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What's the most idiomatic way to combine remove-if-not (filter) and mapcar (transform) in a single pass?
loop when .. collect?
hmm, yeah, my loop-fu is weak
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look before you loop (use iterate)
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edgar-rft: thank you for doing the legwork! i also reached out to author, but haven't heard anything back yet
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White_Flame: if you don't like loop you can just write your own macro or higher order function on top of it
map-with-filter or something
no, I'm using loop
I like standard stuff, even if iterate does make it nicer
dialectic: I'd use iterate if it was just loop with parens and extensibility, but it's its own very different thing that I can't expect people to be able to read
and I'm sure loop hides faster imperativeness than I want to bother implementing myself
loop-with-parens (I'll call it do-loop) is (far) on my todo list, though.
I wouldn't call it "very different"
It fills the same niche very differently. It has a learning curve.
Perhaps. That's a fair criticism. I didn't regret the one day it took to learn it, though. I never use loop anymore.
It is well documented.
You kind of have to be well documented with a macro like that.
I tried SERIES as well. That one... wasn't as fun.
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White_Flame: at least on cmucl (loop when ... collect) expands into a tagbody with setq's and go's, so yeah, not something you might want to write yourself
one macro that would be fun is one that is essentially a miniature computer algebra macro
loop/iterate, there's also the “for” macro but I can't seem to be finding the repo again easily
Someone did that, in lisp, and made a lot of money off of it :P
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I mean (sum for i from 1 to 32 by 7) or something
and obviously you can get a lot more elaborate from there
On the surface, SUM would look like LOOP's sum clause, but under the hood it would be using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summation#Identities because it would have more restrictions on what can be summed
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ahah, found it, the for looping macro is at https://shinmera.github.io/for/ and it looked interesting, it's on my “list” of things to try someday
you can't use FOR and ITERATE in the same package without prefixes because ITERATE has this weird thing with symbols and expects to be :USEd, unlike LOOP, which accepts any package. So for:for and iterate:for will collide
interestingly, according to that page, for is basically intended to be used with its package prefix... so as for:for
I guess because conflicts would be common
are the clauses matched by symbol-name or eq?
this is literally what keywords are for. why are the underused in places like this?
Possibly because iterate lets you define your own clauses.
Well, it lets you define drivers... but those are only for FOR clauses. Hm.
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White_Flame: that's one of the places where my macro would differ from FOR/ITERATE/SERIES/etc. I like keyword-utilising LOOP because it makes the ALGOL-style keywords stand out as, well, Lisp keywords
White_Flame: But, yes, keywords aren't really used because it's intended to be extensible.
I guess you could keyword the built-ins and expect the extensions to be namespaced, but that could look weird
but that's only for the first part of a clause. If you're doing (:for x :from 1 :to 42) the rest of the clause should have keywords. Then you can implement that as a plist tail and have order not matter and internally use destructuring-bind with &key
even if it's (foobar:for x :from 1 :to 42)
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Are there SERIOUS-CONDITIONs that are not ERROR?
inspecting it in SBCL, I get the subclasses: (#<sb-pcl::condition-class sb-di:debug-condition> #<sb-pcl::condition-class sb-sys:interactive-interrupt> #<sb-pcl::condition-class sb-ext:timeout> #<sb-pcl::condition-class common-lisp:storage-condition> #<sb-pcl::condition-class common-lisp:error>)
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most of these are internal to SBCL, but that means that your implementation might add others on top of the two specified, and libraries might add others
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(CCL only has one extra, external-process-creation-failure)
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It's interesting that CCL uses standard-classes and SBCL uses sb-pcl::condition-classes
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What's the poop with compiler macros and the slime interactive macro expansion. Is it not supposed to expand compiler macros - or is it an implementation dependent detail?
Hmmm, do you know why? I kinda hoped I could expand compile-macros with it because I've got some gnarly code expansion going on. Reading the slime code I see it talks about compiler-macros but I don't see where it uses their expansions.
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drmeister: an implementation can choose to not perform compiler macro expandsion
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If you’re interested in how compiler macro expands, you get the sense that compiler macros work exactly as ordinary macros
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My complaint with ITER is that it breaks Waters' COVER. The latter is cheating slightly, but usually isn't caught at it. ITER is an exception.
