sb0: "LCDS" typo was probably my fault, will fix
1V8 coppied from current 3U_VHDCI_Baseboard pdf
stekern has joined #m-labs
hartytp, from that note at the bottom left? well there is no such thing as "1.8V LVDS", it's just "LVDS"
there are different I/O standards for FPGAs (LVDS_18, LVDS_25) but all it does is configure the IOB properly so it outputs standard LVDS for the given bank power supply voltage
you can plug a LVDS_18 into a LVDS_25, etc.
sb0: sure
I threw that page together really quickly by copying and pasting from a few places, without doing any real editing
It’s only supposed to be a template/placeholder until something proper is written