ddfreyne: That was the basic idea of the law; but the law text was crap
ddfreyne: It says that the limit applies only for file sharing in non-commercial extent
ddfreyne: And judges ruled that basically all file sharing has a commercial impact, thus the law is void
Skyr: that was before the change imho
Skyr: and atleast the stuff that doesnt end up in court is cheaper
darix: afaik this is still the status quo; the law is there, but it doesn't apply
as the lawyers can not start with ridiculous amounts right away.
they either need to sue right away of take the restricted fine.
Unfortunately no :(
But the gist is, never download anything in Germany?
The brother of a colleague just had to pay 800 €
Skyr: first time?
the deal amount ("Abmahnung")
Yes, first time
Skyr: just because it is in the law
it doesnt mean that the law companies dont try to get more money
did he talk to a lawyer before paying?
ddfreyne: not so much about downloading
ddfreyne: basically
uploading is usually the problem :)
ddfreyne: sharing is worse so
ddfreyne: and most p2p requires some degree of sharing
ddfreyne: Don't download torrents (or similar, which automatically uploads or which can be monitored via a tracker or similar)
ddfreyne: Or buy some VPN ;)
ddfreyne: you might get lucky if there is no legal way to aquire the movie/music in germany.
though personally i prefer buying things over all the hassle with downloading.
ddfreyne: That's one side of the problem - if you are caught downloading.
which is then ironic that they have those anti piracy ads on bought DVDs
ddfreyne: The other problem is the "Störerhaftung". it means you have to pay a fee for allowing someone else to do copyright infringement (e.g. leaving your WLAN open, not changing the default password, etc.)
How big is the fine for Störerhaftung?
ddfreyne: There are some really absurd court rulings. A grandma getting sued for copyright infringement - she didn't even own a computer
How do people deal with the Freifunknetz thing then?
ddfreyne: Don't know exactly, I think it's somewhere between 500€ and 2000€ (depending on the case)
ddfreyne: ask the freifunk guys directly
they should know also the legal stuff around it
i'd go for vpn routing :)
ddfreyne: Freifunk exit nodes usually use a VPN tunnel
so you pay twice to offer free wlan for others. ;)
Yes :(
There are some measurements some Freifunk routers can (optionally) take - some terms of service on a website, blocking some filesharing ports, cutting your connection if they monitor suspicious activity, ...
I have a VPS in the US, so that should be more or less okay, right?
...but it's not legally proven that this suffices if you get sued
ddfreyne: at least this will make stuff complicated if someone tries to sue you
I'd go for a VPN to russia or the like ;)
I heard there are some Russian vhost provider who even accept bitcoins ;)
ddfreyne: yeah ... use a server in a country where they can sue you for hundreds of thousands of dollars. ;)
It's not quite monitored that tightly though
I suppose a freifunk router capped to 30 KB/s with only HTTP open and known file sharing sites blocked would be good enough
ddfreyne: https maybe too
mail ports maybe
80, 443, 25, 143, 22
993, 995
587 for those weirdos with submission
for those who did it right
i'd block 25 instead :)
6667 maybe
ddfreyne: 6697 for irc over ssl
and while you are at it
how about jabber?:p
I only use Google Hangouts these days actually... but Jabber is a good idea
ddfreyne: I use the minimal google stuff which is needed for the gsoc mentoring and android smartphone, because of their realname crap
I'm a bit more pragmatic and not quite as idealistic. I use whatever gives me the least resistance. I ran my own IMAP+SMTP+webmail once... and I switched to Gmail which was *so* much easier.
Actually, I'm not as often online on IM as I used to be. I don't use Adium anymore, for instance. If people want to reach me, they can do so by e-mail anyway
most people use email differently than im/irc
no need for "hi" and so on, just dump what you wanted to say :)
I use e-mail that way too... it's totally different from writing letters (except when writing to my landlord etc)
I really wish I'd have internet... they say an appointment is possible from August 1st on, and I think they actually meant they will give me an appointment on August 1st, and the time until the actual techniker comes is two weeks
Which means I'll be installed mid August :/
I've been living in my apartment since June 15...
can't you sue some idiot for that crap?
Well... First, I tried Kabel Deutschland but they could not give me an answer on whether I could get cable internet or not.
Secondly, I went with O2, but they suck and kept on e-mailing that some details were missing for the DSL installation. Their customer service is HORRIBLE and I never managed to actually get anybody on the phone AT ALL.
Then I cancelled the O2 subscription, which got stuck in some weird in-between state. The only way to cancel it was to send a fax. I had to give my subscription/contract number otherwise, which I did not have yet
Then at the end of june, possibly the beginning of july, I went with Easybell. The techniker came once but the door to the Telefonhauptverteiler was locked, which I did not expect...
Second appointment, nobody came
Now I'm waiting for the third appointment
ddfreyne: that whole "inbetween" might have blocked the port too.
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darix: the Telefonhauptverteiler was my own fault (although probably also resulting from some bad communication)
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