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hi all :)
Hi beneroth!
Regenaxer :)
hi all
Hi razzy!
ubLIX has joined #picolisp
hi razzy
Nistur !
beneroth !
Nistur !
Hi Nistur!
hi Regenaxer! :P
Everyone's very excitable today!
* beneroth
is still booting up. brain not yet fully functional.
tell me about it :P
Good morning everyone.
Should we mention [[https://sites.google.com/site/e3editor/][e3]] in `` (doc 'edit) ''? It is a 10 KiB editor with both EMACS and vi key bindings.
Would "setq" and "object" Forms be more natural than "(=======)" pattern in "edit"? "repr", like in Python, returns an "object" Form for "eval"uation.
razzy: I don't like ``NIL'' at all. I prefer ``True'', ``False'' and ``Nothing'', ``(Just whatever)'' over ``NIL''. IMHO it is Natural to ``[require '(Relation Algebra)]'' ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relation_algebra ).
First of all I don't like that _PicoLisp_ Functions are _PicoLisp_ Lists, whatever they are. IMHO Lexical Scope is fundamentaly related to Function. I don't like that ``='' compares names.
razzy: I agree, a Namespace Constructor is not exported. And the rest of Namespace API :) .
razzy: What do You think about using `` a-lib.l~private~a-sym ''?
Hi DKordic!
Greetings Regenaxer.
"Lexical Scope" is wrong here
Scope refers to visibility
namespaces etc
Nothing to do with functions
You are absolutely correct, sorry.
You mean "lexical *binding*" perhaps
* DKordic
So you are talking about a completely different language
The things you mentioned are the essence of PicoLisp
(things like NIL and dynamic bindings)
* razzy
will drink tea and parse DKordic. in mean time Razzy thinks picolisp is too small for splitter groups
The behavior of NIL is an absolutely plus point of pil. I would never ever want to give up that huge flexibility
And what is a "Namespace Constructor" ?
I agree with Regenaxer. I was sceptical at the beginning too, but it really proves itself useful.
thx beneroth :)
'setq' in edit would be fatal. It is usually used on anonymous or external symbols
A Form for defining Function Values, let's call it "defn", with Lexicaly Scoped Parameters. IMHO "apply"cation of Functions is fundamentaly Lexical Binding. I think I can implement Dynamic Binding can through Lexical Binding when needed, by passing the Scope (Bindings).
I understand that "NIL" is fundamental to PicoLisp. But I have problems "apply"ing it :3 .
Namespace Constructor would be Function called by Reader for Constructing Namepace. AFAIK it is just not exported.
I never heard about namespace constructors. constructors are initialization methods for objects in OOP. Namespaces can be modelled naively with scoping or also (ab)using OOP encapsulation. Henrik did an OOP namespace system with pil. But this approaches have quite some shortcomings.
DKordic, it is not a good idea to make functions special
about picolisp namespacing: do not use it and do not care about it unless you really require it. you usually don't require it.
it is a big power to have Data = Code
Why do you start with that lexical stuff again? It is less powerful
needed for compilers
'apply' has nothing to do with binding
So it seems you are talking a lot of nonsense without understanding the implications
DKordic, homogeneity is the big core feature of lisp which makes lips languages different (and more powerful) than the other languages.
Then a Form that is "eval"uated by "edit" rather than a new Reader? Would "object" be appropriate?
object might be what you want.
(= Data Code)?
Not sure if evaluating in 'edit' is a good idea
the point that you can handle source code of a software just as pure digital data which can manipulate.
What is the advantage?
'edit' just modifies the value and properties of given symbols
Wouldn't (= Data Code) imply (= (/ -2 3) (/ 10 -15)) as well?
Regenaxer, I don't think this is about changing your edit. its about a completely new system with different properties, not similar to the current picolisp way of working.
DKordic, no
(= Data Code) means you can have (/ 10 -15) in source code, and you can have other code modifying that (/ 10 -15) into (/ -2 3). before running it, after running it, whenever.
self-modifying programs.
(= Data Code) is (def 'foo (list (list X 'Y) (list '* 3 X ...
i like NIL as nothing value. i would prefer T and F logic in several functions to improve readability. but i think most of the problems are with programmers who write unclear code and overloading NIL instead introducing new variable. (like Regenaxer do for me)
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there is difference between power|flexibility and chaos/entropy, and the difference are simple rules that govern power|flexibility. and fuzzy|shifting rules that govern chaos. if Regenaxer wants to be only one who can use all power of language, he is doing good job :]
"NIL" is a rudimentray "Nothing", right? AFAIK it is trivial to reduce "Maybe" to "Bool".
you are rude.
and "if Regenaxer wants to be only one who can use all power of language, he is doing good job" is bullshit.
try to think before you write and be less rude.
