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sb0: Push to m-labs/scanwidget from now on? Should I keep my own repo?
whitequark, actually, kintex-7 (unlike spartan-6) has clamp diodes.
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whitequark, test_rtio is still broken, please fix it.
you get artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RTIOSequenceError out of LoopbackCount, which suggests your 'with parallel' isn't doing what it should
other tests are also failing after I converted them to 'with parallel'. and we should test that, not 'with interleave', as this is what the users are going to use
[artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master:
artiq/master 82f4fd1 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test/coredevice: convert to 'with parallel'
artiq/master 5d41113 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: doc: convert to 'with parallel'
[artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
artiq/master 53d5a45 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: test/hardware_testbench: properly close devices
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sb0: yes, unittests do not run on my machine for some reason. I was going to tell you about that yesterday
they spit out a bunch of noise about workers and then die
whitequark: you have two flterms sucking cpu.
rjo: Dealing with a merge conflict now (wtf did I do o.0;?)
rjo: Wow, this is a lot nicer than what I was trying to do
You went above and beyond again
cr1901_modern: as i said: you need to commit much more frequently. commit incrementally. then merge conflicts become the problem of somebody who commits less frequently than you...
hm, I figured out the bug.
looks like a honest bug in libunwind. can't believe it lasted that long, if it really is
fortunately, easy to both fix and work around.
rjo: Ack. Right now, the resize bug is giving me trouble. The problem is that I think I abstracted wrong, and I'm in a situation where the two widget subcomponents need to update their size in a specific order (axis, then slider).
Probably the easiest way around this is to just move the sliders twice: once during axis resize, the other during slider resize. So that way, the order of events do not matter.
(Except that's gross, IMO. But whatever...)
cr1901_modern: sounds like wrong data dependencies. why don't you track the relevant data in one place and then explicitly emit (custom) resizes?
[artiq] jordens pushed 3 new commits to master:
artiq/master 8568218 Robert Jordens: examples/transport: cleanup
artiq/master 5599ec1 Robert Jordens: sim: align API closer to non-sim...
artiq/master a714be1 Robert Jordens: examples/pdq2_simple: fix offset scan
rjo: Because the slider-to-pixel transform is provided by Qt, not by me
I don't actually have access to the transformation that maps a slider position to a pixel position, just a function from Qt that is used to provide information on how slider components should be drawn
cr1901_modern: if Qt handles the sliders during resize then you only have to care about the axis.
rjo: Actually I think I know how to solve this now, but... the problem is during a resize the sliders will move such that they keep the same values in slider space. So If the sliders are at 33 and 66 respectively on a 100-position slider, their pixel positions will move proportionally. Because a resize does not update the zoom factor (real-to-pixel space), they will display the wrong value.
A resize doesn't update the zoom factor b/c either you or sb0 explicitly said you didn't want it
s/they will display the wrong value/"they will be positioned incorrectly relative to what the spinboxes display"/
rjo: If you have the scanwidget open, try resizing and see what happens!
cr1901_modern: no. resize can behave in such a way that what Qt does with the sliders already is "sufficient" (for the sliders, you need to handle the axis).
maybe s/,/;/ to clarify that.
rjo: So you're okay with the axis scale changing then on resize?
What I was planning to do was to just override the slider's resizeEvent and modify it's slider positions manually (using the new width as a bias factor)
cr1901_modern: yes. just acknowledge that the existing behavior of sliders themselves is fine and does not need overriding.
... since Qt presumably put a lot of thought into their HIG
Well yes. I just recall being told that rescale was undesirable during resize, so I avoided implementing it.
if that was me then i suspect i had "scale" defined as "the range of values shown on the axis". that stays constant.
rjo: Scale to me refers to the "real number quantity elapsed in the spinbox/axis per pixel increment". I woul probably refer to the range of values shown on the axis as... well, the "range" :P
cr1901_modern: you can rephrase my defnition as "change in value per change in slider positions" the later being that thing that is 0-99 independent of zoom.
"The later being that thing that is 0-99 independent of zoom." <-- slider space
"Pixel value reference relative to the center of a slider placed at position 0" <-- pixel space w/ bias correction
"Pixel value relative to the left side of the widget" <-- pixel space without bias correction
"Spinbox values" <-- real space
Perhaps I should make a README for this...
(The bias correction is needed so that the axis position at the center of the sliders is what actually is displayed in the spinbox)
cr1901_modern: referencing to the center is awkward. always use left and right. then all this "bias" talk becomes redundant, right?
That's the EE in me talking lol :P. Any DC offset is a bias. But point taken. In any case, commits are coming in in a few
damnit, a signal is being called when it shouldn't
whitequark: you have to take care of the runaway yourself. i have killed it four times now.
yes, and once you did it while I was trying to use it.
actually, it looks like this is how flterm normally "works"
well, whatever, I need it, and I'm not going to fix it right now
i won't kill it anymore. but shouldn't spin busy.
rjo: Before I tackle the resize problem, I'm going to redo the transformations referencing relative to the left/right of the widget as you suggest. Simply put, the nonzero pixel width of the sliders and it's effect on what pixel maps to what slider position is killing me.
rjo: Taking the time to do this will fix bugs 2 and 3 on the todo list
cr1901_modern: ack. if you say you have the correct design for this, go ahead.
rjo: To explain it simply, slider space begins at pixel 0 and ends at widget_width - slider_width + 1 (I haven't figured out why the +1 is necessary). That slider_width remains constant no matter how big the widget is. If we have "x" slider positions and a widget_width "w" and slider_width "n", each position is (w-n)/x pixels apart.
Thanks to "n", multiplying the slider_width by a constant factor does not change the number of pixels per slider position by a constant factor.
(w-n)/(x - 1) pixels apart*
Do you understand the problem?
widget_width - slider_width would be the border around the slider.
rjo: slider_handle* anywhere I use slider*, bleh
i.e. slider_handle_width*
multiplying the widget_width by a constant factor*
cr1901_modern: then you should take the center of the sliders: slider_width/2 to widget_width-1-slider_width/2
the -1 is because widget_width is zero-indexed.
cr1901_modern: no. i don't see the problem. i would just write down where stuff is relative to each other with a few variables and then you can "solve for x"...