I'd like to bounce an observation to the channel
fpgas are slowly gaining in popularity in the internet diy sphere
but there is still more material published on general hdl modules, evaluation-style and universal hardware modules than on actual application of this technology
on problems outside its very own domain
might one say the community is rather closed, and opening up to other domains would grow the whole thing?
what do you mean 'other domains'?
oh, you mean that people only do stuff for hobbyists and electronics engineers, e.g. devboards, FPGA modules, dev stuff like openvizsla and redpitaya?
that's a general problem with the diy community. just look at 3d printers...
well, 'problem'. better that than the BS many hw startups are doing (internet of things etc.)
rjo, what exactly are the "bd" and "bdd" lasers doing in the detection experiment?
and what do "bd" and "bdd" stand for?
"other domains" == artistic domain, like milkymist
yeahh, i think 3d printers are not for printing 3d printers ;)
but of course other domains could be everything
sb0: bd is "blue doppler", bdd is "blue doppler detuned". blue because they are accessing a transition in the short wavelength S to P3/2 line manifold (we call the S to P1/2 "red"). doppler because they predominantly do doppler cooling. detuned because that laser is not "near resonant" (within ~40 MHz) but further detuned, somewhere around 500MHz red.
bd is used at -1/2 Gamma (~ -20MHz, half the linewidth red detuned) to do doppler cooling and on-resonance at "0 MHz detuning" to do detection. bdd is a safety net that can cool the ion if it is very hot and has a large doppler shift.