How to express "(Just Nothing)" with "NIL"?
NIL is just nothing.
NIL is the empty list. NIL is parent of all objects.
the ref:
• as an end-of-list marker
• to represent a string of length zero
• to represent the absolute minimum
• to represent the boolean value "false"
• to represent the empty list
• to represent the value "Not a Number"
• as the root of all class hierarchies
• as volatile property key
This is exactly what makes it so mighty
and EOF marker in picolisp source files :)
all I/O
musst add
not all, not binary :P
and that is good!
binary too
binary raw
(while (rd) ...
(rd) is not raw
(while (rd 7) ...
a closed TCP connection too
BTW, JavaScript is going into the same direction
everything is false kind of
well its not a concept invented for/by picolisp :)
pretty common, especially in interpreted languages
yes, because it is so very very useful
only people theorizing about programming without practical experience stress formal limitations
useful things spread. thats the feature of everything which follows evolutionary processes.
and compiler builders
well, to be fair for compiler builders its practical limitations :)
yes, makes it easier
well sometimes. not for clang people.
ore efficient
gotta go
don't let yourself be annoyed Regenaxer :)
no problem :)
Just sad to see how little people understand what PicoLisp is about
razzy, DKordic, RTFM. and just build something instead of theorizing all the time. some things need to be experienced, not just imagined.
Very true!
I find the distinction of "Nothing" and "False" to be a nice comment :3 .
AFAICU "NIL" as empty "list" and "NIL" as False is essentialy a Relational Algebra, where "list" is essentialy a Set.
DKordic, did you ever write *anything* substantial in pil?
or, any substantial practical application at all?
Not yet. trying to...
Correct, no application yet :3 .
OK, so the practical aspect was never important
I see it from the pragmatic side
beneroth: rude, propably. i cannot think of more true statement that express my defence of overloading NIL :] notice *if* and *:]*. and more expressive could be "only one who can use full power of his code".
My 2 cents :3 . As far as I can understand (AFAICU) it.
Sorry that I was not clear about it :3 .
I feel that I would be more comfortable with a watered down PicoLisp. At least until I see the advantages.
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Yeah, razzy had the same argument
I would say just ignore for now what you don't need initially
razzy: I also added "edit" to "See also" of "!".
DKordic: if by "namespace constructor" you mean lisp function that create inner namespace space. some time in future i would use similiar functionality.
freemint has joined #picolisp
What the heck is an "inner namespace space"?
Good Morning
Hi freemint!
Just as there is "list" that creates lists, there should be "Namespace" that "cons"tructs a Namespace from it's components. AFAIK that would be "(Namespace Sym Rest)".
You can nest namespaces in PicoLisp as deep as you like
Good morning freemint.
Regenaxer: nothing precise yet :]
But no need to *construct* an namespace
Whith which Function to look-up a Symbol in a Namespace?
Is there a better way to acomplish (out "good_websites.txt" (in "websites.txt" (until (eof) (let A (line T) (when (client A 80 "/" (from " ") (> "400" (till " " T))) (prinl A) (flush))))))
razzy, don't create terms you don't understand yourself ;)
freemint, looks good
Regenaxer: sometimes you invent term, and than negotiate meaning :]
better in which way?
razzy, no, not me
My problem is that there are no parrallel connections (so the thing is damn slow for >1000 sites) but later and fork would drown since there are two namy processes
something between
a limit to the forks
eg 100
something like that would be good but i have no idea how i would go abot building it
Look at (kids), the length
mhh so i should create a process per website i want to scan and just wait when all 100 are busy?
or better make 100 processes
and give each a range to process sequentially
seems easier and more efficient
another option i see is to have the parent maintain send ''tasks'' to worker processes and either the workers queue tasks or they tell the parent when they are done and get a new one or are deleted when there are no more tasks
right, just pipe to them
Regenaxer the problem is that "all tasks take the same time" can be a very bad assumption
or better 'tell' with PID
does tell queue?
but we dont know which process is idle
i am aware they need to tell the parent or you could use the DB for sync
optimal would be if each process could "pick" his next task
right, that's best
they use 'boss' to send their PID to the parent
the parent sends the next task per 'tell' then
or the parent does nothing, and the children take the next task from a file which is 'ctl'ed
does something like (mapcar '((@Value PID) (tell (fill '(() (process '@Value))) PID) values '(pid1 pid2 .)) look ok to
DB vs file with CTL what would you do?
