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<beneroth> hi all
<Regenaxer> Hi beneroth
<beneroth> hi Regenaxer :)
<cess11> Hi!
<Regenaxer> Hi cess11!
<beneroth> hey cess11
<mtsd> Hi everyone
<Regenaxer> Hi mtsd
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<beneroth> hi mtsd :)
<cess11> Did a proper setup of httpGate for SSL for the first time, surprisingly easy once I got around to it.
<Regenaxer> Congrats! :)
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<tankfeeder> good news.
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<beneroth> tankfeeder, interesting, thanks for the link!
<beneroth> I wonder what the difference between the payed azirevpn and wireguard is
<tankfeeder> you pay for openvpn access
<tankfeeder> wireguard is free access
<tankfeeder> others offer wireguard for money only
<tankfeeder> good listing:
<beneroth> yeah, really good! thanks!
<beneroth> so wireguard is an open distributed network, similar to e.g. TOR in that respect that the servers/nodes are not run by one company/organisation (as usually with VPN) but by multiple independent organisations and private people ?
<tankfeeder> no
<tankfeeder> just tunnel between points
<beneroth> that is essentially VPN, no?
<beneroth> who runs the wireguard endpoints?
<tankfeeder> two endpoints
<tankfeeder> :)
* beneroth wonders why recommends to not use threema messenger app. didn't notice that threema fell out of trust
<tankfeeder> author of wireguard
<tankfeeder> wireguard like ssh tunnel
<beneroth> ah, so this is only the software. as openvpn is another software to achieve the same stuff. in both cases, azirevpn offers to use their infrastructure, but they want money for openvpn and (currently) no for wireguard?
<beneroth> ok, then I don't know what openvpn includes what isn't in principle possible over SSH and/or wireguard
<tankfeeder> boost
<beneroth> I see
<tankfeeder> 3k lines
<beneroth> okay, so the difference is not features but quality
<beneroth> ok, so why do people pay for openvpn when they can have wireguard for free?
<tankfeeder> no clients
<beneroth> ok
<tankfeeder> only for admins geeks
<beneroth> thanks for the great links and explanations :)
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