[migen] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vuBnP
migen/master 110af84 whitequark: conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment.
[misoc] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vuBce
misoc/master 4786524 whitequark: conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment.
[misoc] whitequark force-pushed master from 4786524 to 814435d: http://git.io/LjONPA
misoc/master 814435d whitequark: conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment.
[migen] whitequark force-pushed master from 110af84 to b2eedfd: http://git.io/pZru
migen/master b2eedfd whitequark: conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment.
[artiq] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/vuBWJ
artiq/master ff09a98 whitequark: conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment.
artiq/master 07ef890 whitequark: conda: fix buildscripts to get bscan bitstreams correctly.
sb0: ok, repeat builds will no longer fall over
oh no they will
god I hate this anaconda garbage
so, what it does is it uses one field for dependency resolution, but another field for checking uniqueness of packages
er, no
it uses one field for determining the latest version during resolution, and another field for specifying dependencies and checking uniqueness of packages
oh ffs I'll just do anaconda upload --force
[migen] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vuBuX
migen/master 27b603e whitequark: Revert "conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment."...
[misoc] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vuBuy
misoc/master 2957ecf whitequark: Revert "conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment."...
[artiq] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/vuBud
artiq/master 400999f whitequark: Revert "conda: use BUILDNUMBER from environment."...
bb-m-labs has quit [Quit: buildmaster reconfigured: bot disconnecting]
sb0: in migen.sim.core.Executor.run(), why are the generators processed after the sync statements? if i write "def sim(): yield a.eq(1); yield" i would expect the statement to execute before the (first) clock edge.
and thus before the sync statements in that cd are executed.
ah. the cd is executed but not yet committed.
mumptai has quit [Quit: Verlassend]
sb0: i suspect that list_targets() should generally return the actual slice that is affected. the reset for (potentially only partial) comb targets is indiscriminate.
aeris has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]