DB needs no ctl
the above loop does no balancing
also 'mapcar' is not right
'mapc' or 'for'
(i am aware if no balancing)
i see
What would use? DB or file with ctl
DB is overkill
on the other hand you get persistence for free
T, but a file is persistent too :)
DB is just a set of files. If the logic gets involved, a DB might be better
are things malloced by the parent available to all childs under the same pointer?
yes, they get the same memory
and if the child changes the malloced stuff does the parent see the change?
No, they have a local copy.Perhaps a named pipe works?
Not sure, needs experiment
mhh then DB is simpler
parent writes to a pipe
children simply read
I think this is the easiest
but pipe is more versatile since it can be used when the only DB is used for something else
so there is no golden bullet it seems
I hope so. Pipes are tricky sometimes
Needs experimentation
it would be cool if you could have multiple databases in namespace style
PilBox does that
I have many apps with separate DBs in a single PilBox process
well, not many. 3 so far ;)
3 out of?
around 10
Published is only one with a DB: radio
I will look at the source
you know you can view directly inside PilBox?
in the PILs tab of Settings
click on a PIL, then on the file
btw, can pilbox use multiple cores?
yes, by starting child processes
as normal pil
So all non-trivial PILs I made have their own namespace
processes are BIOS thing?
razzy, no
no an poisix thing
yes, or OS in general
BIOS is basic I/O
Basic Input Output System
imho are processes OS thing, and PilBOX is full OS right?
No, PilBox is an Android app
Android is the OS
you mean PilOS
no they use the android processes which are posic since android runs linux under the hood
Regenaxer how do namespaces allow me to work with serveral DBs at the same time?
huge apology. can pilOS use multiple cores? i think not.
the minimal viable example i would need is one process has two DBs open and copies from one to the other
The namespaces allow to define different E/R class hierarchies
The DBs and all other PIL-related stuff are handled in each PIL's 'start' and 'stop' bodies
Calling 'pool' for example
i do not understand the implications
starting/stopping tasks and processes
It is running different programs (PILs) in the same PicoLisp process
but only one at a time
Look at 'radio' for a typical example
or fetch 'fifi' for a bigger example
(Fire Fighters)
you cannot run it without PIN though
just look at the sources
Fifi where could i get that?
Like any PIL
you know?
i do not have an droid with me
Start PilBox, go to settings
could'nt i just patch out the pin?
yes, but it tries to connect to the server and is rejected without
found it by guessing the url
ok and where could i see what i need now?
The start file is always App.l
minimum for a PIL
A minimal PIL is "hello" or "crash"
my local picolisp is to old for 'needs
'needs' is in the generic App.l
in the home of PilBox
what does it do?
It needs the whole infrastructure
'needs' just checks the version and gives an error if the PilBox is too old
could other picolisp user also publish stuff via the pilbox download mechanism?
no, but you can just klick on your own ZIP the normal way
Click in a download side, or "share" from another app
side -> site I mean
or do 'termux-share ..' in Termux
thats how
I do my dev
termux-share -d my.zip
You can also debug your PIL in the REPL inside PilBox
so you've made your own competitve advantage
I hope so :)
that's unfair to the rest of us :(
oh, why? ;)
You can use it too
all open :)
In some way PilBox is the easiest way to try PicoLisp
i find highly complex
find it
at least easy to install
and then hack around in the REPL
if you donot have to build it yourself
but you can start very simple, with "hello"
or no PIL at all, only REPL
The REPL is tedious to type in though
especially without Penti
I think picolisp would profit from a code hosting platform a few years down the line.
I do not get why it is hard to type on android ;)
The window is too small if the virtual keyboard pops up
(I have a phone with a physicall keyboard)
ah, ok
Then much better
(something you decried as wastefull)
yes, cause Penti is better
wasteful in terms of hardware resorces
no my phone is better ;)
And you don't have all keys you need
Control, function keys?
i got all i need for picolisp
(if i pil in termux)
Surely tedious for full usage, eg Vi[mp]
less tedious than on my laptop
But Vi is not needed in PilBox
have to stretch less
You have a Control key?
and ESC?
Also I use all 12 function keys a lot
with termux yes
also controll on the keyboard as well
In Termux it is tedious, using the volume key
can we agree to disagree?
