sb0 changed the topic of #m-labs to: ARTIQ, Migen, MiSoC, Mixxeo & other M-Labs projects :: fka #milkymist :: Logs
whitequark, haven't heard back from static IP. DNS entries are somewhat hard to create/modify (due to wetware, not technical problems). if you want autotrigger, the fastest and least painful way is to put the current IP (which hasn't changed btw) into github I think, whose interface makes it easy to modify should it change
sb0: there's a bunch of projects though... well, ok, I will do that
[artiq] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master:
rjo: no, just showing you in case you want to be notified when it's fixed/
whitequark: good. i am subscribed to all that stuff anyway (including your copious commits ;)
rjo: you can subscribe to github commits?
ah, you must use RSS for that
yes. if you watch the repository you get every bit.
aeris has left #m-labs [#m-labs]
you can even watch specific files using RSS
rjo: have you already been running any large experiments with the new compiler?
any specific reason you haven't?
in the lab: switching to artiq is a big step. nobody has done it yet. the furthest we have come is planning and testing parts. in dry-testing artiq experiments at the desk: lack of spare time. i have asked around multiple times and obviously nobody has that time. i wrote the most "complicated" experiments in the artiq examples already...
but it will happen eventually.
ah, I thought artiq was already used. I see now.
[artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master:
at this point no compiler issue except the "following data dependencies" should take more than half a hour
sb0: kc705 with nist_qc2, does flashing work for you if the adapter board is connected? or asked differently: does the fmc card mess with/share the flash memory signals in any tricky way?