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LdBeth: thank you
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If there is a :test key argument for function (e.g. (position item sequence :test ...)) is there a guarantee for a specific order of arguments for the test function? The spec _could_ be interpreted that "item" is given first and "sequence's" element (or value of :key function) is second. It's not totally clear, though. http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/17_ba.htm
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I'm using (position-if ...) so I get to build the test function myself. I'm just curious how you interpret the spec.
This whole question is not meaningful with EQL or such symmetrical test functions but with > or < it's important.
Look at "satisfy the test" in the glossary of the CLHS
"(for a two argument test) to be in a state such that the two-place predicate which is the sequence function's test argument returns true when given a first argument that is the object being considered, and when given a second argument that is the result of calling the sequence function's key argument on an element of the sequence function's sequen
ce argument which is being tested for equality; "
Seems as if both the glossary and the page agree that 'the object', eg, the value that is not an element, is the first argument.
Using position-if rather than relying on that would surely be better style though.
There is still a question of what's required for SEARCH and MISMATCH.
And for the set functions (UNION, etc.) it's almost certainly bad form to depend on a particular order.
BTW, this makes me want some sort of categorical notion that links equality functions with hash functions.
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pfdietz: Thanks. Indeed it reads there in the glossary. For code-reading human it's probably better to use *-if and *-if-not functions.
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pfdietz: do you mean x = y implies hash x = hash y (the usual requirement)? Or did you mean some lower level thing to do with ensuring that holds?
White_Flame: note: mapcaN allows you to map 1 -> N (0..*) in a flat list.
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any recommendations for libraries providing dataframe-like functionality? i have some json data that encodes various relations and it would be neat to be easily to do GROUP BYs, JOINs, etc.
my first idea is to just insert the data into an in-memory sqlite database and work with that
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anyway, idea is that aggregation functions work on ANY range so if you just manage to implement the right protocol it simply chew it trough fine
shka_: ok
i have stuff like line-by-line range so you can work with text files this way
and defining aggregation functions is actually easy to it is extendable
For CL GUIs you can use Sketch, but you'd have to write your own way to render graphs/etc. to it. https://github.com/vydd/sketch
aggregation reminds me of SQL.
faheem: same basic idea
anyway, back to data frames
faheem: that's pretty much what i want to use dataframes for, and yeah, the two are very related
PuercoPop: it is not the same stuff, all i really wanted is to have direct equivalent of racket style lenses, this goes for full blown DSL build with monads
which i don't need, because cl-data-structures ranges and aggregation functions are way more useful
(for me)
so obviously, my lens is simply a first class accessor
and here is something way more complex
well, good night everyone
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faheem: I am interested in improved curation of the Quicklisp ecosystem. But time is finite.
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huh interesting. if there's a bound global dynamic variable *VAR*, doing (defvar *var* (error "hello")) makes it unbound (using SBCL). is this expected?
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makomo: I'm not seeing that behaviour. Are you sure the variable wasn't already unbound?
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zulu-inuoe: lemme try again in a fresh image
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zulu-inuoe: do you get an error when executing the form?
makomo: Not on the second defvar, since the variable was already created
must have been a package mixup then
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zulu-inuoe: lol it was swank, gah.. there's a special case just for DEFPARAMETER when you're using slime's SLIME-EVAL-DEFUN
makomo: Oh? Really? What does it do?
it instead calls SLIME-RE-EVALUATE-DEFVAR which then calls SWANK:RE-EVALUATE-DEFVAR on the CL side which uses MAKUNBOUND
Good morning
only after unbinding it does it evaluate the form, which then errors, leaving the symbol unbound
@_@. It does that for `defvar`?
yeah, just defvar :')
Oh wow.
so to conclude, it didn't have to do with packages after all
(string-match "^(defvar " form)
or just C-h f slime-eval-defun
Yeeep. Still exists in sly, too. Interesting. But I guess I've never called it (I always C-c C-c or C-c C-e)
heh, i frequently do slime-eval-defun (keybinding ,ef in spacemacs)
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