You are just too lazy to learn Penti ;)
and i have no appropriate screen
is there a windows/linux version?
size wise
I did have a Linux device driver, but don't support it any more
We had a discussion in #penti
it is to small for me even on the note of my gf
yes, understand
is penti whitequarked?
needs 5, better 6 inch
not yet
and then you do not see what you type :D
Not much happening there
I would say you need >8 inch
No, 6 is fine. I use it
why not see?
i was assuming usage in landscape
because the hand blocks half the scren
I use mostly portrait, but sometimes landscape
The same
but on tablet, 9 inch
on a phone difficult to place the fingers perhaps, yes
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I still do not get how name spaces allow multiple databases
but the code is neat. "what nu" the self updating
Regenaxer: you develop that for australian fire fighters?
or military fire fighters?
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welcome back
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Well, the databases are just openen and closed with 'pool' in start/stop. Namespaces are needed to keep the different data models in memory
Fifi is for Catalan firemen
hehe, I have a function 'watnu' in all such projects, where an application (mobile or not) must ask remote servers
jibanes has joined #picolisp
ok i saw "ADF" and that are the fire fighters at the australian airforce
Ah so there is just one DB open at any time.
It seems that the complete app needs to be aware that there are multiple databases
It needs not further be aware
See fifi/er.l and radio/er.l
Similar classes like +Bulk
But other things like function names or globals might also conflict. So a namespace makes things easier
fifi and radio are very simple
But for example the BTG logistic app has 6 "er.l" files
so i can open my own database in any app do stuff with it and after i am done it looks like nothing happend?
These 3 er.l alone have 1664 lines
what happens when a tell happens in the family during i have opened the other db
in this early stage of the project
You must know what you are doing of course :)
See start/stop stuff
it is central
100 days of work for er.l
indeed! :)
So I took fragments from the existing old program
There is a single er.l with 2573 lines
I just wanted to ask "what do i need to know to make thatnwoth for me?" then i realized : It's PicoLisp everything ofcourse
"PicoLisp everything" mean: It works from alone?
almost ;)
i really need to dig each line of code in picolisp ... every line is important ... no one is irrelevant and my heuristics what does what are not very advanced.
Agreed, very dense code
and that code has many "finge" or special purpose functions
also, it depends a lot on the central server
in fifi
most of fifi is central
what you see is only the fireman app
i have good idea what it does though
just by seeing what actions can be done to chage the state
and the local er.l does help to
the auth digits seems to be 9 digit only i was thinking if i should attempt to guess one :)
You mean the PIN? It is 4 only
But the operator on the server creates the app, and tells the member the PIN
it is valid only this short time
why is it 9 in (gui '(+Focus +NumField) 9 "PIN")
right, can be larger
let me check
in register.l
Only 4 are needed:
(dm pin> ()
(fetch '(pin . +Pib)
(use R
(setq R (% (in "/dev/urandom" (rd 2)) 10000)) ) )
(put> This 'pin R) ) )
Anyway no problem
if another person intercepts, they will notice immediately
oh server side code
then the operater blocks it and makes a new pin
And the app is of no use for non-ADF-members
i would not say that
Data flow mainly from app to server
The guy would need the right QR codes on his helmet :)
and then he is being tracked by his GPS position
i see
It is a tool for tracking the firemen
how long they work, on which vehicles
where they are
it is all about wood fires
i see
see above Agrupaci.. de Defensa Forestal
i hope they use another api endpoint than picolisp.com
the server?
the server
well, it is 7fach.de
I don't write the link here, but you can guess it :)
oh yeah recalled wrongly
*Hub (or (rc "Dbg" "fifi") "7fach.de"
In debug mode I use my local server here
Is your server sufficently redundant so it will fail over?
I'm afraid not
you mean "... not to fail"
It is hosted at DomainFactory which were quite stable over the years
fail over i know as strategy to switsch servers when one is down
It is mirrored here locally
so the dev environment has a fail over but the production one not? Nice work ;)
The production is mirrored with @bin/ssl
so an up to date copy exists with a lag of 20 seconds
if your local dev server fails you can use fifi but fifi can can not access your local homenetwork server.
yes, the apps
only until DNS is updated
it takes an hour or so
up to 24
but usually faster
The whole server is mirrored
in that way your development environment has a redundant running copy it *could* fail over at switch of a *Dbg but the production environement (on the field) has no fail over
I just need to change the DNS entry of 7fach.de
I dont understand "fail over"
A has a fail over <==> When A's primary server fails he can continue using another server.
well anyway it is something i find funny so it is not that important
*and in this case it is not
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So, yes, I must switch DNS manually
after stopping the production server if still running
ADF is only one application of several on that machine
Concerning the fifi app, it continues running also when offline
everything is good then
I hope so
btw, the ssl call in line 39 is the same mechanism as is used to mirror the production server
in fifi/App.l I mean
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aw json.l does voodo with name spaces loading it results in 'de not found
this happens in line 53 but it is not the first occurence of de.