routing does not include full routing of impmats.
they will remain excessively large dummies.
somewhere before routing pcb house needs to be excplicitly chosen.
somewhere amidst routing chat with pcb house should be established (earlier if they don't list their limitations on website.)
sth like that.
i believe it can be done _before_ august since most of the real problems were already addressed I HOPE.
but one never knows
I mean, at least there shouldn't be anythiung that can't be fixed with extra layers anymore.
placing of Bob and lower seems semi-reasonable. I have some doubts about audio but it will most like be ok one way or another. Worst case a bit more noise.
probably the most suboptimally placed is nfc subsystem.
NFC is a PITA, yeah
atk: how would I check out houkime's branch? I urgently want to give it a peer review to catch anything we might have missed to communicate clearly enough or otherwise slipped in
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git fetch and then git checkout origin/houkime/layout
ooh that simple?
oops. noticed part of N900 original bob silhouette was displaced (in an obvious manner luckily)
fixed that
problem is drawings can't be "locked"
you can only disable them completely
kicad really could use some groups and group locking.
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disclaimer: positions of elements now are not really exact and not always optimised. Subassemblies shouldn't move much though (except for maybe io expanders because their real connections will reveal on pin reassignment)
pre-routed stuff is mostly from metacollin. I didn't preroute subassemblies en mass.
because they are not static enough yet
There are erroneous vias under modem (looks like unintentional vias-in-pad. wrong pad.). Metacollind did this section, probably some shift happened.
looks like it can be fixed though without terrible size changes.