are special structured lists or symbols. they stay their basic type, which is strong and unchangeable. but what kind of symbol or list/cons pair you have is kinda like a user-defined type, and so are duck-typed basically.
Do destructive operations on "num"s?
I suspect your intermixing variables and values
variables in picolisp are nothing else than symbols pointing to certain values
CDR of a "num" is rather meaningless, why bother?
CDR should be the "rest" of the Digits, right?
== is pointer equality, so (== N (+ 0 N)) is meaningless
DKordic, no, number don't have a cdr
beneroth: Try, it.
ah well, (+ 0 N) is obviously doing nothing
what would be the "rest"?
same as (== N N)
the next 64 or 32 or whatever bits?
beneroth: Should there be "cdr" for "cons"es and "CDR" for "cell"s?
Regenaxer, I guess he means when the number is stored in multiple cells because if its size
you can get them with arithmetics
yes, I understood
but it is meaningless
it is a shift
beneroth: adding 0 is not an identity (+ "56gh" 0) is an sorce of error
Not by "==", that is consing is avoided.
DKordic, just do some practical work with picolisp instead of endlessly theorizing. you will see its merits when you use it for practical purposes. picolisp is practice-oriented.
DKordic, yes, but it is rather useless
the first CDR is a shift by 60
losing the sign
the next would be 64
What use?
beneroth: Exactly!
ubLIX has joined #picolisp
DKordic, you can write your 'numCdr' easily in pilasm
if you want a language which is fully-internally-consistent and elegant, than picolisp might come close but not fulfil your desire.
but then maybe go with an original turing machine. small and elegant. and useless for practical work.
Regenaxer: in retrospect, how could you change PicoLisp such that attracts less theorizers
you can't
the other end of the spectrum is the node.js/java "there is a library for everything", attracting glue-coders cargo-culters instead of theorizers.
I prefer the theorizers
freemint, important fact of life: you can't make everyone happy. its not possible, really. don't even try, just try to figure out which guys are important to make happy for your plans.
beneroth: maybw because you are theorizer? Cargo culter prefer cargo culters too ;)
T, you nailed it :)
but theorizing without practical work is meaningless mental masturbation. so lets do something. I just attempt to work smart instead of hard (well no I do both -.-)
and functional results are ALWAYS better than nice theory!
thats why the cargo-culters win, and everything is full of shit tech :(
DKordic is now known as Heretic
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Is there a way to do a catch all with 'fkey?
also 'fkey has no 'doc , even thought it is important mechanism
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Regenaxer: i wanted to experiment with my own console app stuff. Maybe an improved repl with shortcuts and list level navigation
Then you must hack @lib/led.l
(vi 'fkey) -> insMode
'insMode' is where the keys are handled
my problem is that i have no idea how terminals work and which technology (ncurses) would be right for me
For a full use of ncurses you can study @lib/vip.l
btw, vip also has a command line
or, command window (the bottom one)
vip.l is sooo long
(by PicoLisp standards)
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but @lib/form.l is a lot longer
but less dense
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razzy has joined #picolisp
freemint: i stopped trying too hard to understand picolisp. i go by lisp feel and hope that somewhere under the hood is some lispy. also i started to prepare my subset of functions :]
your own subset?
well, i do not understand some of picolisp, so i have my favourite examples and ussage.
propably less computationally efficient behaviour
but i feel that two thirds of picolisp is experiment going good, rest is avoidable
what languages are your background, razzy ?
beneroth: hard to say. i tried really hard *not* to learn microcontroller asm, C, C++, bash
why did you try not to learn? :o
because i did not want to catch bad habits :D
what are the bad habits with asm/C/C++/bash??
you need to develop a taste before you can judge
i am still trying to learn simple functional lisp
my first language was C/C++ and I believe the in-depth understanding that came with it (for me) was fundamental for my ability to understand software in-depth and to learn other languages.
beneroth: in general that is bad advice. i can say that you need to loose the leg before you can judge if it is better without a leg
beneroth: asm was good for me.
rest i would send to GC :]
language you use shape your mind. which makes you vulnerable to some errors. i find it very dangerous
i think i tried enough to develop taste for respective languages, and not enough to suffer pernament learning experience
number 1 reason of death and other problems are bad habits :] .
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hi alexshendi
Hi freemint, how are you?
I am fine the recording of froscon is online
alexshendi, have you been to froscon too?
Regenaxer: Sunday only, but yes.
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hello! long time
I am playing with a new chromebook that has crostini and I'm having trouble building pil64.. it's an arm64 processor